Will Soma Show Up Basically The Same As Oxycodone In A Urine Test? (Page 3)
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Will Soma show up basically the same as Oxycodone in a urine test? If not how long does it take to get the soma out of your system? I had neck fusion in 2003. Have been taking Soma since then and my Dr. changed it to Valium. I have had to take my Soma. Have a urine drug test in a few days. Will the Soma show up? PLEASE HELP.

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#46 Dr.Joey
You are so right about the generic Valium and the original Valium. I've taken both by prescription. After the first month of the generic I had my Dr. take me off them. They are garbage compared, to the Valium I was prescribed years ago.
As far as the Soma, I also have been prescribed them over years of treatment. I had my Dr. take me off the Soma and opted, for a much more effective muscle relaxer. {I have MS, RA,etc. many more painful illnesses] I know how my body reacts, as I'm in touch with "Mind and Body." I think most people enjoy that quick high, or euphoria the Soma tends to make them feel, even though short lived. As a muscle relaxer, I find them not to be very good, or effective, for the purpose they were intended.
In Oct. 2013, in the state, in which I live the Pain mgmts. were taking people off Soma and Xanax and replacing it with mostly Valium. Valium does work well, as a muscle relaxer, if, as you said you can get the "original" ones, which I haven't seen in years.
Also most of my meds are generic, but a certain generic Percocet I find to be not very effective and far less potent, than other brands of the same drug.
To those on here that I see making comments about pain mgmt and only wanting pills I'd like for them to be in MY pain mgmt., which consist of lots of procedures, IV Infusions @28 days and so much more.

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That is in fortunately the new political agenda. There are alot of older people trying to live on minimal Social Security, or welfare mom's that have resorted to selling there medications because putting a roof over their heads and buying food was more pressing than living in pain. It's sad and a says volumes on what life is like when reaching the poverty level is 5 rungs up from anyone that's try to exist on government assistance. The new face of the American drug dealer is past 60 with health issues, or the unskilled welfare mom with 3 or 4 kids .The DEA and law enforcement are exerting mass pressure on the Doctors to discontinue any opiate (especially the stronger meds like oxycodone or morphone), for longer than 6 weeks unless you are close to the end stage terminal. People with chronic pain are getting thrown under the bus, to assist in the effort to get recreational drugs "off the streets". And throw those evil drug dealers in jail. I guess they would prefer the aged poor to become homeless. And the younger ones will have to go back to committing more violent crimes like knocking over liquor stores and stealing cars and home invasions. I Was injured 17 yrs ago and it was cheaper for my insurance company to deny the surgery that would fix the cause of my pain in lieu of more conservative measures, ie: prescribe ever increasing pain meds. Now 17 yrs later the delay in treatment cost me years of pain,suffering,over 20 surgeries, my entire leg, my dignity and now I still am in constant pain, am dependant on opiate's, terrified of withdrawals, and in my support group there is an ever increasing number of disabled people that have gone from legal prescription meds to heroine because it is cheaper and easier to get. That is just sad.

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This is incorrect. Carisoprodol will not test positive for barbiturates as it does not give off any of the metabolites that barbiturates produce, which is what the test looks for.

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Yes don't worry 5 to 7 days for soma, been on it and tested for years

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Wow sweetie some f**kin nerve of you to call ppl junkies your A Fu**in junkie too let's take u off ur pills Ya that's what I thought f**kin junkie don't be so quick to judge b*tch

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Sorry! That should have been "I'VE BEEN PRESCRIBING THEM [benzos, muscle relaxants] FOR 20 YEARS."

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Hi I have a ? If I stop taking the somas today..should I be able to pass a drug test Monday afternoon...

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VALIUM is NOT made from Valerian Root. It's made on a laboratory and is almost never prescribed solely for pain management. Valium Generics are so unreliable that I don't know a single shrink who writes for them. For its who need Valium and are willing to pay for the brand is a different story. Just about ever colleague I know prescribes Brand-Name Valium but it's very expensive.

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Carisoprodol can only be tested via blood analysis through a specific test that can only be administered if specifically requested and is probably rather expensive. There is no drug test that includes carisoprodol in its panel. None.

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Valium generics are so therapeutically INEQUIVALENT got the brand that II'm no surprised to ace read this post. Ask your doc abot MEPROBAMATE(Miltown ,Equail ad generics)or FLEXERIL of for short term use. Generic Valium is basically a waste..

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Try heroin. Cheaper and waaaay easier to get, lol jk! Don't do that! Although it is true...but to all dummy's askin, if it's not prescribed to u, don't take it. If it IS prescribed to u, make sure u take it. There! Mystery solved! Lol jk tho, really....ur totally screwed. Y am I posting this? Ur all prob back n prison now and only get jail mail...

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You need Soma, which is basically worthless (my professional opinion and that of docs who've done research) AND Valium? My only conclusion is that you ended up with one of the piss-poor generic versions. Most of them are. Unless a patient whom I believe needs Valium is willing to pay for the original, I won't prescribe it. Other than the original and (if they still make it) Sandoz's generic Valium (haven't had a pharmacist able to get it in months and months), stay away from the generics.

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Sorry, benoz0s are NOT comically narcotic. I've been prescribing them for 2 years and I think i know the difference by now Legally, somestatesplace them under C-II retractions,but they re NOT narcotics.

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are u sure 2-7 days ad urine will be ok? took12 350nm (not at once but as of oct 11 i have 10 days b4 pee test.) please help.going crazy!!!!!! thanx sweetie, goodhearted person

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Nuvigil could test positive for amphetamines; in fact, depending on how much you're taking (and I mean legally), it's more than a vague possibility.

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I'm most likley going to be tested on Monday so I have a few questions and I'm so trippin because I dont need to fail,period so I've taken oxymorphon for the last 2 or 3days and something called nuvigil 250mgs I have to be there in 5days from today plz help me,

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How can that be when carisoprodol and meprobamate are carbamates — different chemical family that that of the barbiturates? I occasionally have heard or very high doses of Soma that come up as coming up pos for meprobamate, but that's about it. It such a weak drug that I've never prescribed it.

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Carisoprodol is related to meprobamate, true.but it is not even remotely related to the barbiturates, Either an incompetent ran the test pr ex[lain ed the results.

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No your wrong on that because somas show up as a barbiturate

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No, it's closely enough related to Meprobmate (Equanil, Miltown and gearics) to show pos for carbonates if you're taking enough long enough. Equaling was the first "tranquilizer", predating Librium the first bento, but six or seven years. It works, but more as a barbiturate sedative does and it's not very addicting. Best skeletal muscle realaxant is brand name Valium. We haven't found a generic that comes close to therapeutic eqiuivalence ‚ and THAT'S why most shrinks don't write for it for anxiety, et. al. A shrink who worked for me wrote for Qualitest Diaepzam 1mg QID for my younger sister, who was experienced major anxiety symptoms in the wake of our Moms recent death. The pharmacist called me and said, "Doc, you know this stuff is crap. What should I dp?" It's a hospital script, right. WRITE DAW and note this is per Dr. P., Chief of Psychiatry and dispense the brand. I'd pay the difference.

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