Xanax Vs. Buspar (Page 13) (Top voted first)


Yes-what is the major difference between these 2 meds? I have taken xanax for several years. I'm thinking abt. changing to Buspar. Can you switch meds like these without tapering off the xanax. Does Buspar help w/ Panic attacks?

295 Replies (15 Pages)

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I could not have said it better myself. We are being withheld much needed medicine because of doctors fear of litigation or they all think your looking for a high. I have been on Ativan and sere quill for over 5 years I have bipolar and severe anxiety all day with 3vor 4 severe panic attacks. Recently my primary Doctor lowered my Ativan to half the dose making me violently ill both mentally and physically. I had a full hysterectomy at 37 and have severe mental illness in my family. I went to see a psychiatrist who said I'm not giving you a controlled substance as if I was asking for one gave me buspar now I'm not only still sick but I read that I'm going to have withdrawals severe if I get off. They also keep raising my seroquel which isn't helping and has bad side effects. I.m going crazy no one will help me. I am not a drug addict nor did Ativan ever make me high like used in recreation it just made me well.

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True Xanax is more effective for fast relief, however ppl like myself with PTSD with constant anxiety buspirone is a way better choice. It's not an addictive drug and it helps better with PTSD symptoms such as anxiety and hyper vigilance. I take 15mg 3x a day of buspirone and it helps me to function like a normal human being.

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I have lupus connective tissue disease fibromyalgia fractured ruptured disc in my back my ribs are permantenly out have tremors leg and arm cramps only sleep few hrs a night been on Canada and diazepam going on bought three yrs now now my doctor won't prescribe them without a psychiatrist approval drove2 hrs for psychiatrist to say no way if you're taking pain meds can't prescribe benzos what can i do i have panic attacks and severe tremors and cramps is there any doctor who will my pain management use to until fda stepped in

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Yes!! I feel the same way. Being 60 years old and living in anxiety, trying to make ends meet and having GAD is miserable!! ". Good luck to us all!

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I am post menaposal also. I've taken xanex for years with good results, but because of the pain meds I'm on the doc changed my script. Today is my1st day taking buspirone. I just feel relaxed. I'm reading all these posts hoping to learn what to expect. Like you, I am upset at not being able to get what I know to work.

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How are you doing now? I am in a similar situation. DESPERATLY WANT to get off benzo that is not working for me anymore.

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I've been on 2mg of xanax,a,day since '88. And now they are taking me off, because of a lame excuse. Dementia. Really. Think I'd have it by now.and at 59 ,the good out wieghsome tbe bad. I don't understand why they will not just let me live out a normal life

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I was given a prescription for 2mg bars. They had the correct numbers on them, but this time I could not break them in sections. They are too thick. The effects last all day. I also experience side effects such as itchy bumps, burning sensations and headaches! What are these green bars? They s 90 3 on one side and nothing on the other side. Does anyone know what these green bars are?

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I take 20mgs of Buspar 2 times a day for anxietys. Previously i was on Colonopin for my anxietys, which i like it much better than the buspar. But once i started taking Buspar as prescribed i noticed i wasn't having as many anxiety/panic attacks. So i say yes Buspar works you just need a little bit of patience as it may take a while to feel its progress.

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Try to get off of Xanax there you will know you are addicted. I used to take them all the time. When I stopped, horror show.

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Yes I don't understand either. 2 mg./3×'s a day since 1988, and now they are or have taken me off.I need a life.panic and anxiety has always been in my family tree. Any help would be appreciated

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Hi, I suffer from severe anxiety,depression and ptsd. My new dr has decided to stop all my anxiety medication for she doesn't feel comfortable prescribing the valium and Xanax I was on. My anxiety is concidering personality change anxiety I go from normal to a completely different person if disrespected or felt wrongly treated. it's been untreated for most my life .my phycologist says that part the problem and having ptsd doesn't help the issue.
My doctor has decided to prescribe Buspar for my anxiety is this going to help me considering it is severe and have ptsd as well or is this just a joke medication that will just make things worse or not help at all?

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What has worked for you? I know mine is hormonal and I'm having trouble finding out what works. Many Drs don't want to test my hormone levels as they are always different.

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I have also taken both prescriptions and agree to the above said. Xanax works very well for me. Buspar to me was actually more of a tranquilizing medication Not a calming medication for anxiety.

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Just started taking busker hope it works for my anxiety. In my 50,s panic attacks where I just fall out. Docor put me on seizure meds don't have that.Duh some doctors just won't listen. That crap makes me sick.

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Sair do Xanax, diretamente para a Buspirona, não sei se é tão fácil assim. Por conta do 'alto grau' de dependência. Talvez uma boa temporada, trocando pelo diazepam, seja mais fácil esta transição. Klonopin, apesar de ser bem diferente dos 'benzos usuais', e possuir um elevado grau de dependência, também pode ser uma alternativa. Acho o clonazepam, mais eficaz,e mais fácil de descontinuar; sempre nas menores doses possíveis, preferencialmente, na hora de dormir, e sem misturar com outras 'benzodiazepinas'. Sempre é bom seguir às 'recomendações médicas', para fazer esta 'transição', se conveniente for.

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Buspar I been on for about almost a year the worse side effect I feel like I'm dying I feel these wired thoughts in my head all the time I feel dizzy I can't even get my thinking right and also relationship wise I don't want to be bothered I have no energy to do any thing I feel stuck to the bed it's not a good feeling I feel like I'm losing all of my friends and family cause of my illness they don't understand when I speak on the side effects it seems like I'm bugging out this is shanice it was ok but this is not the best medicine

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Can I up my dude of busbar myself can anyone help me on this

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I suffer from extreme anxiety and depression. I'm prior military so we move A LOT so I've seen A LOT of doctors. I had one doctor give me .25 of xanax to take once daily, then I had a doctor give my buspar which actually made me almost overdose even though I took the correct amount, I just had a bad reaction to it. At the age of 27 I had to have a partial hysterectomy due to cancer but then a couple days later developed a hematoma and had a fever of 105.5. Found out I had a hematoma, shingles, and MRSA all at the same time. Once doctors have found out that I've had 13 surgeries thus far at the age of 30, my doctor now has me on 1mg, 4 times daily. So I get 120 blue xanax just to DEAL with my daily anxiety. I never thought I would be on such a high dose but it definitely works. It's sad that there are so many people suffering just because there are people who abuse their prescriptions. I do wish everyone good luck, anxiety and depression is such a horrible disease to deal with!!

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If you have adult ADD it won't speed you up if you take adarol it will slow you down make you tired.

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