Can You Take Suboxone And Codeine (Page 2)
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hi, i am taking suboxone i would like to know if i take codeine with it would i feel the opiate? Also is it possible to go through withdrawals from codeine if on suboxone?
Yes you can take Suboxone and feel the effects of opiates but you have to take about three or four times as much like if your own 2 milligram Suboxone you will have to take at least six to eight hydrocodone tens to feel it and if anybody disagrees with me they're wrong plain and simple.... I know I have been there and have chronic pain
hi was wondering what kind of cough syrup do u take to go with codine from the uk scotland
While on suboxen can u take ferset with codean to get ride of a bad bad headache just one pill I would need to get ride of headache
I'm reading these posts and replies and I am honestly blown away. I am a former opiate addict and am on Suboxone 8/2 strips twice daily. I find this medication a miracle med. I have no cravings, wants or desires to use. At the same time, I suffer from migraine headaches. Trying to find something that I can take to relieve the pain of the migraine. I have taken fiorecet (w/o codeine) in the past and it works well. I don't want to feel high, I want to alleviate the pain. My question that brought me to this site was and still is "can you take fiorecet with codeine and suboxone together?". I'm concerned about the codeine. Will it make me sick? My issue is that the doctor wrote me that instead of the other fiorecet (w/ butalbital) and I have no idea what that will do to me. No, I don't want to "feel' the codeine, I want to alleviate the headache. Any chance that anyone knows? Thanks!!!
Get off subutex why you can, it's the worst drug to take and you have to go through hell to get off it. The more you take the worst it will be for you when you get off it so do it now while you can. I've come off subutex twice. Takes 10 days of hell to get off it. I am not going to keep doing this to myself, will not be putting myself through this ever again. Good luck to you all out there coming off this s***.
I'm new to suboxen and am experiencing coughing, is this normal?
Get the doc to put you on amphetamine salts, and you'll feel like a million bucks. Seriously or you'll be nodding all day
I completely agree. Methadone was a nice "bandaid" but so not worth it. They are liquid handcuffs!
I've been taking 2 thin films of suboxone 8/2 (2mg nalaxone) for 2 years. Rotatorcuff Surgery 2 days ago. I had 2 full thicknes tears on 2 tendons and doctor put me on 20mg oxycodone/ 30 m acetaminophen 5 days prior to surgery, after 48 hrs not taking suboxone, and after surgery the surgeon prescribed acetaminophen/30 codeine. I took that for 2 days and will have 10 pills leftover. The pain was bad but getting tolerable. My suboxone doctor said to get back on suboxone the following day. I took 2 8\2 mg of suboxone about 3 hours ago with last dose of codiene about 9 hrs ago as my doctor said to do. So far I'm fine, although very tired when not moving around. As a side note, 13 years ago I used 50mg of natraxone to help to stop drinking alcohol, it helped a lot and I stopped drinking since then.I messed up about 10 years later and started taking 20-80mg percocet once in a while but it got out of conrol. I tried to use the 50mg naltraxone to stop that and was told by the clinic that helped me to stop drinking to stop taking opiates for 10 days to transition to subxone. After 4 days off the naltraxone I went to a the clinic that gave me the 50mg naltraxone for consultation and they said it was fine to start the suboxone. I was leary due to the time span but did as they said and within 15 minutes I started to detox fast and became violently ill. I was sick for about a week. Anyway, I think that the 50mg of naltraxone vs the 2mg of naloxone is a big difference. It's been over 3 hours I'm OK other than being very tired. I just thought I'd post this to see if there's anything that i should be aware of or if it might inform anyone. Also I would like to know the difference between naltraxone and naltoxone. Also the suboxone is helping with the pain.
I took half of a 8mg suboxone for the first time, because I ran out of my promethazine with codeine cough syrup. I have a refill on my cough syrup tomorrow, when is safe for me to take my cough syrup medicine and feel the effect of the codeine??
I took methadone for over 10 years over 200mgs a day.i fell asleep everywhere too and I was taking Xanax 1mg 4 times a day.the methadone destroyed my teeth and when I decided to quit I went into withdrawals that lasted a month and I went into psychosis.i was hallucinating and couldn't remember anything.didnt even recognize my own doctor.i thought I was going to die!it was so bad!i ended up in the hospital for a week to stabilize me then went inpatient and put on suboxone.wish I never got on methadone that is for sure.bad stuff.
I'm on 16mg buprenorphine a day. I'm diabetic and have very severe nerve damage in my lower back and hip and the pain shoots into my kidney, also in my vagina. I'm finding it harder and harder to get about. can I take 300mg codeine tablets with the buprenorphine? I'm on pregabalin 300mg one twice a day but as I'm in so much pain and have no other pain relief I've been taking an extra pregabalin at night which really does help but my dr says he can't increase them to three a day as in his book I'm on the maximum dose. I looked online about this and although yes it does say it's the maximum dose in some cases where pain is very severe a dose of 900 can be given in certain circumstances. I need help. I don't have a life because I can't go nowhere as the pain is so bad. Please help!
I truly mean no disrespect to your post, but i wannted to comment because I have been on suboxen for years and plan to stay on it but because I dont have insurance there has been times ive had to get it on the street i was a terrible morphine addict for 10 years and as long as i have 1/2 a strip 4 mg's im my old good self don't want anything else but my xannax but to the point ive had to go a couple of times when things were tight 3 or 4 days in terrible withdrawl buut i have never experienced this acute withdrawal from taking suboxen that ive heard people make reference too
Actually.. I am on Suboxone (just switched to Subutex) and the Naloxone present in Suboxone does not stop other Opiates from not bonding to the Opiate receptors. People who want abuse Suboxone can also do that regardless of the Naloxone because the Suboxone (although most people don't realize) is a very potent chemical. 2mg of Suboxone is equivalent of 80mg Morphine. I an thankfully reducing and gotten to 0.8mg (30mg Morphine approx.) Will be off soon fingers crossed. so from personal experience don't believe everything doctors and pharmaceutical companies tell you. They just want to get your money and hand you pills which often have worst outcomes than previous. Are the benefits of the medication better than the negative effects of the problem? If not then there is no reason to take the medication. I have been on Opiates all together for a year and a half. Acetyl-Fentanyl, Morphine, Codeine, Oxy etc. Been on Suboxone / Subutex for the last 6 months. Slowly reducing.
I forgot to pick my suboxine for the weekend which means I missed fridays as well. can not source more until I pick up Monday. I am only on 12mg a day. I have taken 60mg of codine on Saturday morning. will that be out of my system enough by Monday to take my suboxine without any ill effects?
I know this thread is old. but I have to post my "junkie" experiences with suboxone... "Different strokes for different folks" is the best way you're ever going to be able to put it. My drug of choice was oxycodone, 30mg, multiple a day.... insufflated through the nose. This has been going on for years now, I'm 25 and it started when one of my roommates got all of us hooked at one point. But anyways on to my point - when I drink my body reacts differently than others.... When I take drugs I feel like they don't do the same thing to me that they do to others. I've always felt that way. And when it comes to suboxone, the same is true. My "problem" is more of a mental thing to me, I think... because I am in complete disbelief at all of the posts above talking about being on 16mg, even 24mg suboxone PER DAY? Holy fu**ing **ck you guys, please get some real help. If I took 8mg (one strip), I would throw up everywhere. I don't even take 4mg per day. I'm all the way down to 1, maybe 2mg (yes, an 1/8th or 1/4th of a strip) and it helps the cravings for oxycodone. BUT I can still take oxycodone, morphine, codeine.... basically anything on top of even a 4mg suboxone dose. so for most people, it won't work. but if you're one of those people like me who can still take opiates on top of suboxone, subutex, or methadone..... well, may God save you son.
This is not true. Matter fact, I take two 8mg strips a day at 6:30 am. By 5pm i can feel the effects of roxies, ect.
Never switch to methadoan it evi
Methadone is a horrible thing to start. I was on 80 ml a day for 5 years I would fall asleep every time I sat down (even driving) so I quite but the withdraw made me feel like I was dying for a whole week. I say don't even start methadone IT'S BADDDDDD STUFF.
Codeine does work with Suboxone to stop pain. The Naloxone component only activates if you try and inject the Codeine. I'm on 8mg of Suboxone daily and took 2*30mg codeine phosphate/500mg Paracetomol pills with no ill effects.
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