Naphcon Forte
Active Ingredient(s): NaphazolineFDA Approved: * March 6, 1974
Pharm Company: * ALCON
Category: Vision / Eye Health
Naphazoline is a medicine used as a decongestant, and a vasoconstrictor added to eye drops to relieve red eye. It has a rapid action in reducing swelling when applied to mucous membrane. It is a sympathomimetic agent with marked alpha adrenergic activity that acts on alpha-receptors in the arterioles of the conjunctiva to produce constriction, resulting in decreased congestion. It was patented in 1934 and came into medical use in 1942.[1] Contents 1 Medical uses 1.1 Nasal ... [wikipedia]
* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.Popular Topics
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