Manufacturer: Vintage Pharmaceuticals Inc.
National Drug Code: 00254-2410 (Discontinued)
Hope this helps!
Round white pill with 2410 V on it, what is it?
Generic Soma is carisoprodol, which is a precursor of meprobamate. It is not meprobamate itself; but it is in the same class of drugs called dicarbamate derivatives. They do not relax skeletal muscle tissue directly--they relax the body through their sedative properties. And carisoprodol--brand name Soma--is not nearly as potent as meprobamate (brand names: Equanil, Miltown) which is a Schedule IV controlled substance. Carisoprodol is not controlled, it is Rx Only--unscheduled. But it does have abuse potential as taking more than one 350 mg tablet at once can cause somnolence, ataxia, euphoria, etc. Thus, in states like NY, it is treated as a controlled substance (e.g. preauthorization is required from the prescriber when filling Soma scripts with Medicaid and many doctors are will not prescribe Soma, preferring to use less effective muscle relaxers such as Flexeril, Zanaflex, or Skelaxin (all of which have potentially much more dangerous side effects). Robaxin (generic: methocarbamate) is another non-controlled dicarbamate derivative used for chronic back pain. However, it is even less effective than Soma. Meprobamate is about the best muscle relaxer/back pain reliever; it is about equianalgesic/equipotent to benzodiazepines (Valium (generic: diazepam) is the one benzodiazepine categorized as a skeletal muscle relaxer) and barbiturates (barbiturates have excellent muscle relaxant properties--thus the inclusion of butalbital (a short to intermediate acting barbiturate) as an ingredient in Fioricet (generic: butalbital/caffeine/acetaminophen--not controlled), Fiorinal (butalbital/caffeine/aspirin--Schedule III), and Phrenilin (butalbital/acetaminophen--not controlled) which are indicated for tension headaches and often prescribed 'off label' for migraines. Bellergal-S: a combination of phenobarbital, caffeine, belladona alkaloids, and ergotamine as the vasoconstrictor instead of caffeine as used in other headache medications (even Cafergot--indicated for migraines--is of course, a combination of ergotamine and caffeine) is, I believe, the only medication indicated specifically for cluster headaches, which can often masquerade as chronic migraines or frequent (often daily) tension headaches (the diagnosis for daily headaches--which may be tension, migraine, cluster, or a combination of headache types) is simply called Chronic Daily Headache (also Severe Chronic Daily Headache and, when resistant to all but usually opioids: Severe Refractory Chronic Daily). But that is getting slightly off the subject. The point is, that meprobamate is a very effective sedative/minor tranquilizer that also relaxes the entire body--including, naturally, both skeletal and smooth muscle tissue. And since such sedation/hypnosis can be very pleasant and bring great relief to various algesic symptoms, mepromate is scheduled under Class IV of the Controlled Substances act, just as the chemically unrelated but pharmacologically very similar benzodiazepines and barbiturates (there are also various other sedative/hypnotics that act almost identically psychotropically--many of them no longer produced or marketed in the United States, such as methaqualone (brand name: Quaalude, Sopor) and ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)). At any rate, meprobamate is currently rarely prescribed, as its primary classification and indication is as an anxiolytic; and the benzodiazepines--being much safer quantitatively (i.e. with very little risk of overdose, either accidentally or purposefully) than any other sedative/hypnotic (especially barbiturates, which have a high overdose potential)--are thus the drug of choice for severe back pain (diazepam), anxiety disorder (lorazepam, brand name: Ativan) and panic disorder (clonazepam, brand name: Klonopin, and Xanax (also indicated for Generalized anxiety disorder but less frequently prescribed due to its greater abuse potential (it is a triazolo-benzodiazepine, in the same class of drugs as triazolam (brand name: Halcion), which is only indicated as a hypnotic (sleep aid)) which stems from a much shorter half-life, shorter time to peak effect, and greater, but shorter, peak effect). I hope this gives readers a greater and more accurate understanding of medications in this class: sedatives or 'minor tranquilizers' (as opposed to 'major tranquilizers' such as Thorazine (chlorpromazine) which are only used to treat pyschosis (schizophrenia); off-label prescription of major tranquilizers and chemically related anti-depressants (such as trazadone (Desyrel), usually as sleep aids) is at least quackery, if not blatent malpractice.
Correction: Bellergal-S lacks caffeine. As noted, it employs only ergotamine as the vasoconstrictor (vasoconstriction being a common method for headache relief), as opposed to Cafergot (also Ergocaf and other brands) which are a combination off both caffeine as well as ergotamine (this leads to a high risk of hypertension and even stroke or heart attack). The class of drugs known as triptans (common example: sumatriptan, brand: Imitrex) also carries with them these dangers as their migraine abortion properties (note: triptans: e.g. Imitrex, Zomig, Maxalt) are not for migraine prevention; only the anti-epileptic drug, valproic acid (or divalproate, brand name: Depakote) has been approved by the FDA for the prevention of migraine headaches) are a direct result of their high vasoconstrictivity: their main physiological effect and their direct migraine abortive effect (they are also effective at relieving other types of headaches, although due to this effect's potential to evoke cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events, they are indicated only for the most severe type of headache: the migraine). A further note on the only approved migraine preventative, divalproate (although other drugs are used off-label as migraine preventatives: mainly anti-hypertensives such as beta-blockers (e.g. propranolol) and calcium-channel blockers (e.g. verapamil): this is a fairly innocuous substance, producing little if any side effects or psychotropic effects (perhaps an insignificant amount of somnolence); it is equally ineffective at its primary indication: preventing seizures (Depakote is always used in combination with usually a minor tranquilizer, most commonly clonazepam or phenobarbital; and these are the substances (both controlled) that actually prevent the seizures (they also have a significant calming effect or anxiolytic properties (and are also indicated or prescribed for anxiety, panic, and insomnia).
Round white pill. Little bigger that an asprin. Has 2410 on it and a fancy looking v ## 2410 V is Carisoprodol. You can ...
Large white round pill with 2410 written on it. Under the numbers is what appears to be an upper case script V ## This c...
White Round Pill with 2410 with a V under it, What is it? ## That is correct, this tablet was manufactured by Vintage Ph...
round white pill has 2410 and a fancy v below numbers ## Located a match it's Carisoprodol 350 mg, which is a centra...
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