Focalin Addiction!! (Page 2)
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My first semester in college was a disaster as I began at the age of 25 and only 3 months after leaving an all together different environment in the military where I served 4 tours in the Middle East. I never missed a class and yet my GPA at the end was a 1.75. I literally couldn’t absorb anything in class, fought off falling asleep more often than not, and couldn’t seem to apply my discipline to making myself sit and read. So, in the Fall of ’05 I began taking Focalin 10mg and the difference was night and day. Not only did I retain information from class, but I was able to sit down and read without losing focus, I actually enjoyed it, and my second semester GPA was a 3.63! Now it is the beginning of Fall 2008, I graduated in May, and have started an already successful career at a law firm. I know, what’s the problem right? Well, if you notice I’ve been on Focalin for 3 years now and to say I’m hooked on the drug would be an understatement. I’ve taken enough before to exhibit at least 3 of the listed signs of overdose such as, sweating, dizziness, jittery, etc… What’s worse is that my job requires me to sit at a desk all day…..ALL DAY and without Focalin that’s just not possible for me and I know that about myself, but I don’t just take it at work. I get urges to take it afterwards and have even stayed up for 3 and 4 days taking one pill after another every couple of hours and browsing the net, reading books, writing out goals, plans, what have you and I can’t seem to stop. Focalin used to make me so sociable and I’d love talking about a variety of things with different friends, people from my classes, and even strangers, but now I’m the opposite. I’m anti-social, and I’ll be as awake and as focused as you can imagine and yet I don’t want to do a thing. I won’t eat, but I’ll maybe write for a while, browse the net a bit, read some, but nothing sticks anymore like it used to. One task, one pill is a thing of the long gone past. If I stop using the drug my performance at work will drop considerably, making me the 1.75 GPA guy all over again, but if I keep on like this I fear my performance in life will drop drastically. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and any advice will be greatly appreciated. I need to find a way to taper off the amount because the 10mg twice a day I’m prescribed doesn’t even touch the tolerance I have built for Focalin over the last 3 years. Help!!

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Make sure you never try snorting it.. Worst idea ever tried it and now every day I blow over 100 mg lines. And it depends cause I can't save it if I have them in my possession my addictive side always wins. I had some on me last night huge mistake I blew 90 mg at 1230 and was speeding all night. So please never try you will regret it I know I do.

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One thing that would probably solve most of you people's problems with abusing focalin is to just tell your doctor/parents/who ever gives it to you, that you don't want to be on it anymore-cut yourself off, as it is hard to build up a physical dependence on it unless you're taking huge doses over long periods of time, so obviously this will be more effective if you catch yourself earlier than late. Yet even if you're using large amounts, focalin is not an opiate, in that it can usually be discontinued cold turkey (or by tapering down the dose if it's really high) without many if any fatal side is the case with most stimulants(cocaine, amphetamines etc), what many of the previous posters are experiencing could be described as an intense (in some cases) psychological addiction, and not the physical addiction that some of your minds have convinced you that you have. Always consult you're doctor though when deciding between stopping cold turkey and tapering the dose as your situation is unique. It can be done quite easily though, as opposed to quitting harder drugs. I know because I'm currently experiencing a relatively controlled addiction to focalin , be it on a lesser scale, as I snort a good 75-150mgs of the xr formulation in a sitting at once-or sometimes twice, as ill spread that dose out- a week, and have done so for the last 6-8 months.
Yet with my extensive experience with drugs, both"hard" and pharmaceutical, I know that each comes with its own challenges as well as its own solutions -Hard drugs, though usually more potent than the other, require lots of money for their yet easier to obtain addiction to be caused; and pharmaceutical drugs, due to the fact that you have a script for usually cheap/free, make chronic abuse easier to do, and with this access plus prolonged exposure ends you up with an addiction. See the connection? My general point is that if you end the script, there goes the addiction; you can't really walk up to your drug dealer for focalin like you could to the pharmacy. Come on people, use your reasoning skills and don't let yourself fall into a downward spiral; you didn't wake up addicted, you had to work at it.. IME most drugs, save methamphetamine, can be used, though usually sparingly, responsibly without tying on an addiction-yes even heroin, all you need is self control.
For example: I've flirted with cocaine (very similar to focalin, though better IMO) numerous times and can get it more readily than Focalin as well as at any time I want it, but because it costs so much and I have so little, this has kept me from even worrying about an addiction(sorry rich people with access, you're f***ed lol). But since focalin comes to me for free, makes it easy to get, but there's only one place I can rely on getting it-the prescription bottle...
Therefore, I say that "simply isolating oneself from the drug" will solve your problem of addiction because of my experience with a "controlled" addiction to focalin. Even months into it, I notice that half way between doses that I'm not really feeling any cravings for it (due to my unique situation, I only get access to 7x25mg pills once a week which eliminates any tolerance built up the previous week while maintaining relative control of the addiction) . So even if I were to get a craving, it can't be satisfied until I gain access to it again few days later-in which case when I can get it I've also noticed that its very hard to turn it down, resulting in my cyclical abuse. However , the fact that those "mid-week" cravings aren't intense by any measure, and moreso decrease in level of intensity as time between doses increases should give you hope. This if anything, has shown me that if I were to say, move away out of accessibility of the drug that I would survive, and would do so quite easily (every now and then I've skipped dosing up for 2-3 weeks without negative effects).
I've thought about isolation as a way to get off the drug because I leave for college soon, and my accessibility to it is going to end-with bittersweet feelings I predict though, as I won't have to worry about it all the time but I also won't be able to get geeked up every week. Although, it's for the better in the long run that it will end within the next five months, because of that deadline, I've remained using it weekly and will probably continue at this pace, if I don't eventually decrease dosage amounts before that time comes, with the knowledge that those cravings for the drug are simply in my mind. I'm not worried at all about it, and many(most) of you should worry much less. Lol It may be a good high but really? it's not f***in meth or crack, so suck it up, realize where you stand, and take action!

Good luck to you all and remember one thing: if you cut off your access, to focalin at least, you end your addiction...plain and simple.

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Hi, well.. My names Sydney, 13 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD somewhere around 3rd grade, and was prescribed adderall. It helped very much and in 5th grade I made the desicion to stop taking it. Earlier this year (8th grade) I doing terrible in school. So I was given the adderall again. I complained I my doctor about a few annoying side effects of adderall such as loss of appetite and dizziness. He then gave me 2 full bottles of focalin. I tried them for a day and had my first anxiety attack. So I decided it wasn't a good idea to take them ever again. After after a couple extremely difficult weeks I had actually planned a suicide of overdosing the focalin. I took around 12 pills. After surviving I made a secret pledge to myself to never do it again. Another week had passed I was fighting with a few good friends and my boyfriend. (We had been together for around 4 months during this time) I used to tell him everything. So fighting was horrible. A few teachers had noticed me acting a bit depressed and "in my own world" so they had several meetings about me and arranged for me to see the school therapist. At first I never told her much. Even though it felt like my life was falling apart. One day I checked my grades and I was failing 3 important classes. Immediately I thought to myself I should overdose. And I did that night. I remember one day a girl I was fighting with called me a "whore and a "b****". Once again I overdosed. I became very dependent on the drug. It took over so much of my life and no one ever knew what I was going through. I used to stay up a night shaking and crying because of overdosing. Anytime any challenge came into my life I would instantly pick up the bottle. After I ran out I asked for more, and more.. Unfortunately they gave it to me. I wouldn't eat for days. I would never get out of bed. I would never leave the house. I would cry for days. One day after a terrible dosage of 16 I reached out to the school counselor. I told her I had a problem. I told her everything. I remember crying in front of her. She was amazing though, she always had a smile on her face. She knew I needed more help, outside of school. A different therapist was recommended to me and even though I was against therapy she talked me into it. One day I was feeling so anxious and my heart rate was above 170 (sitting down) I was rushed into the ER. the doctors had tol me this was caused my one two many pills. But I didnt overdose that week at all. after that I begged my mom to dispose of ALL adhd medication. I've been talking to the recomended therapist for 2 1/2 months now. I really like him, but he suggested I tell my mom. I don't want her to know because she is very different from me, she handles things differently and I'm scared of her reaction. I now suffer from horrible anxiety and occasional rapid heart beat. I have been in the hospital a few times and I show no symptoms of any kind of heart problems or any problems at all. I feel very lucky. Although I have noticed my resting heart is normal (60) as soon as I run or even walk up a few stairs my heart rate jumps up. My last recorded running heart rate was 230 (I had ran 2 blocks) with this in mind know that I am a very healthy weight an I am not at risk for any diabetes at all. I'm just confused on how my heart rate jumps around so much if there is nothing wrong. Since I no longer take the medication my grades have dropped horribly. I might not pass 8th grade. With 4 F's and 1 D. I'm questioning the medication again. It has been a little bit over 2 months since I have taken anything. But I feel it's to risky, with the meds I'm risking addiction again but without I'm risking not entering high school. The only person who knows is my best friend. Should I tell my mom? Please, I need help.

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I got addicted on my prescribed dose. I refuse to take any higher than the 15mg I was prescribed at a time. Like you, I have ADHD. Unlike some of the other replies, I don't just love it for the high.
I feel like I can't function properly without it. I feel normal on it. THAT is addicting.

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To me it seemed like everyone has become addicted after taking large quantities. Has anyone become addicted while just taking their prescribed dose? I am perscribed to take 30 mg Xr in the morning a 10 at lunch and more later depending on work load. I don't get why people like the feeling of focalin, 30 is about as much as I can take without just feeling like crap (just FYI I have ADHD). I don't see the point in abusing it, it just sucks to take more, and if anything I am happy to not take it, and just have to smoke weed to get rid of that "ugh" feeling I have when on it. Without focalin I can't do work, I just can't bring myself to do it, so I take just enough to bring my grades up without ruining my day. Again I'm just wondering does it only feel good when you take a lot? Or also when it's a low dosage ( like 30 is for me)? And has anyone gotten addicted on their perscribed dose?

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It's been a while since my last reply was posted. I'm sure it'll be the same with this one. I had been doing a little better, but yesterday I broke down and stole some more extra pills.
It's so funny because, the high is so useless. All I get is anxious and jittery and end up with a panic attack. It's purely psychological, and I need to break it. I have myself convinced that without it, life is as dull as can be.

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So to start your post it extremely similar to my own personal experience in many ways. I started taking meds for add in 7th grade and have now been on them for about 9 years. As most when i started i went from D's and F's to making honor roll. At this point though in college i am taking 90mg of concerta ever day, as well as snorting various amounts of focalin. At first in college taking the extra focalin helped me study which turned into snorting it to study and now its almost become a daily thing needing it before going out, to the library or anything really. I accept i am addicted but I dont know how to stop and I keep fighting inside between being addicted to a drug and needing to stop and at the same time scared that if i do stop i will go back to the kid I once was unable to learn, unable to read and generally unsuccessful

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I'm Leon and I'm addicted to my focalin. I feel a little better after glancing at this thread-The highest I've done in one day is 64mgs. Maybe there is hope for me?
It started out 10mg once a day, then 10 mg twice, now 15mg three times a day, but that only lasts me from 6AM to 11AM. I break into my parents' room and grab extra pills sometimes.
I'm hoping I can stop before it's too late.

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Dillon - I'm assuming you've had an addiction to these drugs at one point and time otherwise you would not have known that they make you feel like Superman or a loser?

But then the sound of your "tone" It doesn't sound like you have and that your words of wisdom spoken so intelligently were just taken from a friend of a friend of a friend?

Either way, black and white, loud and clear, you have just boldly judged MANY people for something you no little or nothing about. Even more sad, you do not personally know these people or their stories.

Had you told me just two years ago that at the age of 45 I was going to become an addict I would have laughed in your face!

Now let me ask you this...have you NEVER made a mistake in your life? Please don't judge me or any of these other posters who are dealing with a demon! They never intended for it to go this far or to get so out of control!

So Unless your name is Jesus Christ and you have never made a mistake, broken a commandment, told a lie, disliked one of your neighbors you have no right to judge anyone.

My advice to you would be to worry about yourself and your own shortcomings. Work on those shortcomings, (I don't know you but I know one of them is being judgmental) therapy is a great place to start. Work on becoming a better person, and finally go to church on Sunday and ask God for guidance and forgiveness.

I do it every single day and He walks with me every step I take. Take care of yourself Dillon...I pray this is one shortcoming you will NEVER have to live through!

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Are you people blind? Focalin, Ritalin and Adderal is all basically Crystal Meth/Ice that is legal. Yes, it's very addictive. It will make you feel like Superman when your on it and a loser when your off of it.

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I just e-mailed the administrators asking them to allow us to exchange information. If you e-mail them as well, maybe they will help us out? I'll let you know if I hear back from anyone.

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Hi Susan! Your e-mail in not viewable? There is a note stating individuals can't post personal information in order to protect privacy, except in rare cases. Hummm....I'd really like to try to make contact. Maybe if we both let "them" know we want to contact one another, they would allow it. I'm going to look in to it....

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Hi Sara! I was afraid I'd never hear from you again! When you feel up to it, why don't you email me? I'm at xxxxxx@xxxxxxx [1].

[1] Editor's note - In order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).

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Hi Susan...sorry it took me so long to reply. If you get this, I'd really like to talk to you. Not a lot has changed on this end. Still struggling...not really up for typing much right now, just wanted to try to touch base with you. Hope to hear from you soon!

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Addiction is not a disease. It is habit that turns into an addiction and eventually physical dependence. Calling it a disease is simply covering up the truth that your a drug addict. Cancer is caused by Body cells naturally undergoing a process called mitosis, in which the cell divides into two identical cells for the purposes of growth and repair. Cancer cells divide at a much more rapid rate than normal healthy cells. The result of this accelerated cell division is a mass of tissue known as a tumor. With that being said please explain to me how drug addiction is anywhere close to a disease? I'm only offended because many people in family have died from cancer and your saying that its similar to being a drug addict. Don't get me wrong I used to be addicted alcohol and stimulants. My advice is just to seek help, find a good support base. Talk to your doctor he is there to help you. The more honest you are with him/her the better they can help you. Good Luck! It may be hard in this uphill struggle, but just imagine the view from the top!

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Is it your prescription? It makes you feel good for awhile, but you always want more. Don't disregard me or laugh too hard, I've been there. You have to PRAY when you crave it. Please try this, and try to not be around it. If you are taking away from someone who needs it, until they can control it, because you can have more self control as an adult. You can do it, just make sure it is not available to you. Believe or not, you can do ALL things through Christ which strenghtens you!!! :>

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I'm also addicted to the focalin I'm precribed. I first heard about focalin from a friend and instead of just swallowing them, we would empty the beads into a folded up dollar and crush the beads with a lighter or chapstick and then snort the powder. The effect given by snorting it was the greatest feeling I've ever had. SO much euphoria. After doing it with him I got prescribed 10mg then it moved up to 20mg and then 30mgs then back down to 20 because insurance wouldn't pay for the 30mgs. Having said that I get 2 focalin a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I am addicted to snorting them just because the effect are similar to those of cocaine. My parents used to give me 2 20mg focalin in a little baggy to take to school every day. When I got to school I snorted one...ten minutes later I wanted another and so snorted that. I did this for a year and for the start it was amazing. Walking in to my first class and wanting to talk to every and I was very social and I always knew what to say after I snorted one and it made me feel like a god. A couple months went by of me snorting them every day and some times I would grab a couple more from the bottle and snort up to 80mgs and basically my life is run by focalin. I have gone on 24 hour benges where over the coarse of that 24 hours I snorted 260mgs of focalin and the next day I felt like I wanted to die.(don't do that) Snorting focalin is a huge problem for me and I accept that I'm addicted to it but it has ruined relationships with girls be cause of the amount of irrigation that focalin gives and after awhile my motivation to want to do school work, dropped dramatically becaus when I'm all focalined out after snorting 40mgs, all i wanna do is what sounds fun and I'll do anything just so that I can go home and drum focalined out or play video games or start texting 8 or 9 different girls because after snorting a focalin, your brain processes things quicker and so flirting with. girls is one of the best things ever because focalin gives me the ability to always know what the right thing is to say to a girl...I get many girls while I'm on focalin haha Even, though I am addicted, it has its benefits being that my brain processes things quicker and it let's me step back and analyze what the situation is and it gives me the aweness to know what another person is thinking and how there thinking process works and by knowing all that information, it gives me complete control over any situation just knowing that you know more than whoever you're talking to. You realize why people are the way they are and how they will react to a situation. Having the ability to understand how another human thinks and how they process things is wonderful so thanks focalin. Also after I snort a focalin I look at everything analytically and will literally process new ways to do something or how to take a smarter approach in an argument and how to manipulate the thinking of the other person and once again that give me complete control over the situation. I'm still struggling with this but I'm doing well and thank you for hearing my addiction situation.

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Dear Sara,
Oh how I wish I would’ve seen this sooner! I would’ve reached out if for nothing more but to lend an ear. How are you doing? Have you reached out to anyone? PLEASE Sara, if and when you receive this update and notice that I replied, let me know. My husband had a heart attack just a couple days before you posted so I wasn’t paying attention to the replies from this site! That’s the only reason I missed it because every time I get notification of a new reply I look! I’m still struggling although I’ve not taken anymore of my sons meds. But you know what they say “where there’s a will, there’s a way.†Life is just toooo hard to try to fight this right now! But it’s also hard living with the guilt and the “disgusting†feeling I have about myself! - Susan

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Hello, my 8 year old son was perscribed focalin for his ADHD and took it for a little while to be abale to stay in school. but after a while i noticed that he was not the same child. he would just sit there in a daze and rock back and forth in the chair and beat his head in the sofa back and forth until he went to sleep. i stopped him from taking it and pulled him out of school because they were going to exspell him if he wasn;t on the medication to keep him calm. i home school both of my kids now. i was affraid it was gonna kill my baby boy who already has a heart merma and is ODD AND ADHD. I'D RATHER DEAL WITH HIM AT HOME THEN HIM GETTING HURT OR DIEING OFF OF THESE PILLS.

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Hi Susan. I just read your posts and can't quit situation is almost identical to yours. No one knows at this point, but I don't think I can hide it much longer. I wish I could talk to you....I don't want to stop, but I know I have to or there will be dire consequences. Even though I'm in a bad place right now, I feel like a weight has been lifted after reading about your story...

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