Suboxone And Pre Employment Drug Screen (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am prescribed suboxone for an opiate addiction maintenance program. First, will it show up in a ten panel test? Second, can an employer discriminate if they have already offered me the job? Third, is this violating any privacy laws?

109 Replies (6 Pages)

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no it does not. It is not an opiate it simply works on the same receptors. These people are i****s, close-minded a**holes who just want to scare you. It's your business, congratulations and keep it up.

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Yes suboxon does show up but not on a five panel drug screen only on a ten panel drug screen, I went out and bought a bunch of drug test to practise and it never showed up but when I went for the test I was positive for buprenorphine which I what they look for when testing for suboxon

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Wil sub show up on a standard 7 panel urine test?worrying myself to death

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absolutely not. And it will not show up on a 10 panel unless it is a 10 panel with that drug specifically tested

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Suboxen will not I say again will not show on a drug test

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I do believe suboxone does not show up on a typical 10 panel drug is one of the drugs you have to test for specifically.

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yes Tracy, based on my experience you are exactly right. Sure, subs are an opiate, but a specific test is needed for it. Same with oxy and roxy...opiates but need a special test, usually included in the ten panel.

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Yes and it's a shame that it's become relatively hard to seek addiction treatment that actually works, ya know with science instead of prayer. We've had issues with treatment facilities opening in my state, claims made that the opening of suboxone clinics will bring addicts in. Heaven's sake my grandmother is an opiate addict by definition.

Also finding a suboxone provider that even accepts insurance can be deterring in itself. Much more lucrative as a cash business apparently, making newly sober addicts difficult to manage the funding for a 250+ monthly doctors visit plus the prescription which ran me altogether around 900 a month.

As a new Medicaid recipient, due to job layoffs, I had the significant challenge of trying to find a physician within a 100 miles radius that accepted insurance. There were three, one only accepting new patients after a month's wait.

Treating the actual addiction seems to be on the back burner instead of the funding supplied by the never ending drug war and the job force it creates.

Sorry, ranting.

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If that was directed to me ash, you need not say another word. Your reply describes exactly what kind of person you are. By the way ash give me the jurisdiction that does? Just the jurisdiction , not your ignorance and name calling. Ty

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It's not about the Grammer frog, it's about the reply itself . You can usually tell what kind of person you are speaking with, but in this case that was pretty eyes are fine also, and I believe my grey matter is too.lmao it was that I was a passenger in a car at the time I wrote those posts. Why am I explaining. Have a great day . Ash grade that paragraph. Lol

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Seems like someone is searching jurisdictions.

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No Purple Frog, sorry I thought it was obvious who I was replying to lol.

@David, thanks for at least utilizing spell check this time. Sorry to disappoint but I have previously attempted to make a list of known jurisdictions to no avail as most do not advertise to their offenders what they test for, I'd imagine the reasons to be obvious.

I don't understand why IT'S SO HARD FOR YOU TO COMPREHEND THAT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT? Are you one of the many that instead of finding out something new or different than what you thought go "oh noooo you can't tell me anything because I'm all knowing, all seeing, omnipotent being that has been in every predicament known to man"?

I'm gathering a yes from your response so far.

Let's take Cleveland for example, I've been a Suboxone patient for over two years and frequented these forums for nearly as long so will try to provide the link (doubtful that it will help since you fail to comprehend no matter what), ANYWHOOO...Cleveland has many subdivisions so obviously many jurisdictions. One JURISDICTION does not while the one next door does. Hmm...I've also provided the fact the entire state of Maryland does as well as my own court jurisdiction. Which is pretty podunk and low on the funding totem so that in itself should provide a few clues.

The internet is full of hocus pocus gobiltygoop as you preach, I however prefer to find accurate information from a trusted source. If someone comes here for advice and takes your ignorance as such I'd say they deserve what outcomes they get.

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@Purple Frog, meant to share this nifty trick I found by accident really: most pain management doctors/clinics are able to prescribe suboxone for both pain and addiction, I believe, without SOME of the DEA restrictions enforced for addiction treatment centers, limited patients etc. Currently I am in treatment in a pain management center. How exactly does your insurance work? I have paid out of pocket for most medical care since I was 19 and am always confused by insurers use of almost legal mumbo jumbo terminology;)

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Ash, I believe the bupe is, in your case, listed as a narc to test for. I also believe they need to use a specific test to look for it. Just because it is listed on your 10-12 panel screen does not mean the test isn't only means they test for certain narcs/controlled substances. 10-12 panel is not "the test" so to speak.....HOW they test, meaning equipment used and standard of use is the test. I don't remember exactly what it's called but I'm sure u understand what I'm talking about. I'm sure more places are going to start placing the bupe on typical screens since it is being abused more often than not anymore. Just a thought I thought I'd share. U can ask your doc or lab.

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Got a pre employment drug test on monday morning not sure if they are gonna test for suboxone or not freaking stressing out took it wed morning at like 3am wondering if I will fail I see so many yes/no on the matter and alot of these threads are from years ago wondering if anything has changed ?

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Its a special test to test for suboxone. Most employer don't test for it but a few do. Whoever said that it will show up on a drug screen is totally wrong. It does not show up as an opiate and takes a more extensive and expensive test to test for it hence the reason a lot of employers do not include it in there drug screening. There are a few that do though but not in general.

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No one cares how many companies you've managed.

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I am currently sitting and waiting to take a pre-employment ten panel drug screen and physical. Can anyone tell me for sure if I would test positive bupenorphine (suboxone)? As stated in an early psst, most of the replies on this forum are of people bi@$#ing about grammar, and the lack of knowing. I thought this forum was to help people get factual information that would help them. Thanks to anyone who can help me.

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May I ask what type of jobs you applied for so I can compare to my situaion

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I've have 6 drug test since I've been on suboxone for the past 6 months. It doesn't come up on a normal employment ten panel drug screen. It has to be a special test to show that it's in your system. The only time it was detected was when I was in rehab and they did random test ( every week really) for 6 months. So get your facts straight

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