Apidexin (Page 3)
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is apidexin safe, what all are side effects of this medicine and does it really helps in inch loss, which one is better apidexin or c9t11

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I have been taking Apidexin for past 2 and half months now, I began with the 3 day detox before starting each bottle, then the actual pills from day 4, I have lost 25 pounds and 4 inches of waist size over the period of 2 and half month, granted I did some diet control (not a crazy diet, but just didn't go bees-irk eating like crazy) and worked out (at-least 3-4 days in a week), I have already ordered my third and fourth months pills. I would recommend this product to all, I have tried a lot of remedies in the past to loose weight, this is the only one that has actually worked...GO for it

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started apidexin today took one pill before breakfast and one before lunch, thought i was after coming down with a really bad viral infection, whole body is shaking I feel like im going to throw up really dizzy and weak and have diarrohea, I feel so awful.

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i started taking this 2 weeks ago . i did notice weight loss.i did every thing i was told to do.one morning i took the pill 2 hours later my face and the whole right side of my body was numb!! i was so scared that i went to the emergency room, they gave me a cat scan and it was normal i wasn't a stroke . come to find out it was the pill my doctor told me the amount of caffiene in just one of those pills is a gallon of coffee. there was so much of it in my body it was messing up my circulation. she said if i dont stop i can have a stroke. she gave me ativan to help with the effects that could last for weeks.

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Yesterday is my second day on Apidexin. I think it was the worst day in my life. I felt like dying all day long. Don't buy this pill, its wasting of money~!

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4th day on Apidexin, and I dont know about the rest of you but it makes me sleepy ass hell about three hours after taking it, and also the only side effect that I am experiencing that will make me stop taking it if it continues is that I am RAVINOUSLY HUNGRY!! after it starts to wear of and I stay that way until I go to bed. Is anyone else experiencing this? It does not matter if I eat something or not, My stomach growls with hunger pains. If this continues I am done with this product!! No headache, and no nausea but Hungry I stay!!! Shoots

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I just started taking this today and it was an awful feeling all day...nausea and slight headache and mostly nausea and i did feel jittery i felt so scared. my acid reflux is kicking in and its 12:17 am the next day...i'mm reading and trying to find out i read maybe taking 1 pill a day or 1/2 day works for some..Can someone tell me if they had this , did they continue and this feeling goes away? cause i sure didn't like this feeling

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This is my 4th day of taking Apidexin. The first two days it totally curbed my appetite and I have lost a few pounds already, but I had just finished my menstraul cycle and I always drop a few pounds anyway, so I am not sure where the credit goes there. I am incredibly sleepy in the afternoons. I am going to keep on it and see what happens. I have not exercised at all and I am going to start that soon and see what happens. it's the best thing I have tried though so far.

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I just took my first pill this morning before breakfast. After 30 mins, I felt light-headed and still am. My body probably needs time to adjust to this change but should I continue taking the pills?

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I've taken apidexin for 2 days. I have not felt anything at all. I have not felt jittery and slept really well. Unfortunely I'm also still hungry. I exercise alot and the fat still klings!

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this is my second day taking this and i have a headache and i feel nauseaus. i feel kind of funny all over, anyone feel like this? i will admit it definitely curbed my appetite, just not sure feeling like this is worth it

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I've been taking Apidexin for a little over a week now and feel sick to my stomach constantly and horrible headaches. Do these side effect go away or should I stop taking these pills??? I dont want to bother with them anymore if they're going to make me feel this sick~

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Hello this question is for all Of you takinv apidexin, did you return this product and received the money back? Please answer thx

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Just started Apidexin today. This morning I was very perky and in a good mood. later toward lunch I started to feel very sick to my stomach I was hesitant to take the lunch pill but did any way all day i have been feeling like I need to throw up or go number 2 neither happend hopefully my body gets use to the pill so I dont feel sick every day

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I took my first Apidexin pill the other day. It took about 40 minutes to kick in. I thought I was going to die. I was shaking like a leaf. I had sickness and diorreah all day.. Mostly diorreah but felt really like I needed to be sick but this never happend. I couldn't sleep I was up to the toilet every 5 minutes. Ive been getting terrible headaches. I took the pill at around 11am and by 9.30pm I finally felt a bit better and never had to go to the toilet the rest of the night. Ive read other comments on this and I seem to have had the worst effect by Apidexin. I have now stopped taking it because I am too scared but I am going to give it another go tomorrow. I know my body isn't used to this and that is why it reacted in the way it did. Its mostly caffine and I don't drink tea or coffee. I normally drink water or at the most a bottle of Diet Coke.

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This is my first day taking this pill. Im scare, For first time in my life i couldnt sleep at all last night. It make me feel weak.

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i just started taking apidexin today and was just wondering if anyone developed a fever while taking this and no im not sick and im not getting sick either

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Oh! My question to everyone who has gone through this anxious/nervous feeling (after reading everyone's comments) does this feeling occur throughout the usage or does it slowly ware off?

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Hi! Today is my first time using apidexin, I've not had caffeine for over 4 years and I seem to be feeling almost anxious/ nervous. Is this normal?

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I have been taking Apidexin for a month now..took the detox before starting too. I have not lost nor have i gained any weight. This doesnt work at all, I didnt have any energy and I ate normally. It didnt control my appitite at all

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This is my 3rd day taking Apidexin. It has made me very shaky to the point that I am no longer able to drink coffee. I normally drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day. I have a hard time sleeping at night, I find myself having an increased heart rate, as if I had just finished running. However it does suppress my appetite and I have notice that I have been losing weight. I have tried many diet pill and I would say this is the best so far when it comes to dropping pounds. No pain no game. I would recommend.

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