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Mexican drug, supposedly for pain, but ingredients seem like cold medicine. Large pink pill with Aztec indian stamped on it.

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Will this medication cause me to fail a drug panel, if I'm taking it?

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I have had absolutley painful gout attacks, this pill has helped so much. It works insatantly and I highly recommend it.

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Hi. My question is: If i'm taking Alopurinol can I take Zolidime at the same time.. I'm sufering from acute gout.

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Zolidime is made up of:
Phenylbutazone (highly toxic, can cause internal bleeding)
dexamethasone (a steriod)
In US Phenylbutazone is really only used in animals to control musculoskeletal problems, joint disorders and Inflammation.

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I am sorry, foreign drugs are not regulated like those available in the U.S. under the auspices of the FDA, therefore finding information on them is difficult.

I can only suggest that you ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information on it.

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Collins (Mexico)
Active ingredients:
Indications: Inflammation; musculoskeletal and joint disorders

Phenylbutazone, a pyrazolone derivative, is an NSAID (). However, because of its toxicity it is not used as a general analgesic or antipyretic. Although phenylbutazone is effective in almost all musculoskeletal and joint disorders including ankylosing spondylitis, acute gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, it should only be used in acute conditions where less toxic drugs have failed. Initial oral doses of up to 600 mg daily in divided doses have been used in the treatment of rheumatic disorders although up to 800 mg daily may be required in acute gout. After 1 to 3 days, the dose should be reduced to the minimum effective amount which may be as little as 200 mg daily; treatment should be given for the shortest period possible, up to a usual maximum of 1 week. Reduced doses are recommended in elderly patients.

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid with mainly glucocorticoid activity (); 750 micrograms of dexamethasone is equivalent in anti-inflammatory activity to about 5 mg of prednisolone.

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Side of effects from Zolidime

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