Withdrawal From Vyvanse Experience (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been on Vyvanse for 4 weeks and I am now tapering off. I was going to quit cold turkey , but I wke up this morning and felt like I'd been hit by a truck. It's been a few hours and I still feel like I have a mild case of the flu. Anyway, I started 4 weeks ago and the first 3 days I never felt better in my life. I 'd never been so productive, focused, and organized! By day 7 , I was back to my normal under- acheiving, scrammbled , self. Then my Dr. raised my dose from 30 mg to 50. Well this threw me into severe anxiety. I have been chewing my nails till they bleed. I can't seem to stop. I have a feeling of being completely overwhelmed, my house is trashed and it's driving me nuts, but I have no energy or drive to get up and clean it.....Can anyone else out there relate to this?

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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Well I have been on vyvanse for a couple months now and it has helped out tremendously!! Super productive at work, able to make it through the 12 hour days they ask I us all the time, and it still seems to be working just as good, you have to remember this is Not a 'wonder drug' you still have to exercise and move around. If you just sit around all day your blood doesn't pump as well witch means the vyvanse won't work do well. I also don't take it on the weekends usually, unless I work on Saturday and I will just to help not get too dependent on it. That also helps keep the wallet a little fatter because the prescription seems to last a little longer.

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Dillon, in what ways did Vyvanse make you a person you're embarrassed to be? And if it does do this, I'm most curious why you go back on it periodically.

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I liked your post. I'm also taking Vyvance in a similar way. When I know I've got a long or very busy day it helps a lot otherwise I don't really need it. Exercise, drinking lots of water and eating healthy also help. Thanks for yor post, it balances out the rest.

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I have to agree with the last poster. I have been put on 30mg and went up until I was at 60mg per day, I tapered for a month at 50, then a month at 40 then a month at 30 then a month at 20 and didn't notice any difference when tapering, I finally stopped at 20mg and I didn't notice any withdrawal symptoms at all. I actually had days when I was on the higher doses that I would forget to take my medication in the morning and just skipped days when I was on 60mg and I still felt fine all day. If you're trying to quit try taking it every other day for a month, then every third day then every fourth day then just stop is what my pharmacist said to do. Good luck and a lot is physiological, try not to fixate on any withdrawal.

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In June I was given a dose of 30mg and felt nothing. Then I was upped to 60mg and I became super focused on what ever was in front of me and I couldn't stop. Before I could get the Dr to lower the script...I was canned from my job, lost my insurance and simply could not afford the drug. It has been 3 weeks since I took my last pill. Initially I would have denied any withdrawal symptoms but from the other comments on this board I now understand that my fatigue and foggy brain are results from not having the drug in my system. In retrospect I was unusually anxious when I my dose was upped to 60mg but I also had a very stressful work environment. Overall I am still trying to find a natural alternative. I would exercise but I just can't focus enough for that right now.

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Guys, it sounds like most of you are suffering from long term sleep deprivation, not withdrawal. When I see posts saying that it worked great but it made it difficult to sleep it is kind of obvious. Your body needs sleep, and the drug tends to mask the effects of sleep deprivation so of course you're going to feel awful for a week

Also, amphetamines have no physical withdrawal.

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I have been taking vyvanse for almost 2 years. Started off taking 30's then quickly moved up to 50's and sometimes 60's. I eventually started taking 2 50's a day. I decided to quit after a friend told me of a psychotic episode she had taking her prescribed 70's. I went cold turkey, and really had no side effects to speak of, and neither did my friend when she stopped after being taken to the hosp by the police. Crazy scary drug. I think it's more psychologically addictive than physically, at least for me. I've heard people go in to rehab to stop. Good luck, take medicine as prescribed, and report anything unusual to your MD. I'd rather be ADHD than on it after my friend's story. No withdrawal for me, hope the same for you.

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????????PLEASE READ ????????
This is derected to #20 (pancakes1) you have been on this med for 6 months.... You have no room to talk about withdrawls from vyvanse... I am now sober 18 months and use to shoot up a gram and a half of meth a day... Ive been thru both herion and meth withdrawls and dont get my wrong herion was brutal. But meth in my opinion was worse because of the mental sickness and depression u have during it. Everything that people have said to have happen to them coming off Vyvanse is true symptoms of amphetamine withdrawls. In some cases such as phychotic outburst there is more then just withdrawl being a aspect.
I HAVE BEEN ON VYVANSE FOR WELL OVER A YEAR AND HAVENT MISSED A DAY. WHEN I WAS FIRST PUT ON BY VANS IT WORKED PERFECTLY IT DID EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO I DIDN'T TAKE IT TO GET HIGH I TOOK IT BECAUSE I'VE SEVERE ADHD AND IT HELPED CLEAR MY BRAIN BUT RECENTLY I HAVE BEEN SEEING MYSELF NOT BEING ABLE TO GET OUT OF BED BECAUSE I AM EITHER TOO TIRED I FEEL PHYSICALLY SICK I GET STUFFY NOSES IF I DON'T TAKE MY MEDICINE AND I CAN'T GET OUT OF BED UNTIL MY MEDICINE KICKS IN I HAVE TO SET MY ALARM CLOCK TO WHEN I NEED TO WAKE UP IN 30 MINUTES BEFORE I NEED TO WAKE UP IN THE REASON WHY I SAID IT 30 MINUTES BEFORE IS BECAUSE I HAVE TO TAKE MY VYVANSE TO BE ABLE TO WAKE UP AFTER THEY KICK. The withdrawal symptoms that I feel right now is I cannot think straight I feel like my brain is foggy I can't remember the words I have stuffy noses if I don't take my medicine I have depression I am on carrying no motivation I feel Physically sick like I have the flu my body get shaky I twitch at night I'm tired all the time it's almost like when you're coming down off ecstasy or you have that hangover from that bad bottle of wine minus the sick to your stomach part. To everyone that gives their kids medicine at anywhere under age 13 you need to reconsider being a parent because that is not right you are giving your kid a stimulant that causes so many more problems just because your kid has a lot of energy as a child which is normal does not mean they have ADHD no kid under the age 13 should be given a stimulant. That is horrible parenting

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I can relate i have been on vyvanse for 4 years now and the day after i stop taking it it feels like i had been hit by a train. Im now 13 years old and i just figured out the side effects. I take 70 mg (vyvanse) and it sucks knowing your not growing. I also have been 105 LBS for at least 2 years now. It also sucks cause you can't take naps in the daytime when your on it. If you find anything else that works like vyvanse but doesnt have the side effects let me now at {edited for privacy}

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After being on Vyvanse 50Mg/day for over a year, I quit cold turkey 6 days ago. The only side effect I noticed was an amazing craving to sleep. I took 3 naps of 30+ minutes per day and today is the first I haven't felt the need to do so. I had one afternoon/evening of intense agitation where I was throwing stuff around my garage and had zero patience for anyone/anything but that went away the very next morning and may not be related. I stopped taking Vyvanse because I felt that the drug was amplifying some very troublesome OCD habits that I couldn't control (picking) for more than 9 months and for the past 3 days I feel I have some control over it now. I miss the amazing energy and clarity I had while on it and have yet to find anything that works as well (Focalin, Adderall, Adderall XR).

The exhaustion was my only symptom that I would say was definitely attributed to withdrawl.

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I feel the same way. I have been on vyvanse for 5 yrs n it only works for 2 hrs than depression sets in. I don't know how to get off, any ideas? I'm a single parent of 2 young children.

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You are seriously being over-medicated. 70mg and 105 lbs?

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I didn't take my vyvanse for 2 days, yesterday, and the day before. I had one of the worst days yesterday.. Extreme exaugsten, body aches, terrible crying episode, no motivation. I was so useless and felt so sick yesterday, that I decided to take another vyvanse today.( threw up when I woke up) My advice is definitely not to quit cold turkey. Still don't feel close to good.

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It's because you were upped from 30mg to 50, not 40 & then each week upped to your therapeutic dose. It was to quick so I don't advise taping off, I advise looking into getting a psychiatric if it's a prescriber but for the time being with this doctor have then put you on 40 mgs. hopefully that's what they dis, not put you from 50 to 30 after putting you quickly up,then to quickly down. If that's the case I suggest taking Artic cod liver oil from Nordic Naturals; ALWAYS take non heated omega threes or its a waisted of time and money. Also, I will have to add all the other things to protect your brain from the damage and fix the damage when I can think better. I really have to go to bed to help myself, but I had to try to help because my heart went out to you 4 what your going through. The best Advise I can give you to do now is try your best to stay hydrated, eat as much fish as possible, get AT LEAST 8 hrs sleep, make yourself exercise vigorously as much as possible and Look up D.B.T skills and learn distress tolerance skills and self soothing things. try not to STRESS. be positive and try really hard to not watch tv, walk back wards safely. sorry it's not organized direction s and explained in prospective of how I wanted to say it. But that's what I'm trying to do and I'm thankfully to God that I found Smoke Deter and received it a day before I couldn't get my 70 mg script refilled. because of my doctors mistake and maybe because I lost the one they said he printed out, but I don't think he did. I explain later, I just didn't want anyone to make assumptions. Anyways its a natural herbal spray I purchased on the internet and it helps with withdrawal symptoms and the herbal 2 ingredients, Black spruce and Tabacum helps with withdrawal symptoms and anxiety. I highly recommend it if your still having withdrawal symptoms. I will pray for you to get all the help and wisdom you need.

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Hey, fellow Joey. Back in the day, we did not believe there was a physical addiction associated with amphetamine use or abuse. We were wrong, I don't think there are any laws prohibiting a prescriber for tapering the dose,. But there are a helluva lot of ignorant doctors who haven't done anything but write and sell scripts since 1969! If you can tough it out, I can assure you there is no risk of seizure (unless you're an epileptic). One of my adult patients said, "I just feel like s***, doc, but I think I can tough it out." I usually prescribe a small dose 1-2mg QD of Klonopin for the anxiety that accompanies amphetamine withdrawal.

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These people are not being over dramatic! They took our son off cold turkey and he has tics and became very violent. We had to take him to a psych ward. Scary!!!

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You really should report your doctor. The dosage he gave you is enough to give you a heart attack. It is a stimulant. I take 50 milligrams for Adhd, am 5'7", weigh 125, and am 27.. Also my doctor does not prescribe any stimulant with an ani depressant to treat tge dMe disorder. It seems ludicras! I'm sorry for your experience!

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I have been taking vyvannse for a year and a half. I stopped cold turkey 3 days ago. I am very depressed and anxious. How long will this last? I am miserable.

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same story i better go on it one thing he lowered my med i was getting anxiety it was to high true????

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i am not sure if this is really working i have been on this for so llong 1 one was rida lin i cant spell add that caused panis and awful anxiety i didnt want to leave the houe i wsh i dont have to take anything again

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