Need Advice On Either To Tapper With What I Got Or Go Ahead & Jump From Where Im At With Suboxone? (Page 2)
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hi! i am needing some advice on a couple of things. i was o an extreme amount of pain pills for about 8-9 yrs then back in 09 i went thru the withdrawal from them & got clean for 9 months, i then came across suboxone not by Rx & started taking them at 1-1/2 a day the 8mg strips. i got on this ot for recreation but i have a really bad back & other problems that causes me alot of pain & thats what got my pain pill addiction started! the drs put me on them & left me on them for a yr! anyway ibe been taking the subs now for 5 yrs, i have went without before for 8-12 days so i know what the withdrawls are like from this to that point & it really scares me for the fact they last so long! when i detoxed myself from the pills it was over in 2 weeks! anyway right now i am down to 2 1/2 subs & i have o way of getting anymore at all! ive wanted off of them for a long time due to they make me foggy headed, cant concentrate, & cant think clearly but they do give me the energy & motivation to live my life! plus they are financially draining me! anyway what i need to know is ive9) already taken 4mg today (1/2 of a strip) should i take a 1/2 for the next 2 days & then cut the last strip into 1/4ths & take a 1/4th each day after till they r gone or should i just jump from where im at now & save what i have for when the withdrawals get really bad? ive been taking 8mg a day & today took 4mg. im just trying to find a way to maybe try to make the withdrawal not as bad or last any longer then it will with what i have left! the withdrawals scare me cause they last so long & i always start feeling them by the 2nd day. the chilling, dizziness, cold sweats, pain, nightmares, & stomach problems is usually whats the worst for me! and another thing my family that lives with me doesnt know ive been taking anythng & i can not let them find out so ive got to try to do this & hide it from them the best i can which is really hard when all u want to do is lay in bed! and for some reason for me the first 3-4 days up to a week all i want to do is hyper sleep then insomnia kicks in! the hyper sleeping makes me feel bad but i cant do anything else! i just want to get clean & stay clean for good! im tired of depending on something to make me feel better even though i live in daily pain! i dont have a dr i can go to & ask for any benzos or sleeping pills to help me as they dont know ive been taking anything so im pretty much in this alone! usually about the 7th-8th day my back & legs hurt so bad for 2-3 days all the way to the bone that i cry & all! so im really dreading this but know it has to be done for me to be able to live my life the way i want to without having to hide things from my family! so any help with this will be greatly appreciated!

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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hey i know what ur going thru i just came off suboxone couple months ago and let me tell you its the worst hell ever. its not like coming off H where you are sick for 5 days of agony, it takes like 20 days ( it took me 29 at least) because of suboxones lasting effects in the body . it really sucks and i used percs, but as soon as u stop those you are sick again so i kept away from that cuz i had to take like 8 per day.

i felt crappy for weeks like couldnt sleep at all , sweating, no energy,.... but i finally tried something a few weeks in.......... mushrooms... and you know what they actually helped so much jesus.. i was able to return back to work a couple days after and my back pain is also a lot better now that i am not "sick" any more. when you start to feel better make sure you go out and walk and use energy as much as you can so that you can sleep at night, and i would honestly reccomend getting some sleeping aids from ur doc. i use oxazepam to sleep and i used a little bit of Clonodine during the day to take anxiety and sweating away (its a blood pressure pill, given to people for withdrawl as well) ...... all i can say is its extreamly horrible coming off siboxin and it feels like its never going to end and youll never be able to function normally without opiates but i can assure you that after the 20 days youll feel like youve never even done a single opiate.

I also think me taking the percocets and other pain killers to help my withdrawl might have prolonged it so i would advise against it and just soldier thru the s***ty hell . and IT WILL END I PROMISE. youll probably want to be alone a lot but its good to have a bf or a gf to motivate you to get up and walk around a bit even though youll feel that might be impossible

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Hi Gemini78! I contacted meds chat a few days ago to give permission for u to have my e-mail address. They said yes and they would e-mail you for your permission to accept. Did you check all your mail? Did you get it? I'm so sorry you are still having these withdrawals. I've been there and it STINKS!!! It can last awhile, too. Let me know about the e-mail.

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right now its day 14 will be day 15 tomorrow. i think all the physical w/ds are over except for the sneezing! i think i sneeze a thousand times a day! other then that its just the depression & anxiety thats really wearing on me! i think the last couple of days if i couldve gotten some subs or something i wouldve just to feel normal in my head for a little while! this is pure torture! and i still have no energy & sleep alot but i think thats due to the depression also! i know people say if you play you have to pay but i dont think people should have to pay a price this long! this is awful! i have lost all motivation or happiness for anything! i dont even care right now if i do wake up cause its like i have nothing to wake up for cause i have no energy or motivation to want or do anything! ive tried to make myself get up & do some things i do but it dont last long & i have to lay back down! ive tried music & all to lessen the anxiety & depression & its just not working! i honestly dont know how much more of this i can take mentally & with the no energy thing! i hope it starts to improve in the next few days cause if it dont i dont know! ive come this far & really dont want to turn back to something else but i dont know how much more of this mentally i can handle!

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Hi Genini78! I'm going to see if I can write meds chat and get my e-mail address to you, somehow. I know how HORRIBLE it is to be going through what you are experiencing. It certainly can last awhile.

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hi cats68. i dont know how to get your email from them. it wasnt in my notification or anything. today is day 11 & i was hoping today would be a turning point some! the only thing right now is still i have no energy & i sleep like 3-4 times a day for 4-5 hrs cause i cant sleep alot at 1 time. im still having stomache troubles & no appetite but im afraid to eat anyway due to making the stomache issues worse! other then that & my sneezing & head feeling stopped up i think all symptoms are bout gone except this evening i woke up having the chills again! i havent had the chills since day 3 & 4! also i guess ive gotten lucky as ive not had no rls. but im in alot of pain due to back problems & i have stomache problems & with my stomache being tore up i think its flared it up also causing me alot of discomfort! im almost out of ibuprofen & cant get no more till next month so im dreading that to even though i dont even know if thats helping any at all with any of the pain anyway! i just really hope i see some kind of end to this in the next day or 2 especially with the depression & anxiety cause i dont know how much more of this i can take! i can deal with coming off all the moprhine & percs i did before rather then deal with this long drawn out ordeal! this is getting rediculous!

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Hi Gemini78! I gave meds chat permission to give you my e- mail address. Then we can speak more personal. I think that would help you out more. And I can share my experiences with you, too

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Hi Gemini78! I wrote you back . It said it needs to be reviewed. I pray it goes through.

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Hi Gemini78! I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling sick. It takes time and everyone is different. The anxiety makes it worse,too. I have anxiety disorder and I thank God I'm on Klonopin for it. I feel so bad that you can't get to a doctor to receive help. I will pray for you. Keep me posted on how you're doing. If you need to talk, I give permission for meds chat to give you my e- mail address. It's {edited for privacy}.

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hi cats68! thanks for asking about me! i answered u earlier but forgot to hit reply even though it did get posted! anyway i was wrong on my day count the last post & today makes 10 days no subs! im still sneezing pretty bad, still alot of stomache problems, anxiety is real high to the point ive started having panic attacks again & i have no meds for them! so thats really bringing me down alot! depression pretty bad & no energy or happiness at all! very irritable! im starting to wonder after 10 days of hell when im going to see a light at the end of the tunnel?! i know i was on them for a long time & all but usually i bounce back pretty quickly from things! like i posted before i detoxed myself off of very high doses of morphine & percs & was on them for 8-9 yrs or more & done it at hom myself with nothing & was back to myself in a little over a week! i dont know if i can handle this another 2-3 weeks or more! the depression, anxiety, & no energy is killing me the most! i cant get out of my house & i know that makes it harder but God its got to give some time! right now it dont seem like its ever going to!

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hi cats68. i actually made them last till july 11th but the last few days of them took 4-6 mgs. right now im on day 7 & i feel like crap! but i did go the first 3 days doing ok which usually im in bed by day 1! i have no energy at all & all i want to do is lay & sleep! i dont have a car & no way o get out the house & cant go walking for health reasons so that makes it hard to! other then that ive had the chills, cold sweats, & stomache problems pretty bad! i have took a few times to where i couldnt sleep but i do have some muscle relaxers i took to help with that 1 night! im on day 7 & im hoping in the next 7 days ill start feeling better as i said in my post i cant let the people i live with know about this! right now im playing off a head cold as my nose is all stopped up & sneezing like crazy! today is the 1st day ive been on the laptop in about 4 days as ive only been sitting up for like 10 mins at a time cause im so weak! also its hard to walk cause im so dizzy i almost fall! im just hoping all the acute stuff is over soon! also ive been having anxiety but just have to try to fight it cause i have nothing for it! i hate the anxiety! i have panic disorder so i think that makes the anxiety worse!

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Hi Gemini78! How r u feeling now? I take it that u r done the suboxone? I hope u r doing ok. Let me know.

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cats68 i wrote a reply to u but it said it needs to be reviewed! ill wait & see if it gets posted soon & if it doesnt ill retype it! thanks for asking about me! mostly right now its a big energy problem for me!

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hi cats68! thanks for asking! yes im glad i found those! right now im doing ok. im taking a 1/2 of an 8mg strip each ay but yesterday i kind of messed up & took a whole strip! 1/2 at a time but i done it cause the 1st half i took didnt get to dissolve right & i never felt it working so im hoping that didnt actually set me back any with this taper! im trying to work it to where i take a 1/2 a day for 7 days then cut that in half & so forth but its very hard for me to remain on the 1/2 a day but i know i have to! im also hoping when it comes time for me to reduce that down that my body & brain is ready to adjust also! im hoping ill be able to tell if my body & brain is adjusted enough to reduce it down when i do cause i know if its not its going to make it that much harder! right now the only thing thats getting to me is the energy! i have none at all! its like i havent even bounced back from where i went the 7-8 days without! my energy hasnt came back! idk if its cause i didnt go back to the 8mg & just taking a 1/2 or what! plus my other health issues that zap my energy to is making me so sluggish to the point all i want to do is sleep! and thats not like me at all! even though i have chronic fatigue & other things ive always had chronic insomnia since i was 12 yrs old & would go days without sleeping before id sleep for a few hrs! now i can barely raise my head off my pillow each day & it takes an act of congress to make myself do it! i have never been this tired in my life even with all my health problems! i wont drink any energy drinks or anything like that cause ive always been scared of them plus i have high blood pressure & stuff so ive always been scared to drink or take anything like that for energy for fear of having a heart attack or stroke but i swear ive been sooo tempted to try them the past few days! i cant exercise to try to get energy cause of my back & foot & stuff so i dont know what i could do to try to get some energy! i hate this so bad cause i cant get nothing done! my stomache has been a little bit tore up also! its sort of like i got a low grade virus or flu or something the way i feel! im just hoping its my body getting adjusted & does it soon cause i really need to reduce my dose very soon! again thanks for asking! i do appreciate it!

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Hi Gemini, how r u? I'm so glad u found the 15 suboxone. How great that worked out. Like u said, just take the least bit possible, so u r not sick. And, if dramimine knocks u out, u may very well need it! I'll wait 2 hear from u.

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hi cats68! thank u for thinking of me! well i went 5 days without & thought i was dying! it was mostly mentally & NO energy what so ever! i literally slept for 5 days! my bday was the 10th so i decided to try to get up cause my back was killing me & just so happened i found a little safe box thing i have & found 15 subs i had locked up in it! i dont remember when or why i even put them there! anyway i have been taking a 1/2 of an 8mg sub for a few days & im going to try to use what i got now to wean down a little more & better then what i was cause i dont think ill be able to jump at 8mg & get thru it without my family finding out! its hard right now for me to just take the 1/2 a day cause i usually would take 1/2 when i got up & a few hrs later take another 1/2, then on some days when my insomnia would kick in & was up late id take another 1/2 that night so right now im still fighting the urge to stay at a 1/2 a day but im hoping a few more days & ill be able to cut the 1/2 in 1/2! and go from there. i know drs has told me it takes ur body & mind 7 days to adjust to something so im hoping the subs act like that also! if they do i should be able to get to a low dose before jumping again but this time im going to try to save 1-2 of them for times when it gets really bad! if i could get out of this house i do believe id be ok cause i got to get out of the house the 1st day when i was already feeling bad & i felt pretty good just no energy but an hr or 2 after i got home i had to go to bed i was feeling so bad! i will try to keep u updated on how im doing thru the taper & when i jump also as much as i can as im hoping this way i wont suffer so bad cause jumping from 8mg i just cant even get the energy to get on the comp! i have fibro & chronic fatigue syndrome to which i believe makes it that much worse! but ill def keep u updated on how im doing as im determined to get off this stuff! im just hoping to lessen the wd a little! thanks again!

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Hi Gemini, how r u doing? How r u feeling? I've been thinking about u and your situation . If we lived close by , I would give u a ride 2 Drs and stores . But , I live in RI.

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Hi Gemmini78, I can't stand it when they put it up 4 review. And, sometimes it never goes through. Sometimes I have 2 re- word it. That changes 4 me . Then it works.

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thanks cats68! ive tried replying twice to u now & 1 time it said it had to be reviewed & the 2nd one said it had saved but didnt! so ill wait & see if the first 1 i sent gets posted & if not ill retype it & try to get it to go thru! and yes i understand about family! i think having supportive family can make it a little easier! its hard when u have to try to hide it from everyone!

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i posted a reply before this one cats68 but it said it had to be reviewed so i dont know if itll get posted! ill wait to see if it does or not and if it dont ill retype it & try to send it! thank u & yes i do understand about the family!

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thanks cats68! i used to get klonipon also for my anxiety but i have no car & no way to get to a dr to get anything, i so wished i could! the only thing ill be able to get is otc stuff when i get to the store maybe in a few days if i dont get to tomorrow! i know to get immodium & i need nausea meds but the store ill get to go to dont sell it unless i get dramimine & it knocks me out which i guess when the insomnia kicks in will be good! ive seen some ppl on these threads say to take multi vitamins & b vitamins & drink gatorades & things & theyll help, i dont know ive never tried them but if theyll work ill be willing to try anything! and yes the mental part of it is what kills me after the physical wd subsides! which like i said ive went up to 12 days before & still had the physical symptoms! i think they really need to rethink this drug & make it some way where the half life of it isnt so long! cause even though coming off pain meds was hard i could deal with them better knowing in a couple weeks id be starting to feel better! when i detoxed myself last time i was actually taking 120mg time released morphine, 3-15mg fast acting morphine a day, & 140 or more percocets a week! thats what the drs gave me! when i went to another dr he said i was on enough to literally kill a horse & said he didnt see how i was raising my head up off my pillow each morning! lol. i told him i couldnt do it if i didnt take the meds! so i was on that till i detoxed myself off. and yes my family would be the same way! they would redicule me to death & never let me live it down if they knew! to them id be nothing but a junkie for the rest of my life so thats why i got to this as secretively as i can! and thats going to be hard trying to act normal when im going to feel like im dying! i can pull maybe 2-3 days off saying im sick or something but after that its going to be hard! i wish some people wasnt so judgemental about stuff like this! i think its great when someone whos going thru something like this has their family for support! i think it would make things alot easier!

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