Ic Gabapentin 300 Mg Bladder Side Effects (Page 3)
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I take 100 ic gabapentin 3 times/day for sciatica. Now I find that my bladder leaks about once a week which is unnerving. Has this been reported as a side effect?

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I've just had my dosage of gabapentin increased about 3 weeks ago with very little side effects.
About 6 days ago I've started peeing constantly I'm sooner off the loo then straight back there again & wondered if this is happening to anyone else, it day & night .
It's not a infection as there's no burning or stinging.

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I'm having difficulty trying to urinate. I'm on 100mg of gabapentin

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I started taking Neurontin ( 300mg capsules 3x a day for back pain in Sept 2016. My Dr increased it to 4 a day & now I've noticed craving salt & my appetite has really increased. I DO NOT want to gain weight. It had helped with back pain but it ain't worth gaining a ton of weight. I kept wondering why I suddenly was hungry more & now I know. He is going to have to change this med or I'll just stop taking it all together. Don't want to weigh a ton !! ..thank you.

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I haven't had such a problem and I am on up to 3,000 mgs a day. I use it with zakafillan for my severe leg pain caused by M'S.
I was on a much lower dose at 600 mgs a day when on Lyrica which purportedly is the same chemical compound, but now I am with the VA and cheap is best!
I am relatively lucky with the side effects and the occasional double vision when reading is not because of the drugs, but due to the MS because my left eye will not move from center left.

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Hmmm I take 400mg 3xaday having bladder probs even been checked for uti nope...well urine leaks very cloudy very pungent sweet smell..gotta pee n then a few drops maybe peeing 1/2 cup a day doc said drink more water..I have fibromylagia n poss ms..a lot of bowel probs..stomach issues .so idk hope answers found soon drive ing me insane.players

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I took my first pill last night and must of peed myself three times / had to get up and clean myself and change linen and put on a adult diaper only to wake up with a wet diaper /

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Yes it has been noted as a side effect I take 300 2x daily then 600mg at bedtime and since I took the 600 at bed time I wet the bed right through everything I don't even feel it happening I am so very upset by it I told my doc and he said it would pass I am now afraid to fall asleep incase it happens again. Lore

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I also take gabapentin 100 mg 3 times a day I have noticed the leakage of my bladder and yes get up multiple times night.. Yes no sleep for the weary and exhaustion has kicked in. But has anyone had extreme heartburn or acid reflux from this medicine??? I was so sick last week vomiting out of both ends. I really don't want to take it except for it helping with the sciatica.

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I take gabapentin 1200mg daily. Last night I woke up and I was wet I was so upset I went on to check side effects and this eas.one of them I am so upset but glad to know that I am not alone .

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I just started the same dose, same frequency and mine is constant, no warning. As soon as there is any liquid of a decent amiunt, there it goes. I cannot even tell until I notice my underwear is wet. I am now wearing maxi pads until my next Dr appt. Thus is just rudiculous!!!!!

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I agree. Bladder problem is definitely related along with other problems that drug stores don't admit to. Try to get help, HA!!

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i also had a kidey remove in 2015 do you think gapp has any thing todo with it i also wounder

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I've lost control of my bladder twice as an adult. Both times while sleeping and when I had moved to a higher level of Gabapentin. Doctor said Gabapentin shouldn't be the problem but quite the coincidence

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Ditto !! I am so tired of going to bathroom that my hubby started complaining about TP Usage. Thank you gabapentin. NOT!

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Yes, I too have been wondering about Gabapentin (3x day for me) I've been taking 3 yrs. Initially seemed to be retention, now appears to be opposite effect. I take for sciatica also bad back which could contribute to muscle weakness of bladder. But remember this drug is also used to dull the nerve sensors so I believe alot of symptoms are attributed. I have alot of "spacey" moments, sweat, confussion, dizziness and blurred vision. I am trying to ween off but nothing else seems to help with leg cramps. Not the best Rx for longterm??

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It does cause bladder leakage! My dr said so. Get off of the neurontin. Causes weight gain too.

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I don't believe so. It would be awesome if they would. There are some articles regarding this over site by the manufacturer. I would mention the problem to your doctor as soon as possible. I also would do some research on line, I think the Cleveland Clinic, or Mayo Clinic were one of the reports on Gabapentin

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I also take gabapentin 300 and I notice every time I take it I am up all night going to the bath room. I also just had one kidney remove in 2015 do you think this medicans may have had something to do with it.

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Not taking it anymore! Getting up to go to the toilet 5 times during the night is ridiculous!

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It is a very known side effect along with weight gain! Get off of it!

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