Yellow Round Pill 81 ?
UpdatedHello! I need some help identifying the pills I have.. The pill is yellow and round with an imprint of 81 on one side, the over side is blank.
I've searched the net over and over findin only one result which is the Bayer 81mg time release aspirin. But that pill has the imprint of 81 in black, which is different from my pill because the imprint on my pill is embossed/ engraved into the pill, therefore the "81" is yellow like the pill...
Now is this still 81mg's of aspirin or is this something else?? Thank you for your input!!
1 Reply
Yes, this is still an 81mg Aspirin tablet, just not the time released one, it's a regular formulation.
Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding, headache and stomach irritation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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