What Happens When You Withdrawl From Xanax (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy friend has been taking xanax for the past two months he's been taking the 2Mg bars he would eat about 10 bars a day because of his anxiety he stoped taking them for couple of weeks and now he is not remebering anything he has been passing out and saying he had a conversation with somebody and never even talked to that person. like we'll be sitting in a room and he will think the phone is ringing but it isnt. and he said he had a conversation with me one day and i never even talked to him that day. I'm trying to find out if this could be from the xanax because its making me very worried.
Hello, I have been taking xanax for 21yrs and when I run out I do not going in pubic at all, If some one knows something eles to take Please let me KNow ... so tryed to come off them, I have by bolar, and 4 other diorders , I have tryed busbar, posec but nothing seems to help
MYson is 32 and addicted to xanax he quit cold turkey and has not eaten in 10 days .He is acting strange like seeing things and talking crazy.He also sleeps alot.
He won't go to the hospital.
withdrawls from xanex. Can you take something to help ease the withdrawl process. I have been taking them since 2007 prescribed. I stopped cold turkey and am having HUGE problems. Please help
Isnt this spose to be place to find solutions? All i see is arguing and war stories xanax dependency is a serious problem and i have been dependent pon dem more than half my life, maybe some answers would help us out? im dealing with paxil withdrawals for the past two weeks and itsss bad! Nothin even close to bars but im legally not allowed to take my script, any help? I simply do not want to be on paxil anymore, it is a horrible drug that only makes me krazier!
My son just recently turned 25 years old and is living with his girlfriend. Just found out that he was into drugs real bad. I thought he had come clean with me when he told me that he smoke marijuana, but never realized all the other things he was doing until he went to celebrate his birthday.
His girlfriend took him out to the casino for a night of dancing and fun. Before you know it, he is wanting to fight her and choking her and telling her he is going to kill her. She said lucky for her that security was there to help because he probably would have killed her. Well, as the story goes he goes he calls me from the local jailhouse at 2:02am to tell me to come see him at the jailhouse, he just got arrested. He said his girlfriend's friend had busted him upside the head with a shoe and his head was split opened. ( I said he got what he deserved and he should have gotten more than that). He swears up and down that they arrested him for nothing. After doing my investigation I find out from the girlfriend that he had popped 6 Xanax pills, 2 bottle of syrup, smoked a few blunts and was mixing different alcohols that night (gin, crown, etc). Well go figure that says it all right there!
He is on probation and now currently sitting in jail. He sees his PO tomorrow and they will make a decision on what to do. He was on five years probation. Be mindful, I don't want to see my son in jail, but I strongly despised any man who puts his hands on a woman. I was abused in my previous marriage and I never understood how a man could hit on someone he calls himself loving. I spoke to his girlfriend and asked her to get out of the relationship before she gets hurts bad, but she refuses.
I want my son to spend time in jail for his actions, but at the same time I am wanting him to go and get help at a Re-hab facility. I do not want him to be released and go home and go back to his bad habits - That's why I am going to talk to his PO tomorrow. I am reading a lot of side effects and withdrawals symptons, and I can now see why he is the way he is. Never realized it was this serious!!! I am hoping he can get the help that he needs and hoping his girlfriend will come to her senses and see that love doesn't hurt.
Hey guys well its 5am n here I m with ONE DAMN bar of Xanax left n don't wanna take it cuz I'm terrified I'll run out..I'm also right now doing a methadone detox so as some of u know, I'm up s***s creek w/o a paddle. Watery eyes, achy bones, etc. Sux cuz l'm only a 32 yr.. old female in Baltimore so everything's ez 2 get. I'm substituding suboxone for methadone, n I've Ben on 6mgs for 4yrs now of course, I take way more then that. My doc is a total d*** n won't raise me any higher. I guess that's a blessing in disguise I dunno? But it scares me cuz what a lot of u describe having on the 4th day w/o any Xanax, I have on the 1st day. Now THATS scary. What should I do? Any suggestions By chance?
You don't get it. You don't know what it's like to need something so bad and have it taken away from you. I WAS on xanax prescribed by my doctor. She took me off it, cold turkey. I was taking twice my regular dosage too. I'm sitting in my bathroom right now going f***ing crazy and my parents won't even give me any. We have every right to be angry. Druggies take xanax without prescriptions and when some body who has a prescription actually needs it, people look at us like we're insane. UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE, REALLY FEELS LIKE, SHUT YOUR F***ING MOUTH.
Change to a small a dose as possible of Valium,as it stays in your body longer and then try and slowely stop taking it.Good luck.
No sh*t...! I totally agree! I get a script of 1mg xanax I take 3 a day and do not run out. Just like u said, if you weren't abusing them, you wouldn't run out!! take a look in the mirror... and then say "addict" .......... WOW.
That is Sickening. I was just hit by a 40 Ton Semi Truck, refused any Narcotics, and read about your 10 to 14 mg a day of Xanax. I have 4000 mg here at the house, and take about 2 a day.
I have Anxiety Disorder N.O.S. and i have been on 8 mg of xanax per day for a while now. Tried tons of other anti anxiety meds but the benzos only seem to work for me. I had an appointment with my psych for Jan 16th 2014 to get a refill and my Dr. wasn't at his office! This was the 2nd time that he blew off one of my appointments! His voice mail box is always full and he has NEVER called me back or emailed me since I have been seeing him for just over a year now. I HAD to make an appointment with my Primary Care Physician to get my scripts filled but now i feel as though I need to find a new, more reliable psych. I mean, couldn't i have had a seisure and died by suddenly stopping the xanax? I am so stressed out right now looking into finding a new psych. and one that isn't against prescribing xanax. I don't know what to do...
Me too
I am sick of hearing about all you drug addicts abusing xanax! I HAVE to take xanax for a mental health disorder three times a day. When I run out, and if I run out on a weekend I am screwed! No doctor anywhere, even in the ER will NOT give me any to tie me over for the weekend! All because of s***ty abusers like you!! If you have a problem, get diagnosed and get on the drug properly! Don't be a freakin idiot and abuse it and ruin it for the people who REALLY need it!!!
my uncle just got 22 green xanen from a friend in stead of taking them to help him sleep hes been popping the,m like candy i think he ate all of them in the past 3 days hes making no sense telling me and my cousin he talked to us when he didnt and crazy stuff he flooded the kitchen cause he left the wasjing machine and sink on he goes in and outta sleep, he just ran out of them and now hes sleeping it off sholud i be worried about him having a seizuer or not waking up or is he gonna be ok since he hasnt been taking them that long, but he took alot in the past 3 days but he hasnt takin them in months and he told me that he was looking for his kidneys and he keeps asking me what day and year it is i just dont want him to have a seizure or not wake up is it ok cause its only been 2 days or should i be worried cause he eat 22 2 mgs and hes all out please let me know thanks
Xanax & Suboxone together will cause xseizures. I know this because I was on Suboxone to help get off Oxies. I didn't want to give up the zanax but after 1 seizure I have given up the Suboxone. Now to get off zanax would be a dream!
yes it is because of those an axe he needs to go to the doctor and get a prescription to wean myself off because that happened to me. I was just in the hospital for the same exact reasons. He could get really dehydrated and die from it. make sure he eats food & drinks a lot of fluids
I was prescribed xanax for panic when ITwas origiinally given. I took 6 mgs at a time, but what you must know anything past 4 mgs of xanax doesn't work. I have seen neurologists and psychiatrists. It never really controlled the panic. I discovered 12 years ago, by accident I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I was put on Keppra with a lower dose of xanax, and the panic stopped because unless you go for a video EEG in a hospital, then they can't determine if it is panic or epilepsy or non epileptic seizures; however every neurologist knows and there is a tremendous amount of neurological evidence out there that if a doctor prescribes the drug, and tells you to go cold turkey, then it is malpractice, and you can bring him/her up on charges because you will have life threatening seizures. Go to a neurologist and not a psychiatrist. It is only in your mind if you think that past 4mgs will help you. I know I went through it. Even if you are on medicaid, only go to a neurologist, not a psychiatrist, who will help you with any problems. Don't drink liquor or self medicate because you will hurt yourself in the end, and find out about this med. Look up the words GABA, AMYGDALA in the brain because it explains the physiological aspects of the drug. Don't go to drug counselors, LCSWS, psychiatrists or regular mds. Go to those , who know the most, neurologists. Also look up the word ictal anxiety. Don't take opiates for pain or anti inflammatory drugs. Find out the cause. There is an office in every state. If a doctor is prescribing this drug, and doesn't have a rational answer or if you are taken off it right away, cold turkey, then report the doctor to The Office for Professional Medical Misconduct. Once the doctors and psychiatrists are reported, then the abuse will stop because they will lose their license to practice.Furthermore, you must go to a doctor to receive a medication, and most of all be honest with your healthcare providers
6 Mgs of Xanax is a hefty dose. I don't agree that you wouldn't feel anything if you took more than that. However the withdrawal effect will be that much harder. I am on 3 mg a day, my doctor doubled my dose so I could have extras, and now I have more extras than anyone could use. I also cut my dosage from 3 mg to 2 mg after smashing my head, twice! However the longer you take Xanax, the less effective it will work.
Im 46 $ have been taking 2-3 zany bars a day for a year or so now & the x-wife doesn't want me around my kids anymore, even though the dr. prescribed them cause I am on SSI for very bad anxiety, depression & bi-polar. thing is, she didn't even know I was on then until she saw bottle cause I took I in morning & I at night. now she tells me she wants me out of the house. what do I can about this issue. please no wise cracks i have 3 kids i love to death & once i leave she will not let me se them anymore & my 11yr old boys worships me ass do i him.
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