Coming Off Propranolol (Page 7)


i have stopped taking propranolol 80mg 3days ago and would like to know if there is any side effects coming off them

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How long did it take u to feel better without it? I'm on day five now and my heart is pounding but near like it was when I was taking the terrible betablocker. Please help I start back to nursing school in a week.

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Doctors can be ***** kills your libido.....and my mood has been up and down...only been on a small dose for a few days; 20mg twice a's helped a bit but it makes me feel like crap.

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Can coming off propranolol cause severe up set stomach?

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This drug propranolol is the DEVIL! joints ache, my stomach is huge..bloated...I'm tired and fatigued..depressed for No Reason. My migraines are fewer...but the rest of me is jacked up. I've never eaten a lot and never been lazy...hard to go to work and forget working out. I weaned myself off. It's only been a week. I'm miserable. Good luck on ur choice to stay on or get off. Very few people have little or no side effects at all.

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That's what i am on I felt worse on them always crying and feeling depressed and hungry they've put me loads of wait on I am weaning my self off them now and I feel much better now

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Since I started propranolol is was great, two months down the line I feel pins and needles in hands and feet, skin flushed in these areas too (occasionally),pressure in nose, dry eyes, numbness in tip of tongue, sparatic itching, light headed, and feels like a rubber band on my forehead when it's at its peak. So annoying waiting on Doctor to call and let me know to stop or not. I tried weening myself off only from 10mg and I already started shaking at the end of the day and my heart beated a little harder, so I gave in and took 5mg and I was okay. I take this for anxiety, I do not have blood pressure problems. I believe this pill your body does depend on although it's not addicting.

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I take 80 mg of propranolol every day for thyroid symptoms. The tiredness, fatigue and low moods could be side effects so my go told me to take a break from them for a month. Is it safe just to stop, she never mentioned weaning off but just to stop. Not sure now what to do.

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I am quite weary about coming off Propranolol. The first time I was prescribed them in 2013. I was only on them for 5 months. This is my second time on them, and it's been just over a year. I'm worried about the withdrawal, side effects, ect... I thought maybe these tablets are the root of my tiredness? I'm not even Depressed but I'm acting like I am. I don't even have the energy or strength to get out of bed or wash myself. All I am doing is sleeping aswell as feeling constantly tired. Please help!

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I was diagnosed with SVT, about a year ago. My doctor put me on Propanalol, and within six months, I gained 40 pounds, was extremely fatigued, lost my libido completely and had visual difficulties. I have stopped taking this drug (I am very aware of the dangers), but I could not take it any longer. I have been off for two weeks now, and the last three days, I have had terrible diahrea, fatigue, and jitters. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms? Could this be withdrawal symptoms, even after two weeks?

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I was put on the same meds for anxiety in October with ramipril for high now turns out I don't have high bp so consultant stopped my ramipril...everyday I feel lightheaded and unwell. .am now assuming it's the propranolol. I've decided to stop taking it...I'm going back to the cardiologist rather than my gp to find the best way to do this....

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I just came off propranolol of 10mg for 3 months only it was destroying my life, it ruined my eyes they became bloodshot and red (still), I was so dizzy on it, wanted to vomit a lot, made all my muscle tight and spaz at times, it was an absolute nightmare. I couldn't gradually come off of it because I was having an allegry with it. The side effects I had just off of that for 2 days was racing heart, increase BP, and then followed by some shakes. The racing heart and BP spike were like random intervals. I would gradually come off from 80 mg because it can really harm you potential heart attack or stroke. It's different for everyone, but DO NOT just quit it. Talk to your doctor for a safe healthy plan.

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I am weaning off. I was on 20 mg 5 days ago. I would take 10 In the morning and 10 at night. Well, now I take 5 in the morning and 5 at night and to my surprise I have had no side effects. My heart tends to beat faster but not a fast that makes me worry about my health. Its all about breathing. And I do believe this medicine makes weight gain because ever since I've cut down I've had a loss of appetite, I don't eat as frequently as I used too. Best of luck. And keep your head up. Your beautiful.

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I have been taking propranalol 40mg once a day for anxiety for 6 months,my new doctor wants me to come off them by taking one 40mg tablet every other day to ween off them,is this safe???.

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I had neurosurgery 20 yrs ago for epilepsy, and thankfully have been very successful. After surgery, I started getting panic attacks and was put on 80mg propranolol a day. Last Christmas I was slowly weaned off all of the drug. I felt awful, my mouth was continuous swallowing day and night. I was very down, and depressed. I have been back to the Dr and he is slowly putting me back on. I could not stand the side effects after coming off it.

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Hi Dawn and everyone. Yes!!! I can relate to all that you are saying. I took up to 10 mg/ 3 times a day and felt very anxious. One of the very reasons I was taking these meds for in the first place!!!I have decided to come off these Propranolol very slowly. I am now down to 1 tablet at night ( oh yes the dreams were horrendous) I am sure that these meds may help some people. Sadly,, I am not of them. I came off the first one and got used to that amount for two weeks then started missing out the next for another two weeks. This may not suit everyone and I am not recommending it to anyone. However,, I am now on the last one. I have had headaches whilst stopping them. Nausea at times. Crying for no particula reason as such also. Just feeling
down in general. Maybe they did work but not over noticably,,but I am never going back to try them out again. The Dr meant well when trying to help me. Unfortunately. Thus drug was not suitable for me. Good luck all of you and I hope you get where you are going very soon

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I hope this will be of help to someone in a similar situation.

I was prescribed propanalol for anxiety but they had such horrendous side effects for me that it actually increased my anxiety and I had a panic attack in the middle of the night (thinking I was dying).

I was then put on atenolol which was as bad so decided I wanted to come off them. After reading others suggestions here and elsewhere I started to reduce the dosage. I confirmed this with the doc and he suggested using the propanalol to come off the atenolol.

I know some people have had no side effects or withdrawal symptoms from these things but they are the worst medication I have ever taken, they were poison to me causing palpatations, headaches, feeling of extreme heat (yet temperature was normal), breathing difficulties (like breathing through a grater), fatigue and inability to get to or stay asleep.

If you are coming off these pills then please believe me, these things will pass. I know how hard it is to deal with these symptoms but they will reduce in time.

I wasn't on these things long but here is how much (in mg) I was taking each day. You can see the reduction tapering off towards the end.

Drug taken mg
Propanalol 10
Propanalol 30
Propanalol 30
Propanalol 30
Atenolol 50
Atenolol 50
Atenolol 50
Atenolol 50
Atenolol 100
Atenolol 37.5
Atenolol 37.5
Nothing! 0 (this was the day I had finally had enough)
Atenolol 12.5
Propanalol 10
Propanalol 10
Propanalol 5

I am typing this on the day following the 5mg. The doc said 5mg was so miniscule there was no point in me taking another 5 today.

I have to admit this was hard work but today I only have a slight breathing problem and very minor feeling of something around the heart. This is a MASSIVE improvement even on yesterday or the day before.


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I was taking it for migraines and I too gained weight. I am cutting them off not as slowly as everyone else...but taking them has NOT helped my migraines at all.

I also went off topomax in November; if your doctor tells you to take it be advised it has serious side affects!

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Use Magnesium oil..
Its much more effective then oral magnesium

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Hi Neil.
This is common practice now. I came off my steroids using this same method. Another friend is coming of a pain relief medication using this same approach. I can see the logic behind it ( one day on one off) This way you do not really get the time to feel the lowering of the meds too badly. I would say that It is perfectly safe from my own personal experience. Like all things though Neil. If you do not feel happy with this. Get some more information first. There are plenty of places too look. Hopefully also. If the doc recommended this method. I would hope it is safe. Stay safe Neil and good luck with the meds. It is the best thing I ever did coming off them. Others would not agree I know but we are all very different with medications.

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Thankyou very much,I haven't had any for 7 days now,I feel a bit strange at times,but I'm out the woods now.

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