What Is The Shelf Life Of Alprazolam Before It's Useless? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have a bottle of alprazolam from 2005 and I'm wondering if it's still good? It's 4 years old at the time of writing this.

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How old do u have to be when taking this and what pharmacy to get it from?

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How old do i have to be?

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responding to YYFA,
You can start at 2 years old. If you want some, meet me at my corner drug store!
Why would you ask such stupid questions?? Are you a junkie in training??

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This is are people asking questions concerning things that could possibly kill them if they were to follow wrong information. Pray to Jesus is Not a helpful answer to people's medicals. Do you know the answer to the question. No you didn't. So don't give pray to Jesus as an answer. It's as good as saying don't do anything!! It's not helping. What if someone want's to know If he should take his insulin because he's a diabetic and he missed a dose or overdosed by accident and he can't get to his doctor and he can't make it to the hospital. Or a man with symptoms of a heart attack. You tell him just pray?? I know you "Believe" and I'm sure you're coming from good place in your heart but, maybe a good idea would be to say well I've heard this, OR I DON'T KNOW the full answer to you question. And maybe at the end add I've found prayer Has helped me personally and you may want to consider it. Just a thought. I won't say if I'm a believer or not but bottom line I just want you to understand that is not what this forum is for. You know the medical answer. tell it. If not say I don't know but I'll pray for you. Or best of all say nothing when you don't know the medical answer. Take care and try not to take offense.

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Dear Tabatha, does Jesus offer dental too? Because I could use a crown.

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Just popped a 2mg generic XR and a 1 mg generic IR about 2 hours ago and DAMN!!! Both are from 2007 and wholly smolly i am feeling good. thank you JESUS for creating this wonder drug NOW I BELIEVE!!! it is a miracle that i found so much fun and relaxation hiding away in my moving boxes from almost 6 years ago!!! lemme tell you these DO NOT expire

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good to hear xanax has long shelf life. I would suggest dropping a fresh silica gel capsule (dessicant- absorbs water vapor) into the tablet container. one thing I don't know is whether xanax decomposes over time into other organic chemicals and if so are they harmful. my guess would be that xanax is stable else there would be warnings.

On a side note. God is the creator of all things, gifting man with the reason to discover ways to help each other, drugs for instance. but the world is clearly damaged, us included, so the bare request "Jesus help me" may not cure our immediate pain, but He does attend to our prayers, often in ways we could not have guessed at. He does use pain to make us know our weakness and call for assistance from the only One who can heal our separation from him: sometimes that includes physical relief too. Know this, pain and suffering are not good in themselves, nor is God the author of evil, but He uses all things to work salvation in those that ask of him. no strings attached.

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Can there be even ONE logical conversation without some judgemental religious fanatic brining Jesus into this? Pretty sure the guy was a carpenter, not a psychiatrist. Please stop. You are not converting anyone and you sound really ignorant. May God never bless you with a debilitating anxiety disorder.

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Why don't you backwards religious nuts just accept that not everyone is a damn Christian! That's one of the youngest religious known to man! Just give up! Gods not taking checking on your "how many annoying attempts at conversation on a MEDICAL blog"! Just go to church and spew this nonsense with your own people.

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Good for u Tabetha.. Jesus IS the Almighty Healer!! But He doesnt help those who dont help themselves. In other words, we cant just sit around waiting for a miracle. We have to be proactive in searching for the right kind of. help. Only then will Jesus lend His helping hand. God bless u all :)

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The expiration dating of all prescription drugs is determined by FDA based upon stability studies performed by the manufactuyrer under carefully controlled conditions. When a drug reaches a point statistically below the labeled potency, FDA uses those data to determine the appropriate expiration dating, which is measured from the date manufacturing of the batch of drug is complete. At time beyond the expiration date most drugs are still active and rarely are there any dangers of new side effects, but the potency will be lower. Most pharmacies assign a 1 year expiration date when they fill a prescription, even though the expiration date of the actual drug may be several years longer.

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Find somewhere else to vent your religious issues. You dont belong on here, find a church forum or go to church to get out your Jesus opinions. We are on here regarding med question!!

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Xanax will still be good up to 15 years if kept in a cool dry place.

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Dayum!!!! Drop the mic. Lol! Well said!

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Yeah high and mighty where's the all mighty curing dying children with cancer with all the prayer in the world???? Its medication and treatment saving 98% of the ones that dont die! Go to a children's cancer ward pray your bible beating ass off then go back and visit 3 months later and with the most modern medicine, and all your prayers and see how many are still alive! Then put that in your religious pipe and smoke it!!!!

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Thank-you Tabitha, this is the way I world prefer to be helped-through Jesus Christ. But some nights my panic is so strong that I need Xanex, as I can't control my mind or thoughts to Christ. I wish I could. I pray that I could.

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Re: chrissy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

He is providing. He's getting you the meds. People forget that God works through people, as well.

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My friend,please believe me there is no god,the sooner you deal with this fact,the sooner you can be healed,
I do not believe in the following,the tooth fairy,father Christmas,little green men,god,or the sky fairy,I really hope this helps in some way,good be with you ,

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Jesus was just one of many prophets,he can not be the son of god because,there is no god!!! Please try and come to terms with this concept,until you do you will be guilt ridden and unhappy,faith is only expectation
Dressed up in the supernatural,I truly hope these
Thoughts can be of some comfort to you,,good be with you,bruno

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