Xanax Bars Causing Illness (Top voted first)


I was prescribed Xanax 2mg bars again for extreme anxiety! I have withdrawan from xanax twice in a matter of 2 years. I can't take them anymore! They are making me sick. Can anyone tell me why? My Dr is giving me 2 one mg daily now and that isn't working either. Should I take clonopin again? It seems to work better! My symptoms from xanax are sores on my body that don't heal and extreme fatigue and headaches. I took a clonopin the other day, 1 one mg. and I had more energy, no headaches and my anxiety was controlled longer. Does anybody know why xanax is now making me sick?

12 Replies

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I wasn't aware Klonopin is available in a time released formula?

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Klonopin is not time released it just has a much longer half-life. Xanax has the shortest half-life of commonly prescribed benzodiazepines.

What may be happening is that you're getting rebound anxiety and/or withdrawal symptoms due to the fact that the xanax is wearing off much quicker. Xanax is meant mostly for acute anxiety such as panic attacks or plane flights and is not, by any legitimate doctor anywhere, recommended for long term use.

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Hello, Sue! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you're having.

Our bodies change with time, as we age, so it may be that Xanax is just no longer the right medication to help you. I've experienced it with a few medications, too.

If Klonopin helps you, without making you sick, then you should discuss it with your doctor to see if they approve of your trying it.

The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Are you on any other medications?

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Different Manufacturers use different types of fillers which could be causing your problem. However open soars that don't heal can be serious and must be looked at

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Yes, Verwon. I have many illnesses. Diabetes, thyroid disease, lupus, bad shoulder : cortisone shots, 2 fusion back surgeries, cervical and lower lumber, gall bladder frontal neck plate placement, appendectomy, hysterectomy, disc placements, hip replacement and some other that happened due to childhood illnesses. I take a minimal amount of me contain for pain also. I have been through many withdrawals, also. I find it hard to believe what I've been through. My problem with anxiety started when I lost a 4 year old son to leukemia also. My mother died after my son. I was only 28. First bad marriage where I was hurt physically. I also worked for government from age 18 to 45. I have been disabled 20 years.

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Personally I think klonopins help better than xanax because it helps regulate your heart rate/pressure. It in all honesty valium would work best. No groggyness, good rest, and it seemed my energy skyrocketed. Not to mention xanax tends to affect speach(slurred speach) and they also af easy causing black outs where individuals can't remember the night before.

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I would try & go back to the colonopin. Xanax are instant release while the colonopin are time released. You may not be feeling good because with the Xanax you're getting all the medicine at once. Goid luck.

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Help!..Xanax is no longer doing anything at all for me, however if I stop taking it, I feel even worse! I take it for severe P.T.S.D., panic attacks, generalized anxiety, chronic pain and..suicidal ideation at times.. Also have noticed that xanax effectiveness seemed to vary greatly by manufacturers. Anyone have any suggestions? I am in a severely emotionally abusive relationship..which absolutely adds to fear, but I am disabled with no family, and financially I am stuck right now. I really need to get the fear under control FAST.. Can anyone tell me WHAT may work better? I am dying slowly from congestive heart failure and other effects from all the chemicals I received as a child for A.L.L... I am on pain meds for degenerative disc disease, etc but the morphine 30 mg doesnt seem to calm me! I just want to be more comfortable with the time I have left. Thank you!

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Yes it's the exact same as Xanax but Xanax is instant and colonopin is extended release. That's the only difference between the two. My psychiatric is the one who explained that to me.

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I have been taking alprazolam for 20 years does this cause congested heart faluier

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Re: Jennifer (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Klonopin and Xanax are two very different taken drugs. I've taken both together and separately prescribed. Ativan(lorazepam) is the closest thing to Xanax in the benzo family but is around half the strength of Xanax from my years of experience.

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Re: Tim T (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I don't agree with that? If any Benzos are similar I would say its Xanax and Klonopin, not very different at all. Now Ativan...

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