Thick Round White Pill With No Markings
31 Topics Foundwhite round pill, very think no numbers, letters, scoring. smooth on both sides, ## small, white smooth pill with an engraved line through middle of one side ## That is what I've found, Small white smoothe with one half scoring on one side only, Help !!! ## If there are no markings, we can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription tablet, because they are all required by law to have imprints to enable their identification in case of emergency. Thus, it is most likely that this is an over the counter product of some type. And, if you've ever purchased a few of them, you know there are quite a few possibilities, among both medications and supplements, that meet this description. Just to give a few examples, right now on my shelf, I have both a Vitamin D tablet and a Me...
found it in my teenage sons pocket in a brown glass bottle ,the pill is 3mm in diam and 2mm thick ,the bottle is 1inch long, what could it be? ## What markings (most pills have numbers and or letters on both sides) are on it and is it scored(does it have a line down the middle?) You might be able to identify it that way. ## Since the post title states that it has no markings, we can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription tablet, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. That leaves it open to being something that's available over the counter, since they aren't required to have imprints, a foreign medication or an illicit substance. Have you asked your son about it? ## It's most likely 100mg caffeine. I have a box of the same pills matchin...
My friend says its amoxicillian..i will not take anything with no imprint until im sure what it is. ## Hello, Mary! How are you? That's a very wise stance to have. And no, if there are no markings on it, then it is not Amoxicillin. All prescription tablets that are approved and available in the U.S. have markings on them to enable their identification. If it has no markings, it is most likely just some type of over the counter product and being round and white, that leaves it open to many possibilities. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else have any ideas what this might be? ## I know people who take small, white pills with a line down the middle. She says it's oxycodone, & I believe it. Her eyes are always contracted. Be safe.
Pill, one quarter inch thick, white, 3/8 diameter, no marking either side round, convex on top and bottom ## I'm sorry, but if there are no markings, it will be impossible to positively identify it, unless you would pay to have it lab tested. There are many pills on the market that meet this description, including over the counter products and foreign medications. where did you find it? ## my mums been taking antenenol for years along with ramipril,she has a bad leg at the moment and the doctor things it might be a blockage,so he's decided to stop the antenenol for a week to see if it helps.she's a bit concerned that something might happen to her if she stops taking it she's 74. ## If merely trying to find out if it's narcotic or pain pill, simply break down in water...
i found this in my brothers room and i want to make sure it isnt anything dangerous. its a little smaller than a dime and about as thick as two pennies. ## White pill shaped like a vicidon but has no markings. What is it? ## y wife was doing laundry on monday may 28 and she showed me three off white round pills a touch smaller than a asperian whit no markings on them she said they were in my pocket and went through a hot wash cycle and one hour of drying on high heat they were still in tact and shiney my guess is they would have disolved in hot water wash. So she as far as i can tell was lying to me to me where do i go from here as i am afraid to take my meds as i said no markings or scores on them please help me ## Hello, The FDA requires that all controlled medication have a physical ...
white pill, small as a roxy 15 or 30 but its twice as thick and is very slightly raised on the sides. Has a line across the middle on one side and nothing else on it. Is this a steroid? ## Hello, Randal! How are you? If there are no markings, it's rather difficult to be certain of what it contains. We know it's not a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification, but it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products or a medication obtained from a foreign source. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone recognize this? ## I have the same issue here with a pill, have you found out what it may be? ## I have a white pill its supposed to be a oxycodone 30 mg but it i...
One side smooth other side deep wide crevice - no other markings or numbers - thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge ## If it has no imprint, it may be difficult to determine exactly what this tablet contains, but it is most likely something that is available over the counter. Prescription medications, in the U.S., are required to have unique markings to enable their identification and there is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. Where was it found?
completely smooth, no markings ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what this tablet may contain. We can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification, however, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products. I've even had vitamin tablets that meet this description. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere?
White round pill about the same size of a Soma with small brown specks. No imprints or score lines. Found in a little baggy. See picture: ## With no markings, it is impossible to postiviely identify these, unless you would have them lab tested. We can be sure, though, that they aren't a US prescription medication, as they all MUST have unique imprints to enable identification. There are several items on the market that could match this, such as Senosside laxatives or even some Extasy tablets. I am sorry, I wish I could be of more help. Does anyone else have any ideas? ## small white round pill, no markings completely flat on both sides approx 1/8in diameter 1/16in thick ## Almost definitely a recreational pill - although whether it contains ecstacy is actually questionable since th...
Its a round pill about a dime size, it has C over a CH and it can be broke into half between the letters. The other side is blank and it is kind of a chalky substance. Does anyone know what it is? ## its ia a co dydramol tablet used fot relaxing the muscles, poss given for back pain. ## I found a circular white tablet with just a ch on one side and blank on the other. Its chalky substance and its about the size of a nickel and less that half and inch thick. What is it? Is it the co dry-whatever? ## Hello, I found a pill that matches your description. Co-Codamol 8/500mg Tablets are white round pills with the imprint C / CH with a score between them on side and no markings on the other side. The tablets are not coated which would give them a chalky texture. These pills are prescription on...
I found some small white round thick pills in my nephew’s room. There are no markings, just blank on one side with a scored edge, and the other side has a single score line on it. It is 3/16 inch in diameter, and about 1/8 inch in height. There were in a bogus pharmacy bottle labeled Lorazepam 2 Mg. Can anyone help my identify what this pill may really be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ## sounds like lorazepam, i was prescribed this medication for antianxiety purposes. its not as powerful, but similiar to xanax, which i have also been prescribed. ## If you have any questions about what the pill is, you can bring it to a pharmacy where the have a series of books that show a pic of each pill with a description of it's uses. It is getting a little scary out there bc peop...
They are in a little baggie I found. One is 7 mm and the other one is 8 mm . They are just plain white with a score line on one side and flat on the other. No markings ## Hi Jojo, I've seen white round pills that are scored with no other markings, that were thought to be generic Vicodin (Apap/Hydrocodone) 10/325 from Costa Rica. However there are a few discrepancies I'm seeing between your description and others: *The pill is not "flat", but rather "domed". *The pill is about 4mm thick and 1/2 an inch in diameter. Personally, I doubt these contain Hydrocodone at all. And in the end it sounds like it may be best to just dispose of them safely. However, since there is no easy way to identify something without markings - the only other thing I'd suggest trying i...
A round 1/4" pill thick scored with a m on top and z on bottom blank on back, then a round thin pill blank both sides ## Hello, Renay! How are you? The one with the M over 2 is manufactured by Dr. Reddy's Laboratories and they list it as containing 50mgs of Metoprolol. The FDA classifies this medication as a beta blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypertension. As to one without any markings, we can rule it out as being a prescription medication, but it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else have any ideas?
white round pill with split on one side and nothing on the other. smaller than a dime. about 1 centimeter thick. ## It is difficult to determine what exactly your pill is without any imprints or markings. Is there any other information you can give me so I can locate the correct pill. Please post back so I can better assist you. ## Theres nothing else on them. They were in a hydrocodone bottle but I don't think that's what they are. I was thinking they might be aspirin or something. ## In order for me to locate a pill match I would need imprints or markings. I believe if you were to phone your local pharmacy and ask them if they have a drug identifier they might be able to help you with identifying this pill. It might cost a bit because they would probably have to send it to a l...
Checking to see if white pill, marked M and then 3 below the cut line, is in fact metoprolo er tab suc 100mg. First time I've seen these. They are larger than the last generics I got. I'd feel better if the 3 were a 1..... CVS - caremark sent these. The local CVS had no idea what they were. ## My last prescription for Metoprolo er tab suc 50mg was a white round with m50. Doctor called in prescription renewal. They are a thicker round white pill with m2. Mfr is Dr. Reddy's. I don't know mfr of m50. Both are mail order from CVS Caremark. Are these the same pill? ## Yes, from what I've found, both of these tablets are listed in the prescription drug databases as extended release Metoprolol. The one with the M2 contains 50mgs and the one with the M3 contains 100mgs. For ...
i had some melatonin pills in a bottle someone gave me. they're white, round, and blank. but also in the bottle were smaller thick white and off white colored pills with one side blank and the other just has a line across the center of it. no clue what the pill is. my friend said she doesnt know either. very strange! anybody have any ideas?? ## Hello, Since the pills you have don't have any markings, it most likely is an OTC or foreign medication. U.S. law requires that all prescription drugs have unique letters or numbers (sometimes in addition to a logo of some kind) imprinted on the tablets or capsules so the medication can be identified by manufacturer, substance and dosage. It could also be a different form of melatonin from a different manufacturer. I've seen melatonin...
whiteround pill with blue or green specks, not scored, no imprinting ## white round pill with blue specks. thick and no imprint/no lines either ## Round white pill with blue specks- no markings, no scoring- found in my home. Please help me identify this! ## Sounds like an icebreaker mint. Have you tasted it? All jokes aside it very well could be
This pill is thick and round with a big 5 on one side and the other side has an image similar to this )*( but the dot is a little higher up, almost reminds you of a stick figure ## Found a small white pill.....blank on one side and with a V (with a dot in the middle of the V) on the other side. Curious as to what this is....any ideas? ## @Fin, Unfortunately I can't seem to locate any specific details on a pill with the markings you described. Although a few come close with the number 5 being there, nothing else I'm seeing has a symbol like )*(. Is this something you received from overseas by chance? If so, that may explain why no results are coming up within US search engines. Does anyone else here recognize this pill? @Junebug (post #1), Is the "V" that's marked on ...
I have found several white, thicker pills with the markings of L430 could be an OTC drug or generic. The pills were not in a bottle and are blank on the back ## You are correct, tablets marked with an L, followed by 3 additional numbers are over the counter products. This one is a generic, or store brand of Excedrin Migraine and contains 250mgs of Acetaminophen, 250mgs of Aspirin and 65mgs of Caffeine. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?
Just got rx for 10mg of Amlodipine Besylate but my markings don't match any descriptions. Pretty large white round, thick pill with L U on one side and H 13 on the other......Is this the right rx? I'm switching from Lisinopril because of the annoying cough but the listed side effects for this drug sound really serious. ## Yes, that is the correct tablet, it contains 10mgs of Amlodipine and the potential side effects for any medication can be serious and problematic, but the only way to find out how it affects you is by actually trying it. Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor?