Amlodipine Forums
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What are the side effects of this drug which I am taking for elevated blood pressure? I have been experiencing some dry feeling in my sinuses and some vertigo. I wonder if it could be connected. I am taking 5 mgs a day. ## Some side effects while taking Amlodipine may be: Very often: peripheral edema (feet and ankles) - in 1 of 10 users Often: dizziness; palpitations; muscle-, stomach- or headache; dyspepsia; nausea - in 1 in 100 users Sometimes: blood disorders, development of breasts in men (gynecomastia), impotence, depression, insomnia, tachycardia - in 1 in 1,000 users Rarely: erratic behavior, hepatitis, jaundice - in 1 in 10,000 users Very rarely: hyperglycemia, tremor, Stevens-Johnson syndrome - in 1 in 100,000 users To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more ...
I was on amlodipine medicine for at least two and half years and I have gone through a real hell. It all started with dry cough. I thought like any other medicine the side effect will wear off, but it didn't. Then after a year later came back pain and it really got worse. I never thought that it was the side effect from this medicine. It went on for two and half years before I realized. I was running around town to get my back pain solved. I must have had more than 50 sessions of physio and chiro. I saw that I wasn't getting anywhere and I started doing some research on computer. After reading so much on this medicine, I went to my doctor and told her to change my medicine. It has been almost three weeks and I already see that there is a big change in my back. Most of the pain i...
Amlodipine 10 mg tab ASC. Another bottle says LEG instead. What do the letters stand for? ## It might be the manufacturer - The "ASC" could possibly stand for "Ascend" pharmaceuticals. Can you confirm the NDC number or manufacturer name from your prescription bottle? Also, are you sure the other abbreviation was "LEG", or was it something else? Wondering if your keyboard auto-corrected the typing? ## I was wondering what do leg stand for as well ## Why would they switch from ASC to ZYD when it costs twice as much? $33.45 vs $63.56!!! This is not right. It is making your medication amount to rise with the insurance company.
I take Amlodipine 5mg - it is sort of oval shaped and I find it difficult to swallow. I take it with nearly half a glass of water. However 2 days ago the pill got stuck at the back of my mouth and actually dissolved. I immediately felt a severe burning pain which was agony (I have a high pain threshold but this was unbearable). After some minutes the burning passed but for a time I couldn't eat or talk. My voice is still affected and at times drops to a whisper. I can't find anything relevant to this and I wonder if anyone else has experienced it. ## Many pills contain harsh ingredients that can cause those types of symptoms if the medication dissolves in your mouth or throat. I've experienced it several times, even just taking OTC Benadryl, it burned my mouth and made my to...
I started taking this med 8 days ago...and well in a nutshell i feel horrible! Hand and feet swelling, dizzy, stomach pain..always sore and tired...this was prescribed for raynaud (severe) hasnt helped blood pressure and heart are fine with taking metoprolol and has been fine for over 10 high blood pressure is caused by kidney damage caused by scleroderma and question is, can i stop taking it....NOW and w/o tapering...also i was just prescribed nitroglycerin creme to apply to fingers and that seems to work..hard to tell till i stop the amlodipine..thoughts? I feel like im dying my chest hurts too! ## It may take about 4 to 5 weeks for it to reach its full level of efficacy in the body to see how well it will work for you. Has anything changed?...
What is the use of Asomex 2.5mg? ## Asomex contains the active ingredient Amlodipine, it is a calcium channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache. ## I am 65yrs old and i am on asomex 2.5mg and advantec tab 12.5 mg daily. In fact i take HALF OF EACH TAB IN THE EVENING after meals and my bp is 130/80. I have been taking these tablets for the past 4yrs when my bp was 220/120. I had ecg done by my treating Dr n it reveals no abnormality. The reason i take half of these tablets is that it gave me dizziness when i take the full dose. ## Koomar, have you consulted your doctor about the dizziness? The Advantec contains Candesartan, which is an ARB and both it and the Amlodipine in the Asom...
I take 25 mg of Amlodipine and 10mg of Losartan. How long can I go without taking any before I am in danger? ## There is no way to say, so you should continue taking them as prescribed. The FDA warns that their typical side effects may possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Why are you missing doses? ## I'm taking losartan 50mg and I want to jump to amlodipine. What particular mg of amlodipine should I take to do it? ## My Dr has me taking 100 mg of losartan in the evening and 10 mg of amlodipine in the morning. The amlodipine only lowers my blood pressure to the 140/90 range and when I take the losartan in the evening it's down to 120/80 range. My question is, can I take the losartan and amlodipine together in the morning instead o...
I was prescribed Amlodipine 2 weeks ago. I'm 69 years old and it is making me sick. Can I stop this med safely? Thank you ## Amlodipine is most commonly prescribed to help lower high blood pressure, and to treat certain cardiac conditions, if it was prescribed for you, you should consulted your doctor, before stopping it, so they can help you safely switch to a different medication. If you suddenly stop it, on your own, you create the risk of the condition being treated becoming dangerous. According to FDA reports, Amlodipine has been known to cause nausea, headache, dizziness, dry mouth, and increased urination as side effects, but typically, such side effects will improve, as your body gets used to the medication, however, that may take about 4 to 5 weeks. Ref: Amlodipine Informat...
I was taking Twynsta.. which was a combination of 10 mg amlodipine and 80 mg telmisartan for about 5 yrs. I didn't realize that amlodipine had so many side effects which I have been experiencing. Back,side,stomach pain,ankles swelling, muscle weakness and the list goes on.. My Dr took me off the amlodipine a couple days ago. I'm experiencing increased pain in body, legs, ankles. After reading different comments and sites, they warn against stopping suddenly. I'm worried. Dr did not advise or mention withdrawal. Should I be concerned? ## Are you still taking some other medication? If so, your doctor likely wasn't worried about withdrawal, since the biggest immediate effect would usually be rebound elevated blood pressure, and heart rate, but being on another medication wo...
I usually take my new dose at the same time every morning. The only thing is i made breakfast and couldn't remember if i took the 1st pill... so i took one later in the evening...around 9:44pm. ## Hello, Joi! How are you? Did you experience any adverse effects? As reported by the U.S. FDA, it could result in your blood pressure and heart rate dropping to dangerously low levels, which may be shown by symptoms, such as severe nausea, dizziness, headache, drowsiness and shallow breathing. An overdose could be fatal. ## I did the same thing. I am 72 yrs old with no health issues accept hypertension. At once within 30 minutes I felt hot, very hot...then strange, like my lower extremities (legs and feet) became very heavy. I felt weak and my weight became unsteady, walking was awkward and...
Round, white pill, 209 on one side, nothing on other side ## what is a white round pill with 209 and nothing on the other ## It's amlodipine ## Subutex 8mg ## A round, white tablet with the number 209 on one side is a 10mg Amlodipine tablet, as identified by ss in their post. Amlodipine is a long-acting calcium channel blocker that's most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. However, it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry cough and frequent urination. Learn more Amlodipine details here. I did not find any Subutex/Buprenorphine tablets that have a 209 on them. Are there any questions or comments? ## ite round pill 209 on one side nothing on the other,,amlodipine or norvasc 10 mg ## I thought they were Tylenol 3 but I guess ...
Can you suggest a substitute tablet for Coveram 10/5 in India..... ## may i know where i will get this bp tablets in India ## Coverma 10/5 mg which medicine is suitale in indian. ## Coveram is listed as containing the active ingredients Amlodipine, and Perindopril, so you would want to look for something that contains those ingredients, either together, or separately. Coveram is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello Sir, I m using COVERAM tablet 10/5 mg. I working in Qatar. Now in India. My medicine now finish. Pls suggests for me substitute medicine for that. Where did I can get that medicine ...
My mother is 80 years old with antihypertensive treatment. She take atonolol 50mg, amlodipine 10 mg and losartan 50 mg on morning.and lorsatan 50 mg at the evening. Today she had taken amlodipine 10 mg bd, lorsatan 50 mg bd and atenolol 10 mgbd. Her blood pressure after evening dose was 140/60 mmhg. what problems can occur with her. ## I am 65 female i rske stenolol, losartan and almedopine but sometimes my numbers spike even sfter tsking the dsily dosage . What might be the reafon?
I take Norvasc, Amlodipine is the generic. Generics do not always have anything but the main drug ingredient due to patents on the original drug? I have worked with my current Doctor to take it twice a day 12 hours apart. I always had a higher BP reading in AM so I take 5 mg twice a day and if it gets to high I take 7.59 mg and monitor closely. Its working. ## Sorry, I ment to say I take 7.50mgs at 5PM if it is running high. This helps AM high BP for me and then I take 5mgs in AM to get through the day. ## Generics still contain fillers, in most cases, along with the active ingredient, the patent on a name brand doesn't prevent them from using them. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Amlodipine as possibly including nausea, headache, dizziness, increased urination, and hypote...
I am 70 year old woman. I have mild hypertension since 1996. All along i am taking Amlodipine 5 mg and my bp readings all these 20 years hovers round 120/80 and 130/80.Two years back when i had swelling in the feet my phyisician prescribed Azelsartan 40 mg in the morning and Metxl 25 mg at night. With Metx,l diastolic is much reduced from 80 to 75 or so.But systolic did not reduced considerably. It is still around 150/80 and some times 160/80. Now i would like to take Metxl 25 mg in the morning also and discontinue Azelsartan 40 mg. My physician says in elderly patients controlling systolic pressure to 130 needs multiple drugs which can cause some side effects. Indian studies say systolic pressure 150 is ok if it is between 140 and 150, especially in those who are above 70. In some pati...
As long as my wife has taken Amlodipine, her bp readings always around 120/80 or 130/80. But when she developed ankle edema, my physician stopped that drug and prescribed Cilacar (Clinidipine). After 15 days we checked her bp and found that her bp is around 160.80 or 165/84 or so. For one month she continued Cilacar. Then my doc stopped Cilacar and prescribed Azelsartan 40 mg. Even with that, her bp readings have not come down. So after one month my doc prescribed Metxl 40 mg to be taken in the night. With that drug her diastolic controlled and is showing 75 or 80, but her systolic did not come down. What to do? ## It is possible that she may need to take more than one medication to bring it under control, she may need to combine the MetXL with something else. The FDA lists the typical ...
Hi, I have been taking Amtas-10mg for my hypertension for about a year. Since the time I started taking this tablet, I have noticed that my fasting blood sugar has steadily increased from 105 mg/dl to 165 mg/dl. Until I started taking this tablet, I had never had raised fasting blood sugar. My GP says my raised blood sugar has nothing to do with taking Amtas. I would like to have a second opinion on this matter. Thanks in advance. ## Amtas contains the active ingredient Amlodipine, which is a calcium channel blocker that's commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. And yes, it is known that Amlodipine can cause elevated blood sugar levels and it is usually warned against being used in people that are already diagnosed as Diabetic for that reason. I...
Just a little round white pill with Z3 on one side and nothing on the other. What is it? ## Nothing on the other side. They where in a pile of change. ## This tablet is manufactured by Zydus Pharmaceuticals, and they list it as containing 5mgs of Amlodipine, which is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. NDC: 68382-0122 Its typical side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness, increased urination, and hypotension. Inactive ingredients may include: Magnesium Stearate Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato Colloidal Silicon Dioxide Cellulose, Microcrystalline Is there anything else I can help with?
Can Amlodipine Besylate 5mg cause you to retain fluid in your feet and legs? I noticed since my Mom started taking this medication, her feet and legs has been retaining lots of fluid. ## Hi Vickie, Sorry to hear about your mom's situation. According to, "swelling of the ankles or legs" is listed as a common but potentially serious side effect that should be brought to the doctor's attention immediately. They also go on to list "swelling of the feet or lower legs" in the section for rare side effects: I'd encourage you to show this article to her doctor if there are any doubts on his/her part about Amlodipine being the cause. It really seems to me as though it is - so hopefully y...
has anyone had numbness and tingling in the hand with the drug amlodipine-benaz generic to Lotrel? ## This is not listed as a normal side effect and it could indicate a serious one or some other serious medical problem. Have you consulted your doctor? The normal side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache. Read more: ## I have been taking the medication for 10 years and have experienced numbness and tingling in my hands, insomnia, coughing, dizziness. Has anyone else had any or all of these symptoms? ## I have been on amlodipine for over 10yrs and I have tingling. In my fingers the last year but I have been on clonidine 0.02mg once a day for over 10years and I have had the ringing in my ears and hissing so sound for along time. I was'nt sure it could be from my ...