Difference Between 30mg Oxycodone And Oxycontin (Page 3)
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I keep searching and STILL don¨t have a straight answer. I am currently on 30mg, 3 times a day of OXYCODONE (legally prescribed) for horrific back pain..... ¿WHAT is the difference between the 2, if any, besides the NAME? oxycodone AND oxycontin........ PLEASE help me out! thanks!


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FYI.... there is no acetaminophen in oxycontin or oxycodone hcl

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Hello oxycodone is a instant relief and Oxycontin is extended release meaning it release pain med over 12hours period...personally I don't like them..I go to pain management so I know first hand about them...good luck

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Im a veteran and see the VA regularly. In CA there was no max, at least for VA. I get 250 oxycodone a month and 60 oxycodone Cr. I now live in the Philippines. Pain meds are really hard to get here. The doctor needs a S-2 licence along with his medical degree. This equals to about 3 to 5% of all available doctors who can sign. It socks for your average Joe, but thank God for my VA as I receive all my medications and for free!

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Sorry to contradict you but neither oxycodone nor oxycontin have acetaminophen or ibuprofen in them. Google it if you have any doubt in what I am explaining. These two are as close to opiates in the purist form in a pill form, there are others that are as pure and also have no acetaminophen/ibuprofen.

My question is more about the pills that are being bootlegged as oxys. I even saw a machine online that stamps them and the die that stains them green. Not time release these are like the original oxys before they did that. How much opiates do they know how to put in them? I heard some have made them too strong and have caused many deaths. Scary. Just get them from your doc to be safest.

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Myla, idk if you take the meds the way the doc tells you, but you should be fine if you think it is to strong cut it in half and go that way. I've had major surgery on my back and got one metal plate and need another. I'm on 2 40mg Oxycontin one every 12 hours and then I have 30 mg oxycodone for break through pain 1 at 3 times a day but if I don't just got to take all three everyday I don't it depends on a lot of things ! I'm 49 years old and worked all my life in construction and had a couple of bad wreaks I was involved in and I've got a lot going on besides my back. I'm trying to get ready for a liver transplant also, but when people heard what meds I was on they begged me for them and I said I'm sorry but I don't give meds out, then they tried buying them and I said that's crazy I got to have them. So it came down to them stealing them from me anyways. now I tell them my doctor took me off them and we keep them in a lock box, but anytime you think the dosage is to strong cut them in half and go from there. it's better safe then sorry!

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The only true differences are as follows; oxycodone is immediate release oxycontin; is a long acting version of the same exact drug. Sometimes you get it w Tylenol ie: percocets or stand alone ie: oxycodone. Dosing is a little different between all versions but it is very basically:::: the same exact drug. Hope this helps.

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if im taking oxyctin 20mg twice daily, &switch to Percocet which is more potent I like to try 30mg percot for chronic pain

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I'm outta my norm pain meds. I had my last 22 pills stolen from me. I take 30mg oxycodone 4x a day. I may have a few 10mg OxyContin till I make it to doc. My question is how does 10mg OxyContin compare to 30mg oxycodone?

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I don't know what state you live in but Chronic Severe Pain like I endure 24Hrs a Day should not be treated with 8 30IRs Oxy a day, That's just a sorry doctor who is trying to mess up the people that DEPEND on this medication to JUST be ABLE TO WALK! Anyone who says you can't possibly feel that much pain, Why don't you walk a Hour in my Shoes and I bet you would wanna crawl back up in your mother's womb!! Or blow your head off! I take a strong Around the Clock medication that is taken 2-3 times a Day then I have Oxycodone 3x daily 30s for breakthrough pain, If you taken 10 30s a day if they cut you off from Oxy which they will do BC that's just a high as gas dose of Oxy to be taking by itself to manage chronic pain, I don't believe you really, Thats unheard of and no Good Pain Management Doctor would give someone all of that IR Oxy a month for chronic pain, Maybe after a surgery for a month at max! I was on Oxycontin 60mg 3 tabs 3 x daily and 30mg Roxys 3x daily on top and if your taking that much Oxy daily I bet you don't sit on the toilet for #2 but once a month, There's your weight problem Geeeeezzz!!! I think you people that wine about there Oxy are just Junkies! BC if you were really in the pain I endure or even near it you would look for a better longer acting med instead of gobbling down 10-15 damn Oxy 30s a day, That's ludacris and its always "What if they take my Oxy?!?" Its Junkie Behavior, BC I could care less what they give me I'll chew on a f***in poppy bulb if need be to even get a little relief from the Hell I endure every Day!! Stop abusing Oxy and go get help that Doctor is right in a sense, Nobody needs that much Oxy a day, Oxy is not strong by any means, You have Dilaudid, Morphine, Fentynl, Oxymorphone, Methadone for the main pain med, Your doctor should be barred if that's true, We that suffer are sick of junkies gettin all strung out on a PAIN med and f***ing things slap up for people like me who DEPEND on these meds to just WALK! I could never hold any kind of Job, I can't even get to toilet in morning to PISS I'm in so much pain yet your worried about losing your 10 Oxy 30 IRs a Day, Damn cookie monsters eats less cookies than that a day that's ludacris, And federal law says you can only be prescribed 280 Oxy 30s or any Sched II drugs per month. Get bent your full of it. Please don't f*** it up for the rest of us w your bulls***, I can smell you from here.

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okay my question is oxycontin that I have is H-c- L what did that means

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Hi, I had the same type of severe pain , I got a SPINAL CORD STIMULATOR implanted in my back and it takes away at least 40% of the pain, the machine is amazing and I highly recommend you do further research on it, it changed my life from nonfunctioning to high functioning, however..I still take my pain meds, the machine is like having an internal TENS UNIT and I have 18 different sensations of programming and I choose how strong I want it at that time, I've had it 8 months now and it's good in me for 10 years, really check it out, no more sciatica at all, good lucj

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Just a thought - when one is on a particular medication, especially a pain medication that is a controlled substance, it's probably a good idea to at least know how to SPELL IT! That way, when you're writing down the meds you're on, the doctor or his staff don't have to try to figure out what the heck you're actually taking!:-) It's NOT Oxycotin, it's Oxycontin. And it's definitely not Perkaset! It's Percocet. If you're not sure, look at the bottle of pills from your pharmacy since pharmacists generally know the correct spelling and will put it on your prescription bottle.

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I believe you should be on a higher dose I have a bad sciatic nerve and I take 6/10mg of perkaset and now just got put on muscle relaxers my problem is I have a pacemaker and I cannot have a M.R.I until about a year from now I will have to get a M.R.I safe pacemaker until they can figure out what's really causing the pain I imagine you have more pain than me.

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morphine absorbs in your bones and the doctors randomly do tests if you have alcohol or don`t have the drug in your system your probably going to have to detox.because those are red flags.i`m glad I don`t drink I have kids and have to be alert with them so take as prescribed your body does get used to them though.

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Oh I feel your pain I too had a stimulator ... Mine was in God almist 4 years and in that rims u had 3 surgeries to fix it... When j had enough and told my dr u wanted it taken out he got angry and cut off my pain meds and didn't want to see me any more... I don't know how these dr. can think think they are God and treat us like crap

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Hi we're are you located ? I'm on 40 mg extended release OxyContin 2 a day . I can't get my doc to up me any more... I've had 6 surgeries on my back ... I have constant pain with numbness and tingling in toes and fingers every day ... But he's the only dr near me that will prescribe at all... Everyone else want to give shots

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Verwon - you mention "generic Oxycontin." To the best of my knowledge, while there is generic oxycodone, there is no generic Oxycontin (the time-released version of oxycodone) which is what makes it so ridiculously expensive. This is what I've been told by pharmacists. My understanding is that the pharmaceutical company that makes Oxycontin has managed to hang on to the exclusive rights to its' manufacture by periodically making various (insignificant) changes to it which means the company continues to be able to avoid "sharing" its' production with other companies and thus keep the prices insanely high by making it impossible for a generic to be manufactured. If there really is a generic Oxycontin, I'd love to know about it so any info you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

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I have had 5 back surgeries over the years for deg. disk disease (2 kinds) and osteoporosis. Numerous health problems over the years, inc. fibromyalgia, congestive heart disease, both knees replaced, etc at 64 years of age. Up until a year ago I was on 7 Lortab 10's a day. Moved from Utah to Arizona (for my health) but these drs also don't like to give out that much acetephedimine and have been switching me around. I am currently on OxyContin cr (continual release) 30 mg, 1 two x a day and oxycodone ir (immediate release) 15 mg four x a day for breakthrough pain. I'm 65, have copd additionally and am doing well. You just need to find right balance between controlling your pain and being stupidiflied (if that's a word). Get a light sleeping pill, non addictive, to help you sleep better. Hope this helps.

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Rock on Freddy I am a recovering pill lover and have been clean for 19 months until a total knee on 7/10/14 I am proud to say 3 days on percoc I have stopped. That warm fuzzy feeling wasn't the same I wanted to puke. My best pain meds are the green ones I grow

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Oxycodone is a quick acting med, As the Oxycontin is a time release med. Other than that, They are the same

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