Lamotrigine Forums
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Has anyone had problems with lamotrigine (generic Lamictal) manufactured by Northstar Rx ## My pharmacy changed my Teva brand of Lamotrigine to North Star brand. Has anyone noticed a difference with the difference switching brands? ## Yes. I take lamotrigine for bi-polar depression. I have found that the Northstar version of the drug doesn't work. I took it and my mood crashed. Then I got back on the Teva made lamotrigine, and my mood stabilized. I believe the Northstar product in effective. Try to get your prescribing physician to write "Teva - DAW" on your script. ## My original Hyzaar was refilled by mail with Losartan Hctz 100 by Northstar and I think I'm having serious side effects that I just now attribute to the bp med. My legs are cramping; hip joints hurt; panti...
My girlfriend just got prescribed these 2 meds together for bipolar disorder. Is this safe? The vistaril is 50mg twice a day. The lamotrigine is 200mg nightly. ## Hello, Dietrich! How are you? I didn't find any interactions listed between these two medications, but you should always double check this information to be sure. She may experience some normal side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, mood changes and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I know this was a while ago and do not expect to get a response. -- I had an awful experience on lamictal and visceral. -- I was wondering if any side effects occurred.
Been on generic by Northstar for over a year then this last June 2013 I filled my rx again and within 48 hours I went thru syptoms like withdrawl. Trembling, dizzy, nauseous, weak, disoreinted, crying hysterically. This went on for several days. I even went to emergency room and was told my ct scan and blood work came back fine. This went on for a few more days. I asked pharmacy to give me a new refill because I suspected something may have been wrong with this last refill. I improved days later. Very odd. I had been stable for at least two years. Treatment bipolar. I have sent a report to Fda this week and hope that they will test that bottle I suspect might be bad. Anyone else had this problem in the last few months? ## HI, Lena! Sorry about what happened to you. Are you sure the one ...
Can Lamotrigine 150 be cut in quarters to lower the dose? I have many 150mg left and would like to use them up if I can cut into quarters. Please advise. ## Unless your doctor, pharmacist, or specific medication instructions state otherwise, it is safe to do this with any medication that isn't time released. In many cases, our doctors prescribes a higher dose for us, then just has use cut, or break the tablets, since there can be a more significant financial savings by doing so. Lamotrigine is most commonly used to help prevent seizures, and treat some types of depression. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea, mood changes, and weight loss. Ref: Medline Plus Lamotrigine Is there anything else I can help with?
I have a white pill with 45 on one side and nothing on the other. Would like to know what this is. ## The pill which you are describing is most likely Lamotrigine 25 mg (NDC 13668-0045) - though the tablet that I'm referring to has a score line on one side (the pill can be split into 2 sections). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Povidone K30 - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type A Potato Ref: DailyMed ## I found a small white pill with 45 on one side and blank on the other
Please help me ID this pill. Is it Clonazepam? I have multiple seizures and I save one to stop having one. To take if a seizure starts, he tells me to take this med. ## This tablet contains 100mgs of Lamotrigine, which is an anticonvulsant, but this one is usually taken regularly as a preventative, not to stop a seizure that's already started. (NDC 16714-372) Inactive ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato - Povidone - Magnesium Stearate - Talc Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, mood signs and weight changes. ## It is lamotrigine, be careful. It is highly dangerous if not monitored by a doctor. It is a slow progression to regulate the MG in the body. It is a medicine taken daily on a schedule. ## Is this drug considered to be a controlle...
I am bipolar 2 or so they say. I have been taking epiec 200 and rispadol. I have lost the will to live without the depression of course and i have become an angry horrible person that no one can be around. I have shakes in the head and tiredness that is so not me. I have started to reducing the meds and is on 50 now. I am feeling much better and the old me is returning. Why do people think epitec is such a wonder drug? ## Epitec contains the active ingredient Lamotrigine. Risperdal contains the active ingredient Risperidone. That said, they can both cause the types of effects you experienced and this may have been compounded if you were taking them both at the same time. Have you spoken to your doctor about this problem? ## My daughter has been on Epitec for months now. She started with...
Last June I started coming off Lamotrigine. I was on 125mg per day to stabilize my moods. I suffer from anxiety, depression, ocd, bpd, It did help at the start and pushed me to do things, but then it would wear off and I was told to keep increasing, but it started to affect my liver, my depression got worse, sweating, jewelry going black, and a few other things and I wanted to come off it. I slowly decreased it but as I was I started to get the shakes, upper torso and hands. The psychiatrist put me on Zyprexa to help with the withdrawals and also Benztropine for the shaking/tremours. I was having too many suicidal thoughts so I came off Zyprexa, but I still had the shakes. The doctor then put me on Valdoxan (Antidepressant) but that ended up putting me on the couch and I couldn't do...
Would like to know what this med is used for?? ## triangular shape lamotrigine with 93 on front and 463 on back - How many milagrams? ## 93 463 is a 100mg Lamotrigine tablet, a generic for Lamictal, this is an anticonvulsant medication, which is also used to treat BiPolar disorder. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache. You can read more here: Do you have any other questions? ## Please show me a photo of Northstar 25 mg lamotrigine tablet ASAP ## Please show me a picture of the medication listed above ## What does it mean to have "zyd" on the prescription for Lamotrigine? Is it an instant release medicine? ## "Zydus" brand generic—awesome for gaining 10 lbs every month at 300mg, just like Taro, Northstar, Dr Reddy's, Teva, ...
I have just developed epilepsy and am in my 40's. I have been put on lemectol and have been taking a theraputic dose for several months. Originally I had headaches but they seem to have gone away. Right now I am having symptoms that i believe to be side effects. I am experiencing loss of balance or unsteadiness, a sort of dizziness, terrible hot flashes or night sweats sometimes 4-5 times a night. Right now as I right this I am loosing my balance at my computor. I am also having a hot flash at this minute. This has all occurred in the last week despite being on it for months. I also have cloudy urine. My question is has anyone experienced symptoms this dramatic and did they go away. I don't know if I can live with this and quite frankly I am wondering what this stuff is doing to...
The CVS pharmacy I have been filling my prescription at told me that Teva will no longer manufacture Lamotrigine (pill imprint: 93 463). Is this correct? I've tried other mfgs and I still had seizures and I immediately knew I should buy Teva. I have less than 10 pills left now. ## CVS lies a lot. Just filled at Walgreens with teva brand..CVS told me they cold not get .5mg clonazapam anymore also.. I switched all to Walgreens... ## after doing extensive research I found out Teva and Mylan will no longer manufacturer Lamotrigine. I have not tolerated the other generic brands. I'm trying to find a brand that work for me as well since my insurance refuses to give me name brand. If you have any luck I would appreciate you sharing ## Hello Clara, According to the Teva website they are...
Has anyone tried Mylan Lamotrigine. TEVA IS no longer manufactured. I had to go to North star aka Amembic and has uncontrolled seizures with in 4 days for 2 night in a row. I had every reaction possible including a rash and hives 2 trips to ER room on by Ambulance because my balance was off and couldn't walk straight or see straight... I found a left over bottle by teva manufacture and all symptoms stopped.. My pharmacist gave me a few choices he could order so I chose Mylan.. So the question I have has anyone taken Mylan manufacture of Lamotrigine and how did it work for you. Also anyone else bad reaction to Northstar/Alembic I am so scared to start on Mylan and try it since I have few weeks left of an bottle of teva but my Dr wants to see me SOON to see if new brand is working...v...
Long story short, my wife was wrongfully diagnosed with bipolar and was put on Lamotrigine. She had weird side effects on and off while she titrated up. Eventually got to where she and her “doctor” thought was good for her at 100mg. Well something happened and her side effects got awful. Here’s a list of what I compiled: Starts talking slow and spacey Trouble breathing Loses strength and control of body Nausea Panicky Hallucinations Oscillopsia Body convulses / twitches Stutters / trouble speaking Body tensing and convulsing like being electrocuted We call them episodes At this point we knew she wasn’t supposed to be on it and another so called doctor told her she can stop at any time cold turkey WRONG we did and the withdrawal side effects are just as bad My que...
I use epilin cr 500. Is it the same as epitec 50? My doctor changed it so I want to know if I can use it. ## I am taking 300 mg epitec for bipolar disorder. Can I take epilim instead ## Hello Frikkie, I wasn't able to pull up much information on the epitec 50 but I was able to see that it's main active ingredient is Lamotrigine where as the Epilim 500 contains the active ingredient sodium valproate. This means that the two medications are not the same, however, they are both used to treat the same conditions. These medications are both used to treat epilepsy and mental conditions with episodes of overactivity, elation or irritability. These medications may be prescribed to individuals with bipolar disorders. I hope this information helps. Let me know if there is anything else I ...
I have bipolar disorder and have been on almost everything for it, was taking depakote and Saphris which worked great but I gained a ton of weight so doc switched me to lamotrigine because it’s weight neutral. Starting off at 25mg/day and working up to 300mg/day. Gradually by the time I got up to 100 in the morning and 150 at nite I had a RELENTLESS bronchial cough that wouldn’t respond to any kind of treatment, that became so violent that I would start vomiting until everything was completely gone from my stomach. I don’t actually feel sick at all I just have this obnoxious never ending cough that ends in throwing up. Also had lost my voice. Now I have gone all the way back down the dosing schedule and am just getting ready to go completely off of it. Tomorrow will be...
I have been on epitec for 3 months and have been suspecting it as the cause of severe depression and inability to focus. I can hardly talk to anyone because it feels like i dont have anything appropriate to say, my vocabulary is shot and this has been causing social anxiety. I was about to lose it when i started looking for discussions mentioning similar symptoms and to my relief I have found quite a lot of people experiencing exactly the same as me. So i want to kick this med immediately. I know it is probably unwise, but wanted to know if anyone out there has stopped using altogether (im on 100mg a day) without issues? ## Why are you taking it? What condition is being treated with it? It might not be safe for you to stop it abruptly. I think it would be best for you to consult your do...
Can cyclobenzaprine be taken with bupropion, lamotrigine, quetiapine fumarate and gabapentin? Currently, I am taking all of those. ## Have they all been prescribed for you? Is the prescribing doctor aware that you are taking all of them? The FDA does warn that this combination may cause more severe side effects, which could include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight changes.
round white tablet imprint zc80 ## I want to verify that the pills in this bottle are Lamotrigine 100 Mg. The pills are oarnge in color and oblong with rounded ends (almost oval), and shorter than the diameter of a dime. ## A round white tablet with this this marking is listed by Zydus Pharmaceuticals is listed by them as containing 100mgs of Lamotrigine, which is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat some mood disorders. It's inactive ingredients may possibly contain: lactose monohydrate magnesium stearate sodium starch glycolate type A potato povidone microcrystalline cellulose The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. However, I have not been able to find a listing for one with this marking t...
Hi. My name is Gary. I need to find a generic form of Lamictal. My dr. says I can mail order my prescription online but the pills need to be made by Glaxo Smith Kline. These pills are super expensive maybe 600-800 per month! I know about Lamotrigine, but there are a few different manufacturers out there? Thank you to any one willing to help. ## The manufacturer should not matter as the generic substance is going to be the same no matter who makes it. ## Do not use lamotrigine manufactured by Zydus. Check the web, lots of problems. I think Teva is ok. I used to think generics were exact duplicates - Not any more! ## My doc specifically instructed the pharmacist to use any generic BUT NOT TEVA. He said it's made in Turkey or somewhere like that where regulations are more lax. He said ...
I have been taking Epitec 25mg for almost 2 weeks now and am due to start the 50mg soon. I am reluctant to do so as I have not been sleeping well since I started using using them and also have a slight headache all the time, further more I feel quite aggressive. Please tell me whether this is normal or should I discontinue to use them? regards ## Epitec contains the active ingredient Lamotrigine, this is an anticonvulsant that is also used as a mood stabilizer. The symptoms you listed are all normal side effects, you may also experience: nausea, nightmares and mouth ulcers. Side effects, however, should start to taper off, as your body gets used to the medication, but this could take several weeks and they may become more pronounced for awhile, when you increase your dosage. If they are...