Coming Off Propranolol (Page 4)


i have stopped taking propranolol 80mg 3days ago and would like to know if there is any side effects coming off them

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I am taking two 40mg propanalol a day.(the brown one) but want to come off them, I was prescribed them for anxiety , they are working but im light headed all the time and sometimes feel like I have had a drink and can act silly or very giddy, this is not me my mood is all over the place I am also going through the menopause and thought increased night sweats were due to that but could it be the propanalol, going to cut down to one tab a day for a week which is still 40mg then maybe half week later then stop after that does that seem like a plan or should I go and get a lower dose from dr.

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So does propanalol make you gain weight? I take it for a tremor.

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Hi I was in the same boat as u I was taking 80mg propranalol the doc told me miss one tab one week the 2nd week miss 2 tabs and the third week miss 3 then stop. I cheated on the second and stopped completly.side effects high blood pressure / stomach cramps chest pains.depending on ur age I'm 27 and I say it gets easier hope this helps.and they can also make u very angry when coming off them

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Everything you said is same thats happened to me..10mg 3x a day and all symptoms you worried and scared i try to come off them and symptoms get worse.

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OK, overdue for an update on my withdrawal experience as it is six months since I last posted. Slow withdrawal was fine over about six weeks. Some negative side effects like palps and increased likelihood of migraine (which is why i was taking 80mg a day in the first place) but they have faded over time. But the positives have been way better than I could have predicted. Some issues which i put down to age (59) I now know were caused or, at the very least, made much worse by Propranolol. I have never heard anyone talk about bladder incontinence on here but I was getting up in the night and had to be pretty damn fast to get there in time. has anyone else experienced something like that? Thats all over now I have reduced the pills. My family say I had a tendency toward Mr Grouchy for a while whilst withdrawing but that's gone now too. I now have competition standard libido (sorry to be gross but this is what we are dealing with here guys!) But I still haven't managed to get off the last 10mg morning and evening. It seems like the last tiny dose is the hardest to end. A friend suggested cutting the 10mg pills in half so thats next. It seems ridiculous but it's like the body needs just a signal that those Propranolol molecules are there. I will do it though soon. I also now have Immigran tabs from my doctor to take when i feel a migraine coming and they are nothing short of brilliant for me (but I said that about P as well - lets see).

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P.S. Just a thought, soon after reducing Propranolol I also developed dry eye syndrome which, oddly, is a know side effect. So why might this occur when a potential cause is removed? Has anyone else experienced what might be thought to be counter intuitive, ie. known side effects of taking the stuff becoming apparent during withdrawal? Could be just a coincidence.

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Hiya ive been taking 10mg 2a day for 3 years for panic attacks i then reduced myself down to 1a day. Ive gained 2stone since i started these meds. So i have stopped them. Do you loose the weight when you stop??

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Have you ever fainted by just suddenly stoppin propanolol

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i am 61 yra old and have been taking propranolol 80 mg for around 25 yes for severe migrains..ive felt fine bur started with high blood pressure around 8 yrs doc has now reduced them to 40 mg, about a month first i felt very jittery but found i was able to get to sleep much bp has stayed stable up till or two headaches but nothing majore..i have how ever developed a rash pretty much all over my body..its itch and drivingf me crazy . the doc has given me a strong steroid cream which heklps a little but more rashes keep appearing.. is this another withdrawall symptom or am i allergic to something else

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I have this medicaction for depression / anxiety, I have been on 40 mg 1x daily for a month. I have now missed 2 days and feel terrible, headache, dizzy, sweats, confusion. I am truly feeling awful. I ran out of tablets but don't think they help, I will see this coming off stage through if I can.

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I have been on a v high dose 200mg/day mainly cos I built up a thes meds over a year. The B-Receptors increase in response to the drug so your tissues are swamped with them and when the drug isnt there in size your central nerv sys is going crazee. Im dan to 60mg now and tapering back at 20mg a week. Get flushes, chest and arm pains and kinda striking anxiety. kept weight off with constant cardio but notice the abdominal fatness diff to shift. Looking forward to using these only on occasions. even then u get rebound anxiety but not like ths

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When I came off of them I got chest pains, shortness of breath, and dizzy spells. I started taking them only at the first signs of the chest pains and then eventually I didn't take them at all. I was only on 10Mg I believe, so be careful and ask your Dr about gradually decreasing your dose.

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Heres an update: I've scaled back from 200mg to bascially zero over three months. Annoying but the last reduction down to zero is a damn difficult one. I am still getting pains in chest and arm only slight but they are there. Body trying to hold onto hope there is another dose coming lol. I must have only taken 1/2 a tab or 20mg in fourteen days. Had a terrible day yesterday what they call the malaise is quite strong. Tension, sweating, elevated temperature and its not viral no way. Weight has started to drop as can exercise a lot harder. I think another week and my beta receptors will be down to a managable level - they way this drug has jerked my central nervous system around is shocker.

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Yes! Yes! Yes! Ache in joints and stiffness all over. Major hair loss. Depression, anger (haven't EVER been an angry person and I'm 50) ankles swell and anxiety attacks and wild dreams. Add to that insomnia. All just since I have taken 10mg in morn and 20mg at night of propanalol. I'm getting off!

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I've been taking propranolol 80g 1 a day for about 2 years and my asthma hasn't been right since ,I recently went to see my gp who said propranalol maybe the problem ,I take it for anxiety reasons but since my doctor told me that I've stopped them it's been 4 days now an I'm worried iv done the wrong thing is it dangerous?

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I have been having anxiety/panic attacks on/off for about 6 months. About 3 weeks ago my anxiety levels were so high I ended up in A&E. The next day I visited my gp who put me on propanolol 40mg once day. At first these tablets were the best thing ever and certainly took the edge off, but as the days went on I could feel the effects wearing off after about 6 hrs or so. My gp increased my dose to 80mg slow release. Taking this tablet was awful!!! I felt out of my mind like I was drunk for hours and made me dizzy. I have now got to the point where I cannot go out. Even taking my kids to school is impossible because of how I feel.
I have an appt with my gp in the morning to try and get help for this as I do not want full blown agoraphobia. Any advice about other similar situations would be greatly appreciated. I just want to feel 'normal' again

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I have been on 160mg Inderal for over 2 years for anxiety. I really felt it was time to come off them, Dr prescribed me 1 month 80mgSR then 1 month of 40mg and then said to stop. I have just stopped the 40mg 3 days ago and my lord i feel terrible. I have tremors, i cant think, as soon as i do anything like energetic i feel like im going to have a heart attack. I have a phone appointment with Dr in the morn so will see what he says. I hope it gets better than this as i am pretty much useless the way things are. One other thing is i have given up smoking 3 days ago also as that didnt agree with my anxiety at all so im sure that is having an effect too! Has anyone successfully got off these and were there side effects whilst doing it?

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I want my life back - I want off this crap drug, Propranolol. I used to drink heavily six (6) years ago and my GP started me on Propranolol to control my high blood pressure (BP). He started me out on 80mg twice a day.

Last year I reduced it to 20mg of Propranolol once in the morning and half of that (10mg) in the evening - for some 6 years for occasional "high" blood pressure. It would vary from perfect 120/80 to 148/93.

Propranolol has definitely caused me to have ED, that I do not like and very embarrassed to even mention here. I'm 61 yrs. now and have never had side effects from taking Propranolol, but the crap takes a heavy toll on my personal life. I used to take 60mg years ago but self-cut the evening dose in half. I know that I can and will try to keep weening myself off of this drug.

Twice this year, in panic, I wound up in an emergency clinic from anxiety attacks. The anxiety can really be scary. You lay there at night and think your symptoms are leading to death. I think this panic was from worry of my recent sudden unemployment though. Wow, this crap is so powerful, that missing one dose is a real panic period.

Before I started taking Propranolol I had bouts of high blood pressure (BP) so the General Practitioner (GP) started me on this. Funny, I now look back and wonder if the nightly drinking caused all this. I truly believe that eating lots of Kale, exercise, and the right foods will be the answer, not this crazy drug. I'll be sure to ween myself off of this damn drug after 6 years very, very, slowly and monitor my vitals frequently.

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I have been on Propranolol 80 SR for migraine prevention for 6 months, after a couple of months without migraines they have increased in frequency along with all the usual Propranolol side effects, so I'm try to stop taking them. My doctor has told me to take one on alternate days for one week then stop altogether. This seems a bit abrupt- can anyone advise me if its ok to do it like this? I am a 55 yrs old woman? Thanks

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This is a follow up from my first comment last December:

I did it! I slowly weened myself off of Propranolol completely.

I was never comfortable with the panic and anxiety attacks it gave me when I missed just one dosage. This is a Beta blocker that affects the heart, thereby in my case controlling my blood pressure.

I wanted to run again, to live my life free of this evil drug. I monitored my blood pressure the entire time and started a vigorous walking routine. Soon I wasn't feeling tired and drugged up anymore. I feel alive again. By the way, I had given up drinking alcohol completely, right after the Doc prescribed this in the beginning. That helped me to want to rid myself of this unnecessary drug.

After being on propranolol for 6 years, I started cutting the dosage down, week after week id cut it back a quarter of a tablet. Soon the two 60 mg tablets/day prescription became 20 mg/day. That dosage kept getting even smaller. But I knew that this medication was in my tissues and would be hard to rid my body of it. Also I was scared of the day when I would run out of my prescription. I thought, "how will my heart react to me stopping this drug?"

Then it happened. After a couple of months, I was taking only a quarter of a 20 mg tablet - per day. A week later I ran out of the prescription, so scared of that horrible panic and anxiety to return. It didn't. Months have gone by and I'm free of it! Of course, I was taking it for blood pressure control. In my case, as long as I walk every day and make my self not to worry, I'm doing OK. I'm eating balanced meals. That's my story! I'm not EVER going back to propranolol.

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