Advice Starting Suboxone, ?s (Page 2)
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I am about to start Suboxone for the second time. The first time I didn't follow the rules and began taking it before I was in withdrawals. It was awful. I want to do it right this time. They say wait until you are at least in mild withdrawals. That is different for everyone. I am terrified of taking it too early. I am snorting heroin daily. I have weened myself off to just three lines per day. The dope I get isn't good either. My question is do I need to wait until I am a complete mess? Can I start taking it when I just start feeling anxious and restless? Should I be puking. Anyone with advice or personal experience please respond. I have to get it right this time. I have complete faith in this drug. Thanks!

52 Replies (3 Pages)

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Yes it is a drug and you can get high from it if you take a high dose, like a whole 8mg pill or film. send her to rehab in patient long term... Take it from me, someone who has been on methadone 120mg for two years, detoxed, wqas clean and started suboxin. a drug is a drug is a drug..

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I waited 12 hours and it put me into the worst withdrawal ever, that was an 8mg pill and this is going back years. I'm currently going through the same thing u are now. I was taking subs since May 11' and started using dope i.v for the last 12 day's .. Still cannot believe I did this to myself again. But now I wanna take a sub to detox off the crap but I'm sketched out because I don't know how long to wait, I have talked to friends and did a little research and 17 - 18 hours seems safe. I'm personally going to wait 17 and make shure my legs are kicking before I take a very very tiny piece tomarrow morning, I will let u know if it worked...GODSPEED!

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ive been a chronic pain patient for 17 years with lupus fibromyaligia diabetes degenerated disc probs. i need help please..i wwas on suboxone couple yrs ago but got back into pain mgmt doc and have been on 1160 mgs of oxycontin op and three 30 mgs of roxiecodone a day, of course i was using them all up in two weeks and lying in misery...las nite after going to a suboxone doctor with no other options i took an 8 mg strip...i wont lie i had a few of my oxycontin op's leftover woke up felt like s*** even after waiting 24 hrs to take my first suboxone and did a stupid thing i know..i took 160 mgs of oxycontin op i had my heart is racing at about 120 beats a minute im vomiting and dont feel my oxy's could tht one strip block the effects o my oxycontin or what..i have kids at home and im scaared sick and afraid im in pain and dunno wht to do..any advice?? oh btw reason i went to suboxone again was i got throw out of pain doc for low pill count.

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Please reply. Anyone. I'm desperate.

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I've been IVing Dilaudid, OxyContin, and Oxycodone for the past 3 months. Before that I snorted oxy for about a year and a half. I've tried to quit thousands of times and never made it more than 6 days without going back to it again and again. Im looking into suboxone treatment and wondering what you guys can tell me about it. How long will it take until I can be off of suboxone and not crave opiates? Will I feel any withdrawal-like effects when I completely ween off of suboxone? The treatment will be at a clinic with doctors and nurses so I will have help. I'm basically just clueless to this whole process and can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for.

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Suboxone is an opiate blocker and has no effect on Cocaine

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Best Advice try to get Subetex about 10 doses to start it does not have the blocker in it like suboxone than ease into the suboxone experienced this many times Good Luck

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I have been taking roxy 30's up to probably at worst 15 a day...i have a chronic degenerative back disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia and i have been in this vicious cycle for 5 years and want to stop. I have tried over 60 plus drugs to help and failed all non narcotic forms of treatment..started with vicodin, then to percocets, then to the roxicodone. I am scared to try suboxone....and wonder if it helps with chronic pain or if it just keeps the dope sickness away? I want to be a better mother that doesn't need meds to work, move but don't know if this is a reality for me...there is no high involved but enough is never enough and when the bottle is full i empty it...i need some really good advice. my husband is a recovering addict and introduced me to a lot..i was always the one that could put whatever down but the pain is unbearable where if I didn't have kids I would rather be dead. If i wanted to try suboxone how long do i need to wait to try it...coming off 6 30's or 2 oxy 80's.....someone please tell me what to do i have tried everything and am tired of treading water and the cycle every month of being sick for a week or more..I can't do it anymore. please advise.

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Just filled a script for Subox yesterday, waiting for the withdrawl to start from methadone. Last dose was 48 hours ago and I still dont really feel sick. My dopefeind mind wants to go grab a tab of Suboxone before it gets rough. Kind of worried about doing it too soon after reading some of these posts though.

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***** sorry correction on my previous statement.... dont say that someone that quit cold turkey **wasn't addicted**

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just wanted to comment on something Lou said....... you said someone that can quit cold turkey without meds or and emergency room visit isnt physically addicted.... I beg to differ!!!!!!!! I used for a long time and i can promise you my withdrawals were very severe....... i got myslef into trouble and had to quit before i ended up in jail and lose my husband and my son.... so i did quit cold turkey and it was miserable... i vomitted and had diarrhea for 5 weeks ( i lost 23 pounds) I couldnt sleep through the night for months.... my skin crawled, i paced the floors, my limbs wouldnt be still, my muscles kept tightening up to the point of cramps, it was like restless leg syndrome but all over my body, i was completely exhausted and didnt feel like moving...... i dont honestly know how i made it through it and i dont think i could ever do it again now that i know how miserable it was.... i would literally sit in the floor and scream i was in such misery !!!! so dont say that anyone who quits cold turkey without meds or ER was addicted because I am proof that that is not the truth!!!!!

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have been on sub for almost 2 years, due to financial reasons decided to quit and be sick for a week, didn't work (took perc's, going back to a=hole doc with borrowed money today), all it caused was for me to realize I'm still the same addict I was 2 years ago... sub is ok, but not no miracle drug, it's a LEGAL substitute.. I have 2 months until I graduate and for that time I have to be on top of my game, then it's treatment for me, wd from sub is hell....same addiction just relieved in a different form

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I too started subozone before i was withdrawling and it was worse than not having any pills at all. the second time i did it right and it worked. but i relapsed and been taking pills for 10 years altogether now. it's hell..good luck to those stuggling....lisa

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you won't grt high from suboxone,it's like an awakeining,you feel clean,mind is clear,i'm really impressed with the progress i've made on suboxone,if i didn't get off methadone i felt i was going to be on it forever.

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Please tell me if you can get high from suboxone. They have pu tmy daughter on this for coming off of methodone. I am afraid of treating a drug with a drug.

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my advice is to stay away from methadone,it's the hardest drug to come off of,i know after 20 yrs of 120mgs,i swithed to suboxone 6 months ago and am down from 16 to 4mgs with no ill effect,that was never the case with methadone.

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i was on 115 mgs of methadone for 15 yrs,i swiched to soboxone 6 months ago but did it to fast,i lowered myself from 115 to 30mgs in 4 days and skipped 2 days,i went on soboxone and went into full over the brink withdraw for 15 hrs,i'm fine now but would have lowered much slower if i would have known it would have been that bad for 15 hrs.

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Help! I found cocaine in my wife's purse. she said it couldn't be hers because she was taking suboxin (sp?) She made up a story that she stopped using drugs over a year ago and she was just going to sell the left over cocaine to a friend. Based on her physical symptoms, I don't believe it for a minute. She has turned me into the bad guy for throwing her stuff out instead of talking to her about it. So my question is........even if she is taking suboxin, can't she still use coke? Then there is the question of whether or not she is really taking the suboxin. Her attitude has grossly changed in the last 3 months, her sleeping patterns have chnaged, she sits in the house and does nothing anymore, she goes to sleep on the couch as soon as she gets home from work around 5:00 and then is extremely restless after that.


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Best way to start is go to bed that night when you get up if you are ok wait a little bit until you feel the need to use then take it, or if you wake up and feel the need to use then take it. I know many and there is no need to wait until you are going crazy to start it.

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J Sik, You definately nailed it with what you said about the process. For some it can be 12 or so hours and for others it can take longer than 24 hours. I have been an IV Heroin user for 20+ years and have done ALL possible options. My advice would be to go to a 5 (preferably stay the full 7 days to give yourself a few days methadone (Or Methadose depending on where your from. There similar chemically in the body but have VERY different half lifes and reactions, or side effects i guess youd call them more. Don't forget also, Suboxone has the opiate analog Buprinorfrin (an addictive opiate that is not a true opiate molecule but a variation of a similar chemical structure to Tramadol or any other synthetic Codiene-type creation. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT : Suboxone also contans an opiate antagonist called NARCAN. This is used to bring a friend out of an Overdose very quick and is used intraveiniously and really is fast as heck. You can get this with a short educational discussion and a kind of short training program on how to use it (Like any of us hardcores need it>>>) but that is what creates the dope sickness in a person when Sub's are taken to quickly after using. and it is no where near as BAD as normal crappy heroine withdrawals.
As i said originally, in my opinion i've had nothing but clenliness from all opiates (even refusing pain killers when i recently cut three toes off in an AXE-ident, but for me that is ABSOLUTELY necessary because now a days i have such a mental capacity to recieve the opiate endorphin stimulators that my brain shuts my natural endorfin producer right down.) I can also say that the 7 day detox is the best for many because its a sober haven with all family in the same boat, which is comforting to not feel sick alone, as long as its not just like you and one other sick-ass person making you get worse by association. It just works great because even though Methadone is a synthetic and potent opiate, you will only be on it for a total of 5 days (last 2 days are just for getting ready to face the block and your peoples again, which will probably be your worst trigger, although MONEY is usually the biggest if not relationship probems.)
f*** the Suboxone bro, it's as long term as Outpatient Methadone which youll MAYBE be able to get the nuts to get off the s***.
Once you decide to, if you come down faster than around 2-3 mg per week your gonna get syptoms of dope sickness the whole time your coming down. Especially heeby-Geebies (aka the skin crawler illness), sleep you can forget about probably, also youll find that youll continually get hot/cold flashes and fever like feelings. Almost the same type of withdrawal as from H, however, this substance has a longer half-life in the human body than H. One thing i can say is if your a fat type person or at least have more fat type body mass (Not muscles at all) all substances i've used thorghout my many years of hardcore drug use, i get sick at least 20+ hours AFTER my wife had been sick after about 8. She is only 5` 6 and only 108 punds. She used a half gram shot every time i did so we kept an EXACT habit including when we decide to shoot some of the non-generic Oxycontin 80's or 160's, which stopped after i broke a green generic 80mg and spooned it only to find that they added an extra reactant than is a polymer, which will create a jello lump in your spoon or cooker or whatever. You end up eating that s*** though so it's no big deal but a pain in the ass to not shoot it for that instant sick relief we all pray for (BTW, you'll know you got the generice because the 80's are green ovals with a scoring on the front in between two number sets. on the left side is a 33 and on the other is a 93, but keep in mind i'm just talking about the 80 mg generic pieces of crap since they are most prevalent where i'm from. Back to the ORIGINAL QUESTION, (sorry everyone it's my stupid ADD)Depending on what habit youve had prgressively, which will naturally increase over a short period too. It would be a dumb idea to even consider your option or at least your inquiry into Sub's having a change for the better per se. LIke that other poster up top a bit said (forget who sorry) your only gonna get strung out on another outpatient opiate which is friggin dumb except in certain cases, inho. Try the 7 day detox , which is a sleep at the joint for your days and nights and go to a bunch of intesting educative speeking groups, etc. But you wont be on the 'Done for mor than 5 days which you start at 30 mg wafer pills and then progressively quick, But not enough to make you even feel ill at all, 5 mg's per day early in the am, and if you ask you can usually always ask and get sleep aids and quuinine for your leg cramps, that is only if you even get them which i highly doubt youll get with your weened off tiny habit. But they usually will general have comfort meds to ease any potential pains and cramps, etc. STAY AWAY FROM LONG TERM METHADONE TREATMENTS. It just is a business that gets you on goverment - pharmaceutical industry/company programs to keep the heroin cash a) In THIS country's grasp and control as well as the perfect way to keep track of any and all junkies in the city or own the clinics are in. But trust me the easiest, most agony free way to kick any opiate is short term, 5-7 day in patient. you just have to prove to them that you have opiates in your system. Also a little trick for you is to get the nurse drug dispenser to give you your wafers on the first night. The only way to do that is to pretend to be sick. She'll take your pulese and blood pressure and look visibly for signs of illness, so you'll have to do a bunch of push ups in your room secretly immediately prior to your visit with her, then a little trick i use to keep up the heart rate and blood pressure is to squeeze your asss cheeks together as hard as you can for as long as you can and keep this going on until her test are done. Don't say you got high in at least 14-to 20 hours so she'll see your sick, cuz if you go in noticeably high they wont distribute your 'Done until the next morning and trust me you dont wanna wait that long when your getting sicker and sick and knowing theres a safe full of wafers in her offiice. the in house detox is the olnly on that worked for me ever but it still took about 10 or so times of going back to finally get my mind right and get free again. Plus outpatient means you can practially never leave your community/ town/ city, etc cuz you'll be locked to the chains of the Done though if you give your clinic time they can find and make it so you could go get it at the nearest clinic to wherever you went, but it's a true pain in the ass man. Just do the 5-7 day detox and stay away from all your peoplesor old spots for as long as it takes. Get new clean peple in your life to keep you from using lonliness and bordem as a easy cop out trigger to use. Its not easy and heres the real fact: THIS IS A CLUB WITH A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. tHOUGH YOU MAY BE CLEAN YEARS IT ONLY TAKES ONE DUMB ASS THOUGH = OR IDEA TO RUIN YOU AGAIN. go the 7 days and just get it over with. I say f*** all opiate substites as much as possible and for as short a time as any. I have kick both 120 mg's of methadone in jail 3 times and i ca honestly say that it is WAY WORSE OF A KICK. Last time i was cripplingly sick ilocked in solitary confinement for 31 days before being let out cuz the prick CO's didn't like hearing my death curdling screams of terrible agony. The sickness passed a whole 6 and change months later. I've kicked H so many times now it's worthless to count. This doesnt even come close to a comparison. Thats why i say only do it for the 5 days they hook you up w/ at the in house detoxes. Believe me if it sticks with you and you dont f*** up like a normal first timer through the system of opiate addiction handling, then move on with your life hapy and dope free. remember how good it felt to be able to wake up wherever and not need to fix yoour rig up immidieately. Freedom brotha. Fight for it. Stick with it and you'll probably end up in the prison system for a gang of time or youll overdose and die, or the worst of all youll be the only one left of your runing mates to be alive still without death from OD. Just stop f***ing around and get on it bro. If you truly want it badly then youll have no problem at all kicking how i told you. It's also easier if you only snort. The points are another addiction in themselves since its so much more of a ritual that way not to mention the immediacy of the drugs action. I hope i shed some light my brotha and best of luck to even though luck has s*** to do with this. It's your integrity and self love thatll pull you away and get your head outta your ass. Just buy american grown domestic Cannabis and keep American money in the little american families hands to help the people be able to empower and themselves to become busness, ect. All your loot is going to gang bangers and tyranical dictators, not to metion the DEA's cut. fight ignorance through consciousness. Relearn you the f*** you are without your cut-ass who knows what dope your doing. It's probably cut with methadone already or benzos like 2 mg clonapins or even s***tier .1 mgs of Lorazepam (the weakest of the benzo's aka Attivan). Fact is stop putting s*** inside your temple that is meant to help you learn about your wourld and culture as well unlock the key's to nature and the cosmos. All dopes gonna give is loneliness, best friends hating you for f***ing robbing them or scamming them somehow. Alienation from your closest family and a s***load of bad days full of sickness and misery. Although maybe you just like to hold a bathroom trash over your face and between the lap to puke your guts out while butt-pissing constantly. Anziety, Insomnia with body pain and aching in your bone marrow and joints and no tru lover. Its just a sucker ass drug these days. maybe if humans could keep it like the late 1880's and not use impure and scarily cut and mistreated H then it'd be easiear to be consistant. But I would only use it for an old skool serious pain and never more than two consecutive days in a row or i'd get sick. When kicking you HAVE to force down a gang of H20 because if you kick cold turkey, the puking alone will dehydrate you to an exausted and crippled state, buit it wont stop your need to puke. The water will make it real easy and don't eat anyting for a few days. give it 4-7 days of cold turkey kicking and your done bro. It's bad truly but like another poster said up aboveto go through a cold turkey kick will be a serious reminder of how bad you dont wanna go through it again EVER. Regaurdless of those off days when you can get weak juast remember. And regaurdless of what anyone tells you you caant just chip and get away with it. Trust any og H user, it'll only grow and go right back to start. Take care and i'll pry to Jah on your behalf tonight. Peace brother. dopehow well your daily scam pays off, end results

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