Apidexin (Page 2)
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is apidexin safe, what all are side effects of this medicine and does it really helps in inch loss, which one is better apidexin or c9t11

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I started taking this 3 days ago. The 1st day that I took it I did have a lot of dizziness and felt kinda weird, but the 2nd day I felt fine and didn't have any side effects. I am on my 3rd day now and was kind of leery because it said that it will make you not feel so hungry and help you eat less calories and I did not feel that way. I know it has only been 3 days but I was feeling really discouraged this morning and had an over easy egg and 2 small sausage patties a half hour after I took the pills, along with the detox pills. I just went and weighted myself and I have lost 2.6 Ibs in 3 days! I am so excited! I will finish up my 1st bottle and hope that I lose more weight. I will put an update on here!

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I'm not fat. But I do have body fat that I can't get rid of because I've hit a diet plateu or whatever they are called. I did research on this product and found it could help. I just want to know... Is it worth it? I'm definately getting mixed signals.

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Okay besides all these losers that prob never worked out before that shaking or whatever does it work and did you need to see the doctor

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1 week on and have noticed a definite decrease in appetite, however, jittery a bit, first day I had my normal 4 cups of coffee, whoa,...what a mistake that was. No coffee since and have been fine. 3rd day developed a splitting headache, but this now seems to have gone away. Biggest effect is that I still have issues sleeping at night. Fall asleep fine, but wake up throughout the night. Never had this issue prior to the pill. I'm going to give it another full week and see what happens...

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I started this pill (along with the 72 hour detoux) about 2 weeks ago. The first 3 days I lost about 4-5 lbs. and I figured that was water weight because I up my water intake with these pills after researching. But after that intial loss nothing else happened for me. The pills actually made me want to eat more and very, very, sleepy during the day! I even bought some 5 hour energy to stay more alert so I can get in some excercise! The last straw for me was the scale started going back up, so I stopped taking them and now I have been just counting calories and journaling everything I eat, but even though I need a energy boost to help me with my weight I think I'll do without pills because they don't work...for me! Oh and calorieking.com and weight watcher's are some of the best tools for losing weight. I am using calorieking now and it is so helpful!

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been on it for a few days now. hardly any side effects at all. haven't weighed myself. but hardly even eat anything these days so i'm happy.

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so day one almost over, i feel like updating. i only did one dosage, as alot of reviews i have read, have people ending up lowering the dosage from two to one. so i thought i should do this straight away.

i found myself uninterested in food since i took the pill. i ate breakfast at 11am. did not touch food until about an hour ago at 10pm (i work late) and all i felt like was a few crackers. and then i was full and satisfied. usually - i'm eating constantly. so , as for suppressing my appetite, that certainly works!

as for mood and such - i have felt light headed and sick all day (but i think i felt sick as i hadn't eaten and was running around at work)

i'm a waitress at a very busy restaurant so for starters, i'm going to keep work as my excersize. i honestly get plenty there. and i drink atleast 3 - 4 x 1.25L jugs of water a day. so my water levels are fine i believe. choosing to change my diet along with this pill - just as when i go to eat, all i feel like / felt like all day was an apple or something small and light instead of the usual unhealthy meal.

i'm 21, about 169cm tall and at the moment, weighing 83 kgs. i have E cup boobs, so alot of my weight is there. and my stomach. not so much my legs or arms.

i want to get back to 60-65 kgs, how much i used to weigh (before i got the implanon (birth control) inserted - where i gained 12 kgs) (so devastated) and the rest of the weight gain has been me not caring anymore. attitude - i'm already fat. who cares now.

so, positive. and a bit excited..!

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so, day one on apidexin. i feel light headed and my heart is beating heaps fast but i don't know if these are actually symptoms or if i am making myself believe they are (from reading what you guys have said) i am also a smoker so that can explain my heart rate a little.

i'm not entirely worried about the side effect of not being able to sleep that some of you have experienced as most nights, i don't sleep till 2am anyway. have had sleeping problems since i was about 10, so pretty used to it!

i'm on the detox aswell. i have a little issue with taking tablets / capsules. so opened the caps and poured them into a spoonful of honey, it was honestly horrible. and made me gag a little ha. i don't know if taking them with food is going to cause a problem? as it states on the bottle to have 30 mins before food...?

i'm a little bit worried about drinking whilst on these, especially being on the detox aswell, because it is alot of tablets i'm taking. i'm 21, so i binge drink usually on a weekendly basis. thinking maybe i'll steer clear of the alcohol until i'm off the detox? what do you guys think? has anyone had an issue drinking whilst being on the pills?

i'm going to weigh myself each week i guess.

sorry for rambling, i'm a little anxious!

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I recieved Apidexin yesterday and took my first pill at about 2 PM and one again this morning at around 9 AM. I haven't had any of the horrible side effects (yet).
I did feel super sleepy yesterday about 3 hours after, but was not able to fall asleep.
I have problems sleeping as it is, and usually take sleeping pills by 10 PM. Which I did and was able to fall asleep fine.

Last week I weighed myself and saw that I was at one of my highest weights EVER. So I of course freaked out and did the whole 'woe is me', cry baby scene and decided I REALLY need help. I just can not get out of my depression and lose all this weight I've gained since I've gotten in a relationship. It seems I can not control my hunger and my mind is constantly on FOOD. So the first thing I did was researched appetite suppressants in hopes that I can get a jump start in conquering this madness.
Apidexin was one that intrigued me (along with another one called Phenphedrine, but I opted for the cheaper one, haha).
I ordered my pills about a week ago and of course RIGHT after I order them is when I found all these horribly negative reviews, so I have really been trying to prep myself for these pills and have been drinking nothing but LOADS of water and really trying to eat low calorie meals (I'm also vegetarian so I am not eating any meat what so ever) and the bulk of my food in the morning.
I am a total midnight muncher, so eating food at breakfast time is a big adjustment for me.

ANYWAY, I lost about 7.5 lbs just trying to prepare for what the pills ask for.
To be honest, I was not hungry at ALL yesterday and had not ate anything before the pills had arrived. So like I said, I took my first one at 2 PM and I did not eat until about 3 hours later(and I KNOW it says to eat 30-60 minutes after the pill, so I was fully anticipating the headaches and other side effects, but didn't get any) when I realized I was a little hungry.
I got a $1.50 side garden salad from Wendy's. I told them to keep their dressing and when I got home used a tbsp of my own (Newman's Own Light Balsamic Vinaigrette which is 22.5 cal and 2g of fat for one tbsp. I prefer this over their healthy option of fat free ranch, yuck.). I took about three bites and was no longer hungry, but I still forced myself to finish the meal just in case I wanted to creep to the fridge later.
About two hours later I had a bottle of Spicy V8 juice because I get horrendous cravings for salt.
This totally subdued me and when I weighed myself this morning I had lost 3.5 lbs!
So, it took me a week to lose 7.5 lbs without the pill, and just over night I lost about half of that!
I also did NOT get the 3 day detox, so I'm not using that at all.

I honestly don't really need the pill now (I wasn't expecting to actually be successful in weight loss while I was waiting for it to arrive), but I'm still going to take it in hopes it will continue to suppress my appetite.
Ready to take my third pill in about an hour and I haven't had any bad side effects!
Sorry for those of you who have seemed to truly suffer on these, I hope I do not meet the same fate!

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I felt sick to my stomach, jittery, and had a little bit of a headache the first day I took Apidexin. This was because I did not wait at least 30 minutes before eating. I have found that symptoms GREATLY DECREASE if you wait at lest 30 or 40 minutes before eating after you take the pill. I felt energized and good all day and have lost 3 pounds in 2 days!

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I am 27 and I've been taking Apidexin for 6 days now. I discontinued the use of caffinated beverages that I normally drink and replaced then with decaf. The first 2 days I didn't noticed anything out of the ordinary except more energy. Day 3: I only slept 20 minutes that night, which were the 20 minutes right before my alarm went off. Day 4: I slept the same exact amount. I don't have body parts going numb, but I do feel weird and jitterish. My heart rate feels faster, and though it sounds weird, I noticed my pupils don't adjust with light as they usually do. Both days 5 and 6 I've only taken the morning pill and I was able to sleep all night during day 5, with the help of Tylenol PM. I feel better, and I will probably only take 1 pill a day. I have lost around 3 pounds...so it seems to work. But at what cost? If we are too nauseous to eat and can't sleep, of course we won't eat anything.

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I starting taking Apidexin yesterday...what a mistake. After taking the second pill 30 minutes before lunch, I started feeling nauseous, light headed and extremely jittery. The symptoms persisted throughout the day and got worse at night. My left leg got numb and the left side of my face too..my heart was beating so fast. I rushed to the emergency room and really felt I was going to pass out or have a stroke. I left the emergency room this morning and after 5 trips to the bathroom and a lot of water I feel stable..still feel the numbness on the left side of my body...doctor said the drug has effedrin in it and a 1000 mg of caffeine +++ ingredients a day can be serious. I threw the bottle right away. I am not overweight, just wanted to lose 5-10 pds. I will do it the right way and eat and exercise. STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG.

be safe

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Today is my third day taking apidexin. I have had bad headaches feel nauseous mainly after the second pill though. I have lost 2 pounds already so I want to keep using it, I just may use it once a day also. Does anyone know if it will still be effective? Please let me know.

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I've started taking Apidexin today, and I have had more or less the same thing as most of you :-( I took the 2nd pill at 1pm and feeling nauseos since. I might cut the dosage to 1/day, 2 pills/day is probably way too much, plus we don't exacly know what the dosage of caffeine is contained in 1 pill. Take care !

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Well, today is my first day on apidexin. I felt at first that I just drank maybe a cup too much of coffee, I continued to do my work around the house (as I do my weekly deep cleaning) I felt jumbled after a while, but it wore off a bit around 8:00 pm... then I was feeling tired so I had a cup of tea which must have triggered it again... I had to do hair tonight (i'm a hairdresser) and felt the scissors shaking like crazy... I usually get anxiety from any form of weight loss pill, which I didn't get from these. Just a feeling that I was a bit not myself and a bit unfocused. Did anyone else experience this? Does it go away? Thank you.. please respond.

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I would not recommend these pills at all. I took them and got really sick, I mean fainting...nausea and headaches. I also am so hungry that it is very painful and also making me feel sick. I drink coffee everyday so I know it's not the caffeine (I also have not had any coffee since taking the pills). I did more research on the side effects alone and one sight said that one of the ingredients triggers hunger. The hunger is the biggest problem for me since taking these pills. I am hungry literally all day long! I mean hunger pangs at all. Even when my stomach is full these pills have made me hungry. I have stopped taking them and hope that when they are out of my system completely I will return to normal. I know it's not me because I have been eating healthy as well. I have learned my lesson, because of Apidexin I'm swearing off diet pills for good!

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I have been taking Apidexin for a week and have not had any ill side affects. I do have more energy and have lost a little weight. I am 5'9 and weighed 149 before taking. I am now at 147 and have lost 2% body fat. I do not feel sick (only if I eat too much-good right?) No problems sleeping. I take the pill WITH food. Not sure if that makes a difference. I just forget to take it 30 min. before with my work schedule.

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This is my second day taking it. After reading a lot of these comments it's a little surprising that this pill is causing so many problems for so many people. I haven't noticed any sort of side effects but while this is only my second day, I haven't noticed any weight changes. My weight fluctuates really strangely about 3 pounds up and/or down (not sure which :O). Anyway, while Apidexin claims to help lose 4-7 pounds per week, I don't think I'll be able to notice a significant change for at least 2 weeks. But those of you with half your body going numb, that's really frightening!

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i started to take it early this morning and before lunch, i do have palpitations, lightheadedness, feel very sick, and fainting, the whole day. and then now its 11:42 pm it feels like i'm gonna die, i feel numbness in my left arm first and now its all over my body. i'm gonna return it tomorrow.... ITS NOT GOOD TO OUR HEALTH !!!

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