34 Round Yellow Pill
100+ Topics FoundAre the 1mg tabs the strongest? My Doc put me on this and said to take only half a pill at a time. ## This tablet contains 1mgs of Clonazepam, the active ingredient in Klonopin, it is a Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. And no, it is available in a 2mg tablet, as well. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions? ## I take 2 mg twice a day. A one mg taken half at a time is crazy .5 mg would not do anything for me. ## Is yellow round 34 pill blank on the other side consider a 10 or a 5 mg as a whole not broke in half?? Just wondering ## Clonazepam are powerful but the two milligram pills are the strongest; the one milligram pills aren't really that strong. One milligram...
I found a round yellow pill in my sons room on one side blank on the other its what I think is a 90 score 0 any one have any ideas what this might be ## I have found the same pill cant quite figure out what it is. i beleive it says 0/0.6 but im not quite sure. If you find out please let me know ## Hey guys, This certainly seems to be a tough pill to find a match for, but I did locate similar information as "oprah" had mentioned from another user stating that the description was a small round yellow pill with 0 on top and then 0.6 on the bottom all scored on one side. The post was filed under Oxycodone, however there's no specific details online that I could gather to prove this to be a match. Where did you happen to obtain the pill from?
I found a pill in my boyfriend's pocket that is yellow, round and has a funny-shaped "E" and a "6" beside the E. What is this? ## It is a 10mg of Oxycodone that has NO TYLENOL IN IT. ## Hello Forever29, Jessica is right, the pill you described comes up as a 10mg Oxycodone Hydrochloride pill. Below I will list some additional information on this pill. (NDC 42806-006) Active Ingredient(s): Oxycodone Hydrochloride Inactive Ingredient(s): - silicon dioxide - lactose monohydrate - magnesium stearate - cellulose, microcrystalline - starch, corn - d&c yellow no. 10 Imprint: E6 Label Author: Epic Pharma, LLC Color(s): Yellow Shape: Round Size (mm): 6.00 Score: 2 Have a wonderful day and let me know if there is any additional information I can provide you with.
So my little brother just got off drugs and we're sharing a room and I found this little weird pill, it's like a yellowish orange circular pill and on one side it says "OX" & the other side says nothing... if anyone happens to know what it is I'd like to be enlightened. My family and I just spent 6000 for his stupid rehab, and I'd hate to think he's going back into the same bulls***. So if anybody has any input, on what it is. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. not trying to rush anyone but I would really like to know what's going on before he f***s himself up. Thanks again for your time. {edited for privacy}. ## Does it not say OX 40, I have 2 of them here. OX 40 oxycodone or codene yellow, yeasy to remove the yellow skin. This is ...
small, round, light yellow pill. z on one side and blank on the other. what is it? ## Hi zulu, Given the description provided, I located the pill to be Benzonatate (100 mg) It is a potent antitussive used to reduce coughing in various respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, influenza, and pneumonia. There is a small "Z" on the back as well, maybe it got smudged off at some point? Learn More: Benzonatate Details If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.
Hello! I need some help identifying the pills I have.. The pill is yellow and round with an imprint of 81 on one side, the over side is blank. I've searched the net over and over findin only one result which is the Bayer 81mg time release aspirin. But that pill has the imprint of 81 in black, which is different from my pill because the imprint on my pill is embossed/ engraved into the pill, therefore the "81" is yellow like the pill... Now is this still 81mg's of aspirin or is this something else?? Thank you for your input!! ## Yes, this is still an 81mg Aspirin tablet, just not the time released one, it's a regular formulation. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding, headache and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help w...
Numeric characters on one side (34) with what looks like a Lilly insignia and is scored on the back. ## Is it a stylized R? If so, this tablet is manufactured by Actavis and they list it as containing 1mg of Clonazepam, which is used to treat anxiety, nervous disorders, convulsions, and insomnia. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and dry mouth.
What is a round yellow pill marked "E 76"? ## This tablet contains 35mgs of Phendimetrazine (NDC 00185-4057 ). Inactive Ingredients: - Starch, Corn - Fd&c Yellow No. 5 - Lactose Monohydrate - Povidone - Silicon Dioxide - Stearic Acid - Sucrose Ref: DailyMed K. Lam, are there no labels on your prescriptions? Jecina, what has your doctor advised? ## I have a pill that fits your description. Do you know what it is? I am on a diet recommended by a doctor whom I am unsure about. He has given me this and other pills. They seem to be working well, but he never seems to tell me what they are. Can you help? ## I have been taking Armour thyroid pills, 120mgs a day, but they have become unavailable as of last month. Now I need to know what other thyroid drugs have both the T3 and T...
I have a small round yellow pill. It has a "C" on one side and "49" on the other. My doctor write a prescription for Norco but I've never seen anything like this. Can you help? ## Hi Ladybug, A round yellow pill with C on one side and 49 on the other is reportedly identified as Olanzapine 15 mg, an antipsychotic drug used for treating mental disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It's definitely not Norco... Perhaps there was some miscommunication on the doctor's part? Markings: C;49 Shapes: Round Colors: Yellow Size (mm): 9 NDC: 66993-684 Labeler: Prasco Laboratories Inactive Ingredients: -Crospovidone -Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (Type H) -Lactose Monohydrate -Magnesium Stearate Hope this helps!
Is this Klonopin 0.5 mg or generic Clonazepam? It's a round yellow pill with e62. ## The correct imprint for the generic 0.5mg Clonazepam in question is actually depicted as "E over 63" on a round yellow pill; and the backside is scored. For verification you can also double check with the manufacturer (Sandoz) at: sandoz.com/about-us/contact-us Is there any chance the marking may have been misinterpreted? Hope this helps!
Hello, I am trying to find out what these pills are. There are a few of them in my boy's shoebox. It's very small, yellow, round and is imprinted with a "10" on one side as well as "EC" on the other. The E and C are separated by a scored line that goes down the entirety of the front of the pill. I would appreciate any help identifying it. ## Hello, Jerry! How are you? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find an identification for this, yet. It's not in any of the U.S. prescription drug databases that I've checked. There is a chance that it's some type of over the counter product, or perhaps a foreign medication. Have you tried asking your son? I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this t...
Found this outside my house on the sidewalk small round yellow pill marked 25 20 or 25 oz ## Based on the description provided, the closest match I'm finding is a round pale orange tablet with "20/25" on one side and "5032" on the other side next to a small hour-glass logo. This particular pill has been identified as Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg + Lisinopril 20 mg. Manufacturer: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA National Drug Code (NDC): 00172-5032 Are there any markings on the back of your pill by chance?
yellow round with TEVA on the back and a line on the front nothing else ## Hi chris, Because I could not locate this specific pill in any of the drug databases, my findings do not pose an exact match to your description, but represent the closest matches I could find using the imprint "TEVA" with a "score line on the other side". All my matches are identified as having the imprint "TEVA" on one side of the pill, with a score line as well as a three-four digit number above the score line on the other side. Each of these are also round and yellow. Since we know that the manufacturer is Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, I think the best option would be to send them a direct email, which you can find on the company's contact page listed below: I have emailed them before ...
Hello. I am baffled by a round yellow pill i found in my wife's bag the other day. It reads t.man on it and it was purchased in thailand while on vacation. I have been told it was for a diet. I am concerned. Please help me! ## I haven't been able to find anything on these. Did you try asking her about it? Is there anyone on here from Thailand that know that these are? ## When I questioned her she replied "it has been such a long time ago I can't remember". I think it is a diet pill but need someone with firsthand knowledge to confirm. I have googled and found some results mentioning a possible diet pill and also it has come up under viagara references. Hopefully someone can help. Thanks ## Should you have been looking in your wife's handbag ? ## Hello Caro, Yes I...
round yellow pill one side contains a score and the other has r 13 on it ## The round yellow pill which you are describing marked R 34 is Clonazepam (1 mg); which is a benzodiazepine derivative with highly potent anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, and anxiolytic properties. NOTE: was R 13 a typo? I was unable to locate a match with that imprint. To learn more about this drug, click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## David, thank you for your informative, respectful post. I'm looking right at the bottle AND the tablet, and it's a 1mg Clonazepam, for sure, and the imprint is R 34 on one side, and scored (with no other imprint) on the other side. WARNING: Be aware of the SEVERE withdrawal symptoms with this drug, ...
I have a round yellow pill marked "AN512" and want to know if it's Subutex or Suboxone? Also, can Meloxicam be taken with Subutex? ## Hello, Victor! How are you? The round, yellow tablet with the An 512 marking is not either one of those, it is manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceuticals, and they list it as containing 500mgs of Salsalate. NDC: 65162-0512 Inactive ingredients may include: Carnauba Wax Silicon Dioxide Croscarmellose Sodium D&c Yellow No. 10 Hypromelloses Cellulose, Microcrystalline Polyethylene Glycol Stearic Acid Titanium Dioxide It is an NSAID, so it should not be taken with another one, such as Meloxicam. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach irritation, and increased risk of bleeding. Is there anything else I can help w...
Need to know what this round yellow wafer is that has RP 115 on one side? Thank u. ## Hi Amanda, "RP" sounds like the abbreviation for a product from Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, as they label many of their tablets in this manner. If you have a moment, I'd recommend contacting them directly for more specific details at: rhodespharma.com/get-in-touch NOTE: There have also been other reports of a large, flat, greyish tablet with RP 115 that's reportedly an antacid similar to TUMS. Since yours is yellow and depicted differently, I can only hope these additional clues help narrow down some possibilities. Please post back if you come across any further information.
The yellow round pill with I G on one side and 210 on the other is Folic acid. Folic acid is used in the treatment of folic acid deficiency; anemia, megaloblastic and belongs to the drug class vitamins. [1] [1] ## Folic Acid (vitamin B9) is actually found naturally in certain foods: "Folate in foods and other sources Certain foods are very high in folate: * Leafy vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, turnip greens * Legumes such as dried or fresh beans, peas and lentils * Egg yolks. * Baker's yeast * Fortified grain products (pasta, cereal, bread); some breakfast cereals (ready-to-eat and others) are fortified with 25% to 100% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for folic acid * Sunflower seeds * Liver and liver products also contain high amounts of folate * Kidney Mode...
round yellow with imprint 34 ## pale yellow round pill with R 34 scored on one side ## Located an exact match, it's Clonazepam 1 mg. Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative with highly potent anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, and anxiolytic properties. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
small round yellow pill with IP line thOrrough the middle 037 ## small round yellow pill with IP line through the middle 037 ## The round yellow tablet imprinted with "IP 037" contains 4mgs of Chlorpheniramine maleate; used in the prevention of the symptoms of allergic conditions such as rhinitis and urticaria. Learn More: Chlorpheniramine Details I hope this helps!