Can You Take Suboxone And Codeine (Top voted first)
Updatedhi, i am taking suboxone i would like to know if i take codeine with it would i feel the opiate? Also is it possible to go through withdrawals from codeine if on suboxone?
I am really sick and an instacare dr gave me cough syrup with codeine. I am on suboxone 8 mg. I don't know if I can use this cough syrup. ..
I am on a daily does of 16mg of subs a day and I ran out so I took some Morphine and some Codeine. The last time I took the Codeine was about six hours ago. How long until I should take my regular dose of suboxone so I don't get precipitated withdrawals?
Codeine does work with Suboxone to stop pain. The Naloxone component only activates if you try and inject the Codeine. I'm on 8mg of Suboxone daily and took 2*30mg codeine phosphate/500mg Paracetomol pills with no ill effects.
If I'm on 4 mg suboxone 2 hours ago can I take fioricet with codeine just to get rid of a very bad migraine?
Methadone is a horrible thing to start. I was on 80 ml a day for 5 years I would fall asleep every time I sat down (even driving) so I quite but the withdraw made me feel like I was dying for a whole week. I say don't even start methadone IT'S BADDDDDD STUFF.
If i cut a sub into the smallest piece and then can i take a Tylenol for pain
I disagree with ur comment on naloxone as it only has a bioavailability of 3% tops
generally the answer to your question is no... the codeine will not work as suboxone binds like glue to the same receptors that morphine or oxycodone does. Codeine transforms to morphine via your liver in smaller amounts and suboxone closes the door on other opiates getting through. However it is different strokes for different blokes. You can get some affect if you take enough of it, but I wouldn't try it as codeine is generally mixed with paracetamol and too much intake of that will destroy your liver.
When going on suboxone make sure you are in moderate withdrawal from your drug of choice before taking it or you could more than likely end up in precipitated withdrawal and that my friend you want to avoid at all costs as there is nothing you can do but ride it out.
If you have started on suboxone on a regular basis daily you can use other opiates and still take your dose of suboxone the next day because most of the opiate never got through in the first place. You have to be at least 2 days of suboxone to get a high. The best way to make sure its safe to take suboxone is waiting till your in moderate withdrawal and your pupils are dilated enough. Most of the time it's a pretty easy transisition. You do not have to wait until you are in full withdrawal!!.
No. You have to wait until the subs are out of ur system completly b4 any opiatis will work. It takes about 3 days. And If you want to take some opiatis wait until its out of ur system b4 taking ur subs again. If been on subs for 7 mons at 24 mg daily.
I took a Tylenol three about five hours after my Suboxone and it knocked me out. I've never got sick from taking an opiate with it. I took the Tylenol three because I had a tooth pulled. I have taken morphine with it before. Idk why people say it will through you into withdrawal because it just blocks it. But the T3s definitely went into my system about five hours after. I guess just take what your doctor says with a grain of salt cuz I've done pretty much everything you're not supposed to on Suboxone and it never did what they said it would.
It doesn't matter as soon as you take sub no codiene will effect you but you don't have to be in withdrawal for it to work. Good luck!
I'm sorry I cannot help with your question but I was hoping some of you could please look at my thread just posted asking if I will text positive for subs. Thank u
I took methadone for over 10 years over 200mgs a day.i fell asleep everywhere too and I was taking Xanax 1mg 4 times a day.the methadone destroyed my teeth and when I decided to quit I went into withdrawals that lasted a month and I went into psychosis.i was hallucinating and couldn't remember anything.didnt even recognize my own doctor.i thought I was going to die!it was so bad!i ended up in the hospital for a week to stabilize me then went inpatient and put on suboxone.wish I never got on methadone that is for sure.bad stuff.
Get off subutex why you can, it's the worst drug to take and you have to go through hell to get off it. The more you take the worst it will be for you when you get off it so do it now while you can. I've come off subutex twice. Takes 10 days of hell to get off it. I am not going to keep doing this to myself, will not be putting myself through this ever again. Good luck to you all out there coming off this s***.
I just wanted to say ive been on suboxone for 8 years now!! (Wow i know) but if u find something that works 4 u u stick with it right? Anyway I've been up to 24 mg then down to 6mg. Now back up to 14. Ive had a child, a couple surgery's. From my experience ive been able to take another opiate while taking suboxone when needed and didnt have any withdrawals. But if i continued the subs after i took said opiate..immediate withdrawal. Suggestion here would be to see if the dr. Would switch u to subutex for a short period of time if really needed. But u can take any opiate the same day u have taken suboxone just make sure u wait till said opiate is completely out of ur system till u continue ur subs. Im not a dr. Have no idea why this way is ok. But ive been on this long enough to give advice. And also remember everyone is diffrent. Different people react differently to different things..
I took maybe 3mgs of 11:00am doc just gave me 10ml of cough syrup with codeine will it for headache will it hurt me
Re: storm (# 11)
Yours is the best, most well-informed answer. I've been on Suboxone for 8 years. you can take codeine for pain management and it will work. It won't work if you're taking it to feel high, because of the agonist/receptor thing. DON'T take codeine THEN suboxone. Take suboxone FIRST then codeine and you should have no precipitated withdrawal effect. If taking strong opiates always wait AT LEAST 24 hrs before taking suboxone. By that time any P.W.D. will be minimal and only last a few minutes, if you have any at all, which you shouldn't. Everybody is different, but the 'suboxone first, opiate second' rule is the only way you can do it. By the way, precipitated withdrawal is the most horrifying thing I've ever experienced. Worse than broken bones, deep cuts (to the bone) or pneumonia combined. It may be tough to get through 24hrs of withdrawal before taking subs, but believe me, PWD is worse.
hi. yeah this is wat ive seems to depend on wat you take FIRST..So if i get up ,hav my sub then decide i wanna shot bit later i wont go into withdrawals but i also wont feel my shot BUT IF I hav Shot FIRST THEN hav sub later YOU WILL BE VERY SICK.DONT DO IT..I hav to wait till H Is outta my next morn usually..thats how it works for me anyway..
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