Ic Gabapentin 300 Mg Bladder Side Effects (Page 4)
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I take 100 ic gabapentin 3 times/day for sciatica. Now I find that my bladder leaks about once a week which is unnerving. Has this been reported as a side effect?

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My problem is I am dealing with the VA. The Veterans Admin. does not want it listed as a side effect, this would cause them a major financial setback. For me the damage is done, I will suffer from badder problems the rest of my life.

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i really think that gabapentin does have something to do with night peeing I took the medican and last night I pees all night long I notice when I don't take it I never have to go like that but when I do take the pill I pee all night long got to be the medican

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My Dr said it is a known site effect to Dr's that prescribe it. Reduce the amount. Tell your Dr

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Hello I started taking Gabapentin 300 Mg I go to the bathroom literally about ten times a night. I can't even rest because of this and I always fill the urge to urinate.

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I've been taking Gabapentin for a while. Recently, I have major issue with urgency, bladder leakage and wetting the bed at night. When I ease up on the Gaba, those symptoms decrease. I think there is definite connection between the two

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I quite cold turkey. Unfortunately it has done its damage, I have to take another medication to dry me up. It has help with surprise attacks, but when I get the urge I need to find a restroom.

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I take 100mg 3 x a day and the last 2 nights I sat up and my bladder just let loose! I started on 100mg for a month, IBS started then stopped, 200 the next month, now 300mg and this started!!!! I asked the cardio Dr. today he looked it up and said no, but I am with you!!! I had a urethra lift 6 months ago and it fixed any leakage. On top of it I never leaked like this. I feel the urge while sleeping, sit up and bam! Soak the bed. Thank you so much for sharing but it needs to be listed as a side effect! We must all tell our Dr's and call the companies! Does anyone know if I need to wean off. I am on it for nerve pain.

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Gabapenton was determined to give me total loss of bladder control. Urgency and leakage was an issue but complete emptying the bladder at bad times was a major problem. The part I hated the most was for short period just prior to the doctors taking me off the medication was I had to urinate every 20 minutes 24/7. Of course when the sever damage is done to the bladder then they prescribe medication to dry you up or give you better control. That leads to other complications. I don't have sinus problems anymore but other issues far worse. I am male 66 years old being treated for type II diabetes.

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Yes, I have been taking this for over 6 months for trigeminal neuralgia. I was on 1600 mg a day for many of these months. Now I just started with 2400 mg a day for nerve pain. I so very much hate this bladder leakage! I am only 45 and feel like it is totally the meds! :-(

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I have wet myself 3 times while sleeping within 2 weeks of taking 600 mg of gabapentin. Twice at girlfriends. What's up?. Taking it for sciatica

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I wet the bed my first night taking it

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I am no longer taking the Gabapentin because of difficulty with high blood pressure; my experience was that I had fewer episodes of incontinence while taking Gabapentin and wish I could continue to take it, but management of my blood pressure is more of a concern.

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I take 3 gabapentin 100mg at bedtime daily for neuropathy and I've noticed myself waking at night about every two hours to urinate. When I wake it's hard for me to get off the bed or couch. In which time I have to go so badly, I have to squish my legs together to get up, while in the process, I end up doing more than just a mere dribble. I already have issues with i continence, I don't need this on top of it. I think they should list it as a side effect of this medication.

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Hey, yes im having incontinence problems on gabbapentine.it relaxes everthing so if your bladder muscles are relaxed....yea its gonna happen. Be careful and dont make the mistake I did of trying to cut my dosage to combat that issue at night.I got violently ill. Best wishes my heart goes out to everyone on this medication. Or in pain.I never thought ide be looking at medical marijuana because im so anti drugs due to family issues but its starting to sound like the side.effects of most perscription drugs just is too much.best wishes..kris

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I have been experience urgency since taking gabapentin and frequency as well as slight discomfort on urination. I feel like urgency comes on all of a sudden and if I don't get to the loo, I may not make it. Anyone else had similar experience? My doctor said it shouldn't be from gabapentin but now listening to others, I think it is.

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I don't know why I was the only one downgraded for something I shared happening to me.

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I have MS and a neurogenic bladder, but have just recently figured out that the 100 mg. gabapentin I take at night may be causing me to wet the bed. I went off it for two dry weeks, and the first night I went back on it for pain I wet the bed. I couldn't believe it. If this has been the contributing factor to my frequency at night, plus the reason for the wetting, I will be astonished. Going to go off tonight and see if my bladder is less overactive.

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Well I have served carpeltunel can't have surgery now if I do I will have no income, I know in my heart this is medication is the problem.... Don't know what you do

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Since taking Gabapentin I have to urinate at least 3 times nightly. I also got a bladder infection. I am getting off this horrible drug.

Also, getting up at night has contributed to sleeplessness.

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I take 900 mg a day and I have actually peed the bed twice,not just leaked...BOTH times I would wake up in the middle of when I was going,also was like a dream....so embarrassed...

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