When Will Pain Medication Work After 1 Dose Of Suboxone??
UpdatedI just had a titanium rod put in my leg with 3 screws to hold it in place. Needless to say it's been a very painful experience. Prior to the surgery I was on suboxone therapy for about 5 years. It's the only thing that ever worked for me and completely saved my life. I am successful now in life, happy and a productive member of this world!!! I owe everything to this medication. The problem is that my Dr's thought weaning me off of the sub's one week prior to the surgery would be okay and it wasn't. The pain medication did not work very well and I had to take way more to have it even touch the pain. Today I thought maybe my suboxone would help better so I took 2 8mg tablets this morning at 6am. Because I have been off of the subs for 2 weeks would I be able to take my oxycodone tonight and have them work?
3 Replies
@bionic woman,
Regarding the question asking "when pain medication will start working after suboxone?" - The answer may vary for each and every individual, and is only intended to be a rough estimate at best due to different body chemistry. However the vast majority of posts that I'm seeing on here suggest that 2 weeks is more than enough time for suboxone's half life to finish running its course on the receptor sites. But given the total length of time you've been taking suboxone (5 years; minus a 2 week break), it's understandable that you'd question whether it might've built up in your system to the extent that you'd have to wait longer. Only way to know for certain though would be to take your regular prescribed dose at a certain time interval every so often to try and gauge your wait time based off how you feel, if that makes sense? Does anyone else have feedback from personal experience?
Listen to me carefully...
I went into rehab in 2012 for opiate addiction and abuse. For like 20+ yrs I'd been battling drug abuse. When I finally went into rehab they couldn't put me thru the ringer like most ppl because I am severely physically disabled. I've been disabled since I was 8 yrs old. I have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, congestive heart failure, COPD and a bunch of other secondary conditions.
I work with a renowned doctor by the name of Richard Blondell. He's very well known and well respected.
Because of all my health issues they only kept me at the rehab for 3 days.
While I was waiting for the doctor to come down and see me in the E.R. I got at least 2 Shots of dilauded. About 6-8 hrs later I got my first dose of subutex.
Since I've been out of rehab I've been hospitalized many times for things concerning my various conditions. In NYS they do not carry Suboxone or subutex in the E.R. Only on the rehab floors. I've been given Suboxone pills in the hospital with only a few hours difference from a dose of opiod pain meds in the E.R.
I personally would say at least wait 4-5 hours in between doses if you're gonna mix and match for whatever reason. I don't recommend it but sometimes you have to do what's best for you.
Believe my story or not, I don't care but I'm telling you the truth. Doctors aren't telling patients the whole truth about Suboxone or subutex.Do your own research and you'll see what I mean. I hope things get better for you. I know the struggle is real!
You can generally START to feel a little pain rlief about 8 hours AFTER you take your last sub dose. However, it does build up depending upon how long you've been taking it, so you likely won't get full use of opiod narcotic pain meds until roughly 2-3 days after your last dose. Do not start to take suboxone again until at least 20-24 hours after your last opiat dose, because you will get sick and I knwo this from personal experience. I'm not sure how the other poster got around this as I've never heard of anyone being able to do this UNLESS they already had taken Suboxone first before taking the opiates (dilaudid or anything else.)
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