Kvk Tech Oxycodone 30 Mg (Top voted first)


Regarding KVK Tech oxycodone 30mg / K-9...Garbage! I have serious pain from two separate problems. Bottom line is Walgreens switched from Activis to KVK recently and I noticed the difference within one day, pain waking me more than usual and early withdrawal sensations. I should add that I don't misuse or abuse, all I want is pain relief. I'm fed up with fighting every step of the way to manage my pain (resulting from injuries sustained as a firefighter/medic and a connective tissue disease) Thanks to the war on drugs and so many people overdosing, the government has the doctors and pharmacies all running scared, etc.. So people who are legit and truly suffering every day are screwed. Seems like they forgot about us. I wish these people AND the addicts/abusers could feel what chronic pain is like.... 24/7! Avoid this KV if you have real pain issues and are prescribed 30 mg oxy.

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VERY interesting post. The most shocking statement was that regarding your new health problems as I too have been feeling lousy with headaches along with general weakness, muscle twitching / spasms AND I feel a bladder / prostate infection coming on. This is not acceptable and one would think the FDA would take action....But first, people need to speak up for that to happen !
Your information from store employee's was also of great interest. The off record story I got was " the goal is that if doctors keep hearing constant complaints and problems they will stop prescribing oxycodone and find something else such as a tamper resistant, low dose ER extended release" (objective being eliminate the flow of it to the streets)
WELL I take an ER called Opana. Very good pain med but very sedating from the standpoint of trying to live ones life and work or get off the couch and get that important exercise ? There are plenty of days where I have NO choice and the pain would drive me insane, but it's nice to skip the morning dose when I can and the oxycodone is enough. More important with that med is I can take 15 -45 mg. as intended for break through pain that would otherwise make me miserable and ruin the day.
Unless you suffer chronic pain few people care or understand. I try to explain it as ' Imagine having a freshly broken bone all the time with your foot numb / endless bee stings ' The arthritis is like burning, aching pain coming from 20 - 30 different places.
All I can say is to the people who make and approve this KVK Tech oxycodone... I WISH to GOD you could spend a day in my body, Would love to watch it ! There are so many good honest people who suffer because of your actions

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I, along with several other people I know, are chronic pain suffers, due to various conditions. We had all been prescribed by our different doctors Oxycodone 30mg. This pain treatment had been somewhat effective for all of us, until Kroger, Safeway and Walgreens began selling us medication manufactured by KVK Tech Inc. These pills do not relieve pain for any of us. We have all complained to Kroger, Safeway and Walgreens that these pills "do not work". I asked Walgreens and Safeway, to please "special order" my pain medication from a different manufacturer, and I would pay any additional cost. I was told by a representative of Safeway and Walgreens that I am "out of luck". They received a "deal" on the cost of KVK Tech Inc. pills and that's the only brand they will be carrying. I was told by employees of Kroger, Safeway and Walgreens, that they are well aware that these pills "do not work". I was told by an employee of Safeway that the problem is that the pills contain the "pain reliever" but that the "binder" or "filler" is not delivering the "pain reliever" to the central nervous system effectively. This is unfortunately within the law. I was also told that the FDA allows a scale of the percentage of "effectiveness" and that KVK Tech Inc. pills are on the low end of the "allowable scale". I find this situation unacceptable on so many levels, it would be hard to cover them all. I am chronic and there is no cure available for me. I did not sign up for this condition, and depend heavily on my doctor and the pharmacy to prescribe and provide medication that will make my life bearable. Life with KVK Tech Inc. pills is unbearable, and to compound that, the pharmacy treats us as if we are drug addicts who are only using this medication for "fun". The pharmacy is in fact "stealing" from me by selling me a product that they know doesn't work. So I feel Kroger and Safeway have stolen thousands of dollars from me. When several of us began to have side effects from the KVK Tech Inc. pills, we each asked our doctors to try some alternative pain medications, so that we didn't have to purchase "poison pills", as we call them. This has caused some of us difficult adjustment periods to different medications. I have repeatedly had bladder infections, headaches, all over sick feeling, and horrible mood swings while taking the KVK Tech Inc. product. Proving that their product doesn't work and has side effects is a whole can of worms. I know that my side effects began the second month I was taking their pills and went away three weeks after I stopped taking their product. As selling me or any other chronically ill person, "poison pills" does nothing to stop or assist in our country's "war on drugs" I don't even want to hear that ridiculous excuse. The bottom line is plain old corporate greed without any concern for the persons they are effecting. Corporate greed by KVK Tech Inc. for marketing a product that is inferior and most certainly by Kroger, Safeway and Walgreens for deliberately selling an inferior product to enhance their profit margin. I suggest that anyone with a chronic pain illness, consult their doctor and look for alternatives to the Oxycodone 30mg pill. A Walgreens employee told me that Walgreens has purchased millions of the KVK Tech Inc. pills, so that leads me to believe that Safeway and Kroger have done the same. Work with your doctor, find an alternative medication and let these corporations "eat" the inferior product.

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Our little support group of chronic pain people have had horrible problems with KVK Tech Inc. meds. We each have asked our doctors to try alternative meds that we can purchase that aren't made by KVK Tech Inc. Walgreens, Safeway and Kroger are aware that these pills do not work. Don't purchase, let them "eat" what they purchased.

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I feel your pain ! You haven't mentioned what your pain is caused by so I can only tell you what works for my situation... That being multi level lumbar disc degeneration, 2 herniated and scoliosis that rotates to one side, (probably the genesis of it all) I was a firefighter/ medic that always kept VERY fit. Two orthopedic surgeons concurred that my large core muscle and legs have supported my spine and kept me from fusion surgery, which is all they can offer in my case. My point being what was advised 15 years ago has worked and that is to keep strong, stretch the legs and back a few times each day, use heat (Jacuzzi works wonders) chiropractic as needed AND pain management for as long as possible vs. a fusion " your young and going to me miserable fused, wait for technologies to develop but have whatever done prior to age 65" Pain management.... I absolutely require it but it can be a nightmare ! I play by the rules, do everything right and give no one any reason to think otherwise. Part of the problem is Walgreens and their controlled substance policies adopted last year and I suspect other chains have followed ? They call your doctor asking things such as what is the diagnosis, prognosis, results of imaging, how long will the med be required, can we cut back the quantity and or dosage mg. .....Imagine that ? Your smiling PHARMASICT negotiating with your DOCTOR ! (Look it up if you doubt me)

We all know why this is happening and the agencies involved. There is an epidemic of opiate / opioid abuse that is out of control and they have a job to do...even the pharmacy but I think one call per year to just confirm info is enough vs every few months. That said there has got to be a way to handle the legit patient who has proven themselves as such and avoid a potential nightmare every month AND... provide meds that WORK ? Aside from the KVK issue is the re formulated ER meds such as Opana and Oxycontin that do NOT work anywhere near as well as the original versions. Anyone who made the switch from original to the new plastic pills will agree, for me it was 2 months of misery until I switched from oxy to Opana and had to slowly titrate up

Back to the point. I also have an inflammatory arthritis that after 55 months has not been diagnosed. Seems to be more of a connective tissue disease that is now spreading into the muscles and getting worse, started with a flu like virus and has been life changing. I have resisted methotrexate and the biologics such as Enbrel fearing side effects, but now I don't see an option because my back is not getting much exercise as the pain can be brutal ( the broken bone reference) All that helps is prednisone, pain meds and heat. I see the rheumatologist soon and after another 30 blood examinations (always negative) plus the changes including dysphagia... No doubt he will win this time ! I would love feedback from anyone on methotrexate or biologics OHHH ... The pen marks on your prescription. Yes that IS a game they play. So in my case I have asked that they not do it after handing them a copy of one (which drew the attention of all 4 pharmacy staff). I held the original up in plain view and explained what and why, polite but firm....They got the point !

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I truly agree with you. I have severe pain issues and have for years and you're right. I just got a script and it's usually the Actavis and it's Kvk and it's not doing a thing. Years ago I had sun pharmaceuticals, never again. I had to take it back. It sent me to the ER. It has too many fillers so I was told one or more might not of agreed with me along with the other 10 med's I take for heart, etc.. I'm like you so many people are abusing the med's and taking them to just feel high, it's hurting those of us who really need them. I can't function when I'm hurting like this. And the pharmaceutical companies don't care so they put less than what the law requires in the pill and a lot of fillers so we don't get the relief we should. The pharmacy buys the cheapest brand. And the cheapest are the ones cheating, not putting the right amounts in. They don't understand. I don't know about most of you but a whole month to endure these bad med's is too long. There has to be something we can do...

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Lumbar disaster, LOL post #5, You mentioned "titrate up" when saying that you were taking Opana. If I understand right, any change requires an adjustment period? I recently began Opana, and am having huge love affair with the 12 hr ER . Effective with pain control, I am still having an adjustment period. You mentioned that the Opana that is being sold now is plastic and not nearly as effective as the prior medication was. Why did they change it, if it was working before? Why are effective medications being tampered with? Is this a "new and improved" thing like my laundry detergent, for marketing purposes?

My Fibromyalgia (FM) pain, which is a "different type of pain" than the arthritis pain, I have been told that opiates ARE NOT effective for FM pain. I have found this to be FALSE. 3-4 years ago, when the first pain drug was prescribed (Percocet 5-325) I noticed an immediate improvement in my ability to be able to get out of bed and perhaps do some light housework, and maybe on a really good day, go to the grocery. After a year or so, my "then" doctor voiced concerns about part of the drug in Percocet and it's effect on my liver, moved me to the oxy 30 mg. I experienced an improvement, (my pain never completely goes away, and there's a certain level that I find tolerable, again is this normal?) Continued to read and hear that opiates DO NOT help FM pain, (helps mine). Recently, I read that the study which concluded "opiates DO NOT help FM pain" was done by a drug manufacturer (Pfitzer?) and that they were marketing a new "designer" drug that was suppose to be the answer to FM pain. This makes me question how valid the study even is. Is it a normal practice for drug manufacturers to do the "study" and the published results are then accepted by medical professionals? That seems to be a "fox in hen house" approach to me.

I've been using an over the door cervical traction device with between 5 and 8lbs of pressure, which has been really helpful with the tingling, dumbness in my hands and forearms. Wonder if this is due to the "unspecified disc disorder of cervical re" that I'm gonna research to see what it is? Have you tried a cervical traction device? If so, any results?

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Sorry to take so long getting back... WOW that's a lot of info ! I wish there was a safe way to exchange numbers and talk vs write and miss half of the points or lose intention in the written word. My back injuries started over 20 yrs ago and I have been through everything BUT surgery. (Fusion is my only option when the pain becomes too much or I start losing bodily function/ paralysis) Chiropractic worked wonders for ages and I still get adjusted now and then. The best medicine seems to be exercise and stretching but around 8 years ago that didn't do it anymore nor did NSAIDS which chewed up my guts over time. Opioids...... Started with Percocet then Vicodin but like yourself had fears of organ damage from apap. Next came the ER oxycodone / Oxycontin. Great stuff but I metabolized it to fast and had early withdrawal twice each day and ...that sucks !

The oxy level was increased up and up but the withdrawal became worse. At the same time my pain management doc was forcing me into epidural inj., ( very little relief but $1700 a clip for doctor pain) ! Next he demanded I have a disc neucleoplasty sp VERY invasive in my opinion for someone of his training level, so I refused. Over and over as he cut my meds back by 10% each month as punishment. ethical ? We had a 90 min yelling match and at the end I threw his prescriptions back on his desk and walked. Around this time I began having some of the arthritis pain (research shows the steroid inj. could be to blame for arthralgia and steroid myalgia) Anyway, I was blessed to quickly find the doctor I am currently seeing who switched me to Opana with oxycodone 30mg for breakthrough, after the 6 weeks of hell I had no more withdrawal issues and much better pain control.

The Opana ER and Oxycontin ER were reformulated into a very hard plastic like pill to deter abuse. Prior to this the pills could be ground up and misused. The problem is they don't work as well either and that took a while to get used to. Again, priority seems to go toward stopping abuse ....NOT the legit pain patient. About a year after my last epidural I developed a full blown arthritis that still has not been labeled beyond Sero negative Inflammatory arthritis and myalgia...possible Lupus in the making. For 2 years all I heard was FIBROMYALGIA ....AGGHHHH ! I took Lyrica, Savella, Neurontin. All they did was cause nightmares from hell and other side effects. The only thing that has helped ? yep opioids, just as you report. BUT also prednisone which is a steroid and seems to have done great damage to my adrenal glands which may very well have started with the epidurals.

I too think it's all about big money for these pharmaceutical makers. Now I'm getting a biologic (Enbrel) shoved down my throat by my rheumatologist who was just fine with prednisone for 2 years (he DID urge me to try methotrexate which is an old chemo drug but used in low dose) BOTH the methotrex and biologics have big risks ! Most people swear by the biologics and refer to them as life changing.... Look up Enbrel legal suits and read about the horrors. Most of those people that complain of cancers or life threatening infections and paralysis have been after long term use (more than 2 years) MANY say they had no choice, live a normal life including 5k runs...or stay in bed.

I guess my answer is take the chance as prednisone is being stopped and joint/ muscle pain is quickly on the rise. Without the opioids I would lose my mind....No doubt the rheumatologist is getting a kick back though with his sudden push and twisting my arm by taking the prednisone away ...and it IS very unhealthy so I can't really argue and he knows it OH yeah, $3000 per month for the bio before the co pay assistance. As for the docs sharing info with pharmacies. Pretty sure its all legal but when it's a dreaded opioid they have no right to discriminate against us the way they do. SOMETHING has to be done on that whole topic for the legit patient. Last, Yes you need to explore the internet and educate yourself on meds etc. I have a saying, BLIND FAITH IN DOCTORS and MEDICATION WILL GET YOU KILLED.

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Kev in NC,
First let me give you this. fda.gov website, select Report a Problem, then select Begin Report as: Consumer/Patient

If enough people would report the problem with KVK Tech, perhaps the FDA would take a look at the problem. I know that just me reporting, didn't do anything LOL

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Lumber disaster, Thank you for your time. I'm breaking my questions into several posts, before I end up with a post so long you would get tired of reading it LOL
What is methotrexate? What is known about biologics such as Enbrel? Is anything known about long term effects? I didn't like what I heard on the TV ad. Sounded scary to me. I always feel that the law requires the warnings, and what is told is exactly what "had to be", and makes me feel as if there is much more danger than is being revealed. I also have concerns about any extended use, as many of the new "designer" drugs haven't been on the market long enough to have any real data. Is that logical or am I being paranoid?

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Lumbar disaster, #3, Where or is there information on what the law allows pharmacies to do? What gives a pharmacist the right to discuss my medical condition with my doctor, and whoever gave a doctor permission to answer questions by any pharmacist? I'm not even comfortable with my diagnosis being printed on my bottle labels (which has become common practice here in CO) for all cashiers to read. I know the computer has information on which drugs I have been prescribed, when and where the prescription was filled and the manufacturer. We all know how secure information is on networked computers, ask Target LOL. Is my diagnosis and other health information on their "magic" computer also? I'm sick of the "look" I get from the pharmacy employees when I fill a prescription for a narcotic. I have never broken any of their "rules". I'm not even sure what all their "rules" are. If I were a drug abuser, I bet I would know all the rules and all the ways around the rules LOL. City Market (Kroger) was making copies of our drivers license each and every time we purchased a narcotic, we were told by City Market that this was a new DEA rule. Untrue, because none of the other pharmacies did this. Someone at City Markets (Kroger) attempt at CYA to prove they're checking ID? I already told you about the "ink pen" to secure the sale, regardless if they have the correct product or not. Is there an agency that is suppose to be monitoring the practices of the pharmacies? What has happened to respect for a customer as a person?

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Lumbar disaster, #4 post, I was told in 2000 that I have Fibromyalgia, and as time went on that I also have Arthritis (not RA which is a silver lining). I recently obtained a copy of my records that has the following listed: Chronic Pain, Myalgia, Myositis, Psoriatic arthropathy and unspecified disc disorder of cervical re. As I don't know what most these are, my next step is an online search LOL My new doctor (and finally insurance) just ordered blood work and a series of xrays this month. FM and arthritis is what I thought. I just know that I am constantly in pain that has effected every aspect of my life. Sleep, work (no longer), mobility, mood, ambitions, relationships, appetite, physical abilities, mental aptitude, fatigue, and on and on. I'm not sure if chronic pain effects all these aspects? or if I have an un- diagnosed condition that this doctor will find. What effect has the long term pain, aside from the conditions that cause it, had on your sleep, mood, attitude, mental aptitude, ect.? I ask because it seems to me that the pain alone and of itself is a monster that is eating at these things, without taking into account what the FM and arthritis have limited for me.

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Lumbar disaster, Hi, Again thanks for all your info. Sorry for delay, but just was able to get to my email this morning, stomach thing all week and doctor yesterday. First let me share a small funny, your post mentions spinal fusion, and I am receiving pop ups about Ford Fusion LOL So much for any privacy and just a great job my pop up blocker is doing LOL

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Lumbar disaster, So far I am still having a love affair with the ER, which was suppose to be Opana 20 mg, the pharmacy substituted with a generic (which caused a huge problem with my brand new insurance). They will pay for the actual Opana but not a generic or substitute. What's the difference between a generic and a substitute? I thought you substituted a generic for the name brand, silly me. I am on a learning curve LOL This will be my second month of Opana 20mg ER with Oxycodone 10mg IR for breakthrough pain. I wasn't sure how I was going to adjust to the 10mg vrs the 30mg, but the past month was fine with some actual good days again (Not KVK Tech products LOL). If this second month continues with good results than we will stay with this unless a problem arises. I was reading that the 10mg Oxy is actually more effect for lots of people than the 20mg, which doesn't seem logical to me. I thought the more mgs, the better the pain relief. The info said it"s in the binder or filler that transmits the medication, why would a pharmaceutical company use different chemicals to transmit? When a chemical is effective, why use something different?

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As far as Opana is concerned I didn't even know there was a generic. Many generics don't seem to work well for me including a heart med I take called Toprol. From what I have learned there is a deviation of up to 20% less active ingredient allowed in generics (which can be part of the kvk issue) ...anything to make an extra dollar. Most pharmacists will argue this fact, though in recent times they seem to either ignore the question or agree.
As for binders and fillers I have no clue other than people complain about them.
20 mg of Opana is what I am prescribed twice per day and I find it to be a bit much sometimes ...very sedating ? That's one problem I did not have with Oxycontin.
Titrating means to build up slowly....Opana is usually started at 5 or 10mg then worked up over several weeks. I have been up to 30 mg but don't need it OR the cost ! In fact during the warmer months I ask to reduce back to 10mg x 2 Talk about a doctor giving strange looks ! I guess I'm not an addict ?
Another extended release med that came out is called Exalgo ....Hydromorphone aka Dilaudid I have read great reviews for pain but very painful in the pocketbook.
I just wish oxycodone didn't get such a bad name (thanks to the junkies) It really works well in my situation and it allows flexability in when I need it, ie. more now and less later
Right now my biggest problem is getting off prednisone ! What a nightmare

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Lumbar disaster, What the pharmacy gave me last time was Oxymorphone Hydrochloride 20mg manufactured by Global. As it was my first month of an ER (could not afford them before finally getting insurance) I knew no difference between those and the Opana. I just returned from my 70 mile trip to a pharmacy in the nearest larger city (where I now drive as our local pharmacies carry only KVK Tech products) LOL, with my first bottle of actual Opana, it says Oxymorphone hydrochloride 20mg on the bottle of Opana also and says it's manufactured by endo pharmaceuticals. I'll let us know if I notice any difference in the pain relief. I see a difference in the pills, same color and almost same size, but the Global product seems to be coated with some sort of shiny plastic that I don't see on the Opana. Hopefully the Opana will be as effective as the Global product. Is the shiny plastic another "cause of the drug abusers" thing?

I take a heart med also Metoprolol 25mg, which the pharmacies just seem to give me whatever brand they have on hand, As it looks different almost every month. Sometimes I can tell it doesn't seem to work as well, and then other months, there doesn't seem to be much difference between who made it. Hey it's just for my heart, so why would we want to be consistent?

I was taking Etodolac for inflammation in my shoulder, but it was tearing my stomach up, so I stopped it again this past week. I take Ranitidine 150mg twice daily to keep ulcers under control.

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Lumbar disaster, I did notice that I've been sleeping lots more this past month than normal. But as I've had such an issue with sleep (I blame the pain) I was enjoying the sleep. Last week, Spring finally hit us here in the Rockies and I don't want to sleep the nice weather away, Winter seems to hit early here too. I battle an overwhelming fatigue with the Fibromyalgia, but usually am unable to sleep for more than 1 to 2 hours at a time. Some nights this past month, since starting the ER, I've slept 4 hours at a time. My recent blood work showed an increase in my red cell count, so it was mentioned that I may need a test for sleep aphnea, cause the higher red count sometimes indicates that. I think it's the 9000 ft plus altitude which causes higher red counts too. But more likely the doctor is right, the lack of sleep is the cause LOL.

I noticed when the Oxycodone 30mg IR, was my primary pain med at 4x to 5x daily, I was awake even more often as the meds would wear off. And also cause of trips to the potty. Oddly, it hits in spells where it seems that I make a trip every 15 to 30 mins, then other times of the day, I'm like a normal person. Have no idea the cause, just know it isn't fluid intake, cause that's the first thing I limited.

Unless I'm speaking to my doctor or one of my chronically ill friends, it seems that everything I complain about or question, the answer is always because I take opiates. That's one of the reasons that I find it so helpful to hear what your take on things are. Definitely makes me feel less alone with my problems.

Your statement about blind faith in a doctor or medications will get you killed, is so very true.
I had a doctor for one visit (when my primary retired from the clinic), that blamed everything that I have wrong with me on the fact that I was taking opiates. She even went as far to say that my retired doctor had given entirely too many prescriptions for opiates to patients of the clinic and she was going to change that. She put me on Celebrex, doubled my Cymbalta dosage (that I was having side effects with, which is why I scheduled the visit), decreased my oxy by 60mgs daily, all in one visit. Informed me that the next visit we would be cutting the oxy mgs again because the Celebrex would do the job for the pain. I started with a good attitude, hoping that her plan worked. But during that week my whole body went into a HUGE tailspin. Several days later I started crying and could not stop (Cymbalta) along with being in constant pain. When I had taken the Celebrex for three days, it didn't help my pain at all, I read the drug insert, which said if you have any sort of heart issue, DO NOT TAKE CELEBREX (big black bold letters), (oddly she had refilled the Metoprolol for my heart that same visit) the insert also plainly states that Celebrex is not for long term pain relief. As I have chronic pain with no cure in sight, and a heart issue, why would you prescribe Celebrex? Also as I was having side effects with Cymbalta, why would you double the dose? Called the clinic about the uncontrollable crying and the uncontrolled pain. A "fill in" doctor had me reduce my Cymbalta dosage back to the previous dosage, which after 3 days my crying stopped. Online, I found information on the pre marketing study of Celebrex and the percentage of people who had no cardiac issues, who developed issues while taking Celebrex. I stopped taking the Celebrex immediately, no loss as it didn't do a thing for the pain. As this new doctor didn't care that I was having such problems and did nothing (not even a return phone call) when I had called her four straight days, I knew I wasn't going to see her again. Hence the one and only visit.

I decided on my own, as I had developed side effects with the Cymbalta (I had been taking it for over 3 years), to wean myself off, which I did. I couldn't find a doctor in our area that was taking new patients. Grace of God, I have a friend who works with a wonderful doctor at the hospital and he agreed to "fit me in". I had Percocet (about 30 from the year before), some 30mg oxy (15 or 20 left from previous months) which allowed me (rationing) to make it thru the pain, until I was able to get an appointment with the wonderful doctor. Odd too, if opiates are the "root" of all my problems, why would I ever have any left? After the lack of caring on that doctor's part, I don't feel the same about doctors any more. After reading about what I consider to be a high percentage of people who had problems with Celebrex in the pre marketing study, yet they were allowed to market it, has made me question every medication I take.

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Lumbar disaster, I mentioned to you that last month I was prescribed Lyrica (for Fibromyalgia pain), filled the prescription, but haven't started taking it, because I have questions about side effects, long range effects etc. before I start it. Also I mentioned that opiates do help my FM pain and about the study that was done by a pharmaceutical company that concluded "Opiates do not help Fibromyalgia pain" and that company manufactures an alternative drug. Thought that company may have been Pfizer. Well Joke on me LOL Lyrica is the alternative drug which is manufactured by Pfizer and the study was done by them LOL. You said you tried Lyrica, Savella, and Neurontin and nightmares from hell and other side effects. More detail, nightmares from hell and other side effects. What type? How long? Did the side effects stop as soon as you stopped Lyrica?

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Lumbar disaster, I have a friend who has scoliosis, and disc degeneration and he has been told that fusion surgery is the only option available to him. He's on a pain management program also. He has an inversion table (I believe that's what it's called) that he uses and that seems to help with the pain on some days. Have you tried that?

You hadn't mentioned if you do your own housework or if someone else does it. I'm always looking for ways to stay as "normal" as possible, so always trying different approaches to accomplishing what I was able to do before. The friend I mentioned does what housework he is able to do, contributing what he's able to, to their lives. He isn't able to vacuum with a regular vacuum cleaner, but he found that a shop vac was the answer, cause the only weight he's lifting is the hose. I ordered my shop vac this week. I haven't been able to vacuum for a couple of years. I think for two reasons, the motion and the weight. The hose is a totally different motion and again no weight. Hopefully I'll be as successful, if not, well, we'll have a new shop vac.

I wasn't able to mop. Over a year ago, I purchased a Shark unit. The unit that is priced around $100, it's the unit that does hard floor vacuum then you flip the switch and it steam cleans the floor. It has the machine washable removable pads. It's light purple and looks like a small vacuum cleaner. Success!! Able to mop again!! I've let every chronic pain person I know try it, several people have purchased it. May be I should contact Shark and let them know that I should receive a cut LOL

My last medical questions of the day LOL. My xrays were back for my doc visit yesterday. I had xrays done on knees, hips, arms, spine, and neck. Almost all my joints show "moderate" arthritis. The cervical disc show some degeneration, lower disc are out of alignment and my hips (which have the most pain other than my spine) show very little arthritis. Any idea what "moderate" mean when used with arthritis? Is "severe" when you are wheelchair bound? The lower disc that are out of alignment, is that what a chiropractor is for? My doctor said that what the xrays show isn't necessarily an indication of what sort of pain the arthritis is causing, as damage to cartilage and soft tissue don't show with the xray as it would with MRI or other tests. But as words sometimes seem to mean different things when used in medicine, I was curious if you have any info on the word "moderate"?

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Kev in NC,
I don't know which pharmacy you use, but the three that are within 25 mile radius of me are all part of corporations. Walgreens, Safeway and City Market (which is Kroger). We do have a Walmart, but they don't carry much of anything and keep saying they can't order any because of the "drug abuse". There's all sorts of manufacturers that make oxycodone and I'm not sure which brand your pharmacy is saying is non generic and is so expensive, what do they mean by which one is "name brand"?

All three of these pharmacies have told me that they aren't allowed to order any other brand than what corporate has decided that they will carry. Walgreens and Safeway both told me that KVK Tech gave their corporation a huge discount on the price of their oxycodone, that it was "pennies on the pill" and that they had purchased millions from KVK Tech and until that supply is gone, there will be no other oxycodone available through their pharmacy. They only good part was both places explained that I could go to an independently owned pharmacy which isn't required to carry what corporate decides and that does have the freedom to carry or to order another manufacturer for me.

That means I make a 70 mile trip to an independent pharmacy. Which worked for me for several months, then this past month they stuck the KVK Tech pills in on me. OMG I am so tired of this saga. Tomorrow is "prescription saga" day for me. I am going to that independent pharmacy first and fill my Opana and see if they were able to get oxy from a different supplier. If they only have KVK Tech, then I'm not going to fill my prescription there. I will drive 10 miles further to another independent pharmacy and fill it there.
After I do that, when I get back to our local town where my doctor's office is, I will have to stop and update my pharmacy information which is part of my drug contract. Then I have to go through all the explaining to the girl there, why I am changing pharmacies AGAIN and why I don't have all my medications at one place.

Also, I'm not sure that your pharmacy is being honest about "no one else" having a problem with KVK Tech products. I don't think they like to admit that so many people are complaining and that they are ignoring the complaints. I hope you do fill out the complaint area of the FDA website that I gave you in my last post. I think if they receive enough complaints they will take some time to look this situation over.
I'm not sure since the FDA allows the +/- of 20% on medications active portion, if KVK Tech is running at the - 20% of the actual pain reliever or if the problem is with the buffer/filler that they use. I believe that the problem is with the buffer/filler which transmits the pain reliever to your CNS. The pills are as hard as rocks and coated so thickly, I don't believe that they are releasing the medication quickly enough to be of any benefit or to even reach your CNS, hence no pain relief.

I believe that whatever they are using to create such a hard surface is the portion of the pill that is "poison" and makes me so sick. When I filled my prescription at the end of July, the pharmacy gave me 102 of "good" working pills, put a piece of cotton in the bottle and gave me 18 KVK Tech pills LOL. I still have the 18 pills as I can't take them without getting sick. I am going to offer 17 of those pills back to them, cause I want one left to show to my doctor at my next appointment. I want him to understand why I am changing pharmacies every few months. I'm also not sure what the "big" deal is with changing pharmacies because the computer tells them exactly when I last filled a prescription for a narcotic, what exactly it was, exactly the date, exactly how many, so what does it matter who fills the next prescription, as long as it has been the required 30 days and I'm not trying to "pull a fast one" by going early?

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Kev in NC
Last post today LOL I have found that none of the pharmacies want to tell you what brands they carry, unless like you said, you are there with prescription in hand. Which is really a pain in the butt for me with such a long drive. One told me that they don't want to discuss it, because of the fear of robbery. Since when would a criminal only rob your pharmacy because you carry a particular brand, didn't know criminals were so particular about what brands they steal LOL

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