Eliquis And Shortness Of Breath (Page 3)
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My boyfriend began taking Eliquis in March for AFIB. (He is 68.) Right away he wasn't himself. He gets short of breath dozens of times a day now when he didn't before. Even going upstairs is a problem. He needs to exercise because of his peripheral arterial disease, and he can't because he becomes so short of breath. He was walking for an hour and a half at a time. He gets short of breath so often that it scares him and me. The doctor said that Eliquis can't cause this. He wouldn't take him off of it, so my boyfriend continued to struggle. About three weeks ago my boyfriend had an epic nosebleed that we had to go to the E.R. for. In treating the nosebleed, they stopped his Eliquis. Lo and behold no more shortness of breath. When he had his follow up with the cardiologist a week later, he put him back on it despite what my boyfriend and I attempted to explain to him. He refused to listen and said it wasn't a side effect. He upped the dose of his metoprolol and sent him on his way. And almost immediately the shortness of breath was back and my boyfriend feels lousy again. Why don't doctors listen? Aren't they obligated to report these reactions? Maybe it other people are having the same reaction and their doctors aren't listening either because no one is writing it down.

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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Get a different doctor. If dr's don't listen they cant treat properly (hard to find 1 that does). Bottom line, your boyfriend is in charge of his care and the doctors are advisors... The sad thing is some drs care more about kickbacks than patients... You need to research what dr's tell you and get an understanding of the condition... Ez nowadays, but take all info with a cautionary attitude then if you question your drs advice go to an unrelated dr in an unrelated practice and don't say what the other dr told you...Get a second opinion... After all, how much more money does your dr make if the dr fixes you and you dont have to go back.... I know but there are those out there like that.

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If you are only seeing a cardiologist that does NOT specialize in Electrophisoly of the heart I suggest finding a cardiologist electrophysiologist. This made all the difference in how my afib was treated.

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Re: Dave (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Hello - I just got put on Eliquis. Wondering if you ever got off of it or how your breathing turned out as I am also experiencing shortness of breath, in addition to hot limbs and sore joints. I am a bit worried - does it get better or worse as I am only three days in.

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Re: Queticopete (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hello - I just got put on Eliquis. Wondering if you had any further side effects long after being off Eliquis? I am worried about irreversible damage as I am getting shortness of breath after three days in addition to hot limbs and sore joints. I am a bit worried - does it get better or worse as I am only three days in.

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Re: Beatrix (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hello - I just got put on Eliquis. Wondering if you ever got off of it or how your breathing turned out as I am also experiencing shortness of breath, in addition to hot limbs and sore joints. I am a bit worried - does it get better or worse as I am only three days in.

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Re: Kravhammer (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Hello - I was wondering what every happened with your breathing. Did it finally return to normal? Did you get off of Eliquis? I am only three days in and experiencing the same issue and I have asthma. I am wondering if I should stop and take natural remedies and aspirin. Appreciate whatever insights you may have.

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I agree, doctor's don't listen. Went to my Primary and constantly complained of my shortness of breath. She used to be a ER doctor, and she didn't pick up on it either. So after a year of this problem, I pestered her so much she finally sent me to a cardiologist. That was ruled out as a problem. Now I'm going to a lung doctor, he's not finished testing with me so we can either count my lungs being the problem or not. I stopped taking Elilquis 6 weeks ago and I have not seen my breathing getting any better.

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Bob I have severe shortness of breath on ELIQUIS. What should I doRobert

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I'm also experiencing short of breath. Had to stop going to exercise class, also have muscle weakness and fatigue. Thought I've been to cardiologists and breathing doctors, none of them see the correlation between Eliquis and shortness of breath.

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The doctors don't care. What you see isn't happening. Eliquis is evil, my dad is still shaking and suffering from shortness of breath a year later.

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Re: EKM (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Intend to do just that. Can't just stop all of the heart (?) meds at once, but intend to lose them if necessary. I actually couldn't sleep last night, breathing was so bad, so continued research on other meds. Ranitidine? Goes back to pharmacy to be disposed of today. Won't die of stomach upset. Gabapentin? Can live with nerve pain. Tambacor (generic) Going. (Headache and anxiety with that one) Atorvastatin? Helpful, but same effects in smaller amount. Going. CITRUS CALCIUM +D? Doesn't sound likely, heh? Sure!! Going. My bones won't disintegrate. THEN, ADD CARVEDILOL (generic) AND LET'S NOT FORGET DILTIAZEM (generic). That one can cause nasal passages to dry up so you breathe through your mouth and guess what?? No wonder I feel like I'm breathing dust!!! Honestly, I felt pretty damned good until, with one episode, it was decided I had A-Fib. ONE!!! GEE! DO YOU KNOW LOW BLOOD SUGARS CAN IRRITATE YOUR HEART, MAKE IT BEAT RAPIDLY AND GENERALLY MIMIC AN A-Fib ATTACK?? THEY CAN STICK THEIR QUICK DECISIONS. INCLUDING THE ONE TO SHOCK MY HEART BACK INTO RHYTHM. THEN, BASED ON THAT ONE INCIDENT, WANTED TO SCHEDULE A HEART ABLATION WITH NO MORE RESEARCH. Well, hasn't happened yet. Probably won't. Been nearly 5 months. Meanwhile my health is being undermined by all these drugs meant to keep me alive(?). I was in low blood sugar when I called for the EMTs that day. I wonder if they really took any note of that at all?? My BP was 94/69 with a pulse of 42 yesterday. Great?? Wonder if my hearts pumping well enough to move any oxygen around. Dizziness. Weakness. Even some memory issues..all foreign to me until the past weeks as all this has been added. I'm exhausted right now from having no sleep last night. Stress and exhaustion raises my blood sugar. Gee, it's just a vicious Merry-Go-Round.

I live alone with my cat now that my hubby is in a nursing home. Spent 2 days in the hospital two weeks ago over blood sugar readings all over the place, so don't get me started on that. I'm afraid to read up on the Metformin prescribed so my insulin could be cut in half. Already know the long term effects of insulin. My great-grandma, who lived to be 2 months shy of 94, told me as a child, "THESE DOCTORS WILL KILL YOU WITH THEIR PILLS." GO GRANNY!!! Now, not all meds are bad. We all know that. But giving someone who has a nearly life-long history of respiratory problems, drugs to keep them from having a stroke (?) but that could cause you to keel over and die from lack of oxygen, seems rather asinine to me. MAYBE, I'LL HAVE A STROKE. MAYBE. BUT I'LL DAMNED SURE DIE IF I CAN'T BREATHE. And as for doctors communicating? My Primary Care clinic isn't actually a part of the hospital where I go for special services. It's like a "store-front office" only fancy. The ER doctor gave me a prescription that could have reacted dangerously with my other meds. THE PHARMACIST CAUGHT IT. THE HOSPITAL RECORDS WERE NOT COMPLETE. IF A DOCTOR CAN TREAT YOU AT THEIR OFFICE AND YOU CAN GO TO ANY HOSPITAL FOR EVALUATIONS OR WHATEVER, HOW CAN YOU BE SAFE WHEN THERE'S NO GUARANTEE OF COMMUNICATION? IS THIS PROGRESS? AND MOST PEOPLE DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND ANY OF IT.

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Re: Edie (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Question your doctors thoroughly until you get answers. The doctors don't communicate with each other or look at your entire medical history. It took me years to find a doctor who gave a darn. While this new generation of blood thinners cause less bleeding, the side effects, including shortness of breath, outweigh their benefits in my book.

The exercise that you get from pushing your own furniture around may be what's keeping you alive! Don't quit the exercise! You can't quit living just because some doctor says you have to. Hang in there

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I've supposedly had 2 episodes of A-Fib from 7/3/17 to 10/27/17. I was put on Eliquis, Tambacor and recently Diltiazem. I already had a history of COPD. Over the past months my breathing has become much worse. I feel like I'm inhaling dust because my nasal passages are so dry and I breathe through my mouth which causes dry throat and a cough. I was already taking Singulair and Daliresp for the respiratory issues. And they can cause depression, anxiety, fear and mood changes. Wow! I'm 70. I think a stroke might be more merciful. Weakness and light headedness are also ongoing, not continuous but enough to be a problem. Also recurring naseau. I actually felt pretty well before all this was added. I might also state that I'm a type 2 diabetic, on insulin, who's had a priblem with sugar lows off and on for about this same time period. Add: Metformin, 500 mg 2x a day, about 2 wks ago and we add to the respiratory difficulties. I'm 79. I'm not weak, no crutches, walkers or wheelchair. I've had respiratory priblems since I had whooping cough at age 4. But, never, in all my life have I actually wanted to reach for my nebulizer, which I may have used 20x in the 2 yrs I've had it. Now it can be twice a day. Plus a rescue inhaler. These doctors seem to jump to immediate conclusions and write prescriptions for meds without taking into consideration the whole person AND THEIR MEDICAL HISTORY, before doing so. I may be 70, but I'm incapable of being defined by my age. I move my furniture. (Advised by doctor not too because I might strain my muscles. I strained them at 30 also. Not stopping.) Having all of these "Specialists" seems like a good idea because of all the advances in medicine, but there's sometimes a great lack in cimmunication. Give me my old 'country doc" who made housecalls and took my neighbor's appendix out on his kitchen table. The neighbor lived. And I know that old "country doc" knew what was wrong with all his patients and what meds they took. I'd like to breathe as well as I did this time last year. On all these meds, I can't see it happening. I either need a new doctor or a new perspective on what to treat me with. I'll survive the heart priblem, but die from the respiratory one in the end.

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Thank You for these replies. I had a stroke in May. 2017. (rt cerebellum) Vision affected only. I was life lighted to Main hospital here. I was medicated for the 7 days. (That's another story). 7 days there and 6 weeks in a nice rehab place. I was placed on Warfarin for 3 months. No Problems. Cardio and Neuro wanted me on Eliquis. (August 2017) 5mg x 2 a day. No problems at the beginning but for the last months I am getting spells of shortness of breath and I cannot sleep or take short walks. I looked up side effects and there it was. Shortness of breath. I called the Neuro and the Cardiologist. Hey said I was wrong and so was the articles that list breathing problems taking Eliquis. The Cardio said since I had a stroke I had to be on Eliquis and live with breathing problems as the alternative is another stroke and possibly death. It is midnight and I am typing this and SOB. Tomorrow is my blood work day. I plan on writing both doctors and telling them I want to go back to Warfarin or Coumadin as I cannot live like this. I am also very tired on this med and will fall asleep standing up but very difficult to sleep at night. No problems with Warfarin. I am wondering if Xarelto is better than Eliquis for side effects. I also plan on seeking a new Cardiologist and Neurologist that will listen to me. I am 76. Thanks for listening.

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Dump that guy. They could care less about us. Follow your gut, always, with a 2nd doctor for support!

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Metoprolol may be the cause here. I had shortness of breath and after finally getting off the Metopropol the shortness of breath went away.

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I have shortness of breath all the time. I am on Eliquis and metropolis. Now my internist put me on advair and it is worse! I would love to get off of all these drugs and take aspirin only. My heart doctor says I need eliquis with a fib because I could have a stroke. I have no heart disease or valve problems.

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Dr. Checked for anemia. It's the drug that causes the shortness of breath.

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My mom turned 90 in June in perfect health,never had shortness of breath neither, and everything since she started taking that drug eliquis she has also been short of breath. I believe that the FDA.approved and they know the consequences why approve of this drug.

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My mom turned 90 in June in perfect health,never had shortness of breath neither, and everything since she started taking that drug eliquis she has also been short of breath. I believe that the FDA.approved it,because they still making money out of the cost of the American people.

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