Is Baclofen The Same Thing As A Soma (Page 3)
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my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene.

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I realize I'm commenting years later but....

I'm curious to what you mean about zanaflex being a "mental placebo" because of its "noticeable relief." What do you mean by that?

I'm asking because at different times I've been prescribed each of these for the same damn spasms. First it was Baclofen 10 mg 4x....a month later I said please just write a script for 2x because it was making me so sleepy. Now I'm bent forward & to the right trying to relieve pain from spasms & it seems like Baclofen doesn't do _anything_, & this pain is killing me.

Also deal with depression. So didn't know if you were saying that zanaflex (tz....I can't spell it, is the generic) helped you w spasms AND depression?

Because I have to try something new. I can't live like this.

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Coming from a person with the name sk8ter....I don't think any person with serious back insures would be doing that. I have tried both and prefer bac. They are not posting as an addict. I had the same curiosity. As to why this entire site is created. To ask questions. And get legitimate responses, not accusitional ones like yours "sk8ter". Please take your medicational knowledge somewhere else and in your terms seE YoU L8Tr
Best of luck !

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I have a lot of medical probs as well. Too many to post. Im 47 and had to leave my gov't job, which i loved, after 21 years and go on full disability. I want to throw out a huge recommendation for the spinal cord stimulator. I have had it for 3 years now and absolutely love it. I only had 8 stitches between my shoulder blades and 8 in one butt cheek where the generator was placed. It was a very very easy recovery. Only days and thats bc my doc said so. It works very well with my spinal cord n neck pain. I have 4 programs that i can switch depending on where the pain is from my feet to my neck. I have been on n off pain meds for years and took SOMA for 2 years. IT DOES MAKE ME FEEL "LOOPY". I hate that "out of control" feeling. I'm now on baclofen for severe neuropathy in both feet and half way up my calves. I have lost half my stomach n part of my intestines due to ulcers and was the last one in MD to receive that surgery (Bill Roth II) because it totally screws up your body. Now i hardly eat, i don't make blood or iron, have potassium infusions every other month, sometimes along with magnesium, im very anemic, have insomnia to the point i sleep about 3 hours a day, n the list goes on. I have a hard time absorbing meds so i still struggle with pain every day. The baclofen does help with the neuropathy alot...its much better then the oxy n morphine i have been on for 5 years now. I tried the fentanyl patches and did not get any relief what so ever. Im not out to feel high off of anything. I just want to be able to get a few minutes of relief. Just a few..... I hope you do go forward with the implant of the stimulator and get some relief from it. I surely do..good luck to you my friend..

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I understand your position. I was on Soma for a long period and with my other medications it worked, then moved , chg ed Dr's and the new doctor took me off soma, they are to be said to cause more irritation to the nerve endings than the relief personally at times I felt like an experimental subject. Good luck and I hope you find the meds that relieve your pain in a constructive and positive way. Myself, changed doctors and now we work together and relief verses side effects are much better

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i love it !! Your probably so correct they feel silly now ...but anywho funny funny stuff

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Honestly... people like you suck! Who gives a Flying f*** if this person just wanted soma and they're just seeking drugs! Btw try reading the whole post first b4 jotting down your personal input, and about the whole the "s" thing... they meant Skelaxin not the other drug you're talking about, and you definitely aren't any better than this person who posted this damn post to begin with. People like you make me sick to my stomach...

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Who are you to make such an assumption?! Judgemental much? You sound like an angry person. Get some help for your anger.

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Skelaxin.And Medicaid will pay for it if doc writes "medically necessary " on the prescription.

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You are so right on your entire post. My mother is on pain medicine and soma for over 10 years and I thank god she has a Dr that doesn't want her to suffer. Why spend the life you have left in constant pain when you don't have to.

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Oh no ma'am. Soma's are a lot stronger then Baclofen. Believe me you Soma's worked great but they were strong. Soma's are in a higher rate drug then Baclofen. Take it from someone two back surgerys one neck. And got very addicted to them. Four years out. Yee haw.

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Well i didn't read any type of "drug seeking" behavior in that post. You sound like you may need to calm down there buddy. Triggered much? You sound super judgemental. In fact I would totally rather sound like an addict than an uptight always right hypocrite like yourself.

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To SK8R...for a person who claims to be in "recovery" u r way out of line!! What ever happened to compassion for the fellow addict!? What an a**hole!! U might as well go back and use cause u have a very poor quality of what anyone would want if they were led by your example!!! Don't forget where u came from!!!! People like you give AA and NA a bad rap!! U get it together!!!??

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Wow, what a pretentious condescending , self -involved response to a seemingly valid question . Get it together

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Sure you can take it together! It's just like taking two pills together - question is: should you take it together? If your body is clear of either drug for a long term, i guess maybe it will not do harm doing it once. But u may not feel anything because your you have to have the drug in your system for a short term to feel the full effects of your next or next higher dose.

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Right on I agree with every word you wrote...Thank you for posting...

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I have been in pain for years and for a long time I was dependent on pain pills. Just because you have a "real injury" so you claim doesnt give you any right to degrade someone else because the wording of there post wasnt up to your standards. You should do some research. I know many young people "ravers" I guess your referring to them as. And yes they use Soma. Especially Soma, vicodin, and xanax all together. Anything that's an opioid works. Your not addicted to vicodin or soma, your body is addicted to the opioid or the synthetic opioid in the pill. And yes more young people die from overdose 17-24 age group by far. Middle age women who have legal prescriptions are in fact a very small percent ...So dont act like your a know it all. As far as jumping all over someone because you didnt like the wording of a post?? Really you need to find a hobby!

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Nice post/reply. This kind of info is good regardless of how long ago it was posted. Thank you

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I took soma for 30 years after a failed second back surgery. I decided to wean from it after it started to cause me to feel anxiety after it wore off. I think the ingredients changed. I even paid for name brand thinking it was the generic causing the problem. Anyway, I started to wean but realized weaning was not necessary so I just stopped. Problem is the muscles have tightened and the pain increased. I don't want to list my ailments but I have many such as RA,ulcerative colitis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, sjrogrens, and cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal degeneration. Recently I could not sit on my right side and my doctor did not want to even x Ray it. My rheumatologist finally did an MRI and the results showed torn tendons in more than 4 places among other problems. I have had health issues since I was 17. I have tried many meds. I am now on norco and Ativan for pain and many other meds for my other problems. My doctor wants me to wean off telling me about Prince and Michael Jackson. I am me. I don't know their issues and they don't have anything to do with me. Doctors are afraid of liability issues. My doctor suggested I see a pain management dr. I did. He said he saw no problem. I was only on two pain meds. He said the other doctors are just afraid of prescribing these and not to worry. I feel for those in pain cause the trend now is to get everyone off. They say on tv that Americans use more than all these other countries. Well, I see it from my situation. The baby boomers are only getting older and more pain comes with old age and so naturally people will use more. Real illnesses need real pain medication not doctors who are thinking about their insurance costs and pleasing insurance companies. Remember quality of life. You can go around with your face all cringed in pain and be all irritable or be slower and more careful but bear the pain a little more relaxed.

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Wow! Sounds like you're trying to help a suffering addict, clearly you aren't in a 12 step program or you'd be trying to help someone you clearly once were. Hope you aren't a drug and alcohol counselor.

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Was it helpful? Where the heck is the answer?

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