Withdrawal From Vyvanse Experience (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been on Vyvanse for 4 weeks and I am now tapering off. I was going to quit cold turkey , but I wke up this morning and felt like I'd been hit by a truck. It's been a few hours and I still feel like I have a mild case of the flu. Anyway, I started 4 weeks ago and the first 3 days I never felt better in my life. I 'd never been so productive, focused, and organized! By day 7 , I was back to my normal under- acheiving, scrammbled , self. Then my Dr. raised my dose from 30 mg to 50. Well this threw me into severe anxiety. I have been chewing my nails till they bleed. I can't seem to stop. I have a feeling of being completely overwhelmed, my house is trashed and it's driving me nuts, but I have no energy or drive to get up and clean it.....Can anyone else out there relate to this?

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I was on Vyvanse for about 18 months in a study for depression. I alao take Zoloft. I'm 52 and have no insurance. So I was able to get medication and see a doctor for free until something came through . They were testing it to see if it motivates. I didn't know what I was on and they don't tell you till the study is over.So last week the doctor said no more vyvance. I was tired for the first week but was still able to putt around and get some things done. Yesterday I started to feel achy, by night time I thought I was getting the flu and I started looking for withdrawal symtoms. Today and tonight I am in allot of pain, i mean it hurts to chew, move,walk etc, I'm also getting a cramp in my calf when i go up and down the steps. My gland in my left armpit feels swollen and my stomach feels like it is pulling down (can't explain) I am in my bed crying and thought I would reach out and see if this is how you felt and idf anyone else felt this way. I never had the flu so I am not sure how that feels.

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I was on vyvanse for 6 month, which I know is not that long, but I decided to goff of it during the summer so i could lower my tolerence. It has been 3 weeks and I feel about 80 percent. The first week made me feel lethargic. I felt emotionally unstable but slightly more motivated the second week and now I feel emotionally stable, but just not quite as competent and focused. Basically how I felt before Taking vyvanse. It takes a little more effort to get going but you will still be able to function with enough willpowed. Just remember, you will never feel the same as you would on meds, when off meds. Good luck and you can do it!

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I've been taking 50mg vyvanse a day for a little over a year now. While it has helped me immensely - like going your whole life not knowing you needed glasses, then suddenly receiving a pair - it is not completely perfect either. It only lasts about 6-8 hours maximum for me, so I try to time my daily dose to kick in when I need it most. This is a problem when I need it later in the day. I find that if I go any longer than say 26 hours between doses, I get this weird, fuzzy, bad feeling of being physically ill from the chest up - sort of flu-like, but different, unique to this vyvanse withdrawal - and my sinuses get runny. It is such a physically uncomfortable feeling that it ruins the first half of any day in which I need to take the vyvanse later, and makes taking medication vacations almost intolerable. The longest I have lasted without taking it was 3 days, and that fuzzy flu feeling hadn't gone away by day 3.

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I took Vyvanse for one month and i had to be hospitalized after my 5th mental breakdown due to the drug. I am now out of rehab and have been going through withdrawal for a week now and i just sleep all the time and feel like im constantly hung over. The drug at first was a god sent, it helped me focus and work better and longer than i ever had been able to before and it also helped me lose weight which was awesome being a teenage girl. My mood was all over the place though, i would be seriously devastated over a bad grade and then ridiculously ecstatic about nothing the next day. Turns out I am bipolar and this drug just amplified my mood swings to the point of me completely losing control in a bipolar mixed episode rage at a party one night where i attacked several guys because one of them had used me for sex and then bragged about it. i am off of it and still a very angry person. i fear this drugs has permanently changed my brain chemistry because off of it i feel just as angry and irritable as i had on it.

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I started taking vyvanse about 10 months ago and increased the dosage until I was taking about 350-400 mgs daily. I have been off of this medication for about 2 weeks and have almost lost everything I have been working for all my life. My advice on anyone considering medication for adult adhd to consider exercise instead of medication.

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My point is that if you believe you are going to be sick from not taking them, you will be. I know you won't feel your best, but try to help yourself out a little. L-Tyrosine is good to take as it is a precurser to Dopamine and will help somewhat. That said, I don't recommend taking more than 250 mg's of it while taking vyvanse. I know some out there reading that would think it will amp up the medication if taken together. Best way to amp it up is to take 1 tspn baking soda & 250 mg's of L-Tyrosine a half hour before taking the vyvanse. Then eat protien right after you take your Vyvanse dose. Works for me every day, and I've been on it for abt 6 months. I notice a huge decline in effectiveness if I don't follow that routine.

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I am off the drug for the fifth day now.. you'll realize that vyvanse was changing your life in ways that you won't appreciate. It's a pro drug so you can't abuse it as heavily as some people do with adderall. I sleep heavy for three days whenever I come off of it, then I eat a lot, then you find a balance and you're the same person you were before you started taking the drug. This medicine changed my motivations, my social life, it basically made me a person that I am now embarrassed to be.

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My mother passed away four years ago around this time. I became melancholy and had trouble concentrating. I was prescribed adderall, which had great effects initially but gave me horrible head aches at the end of the day, and severe depression. In the mean time, I got involved in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship and my doctor switched me to vyvanse. Over the summer I broke up with my boyfriend, developed PTSD, and had to be hostpitalized. Now I am prescribed ativan, vyvanse, zoloft, tenex, gabapentin, and buspar. I never used to take it every day but now its hard to get out of bed without it. I get depressed about my mom's death and my exboyfriend and can't stop ruminating over things. My neck hurts, my eyes are strained and I have a pounding head ache right now. I feel like an addict...but I never even asked for it. I know I can do reasonably well on my own power but I don't have the time to sober up right now because its finals. I just feel like I became so vulnerable after my mom died...drug companies took advantage of me, my ex boyfriend victimized me,ugh I feel worse than ever. I have never posted on any kind of forum before but I just need to get all of this rant out. It sucks i feel so trapped

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As a follow up to those that posted previously, how long did it take before you were able to function normally again? 3 days? 5 days? 7 days? My girlfriend has been taking Vyvanse for about 10 months and had been taking 50mg per day. She is on Day 3 cold turkey and feels terrible, can't get out of bed. Just looking for advice and previous experience. Thanks.

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Before Vyvanse I spent ten years being scatter-brained, unproductive, depressed, and sluggish. My true nature however is energetic, happy, intelligent, and organized as I was in childhood.

My honeymoon phase with Vyvanse lasted for a year. I made the honor roll in college, I took up aerial acrobatics, spent hours every day at the gym, became indescribably muscular & jaw-droppingly athletic, became a yoga instructor, dated some of the hottest men imaginable.

The Vyvanse year started at 30mg then every few months increased dosage. My max was 60mg where I'd built up tolerance yet again but didn't want to increase anymore because headaches and severe depression were setting in.

Over the next year off Vyvanse my appetite began to increase, compounded by life agonies of divorce, boyfriend unbearable heartbreak, financial instability, no longer able to concentrate at school, now owe the school thousands. Extreme state of depression and on the brink of homelessness. Went from rock bottom to being on top of the world with Vyvanse, now back at rock bottom again.

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I'm a 48 year-old woman who started taking 30 mg of Vyvanse in early January of this year. Felt great initially - super focused and clear-headed - yet a little jittery the first day. The positive effects stopped after one week, so I went up to 40 mg per day.

The first week was positive, although I felt lightheaded after moving from a crouched position to standing. The inability to sleep I experienced during the first few weeks was trailing off. Into the third week on 40 mg I started having blurry vision first thing in the morning, which only lasted a few minutes. Then later in the day I started feeling a weird tingling sensation at the back of my head, which happened again the next day. That was enough to make me call it quits, so I called my doctor and he suggested quitting cold turkey due to the short period and relatively low dose.

My doctor had warned me that I might feel tired, so I went jogging earlier than usual that first "Vyvanse Free" day. Please note: I've been jogging every other day for 10 years through all seasons (I live in Toronto), and only stopped once for a few days when I had a cold last year. I'm fairly healthy, and am reasonably slim and fit for my age. Early in the 8-kilometre run my muscles were aching, and just past the halfway mark my legs felt so heavy that I contemplated quitting and calling a cab. I'm stubborn though, so I completed the run. The rest of the day was a write-off, and I felt achy, fatigued and had a horrible headache. The second day has been almost worse, and I stayed in bed for a couple of extra hours in the morning, which is highly unusual for me.

The worst part is that I was so optimistic about this medication. I'd been taking 400 mg of SAM-e for about 12 years, and while it helped the depression it made my anxiety worse. My recommendation is to THINK LONG AND HARD before taking Vyvanse, as the withdrawal symptoms are the worst I've ever experienced. Of course some people have zero side effects, yet the discomfort I'm experiencing after taking Vyvanse for less than one month is ridiculous. I agree with a few of the people on this thread who suggested making changes in their diet, or exploring meditation instead. This changes won't help in extreme cases, yet for people with milder symptoms it might be beneficial. Best of luck either way.

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Hi I wanted to share my story. I have been on V yance for 4 years 60 mg. Let me tell you what the worst withdrawal you can imagine. I love the pill I can get stuff done school the job everything. But 2 days off my pill and I'm having anxiety you would believe. Hot and cold flashes in my chest n head. I went 4 days not being on it and by the 4th day I was white as a ghost. I'm addicted and I know it. But the withdrawal with the anxiety, diarrhea, feeling like I'm going to puke. Is something I hope non of you have to go through. Even telling my doctor does not help. Do me a favor get off of it NOW! I go a day and this is f***ing he'll. Excuse the language but it is. They should not make drugs that make you worse than what u are. I know it works for some but long term there is no running from it. NO YOU ARE NOT ALONE. DEAL with the withdrawal the first and second are the worst. But trust me I'd rather be myself than be someone with withdrawals like their on H. Thank you bri

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I've been on and off of vyvanse for the past 2 years. I was an anxious person to begin with, and vyvanse amplified that. It gives you drive to work, but at the expense of your sanity. I still feel much more tightly wound than I ever was before I started. I haven't taken it in over 3 months. I regret ever trying it.

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Quitting cold turkey is possible. I did it. I'm sorry to say though, it WILL cost you. It is a matter of value. I took vyvanse for about 4 months. 60 or more mg a day, taking 3 or 4 days off per month.

I stopped taking vyvanse the day my semester ended. I also decided to take the following week off from work. Luckily since I was living with my parents, I could afford to do this. That week I did nothing but rest. I smoked massive amounts of marijuana to help ease the pain that the withdrawal causes to the body and mind.

I worked 30 to 35 hours a week for 3 months after that rather than usual 40. I am lucky enough to work for a company that lets you be flexible like that. It was totally worth it. Honestly, I feel like I have been able to retain some of the positive habits and attitudes I gained from taking vyvanse (staying positive, determined). I lost the terrible headaches, body aches, dry mouth, social anxiety, over-sweating and impulsive rage. I gained back my humorous personality and creativity, which were both minimal while on vyvanse.

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It sounds like you're going through amphetamine withdrawal, I went through that also, its going to really suck going off Vyvanse, you'll be paying the price for your use for a good amount of time depending on how long and at what dosage you were using. I was taking for about a year daily 40mg, and I created a real dependancy, withdrawal symptoms the worst being depression, and anxiety that comes with it. Things got better at around the 4-5 month mark for me. Tough through the withdrawal and things will get better for you! Good luck losing the dependancy. Cheers

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I agree a thousand percent
im on the tenth day and i cant belive that you have had the same effect.
im on day ten and going crazy.

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I am a medical major. I refused to take vyvanse when a phyc. deemed me ADHD. If your "ADHD" is not unbearable I suggest you seek other none pharmacutical ways to treat it. Im not trying to scare you but Vyvanse, Adderal, and ritalin are all synthetic forms of methaphetamine. This is the medical world making a legal form of the street drug meth with ofcourse slight differintals. There are natural ways to treat almost any diagnosis. Try searching the web but never try anything without speaking to a nautral treatment pd.

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I had my first experience being off of vyvanse for more than a couple of days. When I was awake it felt like the worst hangover possible. It was easier just to sleep. That doesn't make you much of a productive person. Vyvanse has kept by depression at bay for the most part of 2 years. I am on a 40 mg a day.

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I recently watched a documentary called Food Matters. They make all kinds of great suggestions about which vitamins and supplements to take instead of pharmaceutical products. I'm back on the Vyvanse, but I'm going to try to taper off slowly. Withdrawal was too life altering. I started a multi-vitamin, and additional niacin. Niacin is recommended to to help with depression and mood stabilization. In the supplement section of my farmers market I found an herbal supplement to help me with my anxiety, it seems to be helping. I know what you're going through, Jerry, with the picking at the nails, etc. Vyvanse may increase any obsessive/compulsive behavior that you already have. Check out the Food Matters website. You can find the documentary on Netflix. Good Luck!

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so i am a college student and my friend is prescribed 50mg vyvanse... i used to take about 1 every couple weeks to help me study for exams, and i loved how focused it got me so i started taking them about 2-3 times a week. i have been doing this for a couple months. but now, if i'm not on it, i feel extremely anxious and feel like i can't talk or do anything normal....

please realize i am aware that the use of this medication when not prescribed is not a good thing to do.... but ever the first couple times, i feel like i need it in order to study, be happy, or even talk to people. i want to stop so badly but the anxiety when i'm not on it is horrible.

if you want to lecture me on this sort of recreational use that is fine, i know i deserve it. but i'm looking for advice to help me stop. if i just cope with this anxiety for a couple weeks of being off of vyvanse will it go away? or will it always be like this? it's ruining me.

thank you

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