Will Soma Show Up Basically The Same As Oxycodone In A Urine Test? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Will Soma show up basically the same as Oxycodone in a urine test? If not how long does it take to get the soma out of your system? I had neck fusion in 2003. Have been taking Soma since then and my Dr. changed it to Valium. I have had to take my Soma. Have a urine drug test in a few days. Will the Soma show up? PLEASE HELP.

93 Replies (5 Pages)

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There is no real anwser here is there 2 to 4 days 7 days a month help!!!!

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Confused what are you trying to find an answer to?

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I only get relief from Soma but instead they give me Tizanidine which is addictive and worse than Soma. I am getting to the point I hate doctors. After living in this body suffering pain for 11 years I know when something works and when it doesn't. It does make you feel like you had a couple shooters in the beginning but in a week the buzz goes away and you just feel like you'd soaked in a hot tub; which I would do if one was available. The only consolation I have is that they will get old and they will have back problems and arthritis and they will know a part of what I am going thru if they are lucky to live that long. OH AND MAIN REASON FOR POSTING: My doc gives me U/A's and I read the medicare summary of the 795 dollar urine test and I am tested for soma, it says on the insurance form what they test for.

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Soma itself has a very short half life, but it is metabolized into MEPROBAMATE, a tranquilizer. If you've taken it in the last 7 days and its sent to a lab for a MS/GC test it will show up. It may not show up in certain "instant" tests, but a pain clinic I applied to told me my test came back positive for BOTH Soma and Meprobamate (aka Miltown). They told me it could take 2 weeks of no use before I'd be clean.

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You're screwed, you will fail. It takes at least 4 days to get that nasty s*** out of your system. And if you knew you had a drug test the next day why take the chance??? My daughter is doing 4 years in prison for that. Not smart. You will fail. Good luck!

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Somas, or carisoprodol, is non narcotic and if using a 12 panel cup test shouldn't throw up a false positive for any tested substances. Also if you are not in rehab or have any legals it is legal to possess with out a prescription.

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Heroin has a fast half life. Your body converts diacetylmorphine, aka heroin, to morphine within about 6 hours in your body. It can be out of your pee in 1-4 days. Unless the test is one of those specific tests doctors use and not just panel tests, then heroin will show up as acetylated morphine. But this will only happen if u take the test within a few hours of dosing. After that it shows up as morphine metabolites which only come up opiates on panel tests. Tell em u eat poppy bagels. Again if it is a specific doctor s test then they will see it as morphine. Swims got a lot of experience w this stuff. But I've taken heroin and had a test the next morning and it didn't show up at all on a 7 panel test. U may get lucky, opiates are word like that. Good luck

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Yes soma will show up. It did not show up in my Urine test and Dr wants to know why.

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I'm on color code probation are u positive they don't test for it on that

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Well 'SMARTER THAN YOU', You are obviously the F*** STICK. BECAUSE even though yes benzodiazepines are MOSTLY prescribed for anxiety there are cases where these medications are given for LIGHT pain relief like a mild muscle relaxer. Take you a Xanax bar and tell me you are TOTALLY chilled and RELAXED the f*** out. And I'm a pharmacy tech. I have my medical book. Lol I mean yeah it's an anxiety pill. But they DO PRESCRIBE IT as a RELAXANT SOMETIMES.

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Soma is NOTHING like oxycodone. Whole different family. They may both help with pain. But oxy is an opiate for pain. Soma is a muscle relaxer. Like benzodiazepines

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Re: smarter than you (# 16) Expand Referenced Message
your attitude is stank! I also have legitimate pain issues but I still respect people. Period!

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If you have a prescription for the soma your OK...Soma is a muscle relaxer,if it's your Dr screening the urine they can tell you exactly everything in it, but also it's not a schedule drug narcotic.but should be out of system within 3-5 days

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Re: Bryan (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I was on probation and the morphine and Xanax I have scripts for did but it never showed up whether I did or didn't take soma with them or the pain clinic.an expensive blood test will for around 10hrs.A test will also in urine if they spend the dime for a expensive lab test for quite a bit longer but only a few days.I completed my own probation and strongly caution u just be careful with soma I almost killed myself a few times,they're called soma comas because u dont wake up & while I was taking it was like a 50point iq drop even though I take the recommended dose so it's going to have long-term effects so myself im being switched to another muscle relaxer.it does cause withdrawal symptoms also so I'm going from 3wk,2wk,1wk,1/2&that's per day and what my dr suggest. for anyone who has to stop sooner 2for a couple days then 1a couple&you'll be fine.it does act like a barbiturate but is a skeletal muscle relaxer,not on any panel tests.if your taking even 2 at a time don't push it, I took them for yrs and like I said almost died a few times from taking 3 at a time every other day because your tolerance builds up for them far faster than even heroin& I've done both . the soma were actually more dangerous.Also Google it,they're exactly what I said and the strip tests cover a lot now but not them.I also suggest you figure out how to read the test yourself it's just a seal your not supposed to open but can be an accident and you'll see the test don't have the skeletal muscle relaxers.Just Saying I'd want to look myself and not believe some guy online even if correct.Also put a camera on yourself,especially if you think your sleeping when taking them,then tell me if you like it it's what's scared me.

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It won't show up on the panel urine screens I've been getting soma for yrs it doesn't matter if I do or don't take it my urine screen is the same at the pain clinic and they're better than most so anything shorter than a lab test it's not there.

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Re: EvilKnievel (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

vitamin c powder a table spoon full in a dink..and take plenty of water...niacin is useless.

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Re: DummyMe (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Your body automatically turns heroin into morphine, the way they tell if it is heroin is by MS testing where they can see the metabolite from heroin called 6-MAM. 6-MAM is ONLY detectable in your urine for 12 HOURS, after that it just shows as an OPIATE....

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How long does soma take to get out of your system I have a drug test with pain management in 6 days been taking about 8 a day

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Re: DummyMe (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hi...years ago someone I know did take that and when she went to pain doctor it showed as an opiates

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Re: smarter than you (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

No actually we are all legit pain patients that were put on these opiates by doctor's , the those docs got in trouble and left us all with absolutely nowhere to go
, I and my ex husband who's lives were destroyed by this will be receiving our first payments from malencroft lawsuit claims this fall ,because malencroft was guilty of putting and pushing an addictive easily abused product knowingly ( read your lawbook with your medical book jackass) anyways ,soma's do show up in a drug test" only "as" a benzo or sometimes a false positive for morphine ..

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