Side Effects Of Epitec (Page 4)
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I am bipolar 2 or so they say. I have been taking epiec 200 and rispadol. I have lost the will to live without the depression of course and i have become an angry horrible person that no one can be around. I have shakes in the head and tiredness that is so not me. I have started to reducing the meds and is on 50 now. I am feeling much better and the old me is returning. Why do people think epitec is such a wonder drug?

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HI, I am on Epitec 200,100 and 25mg, Tegretol 400 and generic of Serequal. I don't feel any change in my mood as i am also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Also gained weight. My doctor also just says things will get better and just pushes up my dosage everytime. Side effects also gets me down, Dr doesn't warn you about side effects you just have to shut up and drink meds. another problem is that my medical aid doesn't pay all my visits to the pshyciatrist and its about R500 a visit, can't afford that have to go every 2 months, don't see the need to drink medication which he can't monitor and it doesn't really help me. How do I stop taking this meds cause I know you can't just stop it suddenly have to reduce it somehow. any comments.

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When can i stop using epitec?
I am almost 5 years on it. 100mg in the morning and in the evening.

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Hi, Check Dr Oz's website for a new Diet method, specifically suited to your DNA..for ...the 3 dif gene types . Study done at Stanford University.
Test for under active Thyroid ( weight gain ) and insulin resistance which means that the body can't process sugar ( so avoid ) and stores it around the waist.

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Hi there, I was just wondering how you are doing now without the epitec. I have been taking epitec for almost a year now and it has changed me completely. I basically could not give a stuff about anything (apart ftom the weight gain of course), I am miserable all the time, lethargic and don't want to do anything. I have a very demanding job and have been slipping away (a real "who cares" attitude) and it is affecting my performance and my family life as well. I don't want to be near people and feel angry and fustrated all the time. I am not bipolar (phyc says I might just border on the lowest of low scale). My doctor said she won't subsribe antidepressants if I don't take the epitec as well. Point is, I suffer from anxiety. I never had ups and downs I was just always down and sad and sometimes if really pushed too far will loose my temper. I don't know this person I am now and I hate the drug. I think I have given it long enough to "work" but am terrified of what will happen if I stop using it. Can anyone help or give advise?

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Hi, I have been diagnosed with Bipolar type1 and my meds have changed in December when I had a total meltdown. I'm on Epitec 200mg, Seroquel 300mg and in the evenings and Welbutrin 300mg in the morning. Before my meltdown I was on Epitec 50mg and Serequel 25mg and an antidepressant. I have steadily gained much weight and don't know which evil has caused this. I sometimes think I'm gaining weight because of my self loathing. PS I did read somewhere on the interet that Serequel is an anti Psychotic drug.

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What will happen when you obverdose on epitec is it fatal?

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dear Skarlet , i think i know how you feel - i have just lost the person i thought i was going to marry ! i just can't handle these ups and downs anymore - it's not working for me and i'm seriously considering drastic action ! anyway , keep well !

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I would like to know if there is a alternative for epitec? I seriously cannot gain weight I am getting married in April and want to look good. I struggle to loose weight since I started drinking epitec. With epitec I use Lexamil but are changing this month to Valdoxan 25mg. I would like to know if there is anyway of preventing gaining weight. I excercise 4 times a week sometimes 5. I would love to look and feel good on my wedding day aswell as on my honeymoon.

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I have lost my Wife.She was given epitec dormicum stilnox and a array of deadly drugs by a doctor . I say they are drug lords with a doctors licenses and is happy to give the patients out there as many and lethal drugs as possible.I am going to take this doctor down through the courts and he will pay for what he did to my Wife my Partner my child's Mom and my friend.

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I would not say serequol is a good option, i became a total veg, coulnt speak, couldnt walk, it was a terrible time in my life. I am now on Epitec, it seems to work for me. Hope you find what works for you.

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I'm nw on 300mg of epitec, 20mg leximal and other stuff. I love my meds, they my happy pills. But really the weight thing sucks. I'm fasting cos my bf is (I'm chatholic) and I do yoga and I'm a vegatarian so I hav a very healthy diet but all iv done is put on weight. Went shopping and was so emo.. My mom said wat good is being skinny gona b if u loose ur health. She`s right my meds r important and so wat if I gain weight. I'd rather b chubby and happy than b skinny and depressed. Dnt stress about anything but getting mentally strong! The rest will follow! Lotsa luv mags

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Hi All.
Im Bipolar 2, I was diagnosed 4 months ago, had 2 break downs in 2 months and was having anxiety attacks, suicidal. Im on Epitec 100mg was on about 4 other meds that I have now stopped, I have gained abt 6kgs so far, the problem is I suffer from and eating disorder, I was hospitalized in 2002 with anerexia, so I deal with that every day, I was wondering if anyone knows of any other medication that you do not gain weight on? with Epitec I get angry and just burst out crying, I still feel crazy and find it hard to keep it together! please help! thank you

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Hi Helene, my name is Chanelle. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 about 6 months ago, after landing up in hospital due to suvere depression. I am on 200mg Epitec and 50mg serdep and until recently I was on fluanxol for anxiety. This combination of drugs has changed my life. I have gone from being a danger to myself and a heavily messed up individual to a calm, happy, focussed woman. I still experience mild mania and sleeplessness and I have an occasional öff" day. Today I found out that it is due to Epitec that I gained 7kg in 6 months. It broke my heart. Just know that you are not alone. My docter never warned me against weight gain..... Now that you know you must actively avoid it. Eat healthily, avoid regular alcohol in take and do some exercise... I know it is easier said that done! I myself have weight problems. However, I would rather carry extra weight that go back to being the person I was before Epitec. I just wish I was warned about the weight gain because it is very difficult to loose weight on Epitec. Good luck! x

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I'm diagnosed with Bipolar 2 disorder.
For 2 1/2 months I'm Faverin and Noxidem
I have Vertigo
10 days from now I'm going to be on Epitec 25mg, 50mg,75mg, 100mg ect .
My psicaitrist asked me to tell my family about the Epitec.
Are there bad effects and am I going to gain weight because I am already overweight.
Can a doctor online answer me please on email

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I'm diagnosed with Bipolar 2 disorder.
For 2 1/2 months I'm Faverin and Noxidem
I have Vertigo
10 days from now I'm going to be on Epitec 25mg, 50mg,75mg, 100mg ect .
My psicaitrist asked me to tell my family about the Epitec.
Are there bad effects and am I going to gain weight because I am already overweight.

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Does anyone know of an online supporter forum for people with bipolar?

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I hope u read this.. There r two types of bipolor. For instance I am bipolor 2 which unlike bipolor 1 does nt hav extreme mania but rather hypermania states. This is simply a milder form of mania. Bipolor 2 is caractorised with a sort of "major depression" with hypermania. So to avoid being cofused I recomend that u ask ur psychiatrist to explain to u the differences more accurately and help u understand better. Don't just accept it if u dnt understand it else it will just b harder. Just b careful and try for a second oppinion. Take care. Mags

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I take 200mg lamicton(epitec) a day and dont feel a thing. Long term I am starting to get a bit of a life, but slow going. I am so terribly unreliable to myself.I live in jhb (northwestern sub) and seriously need to find a new psychiatrist. Any referrals?

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My doc took me off Epitec today and I'm yet to take my new medication - seroquel 300mg.

Anyone out there using it too?

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I have taken Epitec (100mg) for a year now. The side effects have diminished markedly. I think I have grown used to the drug. I spread out my intake: I take 50mg in the morning and 50mg again later in the day.

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