Best Norco Brand (Page 2)
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Hi, i get the yellow norco pill with a cursive v and 3601 on the back. Is there a better brand?
Re: Marc (# 58)
Funny, The middle man distributors I have written to, and talked to have been very cooperative here.....sorry your having troubles.
Re: Allison (# 53)
Regarding "Contact the manufacturer themselves to see who they do business with" - Good luck with that. I too first thought they would share what pharmacy had the Qualitest Norco. After calling a dozen times, never could talk to the person they directed me to nor did I ever get a call back. Seems meds go to a distributor and they sell to a pharmacy. So I found one distributor in my area and called, no way would they give info on what pharmacy they provide QUALITEST to. The distributor is the one that marks up the price & they make big money in doing so. It came out in the media so distributors won't give you the time of day. I found on FDA's website an area where you can search for complaints against a manufacturer. Since FDA wants to control pain meds it sure would be nice if they would provide a listing of where people could buy the meds that work best for themselves, instead of people wasting their money to support manufacturers who produce worthless meds with little to no pain control aside from making people sick with side effects.
Re: Star Child (# 56)
Honey, I understand! You got to do what is best for You! Trust me, I worry too about what the future holds for me! I too am taking other medications for Mental disorders too, Bipolar, PTSD, Anxiety. Having physical problems too does not help these problems either! Having to go to physical therapy, doctor appts, and psychiatrist appts every month, week, etc, keeps my plate full. Dont know how long that will last. I can tell you when I am in pain, I can't make it to any of these appts. So having a pain medication that does work, is important to me. Those that dont work, makes me as useless as the product thier trying to push on me! So I make sure my pharmacy carries the brand Qualitiest, that works for my pain, for now. My problem is degenerative, so like I said, dont know how long I get to enjoy what little I can do right now, before I am forced to make a decision of having surgery, which scares me to death. No one I know has done well after back surgery, and I mean no one. So bless your heart girl!
Re: Allison (# 53)
Bless you for your kind and helpful note. Physical therapy does help, but I no longer drive due to being on many medications. I couldn’t bear it if I hurt someone. Thank you also for info on Qualitest.
Re: conan (# 8)
They have yellow Ones at grocery store off sw 44th and may it’s cash saver but inside it’s homeland pharmacy they don’t take insurance so I pay cash for mines
Re: conan (# 8)
I know. Watson 10/325 was best for me as well. I have a spine that’s rapidly declining, and I can’t face another surgery right now. What pharmacies have good generic Norco. Do you know?
Re: Trendab (# 52)
I use the brand called Qualitest. Google them. You can ask your pharmacy if they can order them or call the pharmacy headquarters and plea with them to special order them for your pharmacy. Contact the manufacturer themselves to see who they do business with in your area. They are yellow, V on one side and numbers on the other. I use 10/325 for spinal stenosis, sciatica, bulging discs and a ton of arthritis. I also go to physical therapy twice a week. I am in compliance as a pain patient with my pain clinic, they know I am not an abuser, or a person who sells my pills. I take them as prescribed so I can manage to move and take care of my life. I am a patient with rights and have built a great respite with my pharmacist who understands my concerns with other medications that dont work long term, make me sick to my stomach and just are not made to work! They know the difference in their customers, but it's really out of their control when it comes to what their corporations buy to save money. But the more real pain patients express their concerns, the more their corporations realize that they will lose business if they don't help provide a choice. Be your own rep! And keep pushing on!
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
What company worked. I'm having a problem too. Watson used to work.
Re: Marc (# 50)
I was told by my pharmacist that they don't have a choice anymore, here in South Carolina. They have one kind and are not allowed to get any other. I'm good friends with my pharmacist. He would not lie. The government is doing this. I can't believe I have to suffer because of a bunch of druggies. This is supposed to narrow it down to who is selling them while the rest of us suffer in pain. I have severe rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, my list is so long I'm about ready to just go to the hospital every day and tell them to take my pills and give me a shot for pain every day. I can't take the pain. These pills they are giving are worthless, it's like forgetting to take it. So that tells me there is nothing in it. If I ever see or hear of anyone selling pills I'm going to flip out on them because they caused this. Not us, the people that have severe pain.
Re: robert (# 49)
File complaints with the FDA. Some pharmacies get different generic Norco from month to month, what ever is the cheapest from their distributor.. It's not about what's best for healthcare, it all about profits ..and getting worse....
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
I agree with what you say but we have to start to take action against the government and all these clowns who never lived with pain. As I always believe pain is real and cures aren't. I would like to talk to you. You won't believe what I have gone through. Thanks. {edited for privacy}
Re: Betty (# 47)
I agree... I feel like dying. My pain is so bad. I did find out that Par pharmacy bought Qualitest out - the company that was making the yellow ones. Par is the one who makes my generic provigal (modafinal). Tell your pharmacy you want them to order from Par or contact Par pharmacy yourself and find out because pharmacies go through a middleman; so they can't buy from Par. But trust me these white ones are CRAP and worthless. They don't help. This is how the government is fighting the opioid war. Sell the good people junk so we suffer. It's so wrong.
Re: Ron rock (# 15)
Something is wrong with these white one. Some of us need to start a legal suit. My pain is so painful. The yellow one was great.
I have been on 10s as well as zohydro 30mg for years. Thier is a huge difference in the plain white generic and Watson or the yellow. Don't be afraid to ask the pharmacy what they have. You are a paying customer. I know who has what and were in my area. CVS has yellows, Walgreens has Watson's. I stick to them. Docs also has yellow. When I asked CVS the woman showed me in her hand what she had. I have never felt ashamed. I have chronic pain and I know what works best before a pill counter would.
Re: Ron rock (# 15)
Mine are made by LUPIN, in India. Do you really think the FDA is going to check to see if they ate putting the correct amount if pain medication in? Simple answer NO. I took these and had chills/shakes. I looked it up and it said I was having withdrawal symptoms. Omg no wonder my pain is so bad and I was sick like that. This is terrible what government is doing to people who need them. I'll go every day, get online and show my doc I'm taking mine via Skype. But don't punish me and make crap pills that don't work because of a bunch of *****s that sell or abuse them. I have rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain and fibromyalgia, I've had open heart surgery, & I need surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome. I have to use talk to text so please don't be mad if sentences run long. My fingers are in so much pain from my Raynaud Syndrome they look like purple fingertips and they just look so terrible and hurt so bad.
My feet just tingle and my husband jokes to me about them being dead people feet because that's what my feet look like, just stark blue dead people feet except I feel pain, horrible pain. I was just taking the Norco to cut the pain. I know nothing can take it all away and I don't want to be on super strong pain medication. This is just wrong. Like I said I'd be willing to show a doctor every day on Skype to watch me take my pill, put it in front of them, take it with a glass of water, swallow it, show my tongue & everything, but I'm not willing to drive every single day to the doctor's to get 5 pills when I take three a day. I would have to go into the doctor's office and get another prescription for 5 the next day. That's the lovely new law they think they're going to put into place in South Carolina. I'm also not willing to accept what they're doing to us by taking all the pain medication out because these pills are junk.
Re: David (# 1)
It doesn't take too much study to find out that Watson brand Norco is bogus! I have been taking Norco for 20+ years and I will never waster my time and money with Watson. I stopped doing business with Walgreens because they refuse to carry anything but Watson. Obviously they are only concerned about price and not the efficacy of the drugs they sell nor the opinions of their consumers.
Jo hi, yes, those with the v and 360, are quality. Easy on the stomach, long lasting pain relief. The manufacture brand is called Qualitiest. It's good to do your home work on manufacture brands. Too many out there that are not as good as this one when it comes to long term pain and pain management.
Re: Iraqmike (# 5)
God bless you Mike! You should be thanked for your service in being stationed in Iraq, but on top of it, suffering from a “bomb blast" injury... In my book you deserve a medal and SOME RESPECT when you walk into ANY pharmacy in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in picking up your medicines YOU NEED in some dignity! I always say: We always have to be willing to put ourselves in another person's shoes —because we never know WHEN we ever may be “wearing them shoes".
Where do you get them the yellow I want the yellow ones with the v in the back
Re: David (# 1)
I changed my pharmacy to Kroger this month due to my previous pharmacy started giving me pain meds with ip and a number on them and they make me very nauseated and the effectiveness is not as good as Watson or the peach 7.5 I need to find out which pill Kroger gives before Its tome to fill my next script in a few days do u know?
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