What Kind Of Withdrawals Will I Have When I Stop Suboxone (Top voted first)
Updatedwhat kind of withdrawals will i have when I stop taking Suboxone?
There is a deep need for folks to understand that everyone's system is different, metabolism, tolerance, sensitivities and proclivities to mention a few. I am a HARD CORE drug addict. I am 45 and my exposure to drugs began when I was nine. I have gone through withdrawal from almost every drug out there except alcohol. A withdrawal from one drug for me might have been weeks of pure Hell but may have been simply uncomfortable for someone else. There are three imperatives to successfully getting off any substance, understanding and skilled medical care, compassionate and loving support from family and friends, and most importantly a feirce commitment by the patient to NEVER have to go through withdrawal again. I used to be stupidly stubborn, a know it all, and a brilliant liar to others and myself, just a few of my past character defects, I have kicked one drug only to then pick another from which to withdraw. Having some rather severe health problems, in just this past year I have had two major operations and been hospitalized six additional times and these issues can be treated but not cured so unfortunately medications, drugs, are a part of my life. Four years ago I finally saw what I was doing for what it really was, I was self medicating, not just my physical pain but more so my mental pain. Understanding that, realizing that I had been drugging myself into mere existence for so long, I discovered I did not know myself, had no idea why I hurt so badly inside that I had been willing to come so close to killing myself to make it stop. It's the most painful truth, what I thought had been my best friend, the one thing that made all the hurt and tears stop was actually the cause of my agony. Once ready to admit that to myself I began to change. If you want to look but you don't touch, then you won't touch but you won't feel, if you don't feel you'll never cry, and if you don't cry, then you'll never heal. Getting clean was like waking up. It was a world I thought held no place for me, had no love and brought no joy. I see now I was keeping all the wonders of life far from me with those powders and pills. The best help I ever received was from the first person who took the time to show me the light of their hope, their joy and their love and stick by me, lighting my way until I found my light and could hold it aloft myself. Do not ever give up on your child, your parent, your spouce, your friend, or that stranger who trips on the sidewalk. The world is a beautiful place when not viewed through the bottom of a bottle, every single soul deserves a chance at the sights God has given us. Stop fighting to exist in oblivion, surrender in love to the millions of tiny wonders in each new day.
Well hello there. I to have struggled with addiction for year's until just recently I said enough is enough, and began searching for the very reason of "why" why have I felt it necessary to escape reality and I mean from as early as I can remember like 14 year's old but I'll have to say I was 17 when thing's really started getting bad, I am now 32 but am I really just 17? I say this because I've never had support or even something as simple as a family member or loved one even to catch on to what was and has been going on until I finally reached out and told them I can't do this alone, so I say this am I really that good at manipulation or do I truly have noone who really give's a damn? anyway I just began therapy I am on day 7 of no opiate's well opiate's that have slowly killed me (oxycodone but started with hydrocodone) since October of 2013 after I was in an accident but before hand I can easily said I am one that has an addictive personality and nomatter what my drug of choice was wether it was alcohol which was my first addiction my first drink at 14 then to the first of worst devil's ever "E", which by far was my worst so I think, but I was young 17 is that age marker. I got out of that by myself and looking back wow, so young I was a baby and now look at me, suffering from opiate addiction at 32 and thinking now I havent even thought or admitted this to AnYOnE ever, I'm truly a closet addict, but anyway I am bound and determined to end this and overcome this addiction as I did the "E" but in between from then till now have alway's used a substance mostly alcohol being my escape until now well until my love of opiates began, almost a year and a half now, omg can't even say that without thinking OMG sorry I keep going on and on but if your like me I think Suboxone will save your life as I have attempted to quit opiate's several time's but have relapsed do to my prescription's for oxy's monthly as a matter of fact I have a script of 112 coming do this week and have no desire to touch them, it is different this time I got some sub's off a friend (16 mg total in 2mg tabs I have tappered over the last 5 day's and I'm hoping I'm off this rodeo and soon later this month I am scheduled with a phys D/ Dr and depending on my PAWS which I know what's in store for me I'm hoping to be put on Suboxone as I know myself enough to say that I am a Drug addict and if I have to be on maintance the rest of my life with suboxone to keep me from killing myself and digging myself deep in whatever substance it may be at the time then I give my life to me and I wan't to let all of you out there know that I am a heavy heavy, huge tolerance to all opiate''s and seems to be I build a huge tolerance to any substance very quickly Suboxone will get you to where you alway's wanted to be wether it be completley clean or to stay on maintanance with suboxone you can and will be this addiction. Hopefully all you fellow friends have loving friend's, family, boyfriend or girlfriend to help you through this difficult time unfortuneltly for me I've spent the last 15 year's trying to beat it on my own but not till just now do I feel I am capable of letting my love, my reality go and for the first time in 15 year's I'm prepared to feel the pain of my escape my reasoning of using, and in a weird way, maybe some will understand this but I'm looking forward to feeling anything and everything the good the bad like I said everything......I can do this and I will as for now I'm 7 well almost 8 day's free of my prescription opiate and am still weening off the 16 mg suboxone's tab's I was given. SUBOXONE does work....
Stay away from Suboxne I was on 8mg per day for 3 months and tapered all the way down to .25mg per day. For 3 weeks with guidance of a dr. The Wd's started for me on day 2 and were unbearable on days 3-5. I'm now on day 10 and feel a little better but still can't sleep and have what feels like a million bugs crawling under my skin in my legs. ( this by far is worse symptom) anyone going through Wd's with Sub know what this symptom feels like!!! I would deal with the Wd's from your pills it shouldn't be that bad and most likely over in a few days. STAY AWAY FROM SUBOXNE it is no good trust me
My son is in the hospital now and reading this website helps. Chad was using alcohol to ease the withdrawl symptoms and the alcohol seemed to make everything worse. My son was down to just a fingernail sliver of Suboxone. Chad has been on it for three years. I thought that the ER and Hospital staff would be knowledgable but they disrepected us treeting us differently. One Dr. that really understood was a Toxicologist who came to chat with Chad. After being in the hospital now just one night I am surprised that when Chad had to be restrained to his bed the staff really started to loook to find a Detox center and wanted Chad out of the regular hospital even talked of releasing him when he was super aggitatedl ! I asked the nurse how can u release someone who is so aggitated how is that a safe plan of discharge? Any way what really makes me want to cry is now some of the detox centers are saying they do not take any one who is combatative. We explained this to Chad and he is working on calming down. If he gets a bed This will be our fourth experience to Detox centers in two years. We can't Detox at home to hard to handle Chad. Any way the toxicologisit said to Chad,"Wow good job for trying so hard to get clean. I have to remind my self to be a positive suport person and remember the goal the end result to have my boy back. So to all you Detoxers heres to you WOW HOW AWESOME Good Job for Trying and remember your goal end result that you want Be Free of this Monster Soboxone!
It has been 6 months and im still a wreck. Cant sleep massive weight gain from withdraw meds. I was on 6mg 4 3yrs n did a slow taper. I hate subs. Wish I never fell into the trap.
The worst thing imaginable stop now
Hey, girl. It's cool that you're so happy. I remember feeling that way. No monkey on my back since I can remember. I've done it all-I'm 51; guess I started with the subs @ 47? Just messin around. I had a friend who always had extras he'd give away. I was a late stage chronic alcoholic livin with drunks. Subs took away my desire to drink! Go figure. They also helped my treatment resistant depression. Miracle drug. I never took more than 2 mg a day. But every time I would get into a clinic, something completely BIZARRE would happen & I would get kicked out. I tried everything-to no avail.
My one connection dried up & other than that, I knew nobody for nothing. I tapered my last 15 for 3 months-down to 1/32. See, I didn't have a CHOICE. It was almost a "God thing"
I've quit intravenous narcotics, I have DTs & seizures from alcohol, they were nothing compared to this hellish nightmare. And if one more person says they're in your head, blah, blah....how could they be in my head if it took me 3 days to figure out what it was? I never heard of PAWS.
I think subs are great as a stepping stone to sobriety. But for a lifetime? "Here's your pill" the whole thing is a little Big Brotherish to me.
Every day I feel a little more like me. My next step, is to deal with this anxiety, and go to a meeting.
Your doctor should help you taper gradually to avoid the worst of the withdrawal symptoms, however, it is an opiate, so you will experience withdrawal effects just like stopping any other narcotic if you stop abruptly.
I've had a moderate problem with prescription pain meds and now I'm trying to get off them. Only had one 7.5mg hydro yesterday but I feel like CRAPPPPPP. I have 5 8mg Suboxone films but am afraid that I will.suffer withdrawals from that as well..?? Will I? If taken for.just a short.period of time? ? Please HELP ME.
I hope that works out for you - For me it was like switching from vodka to beer.
non of that stuff got me clean till I found Ibogaine and ended it once and for all. Best of luck to you .
i wish i had of tapered off oxys and all,instead of taking suboxone, then subutex!the withdrawal is long and hard.i have to stop subtex,bc I have every bad side effect known The sub docs don't tell you that.they say it's no big deal.for some it is very hard few say not.i am going off tomorrow and am risking taking oxycontin,hoping for a smooth w/d.then i will taper off oxys,i'm so tired of all this!what if i get hit by a truck,and subutex blocks the painkillers?i'm sorry. i'm negative,i have nothin' left!
Ozwell I'm completely moved by your post. I as well have been an intense drug user since I was fourteen and am now 27. I would stop one just to start another because I always felt that i needed something. I have a degree and an amazing supportive family and can hold a decent job. Well now I have a 2 and a half year old daughter and if it wasn't for her id being doing all the drugs I currently do but on a much more hard core level. I love her and i love my family but I have done drugs so long I can't imagine a life without them. I would greatly appreciate if you took some time out to tell me more about your story and to see if you can give me any advice or lead me in the right direction to once and for all stop being selfish and put my friends family my health and happiness and most of all my precious daughter who only has me to count on. {edited for privacy}. And this message goes out to anyone with advice or words of encouragement. Please no put downs because I'm at the point where with the right help advice and support I think i can finally once and for all fight this battle of addiction without giving in to temptation.
Im ready to quit to Im just so scared of the wd. I also have a loving and supporting family. Im ready to release the chokehold the devil has on me.
I stopped taking suboxon a few times. Yeah I was sick but hell it's not that bad. Can't sleep is the worst part. After two weeks it's over. After 6 days you don't even feel that bad. I don't think it's as bad as y'all are putting on
I'm sorry to answer this with a question, but I have a big problem. I had to get on methadone, had a pretty serious addiction. I've been on methadone for almost a year started st 110 and am now down to 34 mg. A month ago I was diagnosed w stage 3 breast cancer, so immediately started going down 5 mg a week. I got some suboxone 10 8 mg strips and took my lady methadone dose Wednesday at noon. My Doctors and family can not know my situation because favors were called in to get me the right treatment etc. No chemo for now but double mastectomy very soon, with reconstruction by mid August. I'm still not sick and have to be back at work Tuesday, Im self employed. Does anyone know when I'm gonna get really sick? And how long? I couldn't ever "kick" it was too awful. And can I just take suboxone for two weeks and stop before surgery? Signed, Terrified.
This is a wonderful statement but what about us out here that aren't junkies. We got hooked by a doctor. Someone you think has your best interests at heart. Remember the "do no harm"! Well, it doesn't work that way. My doctor got me on oxy's and now I'm having a hell of a time kicking them. No thanks to him because he kept upping the dosage. ASK QUESTIONS PEOPLE! You are the final one that takes the bait of jumps ship. Jump ship or jump in with me an my wd's. And it isn't pretty.
You have been misinformed or missled. Suboxone is one of the strongest opiates made and if you get on it you will be hooked for life. You should do some research before getting involved with Suboxone. Talk to people who have tried to get off of it.
I was on 8mg of subs everyday for 6 months.. I had 2 hard weeks of WD and about another month to feel like a functioning member of society. I would rather come off 200+mg of Oxy cold turkey then cold turkey off subs. It was horrible I promise you it's the devil. I thought it was some miracle drug when I first got on it... If it seems too good to be true it probably is. Don't take for more then 4 weeks... Good luck
This thread has been inactive for too long so I will give you an update on my progress after being on Suboxone for five years and off now for eighteen months. First of all I must state the truth to many people who continue to fool themselves about Suboxone not being a narcotic. If you are taking Suboxone you are NOT clean. It is so strong without the naloxone in it you would be in a world of trouble. They have chemically engineered it so it lacks the antagonist which gives one the euphoric feeling. It also differs from the other opioids in that it is stored in your body fat making the withdrawals longer in addition to the longer half life of the drug.
During the period I was on Suboxone my brain stem was damaged leaving me with Parethesia. I do not feel normal and have consulted with one of the top five pain management Doctors in the world at the University of Michigan. He told me it will take a minimum of two years to feel better if I ever do get over the lingering results and after effects of the drug.
This drug is being prescribed as a forever pain control medication. It Is highly addictive and damn near impossible to get off. If you go on it make it for a short duration like one or two weeks max. Had I known six years ago what I know today about this drug I would have never taken it. If you are going to take Suboxone to get off of opiates I suggest you first look into Kratom.
Overall I have nothing positive to say about Suboxone. It is the DEVIL of all drugs and you should study it and read every blog available before you try it. At first you think it is a miracle only to find out you are addicted to the worst addictive drug made. There are other threads on this Medschat site about the issues in getting off of Suboxone. One of the threads has over 950 responses. Find it and start reading them. The information is really good and very helpful. Good Luck!
Re: Joe (# 5)
No wonder that drop in 10 days is ridiculously to fast your brain can compensate .05mg per week and the best way for such small increments is liquid compound pharmacies
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