Can You Take Suboxone And Codeine
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hi, i am taking suboxone i would like to know if i take codeine with it would i feel the opiate? Also is it possible to go through withdrawals from codeine if on suboxone?
Re: Verwon (# 5)
you are so wrong it hurts my head, naloxone does not absorb orally they only put it in the suboxone for patent purposes
Re: mjay (# 2)
Don't use methadone, just don't it's horrible stick with the subs best thing ever, methadone withdrawals can last 6 months in the extreme conditions, you will blow your head off its not worth surviving I somehow did
Re: mjay (# 2)
OK but I've been on it for 9 months it saved my life in 4 months I got a brand new Asia acute n have a career I'm a plumbers apprentice now
I have taken sub's number 8 for two days,can I,take Tylenol 3after 4days?
Re: storm (# 11)
Yours is the best, most well-informed answer. I've been on Suboxone for 8 years. you can take codeine for pain management and it will work. It won't work if you're taking it to feel high, because of the agonist/receptor thing. DON'T take codeine THEN suboxone. Take suboxone FIRST then codeine and you should have no precipitated withdrawal effect. If taking strong opiates always wait AT LEAST 24 hrs before taking suboxone. By that time any P.W.D. will be minimal and only last a few minutes, if you have any at all, which you shouldn't. Everybody is different, but the 'suboxone first, opiate second' rule is the only way you can do it. By the way, precipitated withdrawal is the most horrifying thing I've ever experienced. Worse than broken bones, deep cuts (to the bone) or pneumonia combined. It may be tough to get through 24hrs of withdrawal before taking subs, but believe me, PWD is worse.
Re: buzz (# 10)
Opiates are just one class of drugs that are considered narcotics. There are many narcotics that you can take with suboxone safely, but opiates are not to be mixed with suboxone or subutex. You either won’t get any effect at all or will get precipitated withdrawals. The Dr. can tell you which narcotics are safe and the doses.
Re: mjay (# 3)
I'm taking robuttusin with codeine, I want too take a strip, can i?????
Wait as long as u possibly can to take subs after the morphine. Wait till u are in worst stages of withdrawal or u will regret it! I took subaxone to early after taking only 30 mg of oxi and I was admitted into hospital and the doctor induced me into a coma for 7 days because precipitated withdrawal was so bad. HUGE MISTAKE the withdrawl I was experiencing before the subaxone was nothing compared to the withdrawl after taking the subaxone. Please be careful I know it blows feel like your gonna die I been there but the transition over to subs is tricky
I used to get horrible headache when I was taken that much Suboxone also I would suggest that u cut down some two is to much I have my self down to so little now one strip literally last a week but that's a different subject but you could ask Ur doc to take u down or try Ur self it's not hard at all the Suboxone does give really bad headache
I took a Tylenol three about five hours after my Suboxone and it knocked me out. I've never got sick from taking an opiate with it. I took the Tylenol three because I had a tooth pulled. I have taken morphine with it before. Idk why people say it will through you into withdrawal because it just blocks it. But the T3s definitely went into my system about five hours after. I guess just take what your doctor says with a grain of salt cuz I've done pretty much everything you're not supposed to on Suboxone and it never did what they said it would.
I took maybe 3mgs of 11:00am doc just gave me 10ml of cough syrup with codeine will it for headache will it hurt me
I just wanted to say ive been on suboxone for 8 years now!! (Wow i know) but if u find something that works 4 u u stick with it right? Anyway I've been up to 24 mg then down to 6mg. Now back up to 14. Ive had a child, a couple surgery's. From my experience ive been able to take another opiate while taking suboxone when needed and didnt have any withdrawals. But if i continued the subs after i took said opiate..immediate withdrawal. Suggestion here would be to see if the dr. Would switch u to subutex for a short period of time if really needed. But u can take any opiate the same day u have taken suboxone just make sure u wait till said opiate is completely out of ur system till u continue ur subs. Im not a dr. Have no idea why this way is ok. But ive been on this long enough to give advice. And also remember everyone is diffrent. Different people react differently to different things..
Screw methadone, it's the devil in disguise. If you are serious about not using, then continue taking the subs. However, you come across as someone who may not be through yet. In any event good luck!
So your saying for example if your taking 24 mgs of suboxone 1 30mg tylenol3 will not effect you? I have bad injury and have been taking suboxone for 2 years. Was given t3 for pain and the severe pain went away.
I am on 8 mgs of soboxine aday. I have a really bad toothache right now, and wanted to no if I took two t-3's which has codeine in it would it take away my toothache pain?? I no I won't feel the effects of the codeine,due to the blocker in the soboxone but will it kill the pain?
It took 10 days for u to get over withdraws right after u stopped taking subs or the day ur withdraws started???
I am on 1mg of Buprenorphine/Nalox and my doctor prescribed me Acetaminophen/Cod #3 (300/30Mg) for cycsts on my overies. I'm in much pain but I don't know if this will interfere with my progress or put me into withdrawal. Any advice?
If you take it at a clinic supervised by a doctor daily then it's a great treatment for opiate addicts. If you just take methadone or mix stuff with it it's deadly. Only take it through a treatment program.
I have a very bad brochitis infection. I am a spine injury pain managmt 4 mg Sub today and went to Urgentcare who gave me cough med with Codeine. I took a large dose few hours ago and it may have quieted my cough. I has no ill effects. But Perscribing Dr of Sub called told me no more Cough med with codeine. I don't know why, but I won't continue. I also have Z pack and Celestica injection to get well .
I am on subi Tex and have been for 7 years but since day 1 I've been taking codeine I'm on day 9 and still taking 30 mills of codeine 2 times a day I no it's opiate base I will cut myself off them would i still rattle bad after stopping codiene?
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