Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 13) (Top voted first)


I have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board.

Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke.

The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.

299 Replies (15 Pages)

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BL: Yes, CBD oil can be shipped to all 50 states, as long as it contains no THC and is from hemp. The link to the CBD oil I posted can be shipped to all 50 states.

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Randy K
This is my opinion based on my own personal experiences. You're on quite large mg doses right now (not judging) and your body has probably started to become immune to these meds. A change is needed, however I believe at first you may experience more pain, until your pain doctor can get the proper dosage to control your pain enough. I, myself recently went through a change in pain mgmt dr, as well as a change in meds. The first 3-4 months were horrible. I even had to go to the ER 2x, in 5 weeks, due to the pain. The pain was making my blood pressure sky rocket. Now, after being with the new dr, for 5 months and him changing my meds, as well as each month switching the mgs I have less pain, than I've had in several years.
At first I also pretty much had to stay in bed and do nothing physical. Only walking inside my home a little.
Hopefully, you have a Dr that you can communicate well with. That's the key. Good communication helps you and your pain, in the long run.
Good luck.

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Take tsk tsk. Insult....than run away. I was pretty sure youd keep on with the personal attacks...forgetting what the original posts were even about....then when you couldn't handle someone sticking up to your bullying you'd run away. It's ok tho. Bully , I enjoyed the chuckles when you madly typed out your fascinating way of life. I bet you have several bitter enemies both online and in person. Opinionated people, especially those that have to resort to insults in a disagreement often do. The need to be "right" overwhelms you I'm sure. I have a person just like you as a "semi" friend...she HAS no real friends, but several "enemies" no one likes those people....you go on and on when you can't "win" then change to attacking personally when you've lost the original argument...that is the M.O.of online trolls...or Bullies in general. You think your smarter than everyone else, your not and never will be. You refuse to accept your wrong about anything, and won't even try to see others view points , that is NOT what "never stop learning is" keeping your mind OPEN is. Have a great day....I know you'll read this..

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LIZ: Yes, she should report her story to the CDC, but more importantly, the AMA. (American Medical Association) And most of all, she should also report it to whatever is her local licensing/regulatory agency. In Colorado it is called DORA. They would be the most likely to actually investigate a patient complaint. I hope you see this, Grandma Pat, because what they are doing to you is WRONG and should be reported.

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You can get Soma in Mexico OTC. Just wanted to let you know.

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I feel for you. I am going through somewhat the same thing. It's really sad how our government has failed us with laws that are suppose to protect us. I think the Dea is our biggest problem. Our law says as long as a prescription is legit a pharmacy has to fill it. Not true - Pharmacies do what they want. Congress should pass a law that as long as a Dr writes a legit script a pharmacy has to fill. It should go back to the way it use to be when any Dr could write pain meds. PAIN MANAGEMENT IS WHAT STARTED ALL THIS WAR AGAINST DRUGS ANYWAY. But who do we turn to for help? I've wrote congress, government, and even went to the news press and that was a real joke. They want to put on the news how pain meds are killing people, but the real truth is it's our Dr's and pharmacies that are killing people because they're cutting people off their pain meds so they are turning to the streets to get them and over half are overdosing. They need to tell the real news. There has to be someone out there that will listen. Our world has created its own war.

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My prayers r w u because I so know where u are. The subvoxen to get me off the pills the Dr write me now I can't get anything ever n labeled an addict. I have zero pain relief now. N am forced to go to street. It's sick. U r in true pain n drs shoukd b sued for your pain n suffering god bless

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I have to agree. Doctors need to be put in jail for prescribing mess for years then just taking it away. If they only had to feel the pain of withdraws then maybe they understsnd. For one its dangerous cause your body use to it and needs it. Suddenly stopping mess you have taken for years can cause serious side effects such as HEART ATTACKS.

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I am on Soma medication for my back pain and shoulder pain since last two years and I am very happy with the result as I have taken the medication only according to my doctor prescription and direction.

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My question is What do you use in place of Soma? I was in an accident almost fifty years ago. Since then I get muscle spasms that are very painful. Somewhere along the line I was given soma. When my children were young I had spasms all the time. I never abused Soma, never took more than prescribed. They are short acting but they worked for that time. Now my Dr said that no one was writing scripts for them. That is fine if I can find a good substitute. I've tried several and nothing comes close

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I’ll keep you in my prayers. So sorry this is happening to you??

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I realize this is old, but OH MY! I do hope that you got some help because your post is very clear that you needed help. I cannot believe nobody suggested that you go to a Medical Detox ASAP! Of course most ppl that respond are so self absorbed, they are too busy trying to make everyone believe " they are not addicts/pill seekers" cause they have this illness, ect... ect...

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Doctors are willing to give out medication left and right then they take you off of it and expect you to deal with the sickness yourself and the pain they don’t give you any information that would help with the sickness and pain they just don’t give a crap I’ve been dealing with my pain for over 20 years and I take Tylenol extra strength three times a day and that’s it but when they had me on all these morphine Oxsee‘s Percocets and took me off I got real sick what I found Out That works good for the sickness is seasickness pills if you’re on medication or doing illegal drugs and you’re trying to quit and get off the drugs and you got the sickness take the seasickness pills it will help with the sickness and for the pain I would try the CBD oil or medical marijuana but I don’t use that are use my hate and anger to Control my pain it does work but I’m afraid somebody’s going to say the wrong thing and I’m gonna snap and beer in jail for life so I don’t recommend using anger for your pain but it does work for me I have 7 feet of scar my whole vertebrae got cracks deteriorating squish You name it I got it and I won’t have surgery I had six of them done on my neck same spot it just kept deteriorate if I had surgery and lower back the same thing would happen and I’m at the same level has everyone else trying to find a cure I really don’t wanna go back on medication and have them take that away from you again once I get to a point where I can live a life oh you’re doing good you don’t need them now but in reality you’re doing good because of the medication not because you’re healed...And remember never ever give up don’t give them the satisfaction fight fight for your life even if you think it ain’t worth nothing it is worth everything plus you let them win if you do take your life don’t let them win you be the winner stay in flight... God bless you and God bless all

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Re: RandyK (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hydro morphine is very short acting. It lasted for me seemed like 20 minutes. Morphine lasts pretty long. Methadone was the best pain reliever I’ve ever used but it’s not a good drug IMHO. Does a lot of damage to the body.
Good luck you are not alone!

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I have had no withdrawals from soma at all but from the opiates it’s been bad. Don’t start suboxone it’s worse of a detox than “ normal” opiates if I had to do it again I would have weaned off opiates slowley bupernephrine causes paws and is worse the longer your on it. Good luck. It’s a long road. Don’t give up it’s worth it!

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Re: margie (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I realize your post is old, BUT I had to point out that ALL you people that keep judging addicts- should take a look in the mirror! YOU are an addict, if you have to have " your " xanax or pain meds then YOU have an addiction.

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God bless you sounds like you had a rough time. I wish you the best!

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Re: margie (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I know exactly what you’re talking about Margie. I was up to like 7 at once and my daughter was so upset cause I was out of it I stopped them . I was on them for years. Not good.

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Please don't give up..i hope that you haven't. I cannot hardly drive to get to my appts but I am so low on my oxycontin and oxycodone that I have chopped them up to prayfully keep it in my system until I go to the dr. on the 8th. Almost 2wks. I am alone all day while my husband works with my doggie and sometimes I just want to give up but I cant. And yes the ppl that abuse meds cause us trouble who need them so badly. I don't know what I am going to do myself. I try to journal cause I am so alone and out in the country and stay in pain. My internist..dr. who writes my pain meds has been telling me about a pain dr. New in town but I have already been through that and I don't have a way to get there if they call me in for something...BUT IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS TO GET THROUGH THIS TILL THE 8TH PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

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I was told by all of my doctors, primary, and pain management that all doctors will stop writing scripts for soma. My surgeon wrote them for me, but he is a surgeon, yes all of the addicts who abuse their Meds or sell their Meds have totally ruined it for the true chronic pain sufferer. If I am honest, my tolerance got so used to the soma I was taking about 10 pills a day, they are short acting and the withdrawals were horrible, soma is the only muscle relaxer that helped me, but if you get out of hand with them and mix with alcohol they become very dangerous, I would become so incoherent and high, I would start to shake and couldn't even speak. I am curious if anyone else has over used soma and what affects it had on you. In the long run and if I am going to be honest, I am glad I was cut off of them. I could get them a few different ways but I have come too far. That is a very destructive medication. Be careful if anyone is prescribed it.

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