Best Norco Brand (Page 3)
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Hi, i get the yellow norco pill with a cursive v and 3601 on the back. Is there a better brand?
Re: cookie (# 20)
Best reply yet, go straight to the facts! Thank you! Go info!
Re: Raquel (# 28)
Kaiser in Sacto., Ca stopped Qualitest Norco, had been going to Antioch Ca, 150 miles, now that Kaiser stopped Qualitest. I had the same bad reaction as { Raquel (# 28) -- } to the Mallinckodt. Have you had any luck finding Qualitest ? Kaiser put me on Oxy...... horrible , too strong...
Re: Yogster (# 29)
Kaiser in Sacto., Ca stopped Qualitest Norco. I had been going to Antioch Ca, 150 miles, now that Kaiser stopped Qualitest. I had the same bad reaction as Raquel (# 28) to the Mallinckrodt. Have you had any luck finding Qualitest? Kaiser put me on Oxy which was horrible, too strong... Kaiser has had a ton of complaints. I filed one and they still refuse to special order...
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
Shari, I live in Idaho, over 9 years ago i started having difficulty with my neck, shoulders, wrists and mostly my back, i talked to my doctor and she said i was probably just getting arthritis and started taking naproxen. I worked pretty hard most of my life, single parent, and took care of an acre of land and home on my own. I. 58 now. As the next couple of years i seemed to get worse, especially my lower back so my doctor sent me to have an MRI done. Well it seemed i was suffering with spinal stenosis, degenerative bone disease and lots of arthritis throught my whole body. Also bulging discs, and the spongy stuff between discs were drying up, causing my spine to be bone on bone all between L1 to L5. Also have Siatic Nerve damage down my left leg. For the past 6 years i have been taking Hydrocodone Acetaminophen 10/325. I have had all different brands depending on pharmacys. I used to use Albertsons for everything for years, and in the begin ing they carried the Yellow Watson Brand. After about a year, they changed, and began using the while kind of flat looking generic brand called mallinckrodt brand. Those were terrible, upset my stomach, irritability, no pain relief. At first i spoke to Albertsons buyer in corporate office, and they had them special order the Watson brand for me, that lasted about 6 months. And bless their hearts a letter to me stating that Watson has changed thier company and are no longer manufacturing that specific brand, they are manufacturing a new brand that is the same just buying their chemicals from a company, and the Yellow ones will no long be processed, they will be replaced by the White Watsons, which is more cost-effective, and will save the consumer money.....Well, they sure did change! And not in a good way. So I changed pharmacies. No one was caring the Watson brand, only the new one, yet, i did some research. The top Manufactures of Norco, (Hydrocodone Acetaminophen, in 5/325, 7.5/325 and 10/325) is Watson (White 853) mallinckrodt brand, (mostly generic) and i found Qualitiest made in yellow, V on one side and 36 01 on the other. These i tell you are the same as the Yellow Watson brand.
You have the right to ask you pharmacist if they carry the "Qualitiest" Norco, if they say no, ask if they can please have them special ordered, if they say no, look up the number for their corporate office for the pharmacy ask to speak to the buyer for your pharmacy, explain why your husband needs that brand, and maybe they will special order them. I do know here in Idaho Walgreens here in my town carry them, some dont, but the buyer is workable if the pharmacist isnt. Some of your smaller homegrown pharmacies carry that brand as well. See, big corporation pharmacies vuy the cheaper brands to save them money and sell them at high prices, just like a dealer would! And they wonder why there is a opiate problem in America! Drug dealers started that with bad doctors, or doctors that work with drug dealers to make money. Not people like your husband and I who have life long chronic legitimate pain problems and must take pain pills through strick pain management doctors, who know our medical problem, see that we are in compliance, are not abusing or selling our medications and have to be able to function on this life. Now laws will be getting even more intense as i watch the news, i go to physical therapy 2 times a week, get shots in my leg every 3 to 4 months, had been getting the shots in my back yet that was not working for me. I am now down to facing surgery for the back issues and that scares me to death, and everyone i know who had surgery for the same things i have still have to do pain management. Rheumatoid arthritis, the kind your husband has is the same i have, very painful and very hard to move, the physical therapy helps, yet without my medication, im useless. Yet please try and get the Qualitiest brand, it is the best out there now for Norco out of all the different manufacturers. I wish you all the best, and remember, you have the right to ask pharmacies to special order from their corporation too. No matter what they think, the more you do your homework and know what your talking about, they will see you differently! Sincerely! Allison, in Idaho.
Re: Mary (# 21)
They can order anything. They do order the cheapest.
Yes there is a better Vicodin, and that's the Vicodin pill that has "3604 on one side, and the "V" on the other side w/pink dots on it.... I promise, you won't have to look any further.
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
I'm having the same issue it's terrible. It should be against the law to do this to people. Now I'm suffering using the actives manufacture and qualities!
Re: conan (# 8)
They have them. You just have to be willing to spend some time looking up Pharmacies in your area and calling every one of them and asking what brand they carry. I found a privately owned one by a husband and wife who carry them and I just found out that there's a clinic my friend goes to. You can also do mail order, I think through the exact company that you want but I can't remember so u would have to call and ask, but I've done that before too and it works the same. So they do still make the yellows. They aren't gone but most pharmacies have gotten hella cheap and just care about making money and if you call their corporate office/customer service hotline they will figure out how to special order it for you because they can do it. They just say they can't because they assume everyone that picks them up is a "junkie" and/or is selling them and they know that "brand" is more popular. But for real, for those of us the really do use it, I broke my back in a car accident, my whole life I've been sensitive to medication and I've had the same problem with the white norcos brand m367 and my doc had to prescribe me nausea meds cuz of it till I could find a different brand. It was ridiculous.
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
I work in the medical field. I am also on Norco for chronic pain. My pharmacy has changed to the white pill 367 by Malik. They could give me the sweet tart candy because it does nothing for my pain. Maybe, suggest sending out this med to be analyzed by an outside pharmacy. Think this is a way the government gets all up in our health care rights! I am considering switching to a marijuana product that relieves pain without the high.
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
I am having the same problem with my pain medicine. I have been getting a pinkish orange color of my hydrocodone-apap for years and now all I can get is a white pill that is ineffective and I am told that the ones I have been taking are no longer available. I would like to know why as they were actually working. Could someone tell me why they are no longer available.
Re: Raquel (# 28)
Kaiser just switched to the Mallinckrodt brand and they don't relieve my pain. They were filling with yellow Qualitest which worked! Which pharmacy carries Qualitest yellow??
I too have used the yellow 10 Norco. They are the only ones that relieve my pain. Last month my pharmacist gave me white ones Mallinckodt. I had stomach pain, was nauseous and vomiting all the time and had 2 panic attacks. When I picked up my prescription this month, it was the white ones again. I asked what happened to the yellow ones and he said we changed manufacturing companies. Had I continued to take them would've ended up in the hospital. From what I read Mallinckodt bought out Watson. My doctor wrote me a hard copy to take to an outside pharmacy to try and find the yellow ones, but I can't find them anywhere! I live in Fresno, CA. Anybody know where I can find a pharmacy here?
What pharmacy carries the Watson are the yellow ones
Hi does NorCal have a 2179 imprinted on one side of pill?
I have been on Norco 10's for several years, so I have had many generics. By far the best ones are the yellow ones from Qualitest and CVS carries those. The worst, and ones that do not work for me are the ones that have the M in Front of the number . They are made by Mallinkroft.
the "yellow 7,5 mg E.S Hydrocodone thAT "qualitest" makes are prob. my fav, ( since i just got outta LC break surgery where they put a 3mm. by about 2-inches long SGTEEL=PLATE PUT IN. )& im moving back to FT. Collins Colorado my ortho Surgeon gave me one last script dinc he wont be my Dr. any More. was happy top get em 2day!! it'll help me fot my 1st few weel\ks out there while i do Physical labot out hre @ st.. its a blessing>
Absolute jerks, they are! I'm in my late sixties with severe RA in my hands. They give me the same bulls***, like I'm some sort of druggie! I'm still working in a garage and Norco is the only thing, mixed with Ibuprofen, that allows me to function!
I agree. Dont know what can be done at this point.
Most pharmacies claim they can't get name brand and some refuse to order them. I just filed a complaint with HEB Pharmacy, CVS and Walgreens for these reasons. They claim they can only use Actavis Manufacturer. Never heard of this company. I think ALL Pharmacies get a kick back (paid) to use Generic therefore they try to force you to get Generic, saying there having problems ordering Name Brand. Just my thoughts. But I'm gonna do research on my own to find out the real truth.
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