Will Fentanyl Show Up In Drug Test As An Opiate (Page 5)


Man the amount of people who have no clue what they are talking about yet spitting advice on it like they are an expert is bewildering. NO FENTANYL does not show up as an opiate on any test anywhere. In fact the only things that will show up as an opiate are morphine, codeine, and heroin and that is because heroin and morphine metabolize into morphine. Not even oxycodone or hydrocodone can be detected as an opiate they have to be specifically tested for as they metabolize differently, same with methadone, methadone has to be specifically tested for, it will not show up as anything but methadone. So unless the test you are taking is specifically testing for fentanyl then you will be fine. The question is whether or not the test you are taking is testing for fentanyl. I have yet to see a piss test that does test for it. Even if they sent it to a lab for testing they would have to tell the lab what to look for and that they specifically want to know if fentanyl metabolites are present. Anyone that tells you anything different from this has no clue what they are talking about or how opiates and their derivatives are detected after use. Drugs that have been taken are detected by looking for what they metabolize into, in the body and no two drugs metabolize the same unless they are from the same base as I explained in the beginning. Codeine, opium, heroin, and morphine are all detected as opiates because they are all made from opium. An opioid is not made from opium, they just have a somewhat similar structure and create the same effect by binding to the same receptors, but they in no way metabolize into the same metabolites which is essentially the by product of the chemical after the body has processed it. Hope this helps anyone who needs accurate information not just the random ramblings of nonsense.

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Very helpful and knowledgeable. Thank you.

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Sallyjo that's either a false positive or you have morphine in your system as well as fentanyl. It won't show up its literally impossible from a science standpoint.

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Hi I just had a question for you. My family made me go to the walk in clinic to ask for a urine drug screen. I also have been taking the fake fent oxys and am scared it will show up on the drug screen. ( on the paper is says urine drug screen to include THC, Benzos,and opiates) So, my question is, are the drug tests you took sent to labs ? Because mine will be and am afraid the fake Oxy will show up. PLEASE HELP!!

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If they send it to a lab it will show up as fentynal if they test for it but most testing places use strips and do it on site.

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People love to hear themselves talk.... in this case see themselves...but you get my point.

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It's done in a lab. It won't show up as long as its not being specifically tested for right ?

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Like the majority are saying and exactly as "elemental" states.... Fentanyl pain patch will NOT show up as anything except Fentanyl. I get drug tested randomly. I've already had about 7 urinalysis since I last posted my concern over this matter and it was not detected.
I'm in DWI court, a program we have here as an option instead of jail time.
Anyway, they do send it to a lab and they do not test for Fentanyl.
Good luck but you won't need it unless they are testing for Fentanyl

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Ummm your wrong.. I don't know where you got your information from but it does show up in a drug test. Vicodin and oxy also show up as an opiate in a standard drug test. Do your homework.

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I got my information from a 12 panel drug test while wearing a Fentanyl pain patch. It only shows up as FENTANYL and only as such. The 12 panel drug test doesn't include Fentanyl. I suggest you do your homework. No need to be uptight..
I'll say wearing a pain patch during a urine test and passing it....is HOMEWORK.

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A standard opiate test will include heroin, codeine, and morphine. All other opiates will be tested in what are called "expanded" opiate tests where each specific drug other than those already mentioned will be added ,either one, several, or all depending on what drug the client wants to test for. The most common add-ons are hydrocodone and oxycodone. Less common add-ons are methadone, buprenorphine, and fentanyl because the tests are cost prohibitive. Hope this helps.

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Well this sheds some light on a recent mystery that has left me quite baffled. Here's my situation/problem. I am an opiate addict, specifically heroin. After becoming tired of this life and viscous pattern of jail and rehabs, plus my family being completely up my back, I went to check myself into a detox then a rehab program for 28 days. Here's the specific problem... I planned on started this process thru the ER, but I TESTED NEGATIVE FOR OPIATES, so I wasn't able to get into a detox/rehab. Why would they take me if I was testing negative for everything, most importantly opiates. I went to the ER around 10:30pm and was discharged at 6am. At 6am I was starting to feel sick from the withdraw symptoms. By 9am I was straight up "dope sick". I feel completely helpless right now, because the idea of kicking cold turkey just seems impossible and basically aren't an option. Furthermore, even if I got into a program thru the psychological route I would be totally screwed if I get to the detox/rehab hospital and aren't given methadone because I'm testing negative for opiates.

Does anyone know what I may have been taking and gotten addicted to?... Do you think that methadone would even help me? At this point I'm open to all serious suggestions and or answers to what this substance may possibly be..... Its whiter than most dope that i've seen. During the past three weeks I've been taking about 30 bags of this mystery s***. I feel like an a**hole, because I begged the doctors at the er to get me into a program and then I tested negative, twice! I think that they think I just wanted a place to go or something. I explained that I wouldn't lie about being a heroin addict! So I stated my situation and I tried to give any info that may answer any questions... SO, can anyone help?

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Actually you are the one who does not know what they are talking about. I happen to take morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl, and guess what my pain management doctor has tested my urine right in front of me to see if those drugs are in my system. Yes they most certainly do show up in a urine drug screen. You have no business instructing anyone.

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The H u have been talking is probably fentanyl. I am an addict myself and the area I am from has a massive epidemic. This epidemic is miss understood because 90% of the H around is fentanyl. I specifically take Fentanyl because it is stronger. The way to tell is by tasting it, if it has a sweet candy taste it is fentanyl and if it has a medicine taste like Tylenol it is true heroin. To set all the comments straight Fentanyl has to be specifically tested for. It does not test as an opiate or oxy. My wife used to give me the 12 panel tests u buy from Walgreens and I always passed. I am in recovery now and go to a suboxone clinic and get lab tested, because I specifically told them I take fentanyl and they specifically test for it. My addiction started because of pain clinics where I used to receive the real oxycontins yrs ago, which does show up as oxy on a panel test. Because it's an extended release oxycodone. I saw somewhere here someone saw it doesn't show up, but that is untrue. If u are getting them through other means and they aren't showing up its because it is faked and they are fentanyl, which again does have to be tested for specifically. Not trying to dispute anyone, but as an addict u figure things out quick so u know what u can get away with and what u can't. I will say this in the area I am from doctors and clinics are actually testing for fentanyl now with the growing epidemic in the new England area. Overdoses are at a all time high and it's solely because of the fentanyl dope. Now don't misunderstand this is not heroin mixed with fentanyl. This is strictly fentanyl, usually looks white.

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Actually, I know from experience that oxycodone, roxicodone, percocets do not show up as opiates on a urine drug screen. As far as codeine, morphine, hydrocodone those break down the same way heroin does and all of those will make you test positive for opiates. Oxycodone has to be specifically tested for.

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You make more since then anyone ive ever seen on these blogs because ill admitt i didnt know fentynal prob mis spelled sorry but anyways all the other facts u stated are so true thanks for your facts muah

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I have a question I was running a little low on my med. and about 3 days ago I had a fentny I used but stopped use on the 13 th and had a dr. Apt. Today and had a drug test will it show up on the test or not even if they send to lab.

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It will not show up unless it's being testes for fentynl. If you read what elemental posted, there's your answer. There's quite a few posters that can become a little rude if they disagree, so please ignore the competition part of how this can becom .

Personally, I was drug tested with the patch on for 2 days and past. Our drug testes are sent to a lab.

But as I said, read elementals post. 100% correct.

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You have no idea what you're talking about. Fentanyl, Vicodin, Percent, and Oxycontin all show up as opiates. Don't trust those Walmart home drug kits. You also forgot about Demerol.

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This month I have a urine screen and a blood screen at my Dr. I have been taking the Subsys fentynal sprays I am only prescribed percocets will I have a problem failing my drug screens I'm not sure if the blood is a metrobolic test for my origins or if its to see if we're packing in urine either way I'm worried about failing there are so many arguments on the subject its hard to know what to think. I would appreciate any accurate info on the matter

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That's crazy Josh, thank you for getting back with the results you found out because I had the same thing happen to me years ago with cocaine. I hate coke and would never do it but I handled it and it showed positive on my test. I was shocked I couldn't believe that could happen but it did.

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