Kvk Tech Oxycodone 30 Mg (Page 4)


Regarding KVK Tech oxycodone 30mg / K-9...Garbage! I have serious pain from two separate problems. Bottom line is Walgreens switched from Activis to KVK recently and I noticed the difference within one day, pain waking me more than usual and early withdrawal sensations. I should add that I don't misuse or abuse, all I want is pain relief. I'm fed up with fighting every step of the way to manage my pain (resulting from injuries sustained as a firefighter/medic and a connective tissue disease) Thanks to the war on drugs and so many people overdosing, the government has the doctors and pharmacies all running scared, etc.. So people who are legit and truly suffering every day are screwed. Seems like they forgot about us. I wish these people AND the addicts/abusers could feel what chronic pain is like.... 24/7! Avoid this KV if you have real pain issues and are prescribed 30 mg oxy.

94 Replies (5 Pages)

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Lyrica is another one !! So what do you think they will market it as next? It hasn't worked for anything that they tried so far LOL

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Im with u guys100% ive had my spine replaced l1 thru l5 n 2 8in rods. My right leg has been crushed n serve gout arthritis blood clots. Theres days i cant move n ppl dont care nemore as greed has set in with all companies.... all my conditions r on record!!!! N im still treated like a junkie im so tired of it. These ppl n doctors n pharmaceuticals co. Ppl need to spend 1hour in a true painful body. Then they would see n understand. Kvk does nothing except make blue powder candy n push it off as a medication. I hate to see what hapns after my 2nd back surgery coming up in a few weeks. Im sure theyll jus leave me in pain...... this country only cares about ripping off who they can. Ty obama aswell......

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OMG!! My heart goes out to you. Hang in there and it will get better. KVK is such a waste of money. I am convinced that part of the increase of deaths due to overdose is KVK products. I always warn people, don't take more because they don't work any better with an increased dose. There isn't any pain relief but the medication is still in your system and can kill you with too much. The chemical that they are using which delivers the pain medication to your central nervous system isn't doing it's job. No matter how much you take, you are not going to get pain relief.

I am so angry at the three pharmacies that we have here. They have known from the beginning that it isn't an effective product, but corporate greed has taken over. They don't care that customers are in pain as long as they make that increased profit. I feel as if they have stolen my money the whole time I was being forced to purchase KVK. The staff at the pharmacies have actually lied to me and said that I am the only person who has a problem with KVK products. The head guy at one of the pharmacies was retiring so he finally told me the truth. Of course the whole time they treated me as if I am a junkie who only wants the high!! I make over a 70 mile trip every month to a larger city where there is an independent pharmacy, who orders oxycodone made by other manufacturers. I have listed on all my allergy information that I am allergic to KVK products. Is there an independent pharmacy near you where you can purchase another product?

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Several people have had accidents and surgeries so were given oxycodone for use for a time frame of less than a year. If when the prescription was filled, they were given KVK Tech products from the pharmacy, they were complaining that the pain medication doesn't work. That piece of information lets me know that it isn't just the chronic pain patient that has trouble with KVK Tech products, it's the first time users also.

How long will the pharmacies be allowed to sell a product that isn't effective, while telling the customer that they are at fault that the product isn't effective? When will someone at the pharmacy "man up" and go public with the truth about these horrible products? It most certainly isn't just the oxycodone 30mg, the lower mgs are even worse. The truly scary part is the patient that takes more than prescribed in an effort to control their pain.

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I am getting sick n tired of having to ask every time, "which brand are they (oxyIr)." Because, I realize now it's all about money. Always asking if they (corporate pharmacies) have Qualitest", makes me feel like a junkie. I am no junkie, I am freaking suffering. I do not want medicine that does not work. Sure I have to travel quite a few miles. I plan too from now on, because, I went through everything that all have posted. I feel sorry for you all, and one day surely it will be fixed. I hurt right now, yet I have to get up in the morning and go to work. Congressmen, Dr's, and a petition, plus all of us may be the requirements to get these corporate thieves eliminated. Whatever must be done, I AM GAME!!

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I do a 70 mile trip to get my medication now. It is so totally worth it to me, I need pain medication that works. Just a little side "happy", this is the first pharmacy in five years that doesn't treat me like a junkie. I listed that I'm allergic to KVK products and simply can't take them.
The three pharmacies that are within 15 miles of me, all treated me terrible from the very first oxycodone prescription that I filled. The junkie treatment came on really strong with they switched to KVK products and I started complaining.
I take a ER twice daily and use the oxycodone for break through pain, and now without KVK products I am able to function somewhat. It had gotten so bad for me, that I spent about 18 hours a day in bed, crying. My life isn't "normal" by any means, but at least I have some part of a life back.
The one drawback is the 70 miles. At Thanksgiving it got off track, because they filled my ER but wouldn't fill the oxycodone until the exact 30 days. Now I have prescriptions coming due four days apart, so I have to make the trip twice a month.
I have petition information in my post number 55 for you. The petition was written my a nice lady who is in AZ, but the addresses will also be added for every state that has people who sign. A copy is also for the White House. Please sign and get everyone you know to do the same. We have to stop this craziness!

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I think that "fibromyalgia" is just long term pain patients who have been prescribed opiates at max dose for their condition and occur "opiate tolerance" withdrawals - those side effects are "fibro" symptoms but that is the loophole the system has for diagnosis. Wake up and see it's drs keeping you sick. All pain meds do is increase your brain chemicals such as dopamine (distraction) so that's why some drs say it's all in your head while other drs don't believe in opiate therapy. The drs know it's a double edged sword- what goes up- must come down- think about it. Cause some people just take whatever they want and cause their own pain in the long run. Drs change your brain and that's some serious stuff.

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Amen to your post!...per my med history through the years with my doc, I went from KVK 10mg, to KVK 20 mg, to KVK 30 mg. It seems the 10's did a good job for then, but my pain levels were going up over time.... then when he switched me to 20mg....and I did not notice hardly ANY diff, and 4 days ago he took me to 30mg...same damn thing. I should have maybe told my doc, but I did not for fear of him disbelieving or even laughing at me. He did tell me once he felt ALL generics where under same mfg procedures and strict guidelines so should be no diff who mfgs them. Well I too, am here to say something has gone wrong in this industry and doctors do not know it or dont care about it. How else are they going to find out except through hearing what their patients say? Just what in hell is going on in this industry? Many years ago I was first prescribed just 5 mg oxycodone and the mfg was Mallinkrot (sp?),.... one time on a refill of same 5mg oxy the pharmacy gave me the refill and mfg was a co. named "SUN". They were horrible, had NO pain killing effect, so I learned right then and there that something is amiss in this generic industry and probably the govt arm who enforces drug mfg laws are lazy or whatever. Where I live all the pharmacies only carry this KVK brand and probably because it is the cheapest for them to buy to resell to us. I also wonder if the govt and mfgs are in "cahoots" with each other regarding the diff strengths of this drug. Also physicians feel under pressure because of all the negative media about prescription addiction, well what about chronic pain sufferers?---us. It seems that they do not take us into consideration much and having to physically go to docs office to pick up script instead of formerly faxing request really is a huge problem for ,any of us and we are damn sick and tired of being treated this way!!!!

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kvk tech is best brand oxycodone ever 30 mg has changed my life i have multiple problems in spine and lower back and as well as s curve scoliosis and many injuries this med got me outta bed after nearly ten years in horrible pain thanks kvk tech i have muscular dystrophy as well thanks my work for me hope you find what works for you try vicoprofen it's an anti inflammatory ok long live people with chronic pain and agree with the thought on the drug heads abusing our meds and street use of living altering medicine for us

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We should bring them kvk up on charges defrauding the public I've noticed the kvk does not work as well as others

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I agree 100%!I've been on this medication for 7 years due to a serious fall down a flight of stairs. Mallinkrodt is the preferred choice of mine in this med BUT has gone to OVER $1,000 for 100!!! Who can afford that? I'm unfamiliar with this brand but is apparently what many pharmacies are switching to use. I was curious as to how they compare. Now I know. I'm VERY upset! I don't know what I'll do as I sure cannot afford over $1,000 for my ONE medication (and I'm on several others!!)

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while in the pharmacy, the Pharmiscist came up to the window and said I will have to call your Dr to check? On your medication of Oxycodone so loud that people in line heard this.. I would think this is a danger to me! for Pharmiscist to speak so loud?? People are getting attacked all the time! They are at fault in blabbing what was being filled for me.. Had to be 10 people plus that heard her.. Will report this to manager.. Doubt if he will even care. About me and my safety and who follows me out the door..after hearing this loud mouth tact-less, mean, lady announce what was being given to me.after all, they should use the privacy booth for that and they have that closed up..off tothe side in a low voice.. Told my man this he's going to call the manager and report pharmacist..

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This is So true! I wish there was some way we could get together and let our voices be heard! . I worked in the hospital for 15 yrs. Now I am treated like addict from pharmacy & others. Just because I am trying to get some relief from the pain that I 24/7. I have SPS and migraines.

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Yes iPods help FM...pain....this was eye opener articles to read about others taking pain meds for chronic pain as I do..this kvk..doesn't work..nothing like the regular oxyo..it sucks

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Yes this is happening to me too..thought I was losing my mind...and yes that is what chronic pain is like...

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Chronic pain from five back surgeries, spinal cord stimulator, on Oxy and Methadone. After 15 years, I've taken myself off of Methadone (yeah!) I've had the same problem with Walgreens; unfortunately, I don't know the brand name of the useless oxy- I just know that it's a capsule, not a tablet. I've refused to pay for my script when they tried to sell me this one. I've had my PD specify tablet - not caps! It's hard enough being treated like an addict when you pick up your prescription let alone have to fight with the pharmacy to provide a medication that will actually work! I've been trying alternatives for the narcotics, namely turmeric - and it helps. Not quite off everything- yet (fingers crossed).

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I was just wondering what is the manf. Of the oxycodone you get now? I'm going to try to find a pharmacy that carries something other than kvk. Also the pharm. Can refill pain med upto 3 days early. Of course it's totally up to your pharmacist.

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The Oxycodone I get from our Walgreens in S.E. Wisconsin is Mallinckrodt. I take the 5 mg. immediate release and am allowed 120 tabs/month. That costs about $120.00. God forbid that I bring in a prescription even one day early - I had a pharmacist at Walmart accuse me of being a drug addict in front of everyone in the pharmacy.

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I truly agree with you. I have severe pain issues and have for years and you're right. I just got a script and it's usually the Actavis and it's Kvk and it's not doing a thing. Years ago I had sun pharmaceuticals, never again. I had to take it back. It sent me to the ER. It has too many fillers so I was told one or more might not of agreed with me along with the other 10 med's I take for heart, etc.. I'm like you so many people are abusing the med's and taking them to just feel high, it's hurting those of us who really need them. I can't function when I'm hurting like this. And the pharmaceutical companies don't care so they put less than what the law requires in the pill and a lot of fillers so we don't get the relief we should. The pharmacy buys the cheapest brand. And the cheapest are the ones cheating, not putting the right amounts in. They don't understand. I don't know about most of you but a whole month to endure these bad med's is too long. There has to be something we can do...

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You're correct about people being attacked for their meds. A patient at the same pain clinic that I go to was robbed outside his local Walgreens after just having picked up his 30 day prescription. BTW - what ever happened to patient/provider confidentiality??

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