Difference Between 30mg Oxycodone And Oxycontin (Page 4)
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I keep searching and STILL don¨t have a straight answer. I am currently on 30mg, 3 times a day of OXYCODONE (legally prescribed) for horrific back pain..... ¿WHAT is the difference between the 2, if any, besides the NAME? oxycodone AND oxycontin........ PLEASE help me out! thanks!


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Yes, for sure. I take 10 MG's of oxycodone and 30 MG's of oxycotin,for the same thing and more. I hope you get better I feel bad for anyone who has this kind of pain.

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I have had 19 back operations in the last 28 years 10 lumbar, 8 cervical, And 1 thoracic. I now have lung cancer and I,m about to have surgurey for that. I,ve already been through seven weeks of chemo and radiation. Have been on the fentanyl 50 mg patch for about two years, And 5 dialauded 8ml tabs a day for the pain. Yesterday my pain doctor changed the patch to 75ml every two days and put me on Oxycodone 30 ml every four hours. They are trying to get me ready for the lung surgery. The only problem I've found so far is stomach pain. It feels like I've done about 100 sit ups. I'm on 25 ml of phenagrehn three times a day, But I guess they might have to increase the dose or change to something else. Like I said, I've been on major pain meds for nearly 30 years. Have had pain pumps , Stimulators, You name it. As most of you know, There is no such thing as pain free. You learn to deal with it ll my doctor told me is, I'm going to hurt you, I'm going to beat you up while I'm in there. I think he really enjoys his work. I told him about the 19 back operations and he laughed under his breath and said, You've never had this surgery. So, It sounds like I'm in for a long ride.I,m just wondering if the meds he just put me on will handle what I,m going to go through. As of a tolerance I have to all the opiates. I guess I,ll find out soon enough. My pain doctor did tell me he would adjust the meds as needed. That makes me feel better about it. Time will tell. The surgery will be in about two weeks.

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Nucynta? 50 or 100 mg? Nevermind; it does not matter. My advice is get off of it soon. Otherwise you will not be able to function without it. Most importantly; you will become dumber. You will start to do something and will forget what you wanted to do. Want to say something and forget what it was.

It takes about 20 minutes to kick in and has a much better feeling than other pain killers, you mind starts running in 10 different directions, you want to do everything and yet you finish hardly one because you forget what you wanted to do. During those 2-3 hours you love everyone, then the Jackal comes out.

Basically you go through a Jekyll & Hyde phase and if you are married, your spouse is going through hell with your constant mood swings.


Within the 3 hours of you taking the pill = Hyde
Around 4th hour until you take again = Jekyll

8 pm
Hyde: Baby, can we do it tonight
Spouse: ":)"
11:30 pm
you are in bed, your spouse comes to bed and spoons you
Jekyll: "What is your problem, I am tired my back hurts, can you not bother me"
Spouse: ":("

....my advice to the spouse, do it as soon as it was proposed. :)

I was on that damn thing for almost 3 years and was among the early ones to be prescribed so there was not enough data out there. I went through hell to get off of it

Let say I'd rather be smart and in pain than dumb and pain free.

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Welcome to my world. After my 6th back surgery the Physician Assistant refused to write me a script for pain meds on discharge. Needless to say he was put under legal restraints by his doctor. My surgeon was furious. I had a stimulator placed and I was one of the 2% that had a severe allergic reaction. It took me 8 months of begging for them to take it out... of course I was labeled as drug seeking. I was in the ER on an episode and they prevailed me until my fever shot up to 103° with severe pain. 10 years I've been dealing with this. My primary doctor is well aware of my condition and is the only one who has not labeled me. 10 years of pain meds, and due to the reaction of the stimulator and removal, I'm back on them. I have neer run out early and the reason Ive been labeled is because of duration and the fact that Tramadol didn't work when my body rejected the stimulator and was placed in various pain meds. In now taken30mg oxycontin twice daily and have a perfect level of relief. However, I do have to get a script written 8 business days prior to script renewal from my doctor so the pharmacy can order in enough time before I run out. I don't even pick the script up until my last pill is taken. I'm still labeled though. I understand why the laws are in place. One of my children is a recovering addict who is addicted to H. I feel though as I can't win. IN my situation. When is the FDA going to put something in place to determine whether one is addicted mentally, when one's body is physically dependent or when one is in need of constant pain medication? Some days I would rather just die due to the humiliation of my need for this medication due to pain. I have been at times a week without because my contracted pharmacy with my doctor has failed to order it and get it in on time. I've never had "withdrawals" which I did expect because I thought my body would be physically dependent. The only thing I felt without the medication was constant debilitating pain. Where is the FDA going to realize there are people with medical need and not using for recreation?

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Hi I have had RSD for 20 years full body systemic. Mine started in my right leg then traveled to my left leg; then upwards. That is only because it took them so long to diagnose me. From all of the people I know who have RSD; most yes are on Oxycontin for the pain; however I also am given neurontin for the burning pain of RSD; along with Flexeril for muscle spasms. Through the years I have had more steroid IV's which most pain management doctors try to give you however I only recommend them when you first get RSD because it can keep your RSD from spreading. To many steriod IV's will blow you up like a baloon in a few weeks especially if they are epidurals. They also give me something for depression and I started having panic attacks years ago so they put me on tranxene if needed. By the way all of these meds I take only as needed. My doctor does like for me to try to get the oxycontin in me before the pain gets to bad. I have found with RSD since it is such a painful disease; people normally only take the meds because of the pain and do not get addicted like if they were just taking drugs for fun. While I do admit there can be instances where your body get's use to these meds and over time it may feel like your body needs more. I had RSD so bad 20 years ago I lived in a Pain Center at Tulane Hospital over in New Orleans for a month to learn how to cope with the pain and try to keep living a normal life. Also with RSD you is imperative we do not become upset; i.e. get in arguments, etc.... beause it can make our pain so much work or flare up really bad. I know it may seem like a lot of medicine however RSD has to be dealt with and by all means if anyone can take the pain by meditating I highly encourage it however I just was not able to and without the meds ended up at the emergency room two times weekly before they put me on the right medications. What I know about klonipin I thought it was still kind of an experiement drug (it was years ago) however am sure things have changed now. I know someone who went to the University of Arizona and had the drips. He told me they made him forget he had the pain so as always with RSD it is imperative you have a doctor who understands it FIRST and foremost; and it they do listen to them and to help yourself take only what your prescribed and if like some days I do not need the flexeril so I do not take it period. Also just know that things will eventually become easier. MIne was so bad as I said because it took doctor's over a year to diagnose me even though all the signs were right there. I have massive swelling; blotched purple bluish skin; and burning horrible pain just a few of the symptoms. Don't over do things and for your sake keep doing as much as you can. It is imperative that people with RSD get exercise. I am walking up to 3 miles a day however I am so glad I do. Take good care of yourself and try to stay away from chocolate. I hope this helps any of you out there with RSD.

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I had to comment because I just read in the paper today that CVS is being investigated for missing pain medication. Sounds like this may pertain to your case. I live near Modesto, ca. Im sure you can google it.

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Not true , oxycodone comes in 5 10 15 20 and 30 mgs. Maybe your dr is telling you it only comes in 10 mgs so you dont ask for a higher mg.

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I read your email and was curious what state you reside that pain meds like that are prescribed. Because of the recent problem with percocet prescriptions, especially with CVS, there was a decrease in these prescriptions and physicians were being investigated for over prescribing in VA and PA. However, I am curious as to what type of doctor wrote your boyfriends prescription and his diagnoses. I am currently on nucynta and morphine prescribed by my pain specialist for CRPS and found little relief. I would rather not take any drugs. However, I am looking to see what the most effective drug or pharmacologic therapy is to date to treat the severe pain associated with CRPS. Has anyone considered medical marijuana and if so, is your Pain Mgmt Specialist permitted to write a prescription to treat CRPS. Appreciate any feedback...thank you


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One is extended release and one is standard release.

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Email me but depending in what part if Texas you're in I can get you into a really good doctor who can immediately help you with your pain. My sis has all the same problems and went to this doctor near Fort Worth and his office is amazing for pain management as well as sustained relief throughout your day! I however have a terminal disease in which I take oxycontin cr and use oxycodone ir for breakthrough which helps a lot! I only have to take OxyContin 2 times a day and they are 50mg the oxycodone for breakthrough pain is 10mg every 4-6 hours. They had me in hydrocodone but I was taking too many daily on top of the cortisone shots weekly. Ever since I have switched to oxy relief every 12 hours I'm no longer having to take a bunch f pills for pain all day and it actually works! Once you take hydrocodone your body becomes immune to it(as with any drug) but specifically with hydrocodone and it doesn't work if you need any more info don't hesitate to email me for the dr info in ft worth if needed. {edited for privacy}

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I don't know what all the fuss is all about but I take 3x80 MG OxyContin's and 3x30 MG oxycodone's daily and I function just fine. I have two herniated discs L4 L5 L5 S1 and degenerative disk disease and also had a spinal fusion from L4 – S1 4 months ago. I'm currently on active duty U.S.Navy recruiter and recovering from back surgery once I am fit for full duty I will transfer to my next command, hopefully.

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I am currently on 6 30 mg oxycodone and 5 Percocet a day, I am 27 and have been in chronic pain for 6 years. I have had well over 100 surgeries due to birth defects. My doctor Is hoping to put a morphine pump in but I can honestly say that not even the meds I'm on help with my pain anymore. I just wish I wouldn't wake up most days. I fell for you all.

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Its simply Oxycontin is a slow release of meds should only be taken every 12hrs,Oxycodone releases meds faster so it dont last as long,can be taken every 4hrs.

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please dont take oxycodone or oxycontin! This stuff killed my 44 yr old son...the Dr kept him on oxycodone for years until finally it could do nothing for him but kill him.
PLEASE don't take!!!

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I cant believe they're calling you a 'drug seeker' having stage 4 cancer. Just another example of how people who abuse narcotic pain meds just to get 'High' have made it sooo hard for those of us who need it in order to be able to get out of bed everyday due to severe chronic pain. My life will never be even within the same ballpark again because of what a large and rare tumor that spread up the side of my head through my skull and into my brain did to it. It would take me a couple hours to text everything that happened all the surgeries and radiation severe headaches jaw contracture seizures etc etc etc... Im just so damn tired of feeling like a druggie because I have to take heavy pain med the rest of my life. And wearing a helmet everywhere i go because 1/3 of my skull is gone people stare. its as though im still being 'punished' for having a time bomb in my head .. Yes you have a right to the medication you need. So let me say Thank You to All those out there who by gettin High have tightened up all the laws regarding narcotic pain medicine and have caused more pain in the process for those who really do need the relief.

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I have somewhat. of what you are going thur i also have RA bad i get 15mg. but. I have been on them so long I'm going to ask for 30MG. sorry. for you pain your. not alone and to top it off a am a type 1 uncontrollable. diabetic. it sux. good luck I'm trying for my ssl maybe. you should to.

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I am a retired nurse and a patient who has on pain medication by a pain manegment Dr. for over 10 years . I hope this information helps. Oxycontin is a cestained release medication that gives releases medication over a period of time (usually 12 hours). Oxycodone ( percocet). Is a instant release medication. It is very normal to be on both the long acting and then the short acting for break thrpugh pain. Some medications are based on weight pain medication is not one of those cases. It usualy depends on tolerance and pain level, most Dr's do like to start of on a smaler dose and move up as needed

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The differencep is one thing" is oxycotin is morphine. Thats the only!!!"edifference.

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hi, I have been taking 5/325 oxycodone/acetaminophen...I try to take as little as possible, but the label says 6 a day in three doses or as needed...I take only 4, because there is so much fear about this med. I am in interventional pain management (not working), had an epidural (didn't work either) and now several doctors, particularly the pain intervention doctor will NOT prescribe anything....I have to go to the physiatrist (who couldn't help me) but will prescribe. I had a very depressing incident with my pharmacy (no longer) who shorted me 30 pills but denies and there is no way I can prove it...they claimed it was double checked etc. and my offer to take a lie-detector test was blown off. I suggest that everyone receiving these meds should count them at the counter....I am suffering a great deal now because my name is on some registry and they think I got 50 pills recently. these seem to be "pellets of gold" and the doctors are afraid to prescribe them for fear of some govt. agency coming down on them....I am75 years old and have no desire to be thought of as a now or future addict. anyway, if someone can tell me the difference between oxycodone/acetaminophen and oxycodone 5mg hll and oxycodone/apap 5mg., I would really appreciate it.

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I'm in OC Ca , can you help me out?

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