Will Fentanyl Show Up In Drug Test As An Opiate (Page 6)


Man the amount of people who have no clue what they are talking about yet spitting advice on it like they are an expert is bewildering. NO FENTANYL does not show up as an opiate on any test anywhere. In fact the only things that will show up as an opiate are morphine, codeine, and heroin and that is because heroin and morphine metabolize into morphine. Not even oxycodone or hydrocodone can be detected as an opiate they have to be specifically tested for as they metabolize differently, same with methadone, methadone has to be specifically tested for, it will not show up as anything but methadone. So unless the test you are taking is specifically testing for fentanyl then you will be fine. The question is whether or not the test you are taking is testing for fentanyl. I have yet to see a piss test that does test for it. Even if they sent it to a lab for testing they would have to tell the lab what to look for and that they specifically want to know if fentanyl metabolites are present. Anyone that tells you anything different from this has no clue what they are talking about or how opiates and their derivatives are detected after use. Drugs that have been taken are detected by looking for what they metabolize into, in the body and no two drugs metabolize the same unless they are from the same base as I explained in the beginning. Codeine, opium, heroin, and morphine are all detected as opiates because they are all made from opium. An opioid is not made from opium, they just have a somewhat similar structure and create the same effect by binding to the same receptors, but they in no way metabolize into the same metabolites which is essentially the by product of the chemical after the body has processed it. Hope this helps anyone who needs accurate information not just the random ramblings of nonsense.

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I work in a Lab that tests for everything including alcohol metabolites.

No quick cup or "immunoassay" exists that will pick up fentanyl. The same needs to be analyzed by an LCMS to pick up the presence of fentanyl.

LCMS is a liquid chromatography mass spectrometer.

Fentanyl is commonly mixed with Heroin and sometimes our patients take straight fentanyl as to bypass testing positive for opiates on a quick cup.

Elemental is right on.

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Kratom is nice to use as an opiate/opioid substitute.

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I bought a 2 pack at the store. I didn't feel s*** really... should I buy 4?

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Thank you and i know ur rightbbcbmybbf took one on a job and passed andvi took one and methadone didnt show up same w subocone...

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Yeah because I'm sure they train law enforcement how to read doubles in chemistry. Everybody take Ricks word for it he isn't just being an a**hole I'm sure of it.

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Thank you!!! This post is accurate and the information is true!!! I've since answered my own question. Fentanyl WILL NOT test positive for a regular whatever panel drug test you take. for exsample, I tested NEG for opiates at the hospital (ER), while I was sick AF and trying despretely to get into a treatment center. Again, I tested negative for opiates not once, but twice. Fentanyl has to be tested for SPECIFICALLY!!!!!

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Buying kratom from a store is not the best way to get quality kratom. Order online from a kratom supplier. Do a little research on the internet to find which strain is best for you.

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No youre wrong. Fentanyl does not show up on a 12 panel test. You are right about the oxycodeine thing though

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Take suboxone or fentanyl. Suboxone would be safest bec theyre least likely to test for that

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You are taking Fentanyl via a different system than the patch, of course it will show in your urine. Wearing the transdermal patch is a totally different delivery system and urine usually has to be sent to a lab. I'm on the patch and it does not show up without being sent away.

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Well thats funny you are so sure about that because ive been pissing clean for court for weeks and use fentanyl daily. Get your facts str8

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I have to agree with you on this. My doctor does do tests for Fentanyl, and bam I got caught. I have no idea as to what it shows up as. I only know that it's not an opiate and would not show on the current urine tests he was using. Then all these big shots start dying and he changes up. I was lucky he gave me another chance so even with it sitting on my cabinet it's not in me. If it's a urine test fine, but if they switch up on you count on getting cut off or for those of you on probation a ride back to jail. Even though the Internet is the Gathering Place for all miss information the replies you get from most of the users here is spot on. Frankly if you find yourself having to hit the streets for a bump talk to your doctor and just ask why risk it.

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You Are 100% correct.. Ive been taking NORCOS for years and they absolutely without a doubt show up as an opiate, I was gunna keep my mouth shut at first but everything he said was so inaccurate I just couldn't, even oxycodone shows as an opiate its oxycontin that you have to specifically test for...same as suboxone. AND IF IT GOES TO A LAB they can tell the difference between each and every one of them.. Idk where that kid gets his info but its deff not correct

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You are correct on most of that, however my friend, hydrocodone DOES show up as an opiate. Oxycodone has to be specifically tested for. But hydrocodone metabolizes down just like codeine, heroin, and morphine. I know because I have been drug tested 3 times a week and have had the opportunity to experiment with each. Trial and error sort of thing. So if you truly want to mess up, oxycodone, methadone, and fentanyl have to be specifically tested for and won't show up on a typical drug test. However, depending on how much oxycodone you take it can cause a faint line to show up for opiates if you aren't careful and stay hydrated. And it also varies on your body type. So always always always drink up, just incase.

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Yes, i just got popped for fentanyl on a UA. The pharmacist is correct. I had 64 ng of fentanyl detected as i bought several oxycontin 30s and come to find out, allot of the oxy 30s on the street are forgery out of mexico. They substitute fentanyl in them. Do not listen to thst dude, i have proof.

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Kratom feels just like an opiate but in fact isn't one. Just by kratom online and brew it into tea with water and lemon juice.

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Human error! And yes, I am drug free and tested positive for 4 drugs!! I am an old lady. I don't go anywhere a drink could be mickied! This is preposterous. It DOES happen. I am NOT being ignorant to anyone, but mistakes can be made at the lab, and during collection. If someone gives us the wrong change back at a store, it is disheartening. A bad drug screen can cause people to go to jail, lose their job, children.... You all get the picture. I know of folks who go to pain management and are treated horribly. Some docs are great. Others have the God syndrome. I know someone who recently died of cancer, they were disgustingly under medicated.

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Dont completely trust him. You can still fail for hydrocodone. False positives are almost always going to happen using hydro. Now everything else, he is right about.

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I just want to say THANK YOU for this awesome response!!! You are 100% right on the $!!!! I unfortunately had to learn everything you just said(specicifaclly about fentanyl) the hard way!!! I was trying to get into a detox/rehab, thru the ER. I was about 20 hours dope sick, which was a very very long time for me to be without opiates(H) in my system. I felt like death to say the least. After begging the Dr to help me get into a treatmemt center,because they intially were only trying to discharge me and send me home with outlatient info smh... long story short my toxicology screen came back NEGATIVE for opiates! Not once but 3 times!!! I couldnt believe it and was completely baffled, because I had been using the same product for months straight and it was fire. I then decided to leave the hospital, because the thought of going to detox and not being able to take methadone because I was neg for opiates, just wasn't going to happen. The drs were also confused cause I was showing all the signs of opiate withdraw but again, testing negative..... The answer to the mystery was that I was using 100% fentanyl for months!!! .... before I fugured this out I returned to A different ER, because I figured something had to be wrong with there test, and again tested negative. I was admitted into the mental health unit like I was crazy! Lol smfh.. but I was given the alcohol protocol withdraw meds and they got me thru the next three days... i got out of that mental health unit, went straight to "get right"(off regular dope), then went directly to a true detox. But again, thank you for your response and yu were 100% accurate! This happened months ago, and Ive seen a few people in this position since then. I was happy that I was able to help solve this mystery for them.

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This is not accurate. I also am living proof! A specific test has to be done to find fentanyl. For exsample, I was recently busted for a dui(driving under the suspicion of drugs) and it required a blood test that took over a month to come back with the results. No heroin(which comes back as morphine), but my celexa and fentanyl came back, with the specific levels. Not only was i completely shocked that I was using 100% fentanyl, but I couldnt believe that my freaking celexa came up on the test!

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