What Milligrams And Colors Do Klonopin Come In (Page 2) (Top voted first)
Updated5882 is the imprint that I am familiar with.
I want to know the same. Mine are orange and they have always been yellow
I agree with u ,people have things in there past ,r sleep problems where they need help ,same goes for pain meds ,some people really have chronic pain they hurt ,im one of them with chronic pain ,so plz dont judge. Thk u
I stumbled across this page while researching generic forms of klonopin. I've had an allergic reaction to 3 different medications with yellow dye in them & generic klonopin 0.5mg by Mylar was one of them. So maybe if anyone is searching for help with the issue I've been having~ there's an 10-20% difference in generics~ they only are required to have 80% of the active ingredient. Fillers & dyes can affect those with allergies or sensitive to medications. If you have issues with a new generic please research it. I found there's 5 companies that have klonopin 0.5 with yellow dye on them (3 companies with white, 1with orange & 1 with pink) & my pharmacy is trying too order me one that is not yellow. Some pharmacies switch generics too often. I have to have my Wellbutrin SR wrote as "Dispense As Written" for name brand due to my pharmacy switching generics 4 x's in the past year. My NP got my insurance to cover the more expensive name brand based on that. Also Lamictal that I take for epilepsy needs to be name brand because I was having seizures when on the generic form. It's especially dangerous for epilrptics to take a generic of seizure medications because you need a stable, consistent amount of the active ingredient! My insurance has covered name brand of Lamictal for as long as I have my insurance due to the seizures I had from generics (usually only cover it's ON a yearly basis & then need a prior auth again.). Hopefully this info will help someone out there that's had the same issues as I've had. P.s. Not everyone researching controlled substances are drug addicts! It's insulting towards people who need the medications for valid reasons & don't abuse it!
Colors can matter & make a big difference! I stumbled across this page while researching generic forms of klonopin. I've had an allergic reaction to 3 different medications with yellow dye in them & generic klonopin 0.5mg by Mylar was one of them. So maybe if anyone is searching for help with the issue I've been having~ there's an 10-20% difference in generics~ they only are required to have 80% of the active ingredient. Fillers & dyes can affect those with allergies or sensitive to medications. If you have issues with a new generic please research it. I found there's 5 companies that have klonopin 0.5 with yellow dye on them (3 companies with white, 1with orange & 1 with pink) & my pharmacy is trying too order me one that is not yellow. Some pharmacies switch generics too often. I have to have my Wellbutrin SR wrote as "Dispense As Written" for name brand due to my pharmacy switching generics 4 x's in the past year. My NP got my insurance to cover the more expensive name brand based on that. Also Lamictal that I take for epilepsy needs to be name brand because I was having seizures when on the generic form. It's especially dangerous for epilrptics to take a generic of seizure medications because you need a stable, consistent amount of the active ingredient! My insurance has covered name brand of Lamictal for as long as I have my insurance due to the seizures I had from generics (usually only cover it's ON a yearly basis & then need a prior auth again.). Hopefully this info will help someone out there that's had the same issues as I've had. P.s. Not everyone researching controlled substances are drug addicts! It's insulting towards people who need the medications for valid reasons & don't abuse it!
Little yellow round with a M on one side an C Over the number 13 on the other side
You say xanax are better? Why and better for what and then? Xanax doesn't compare to other benzodiazepines, they are a lot stronger I think. I was prescribed 120 bars, the big ones each month for 2 years and I ran out 3 days early once and had the worse time of my life. The withdrawal was worse then opiates by far, no sleep for 3 days till I saw my Dr for a refill and while waiting for the pharmacy to open I had a seizure followed by 3 more in 18 months. They are great but beware of the kick and the addiction they bring.
That is NOT a Valium. I have the same thing and I used to use Valium. Real Valium have a v cut out in the middle and are yellow. What she is describing is a 1 mg. klonopin.
Since 1995 they put me on xyanx 2 mg twice a day, i never took 2 mg. I took 2 mg at bedtime to prevent a panic attack, now if i loose them i can by noon the next day feel heart starting to beat in my chest and feet and it's a little dificult to talk in a straight sentance and evary thing starts to move faster and faster i cant focas very well and my mouth completely dries, outand its hard to stay out of a focus and you voice literally is at. A loud whisper the urgency with in 30 sec or less is as if something has taken controll of you and you try but the first time you have no idea, whats happening to you it feels like a stroke or heart attack after that you take zanax once a day or 2 or 3 times a day. I took only 1 a day 2 mg before bed if for some reason i forgot it by 11:30am the next day., i woke right up from sleep eyes open as if i never slept my heart begain to beat fast and if i layed still i could feel the heat begain spreading around my shoulders and torso and confustion in my brain begain. Shaky became desporite in nature to get out of the house . walk very fast. As fast as my body and mind was moving and if this happens you really don't know if it will stop, panic disorder is very bad. There is only one thing, worse. One thing that is as bad as a full blown panic attact, there is only one thing. That can stop it is iv ativan. A miracle. Or the very thing you were given 22 yrs ago and never thought anything about it, just folling the script directions well maby a yr. Later or even 15 yrs later you go away for a couple of nites ir god forbid loose them while traveling, you have no udea , the doctor who saw and realized what your body and mind was doing, 20 yrs ago was doing, after that one bad attack, you only had maby one or on the verge of one maby 6 times. Untill that one day you forget to take it , because some dictor 20 yrs ago , said take 1 a day ir 2 a day ir more and you had never heard of any bad side effects, ecause the initial doctor in the e r said take ad perscribed, never warning you. That after7 to 10 days of taking this. EXTREAMLY EDICTIVE CHEMICAL, that the very disorder that not one doctor knows why all of a sudden this awfull frighting feeling that starts and becomes full blowen in 1 to 2 min. Is thebvery reason 22 yrs ago was given and it wirked. But for a very short time around 30 min. Would be your habit and only knowing. Simpmyly, because uou missed 1 nitely dosage, much less the people that ran out because now 1 is not enough but you still think , well its ok il take a hafrle. And by the time you have gone from 1 a day to 3 a day, you are an innocent addict but you as a oerson who fies not and will mot abyse any drug , has list his perscription, calls the doctor and he is out of town. Uou think nothing if it , you can call in 5 days he will be back in the office do you go about your way not knowing what willl happen. Since mow you take 1 or 2 a day, well with in 10 to 12 hrs if GoD is with you. Whenyou chock because you cant swallow abd cant talk because youmouth is as dry as a desert abd your confused and will. Hold hands with a complete stranger because verbal support and positive verbal support is thr only. Thing. That will. Help a tiny bit, untill uou can get to the very thing that not only relieved uour first REAL PANIC ATTACT, but now is the very med that taken for a short time now causes the cery same symptoms as a major panic attact because now have stoped your horrible panic attacts. But now you have something MUCH worse, addiction they never warned you about, and in short, if you miss a dose for around 6 to 8 hrs. You will bein the er thinking .oh well im having another panic attack but , no instead. Hard withdrawals start start and you precive it to be a panic attact, but its, NOT a panic attack, its hard withdrawal and feels exactly like a panic attact. But, really its. Addiction, the very chemical zanux, caused the same disorder , but worse. So now it feels like being traped. The doctor that didnit warn, you should be HELD accountable for not warning you and telling you that NEVER TAKE XANAX UNLESS YOU ARE IN A FULL BLOWN PANUC ATTACK. AND ONLY THEN BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF THE MOST LIFE CHANGING MIND ALLTERING. ADDICTIVE DRUGES PERSCRIBED TODAY, its sad that 25 yrs ago the very doc thatgave you your first dose, knew it. Its a benzo but one of the MOST ABUSED known to mankind. It should be taken off the market , asap its money, a person addicted will keep comming back and shop doc to doc and it comes full circle, tale it iff the market, the pharmaceutical co. KNEW IT WAS A MULTI BILLION DOLLAR DRUG, people were not warnrd i should say give it a week if nothing is better then try something , not .....XANAX it will MOST DEFINITELY LEAD TO OTHER BENZOS. ITS A NITE MARE THE CLOSEST THING TO. Hell. You can imagine. God bless you all donna
I know they do come in orange because my sister takes 1mg green but last month the pharmacy give her orange..I usually take couple of hers for my anxiety and when I took the orange ones I thought they made a mistake or give her acebo..that is ridiculous
She didn't spell klonopinwrong there is a med spelled nd called clonopin I have a younger brother who gets seizures nd takes clonopin in an dark orange tablet
That's all you got out of what she said. SMH. Did you miss the part about her son having a brain injury?
I have been on clonazepam 2mg 3 times a day, which I only took one at night and usually one during the day when I would just feel it coming on for around five years now for bad anxiety and panic attacks. And I ran out because we went to another state for my husband's work; never thought anything about it. But I wound up in the hospital having seizures and my blood pressure was sky high from withdrawals from it. My husband asked about me slowly getting weaned off of them but the internal Dr from the emergency room said it would take at least 6 to 9 months just to be weaned off but I didn't need to be off of them, I needed to stay on them. They have me down to 2 a day here in another state. But now I freak when I get low. Just because of how severe the withdrawals were.
Yes they are they are the .5 they are the lowest ones
I get 2 pills from a friend but I'm not sure if they are REALLY klonppin they may be soboxome but I'm sick and I won't go to the clinic till 8
I agree with you. People who label themselves with a certain label and then act the opposite of that either don't know who they are, cant figure out karma, or don't like who they are. They also waste space within useful blogs for no good reason. That's me being judgemental but I do think it had to be said. If the only way you can feel good about yourself is to put others down, then you are in sorry shape, my friend and you probably need more than the Bible to fix it.
Re: Suzanne (# 9)
U r the first person to where ur response had anything thing to do with the question lol haven't read past urs but the question said wait COLOR are there and what milligram they come in.. people shouldn't write if they don't know.....
I've many problems with chronic diseases. And having I'm as for is disabled, I CANNOT AS CAPABLY for if it's is working. Nor, certainly NOT, in is was my former profession is as a PA-Respiratory Care Practitioner. However, my lifes working experience, in of doing what I loved, to having as given me just a enough, for if it's is despite I am did having had that privilege, in is has innately to resultantly been in the given me, to of which is an understandings of much betters and for which is the pathology, lieing behind the causation of these particulars is kinds, and a the types of it's whatever's and a basics of overall, in is a varieties to of which is a things for systematically, to are variously of diseases causation of it's a displays. And, of it's ofttimes is for exhibiting. And is a reasons, for my abilities to reasoning, is just why certain Rx medications are quite effective, to treating for as quelling the severities are symptoms as 'controlling,' to be their owns a therapeutically interventions. And, it's of are as for interventional, to a certain types of it's a for degrees is the ofttimes, seemingly appearing, is in unbearable! And of are, to those certain side effects occurrences, may as might for is being happens, to of which a one's it's when taking theirs are medications, is are as prescribed to them. Not at all easy, for determinant, sometimes is if of are worth ones experiencing, and if is of there's occurring in a way that it's is for a negatives effects. Notwithstanding, however, are potentially negatively, even if for life threatening 'possibilities,' though quite if but just for is, and rather, RARE. And, or even as if, there's unpleasantness, to are side effects negatively, to which these outweighs if are even many positives, to being are more likely as something more if it is benefiting, instead? And This, to be which only you, in the end can determines things for as are contrasted, to something's a formulaics of these risks circumstances to be happening, are if actually more benefiting?! And, for of ALL these, in totality for are things, to being are both is the PATIENT and theirs PRACTITIONER(s), together doing is should thoroughly are being discussed. And ALL of everything's collectively, to must be of a weighing in of on of a balances. Even, if upon a metaphorically speaking sense, for if it's is a scales. Things are possible, and risk factors vs. beneficial positives, to may or might being, is in which if it's is despite were for as outweighs? However, the all as must decidedly one's is making, by of for taking of these medications, to of which is prescribed for somebody, to can determines this, only is of for as themselves.
For example, I have BIVENTRICULAR Heart Failure, CAD, Renal Failure, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Centrals and Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, ADD, Bilateral Upper and Lower Severe Neuropathy, Severe Anemia and Vasculitis with recurring Cellulitis of lower right leg! And the medications, balancing of all is not easy! The Heart Failure, alone is a fatal illnesses a DISEASES STATE. And, is the in given, to be in is a STATISTICALLY are values, of which is my POTENTIALS? This, for it is in the to of for how long I may living? This ranges, anywhere to in between from a one to four years time.
Now, I take Coreg 6.25 mg, a beta blocker at twice per day; Hytrin 5mg, an alpha blocker, once daily; Lisinopril 20 mg, once daily, an ace inhibitor; Lasix 40 mg, once daily, a diuretic; Neurontin 300 mg, three times per day, a Neuroliptic, for using in the treating pain of my Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy, to of which is painfully are as conditions for which is a diseases related to states; Adderall, 20 mg, three times per day, a D-Amphetamine Salt Combo; Klonopin 1 mg, three times per day, a benzodiazepine; Bupropion SR 150 mg, twice per day, an antidepressant; Nuvigil 150 mg, once daily, a Nootropic used for OSA; Folic Acid 1 mg, once daily, a nutrient; Iron and Vitamin B-12, both supplements for are nutrients. And yes, there's are definitely side effects! I'm exhausted, constantly. And I having of nearly no stamina, whatsover is anything's too much if at all! Also, syncope, whirling vertigo, dizziness, fussiness, memory imbalance impairment, body balance impairment; and, severe, chronic pain! And what I can take for pain? Well, ABSOLUTELY NO Nsaid's. NO Acetaminophen. No Biologics. And, I refusing is my of taking any for are regularly, if even usually, is of Opioid Narcotics (excepting, for severe cellulitis infections reccurences, till antibiotics reduces the inflammation from the infection, to a tolerance levels).
And frankly, I feel extremely is in which so fortunate. Graced. Humbled. And, THANKFUL. This, for every single day of life, me living it! Grateful, for the better days. Expectantly, for when comes there's are a for is worst days, too. And I live, in each MOMENTS TIME, of is linear time, in a spacetimes continuum, here on earth. For an is in of which but only are a SINGULAR TO MOMENTS. MOMENTS BUT OF, NOWs... Because, it's NOW, is that's of for the ONLY TIME, I knowingly and is I for CAN be a is THIS EVEN POSSIBLE! And for, is of TIME I HAVING. FOR TIME, IS AS BEEN GUARANTEED TO ME, IN FOR AS BUT IS WHICH I DO POSESSING, ONLY! Beyond for THIS MOMENT, to my capable to living of within it's. And, is in all I knowingly and is for of, or, if is it's as I can seeing of it. I DO have HOPE! For, the next MOMENT, OR, MINUTE, OR, HOUR, and it's as in of EACH DAY. And, I hope, for it is again, I have the privilege of GRACE for WAKING UP, ONCE YET IS AS AGAIN! For, seeing of the SUN. AND, to of which is it's a I might IS EXPERIENCED, in this for is myself as for own life as it is. SATISFIED. CONTENTED. Reasonably, to for there's are of it's is most ofttimes, I am HAPPY. Life is PRECIOUS. Life is a GIFT. Life is LOVE, to for which is I can EXPRESSING, to those precious family members and friends, I having the GRANDEURS of A OPPORTUNITIES are for a my EXPRESSING, TO DOING IF VERBALLY. And in my DEPORTMENT. And in also, is if my COMPORTMENT as well. My ATTITUDE, of it for which is ALL and MY OWN CHOICES, GOR BOTH, the former. And of the choosing, for is also this, and the maintaining as evenly I as for determined myself, to be in of which is I of CAN doing. Borne from out of these things, is of ALL my very DESIRES, to living within of each days MOMENTS. And is I am yet, still and alive! For, you see, the BAROMETER of GOOD, or EVIL is ONLY the DEGREE of ONES WILLINGNESS, to CHOOSING LIFE OVER DEATH. That the PATH OF LIFE is the path of DESIRE. AND FOR ONE'S LIVING LIFE, in of WITHIN is the CREATION of ALL THINGS LIVING, even is the UNIVERSE AND OF ITSELF IS ALIVE! FOR TO CHOOSE LIFE IS TO CHOOSE SORROW AS WELL AS JOY, PAIN AS WELL AS PLEASURE. WE ARE AS WE BELIEVE THAT WE ARE. AND AS FOR ABOUT REALITY? REALITY IS AS WE BELIEVE IT TO BEING. THAT IS MY ULTIMATES, AND OF ALL THE BETTERS PRESCRIPTIONS, TO FOR OF WHICH I MAY AS MIGHT COULD, BUT IF EVER I WRITING IT'S IS WERE BUT MAY AS MIGHT? AND IS FOR AS IF WAS SUCH THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, TO POSSIBLY, TO I FOR SO AS I MIGHT DOING. BUT I CANNOT DO THAT. AND, NOT FOR ANYONE ELSE'S SAKE. AND NO MATTER, TO ARE IS A THE WANTS OF FOR WHICH I MIGHT BEING IF ABLEST, TOO?... THAT NEITHER I AM MYSELF ABLEST. NOR, IS ANY OTHER PERSON. FOR YOU MUST WRITE IT OF IS, AND BUT OF ONLY TO AS FOR OF YOURS OWN...
Re: Laura (# 3)
For the pharmacy worker, if your “child has a brain injury and has taken 2mg for years” 1st thing is one would read the bottle and open it first! By that I felt pertinent to post, here you go! This may vary by brand and state and time! Original “name brand” k cut klonopin (also made v cut diazepam aka valium”) -klonopin/clonazepam tablets are white, blue, green, yellow and I have seen low dose pinkish colored pills. But roche is white & blue. It’s a hollowed k name and 0.5, 1, 2 scored for that brand. Brand is very expensive, so 99% of places do not carry & insurances do not cover it! To this day, accord brand had been most effective next to name brand. In 2mg a simple “c2” imprinted. Teva is junk. It’s the worst!!! Unmistaken by teva 834, sandoz 2mg is closest to best, 2mg with a odd shaped e/65 or numbers 93834. Melton m c/15. Qualitest brand carries a fancy v shape followed by numbers rx 2532. All 2mg are white and as follows: 1mg blue or green 0.5 mg, yellow 0.25 mg. It's usually pink or white as well depending on the brand. Klonopin or clonazepam are iv controlled drugs only available by prescription by federal law. As stated above, read the label. If you have given it daily for years, I’m sure you should know it so well you can tell weight, size, and demolitions!
Judge not lest ye be judged! Nobody knows but you and that doesn't concern them.
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