White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 4)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
Why doesn't anyone mention the fact that buprenorphine is used all over Europe as a narcotic pain reliever for those in moderate/severe chronic pain? It is a great alternative to full opiate agonists like demerol or morphine; however, it is also the #1 abused rx drug in Scandanavia and Northern Europe. People can still inject buprenorphine, while Suboxone has naloxone in it to prevent intravenous abuse. Can anyone tell me why Subutex is so abused in Northern Europe? Please see what is posted in Wikipedia.
speak for urself
It's supply and demand. Maybe subs are few and far between where you live, but they're all over the place here. Literally. Everywhere. Not even the most hard-up junkie will pay 20 for a whole, let alone a half. Paying 15 for a whole sub here is considered a rip-off. I'm clean now, so I'm not sensationalizing it, but it's basic economics. Supply and demand...
Injecting that crap in your arm is a gamble. I've known two people now that have nearly lost their arms because of that. It's not intended for intravenous use. It dissolves under your tongue. There are certain compounds added to the pills to allow them to dissolve under your tongue. Those compounds are not intended to be jammed into your veins. It's stupid. It's common sense. Survival of the fittest. If you're too stupid to realize you shouldn't put that crap in your arm, then good riddance.
Hello. Subutex are a treatment drug for heroin/opiate addicts. I am currently on 8mg daily as I am in recovery. However, when I WAS a full blown user I did inject subutex once or twice. The reason at that time was because I simply couldn't get any heroin from the streets. Your daughter may not be using subutex for that reason though. I once bought myself some subutex to get myself off heroin so it could be a good sign that she's choosing this over drugs. Talk to your daughter and tell her that local drug help places will give her a prescription of subutex so that she can leave her addiction and the lifestyle it brings behind her and start recovery. Normally when a user gets subutex it's because they're keen to finally give up the addiction battle. Also, injecting effects you EXACTLY the same way and placing the tablet under your tongue (which is its intended use as subutex is a "sublingual" pill. Another thing for you and her to bare in mind is that when she is prescribed subutex most chemists have a policy in place which forces the patient to be observed taking the tablet to ensure they do not smuggle the pills out in order to sell/inject. Help your daughter, don't judge her.
seriously I have been looking for the same answer, can u take subutex after 12 hrs and nit get sick. because I know when I took suboxane too early it made me soo sick& all I want is to kick.
You know, I've heard of people going through immediate withdrawals after taking suboxone to early after quitting the drugs. But I've personally never had that problem. Everyone's different. If you're worried about then I guess my advice would be to just wait until you start feeling the sickness coming on before you take it. But again, I never had that problem and I think everyone's different.
Right on!
Right on, John!
Hello all. I am just like most of you on here. I was prescribed lortab 10's about 8 years ago for various football injuries. I was 33 at the time and had had 7 knee surgeries (4 reconstructions & 3 scopes). Also, my lower back felt like someone had a saw in there & was sawing me in half. I played football from 3rd grade thru college & had lots of injuries. Well, the old family doc tells me I am at that point where I am going to have to take one or two a day to make it. A year later, 4 to 6 he said would be safe. Jump up to year before last (6 years after my good ole family doc got me started), ole doc referred me to a neurosurgeon. He tells me I have to have a discectomy. That will take care of the leg & back pain and in a month or two, you will be pain free and taking pain pills no more. Now we skip ahead to this past Christmas. Neurosurgeon tells me there is so much damage in my back that I have to have all lumbar fused. Seeing as my foot had went to sleep the week before & hadn't woke up, I figured the sooner the better. I had the fusion done & HOLY HELL, when I woke up, I was in more pain than I thought a human could bare! I begged the dr to put me in a coma. When he laughed & said no then asked if he could do anything else, I said yeah, give me a gun! I came home from the hospital a week later with a prescription for OxyContin 40 & Percocet 10/325. 2 a day for Oxy & 6 a day Percocet. That was it until last month when I went to see him. I told him I had to do something. I have to work & I feel so guilty taking these meds at work. However, the fusion has not taken & I can not go thru that surgery again. Anyways, he said that there was nothing he could do if I refused the surgery & told me not to come back until I was ready for surgery. While at a friends house tonight, I took a Percocet & my bud's wife said she had a pill that really helped her. (She had fusion 2 years ago). Well, I took it too. Just put it in my mouth & swallowed. She then said I was supposed to put it under my tongue. She told me it was subu.. Something or other. She gave me 3 more. It is round, white & has 54 with 411 under it. So, I wrote all of that to ask this...am I about to get deathly sick? It was about an hour and a half ago. Also, what can I do? I would LOVE to not take anything but a multivitamin. However, I, like many of you, have REAL, not fake or minor pain. I do not get "high" when I take this crap. I don't take it for that. I do however take it so I can get out of bed and work. I have not missed a day of work since I went back after fusion (mid Jan). Now, here's where I am going to get bashed badly. I am a school teacher and coach. Yes, I have taken those meds while at school. I wen to my principal before I started back & told him what I was taking & signed a release for him to talk to my dr. He does not have a problem with my tking it. He came to my room & observed me the first week I was back. I keep the meds locked in his safe in his office & go in there when it is time for my meds. I STILL FEELso guilty for taking it & I want off. Someone PLEASE give me some advice that might help. I cannot afford to check into rehab. Sorry this is so long, but I have went 7 and a half years and this is the first time I have ever put to words my thoughts on it.
My advice would be to see a pain specialist, especially if you don't want another surgery. What most people don't realize is that family docs and even neurosurgeons and orthopedists aren't really supposed to prescribe narcotic pain meds for any extended period of time. Only pain specialists are trained and qualified to manage chronic pain for their patients. That's probably why your neurosurgeon told you to come back when you were ready for another surgery.
Thanks Phil. I have another question. How do I go about finding a pain specialist? I went to a pain management clinic before my first surgery, but they said they only give spinal injections and do not write narcotic prescriptions.
Not sure exactly. My guess would be to talk to your physician. My mom goes to the pain management center at University of Virginia. Come to think of it, they mostly just give her the injections. She gets prescribed methadone and percocet by her physician. But he's able to do that because she's also under the care of a pain specialist. That's the key. Your physician CAN prescribe you long-term pain medication, but you have to also be under the care of a pain specialist. Mostly my lasting effects from playing football are migraines as a result of several concussions. And there's a possibility that my history of depression and anxiety could also be related. I have issues with my back as well, though not nearly as bad as yours seem to be. I've had a bulging disc for about eight years now and I was also diagnosed with degenerative disc disease last fall. I haven't gotten to the point yet where I need regular treatment or meds. I just see my ortho whenever I have really bad episodes and he usually just gives me a vicodin scrip. I guess in the end my advice would be to talk to your doctor or maybe do some research and see if there are any good specialists in your area. I would avoid any Bon Secours facilities, though. They tend to accuse people of just trying to score drugs even when they're in obvious pain.
suboxone n subutex r miricle drugs. they make u feel like a normal person when ur comin off dope. i have never gotten sick cuz of these pills, i.e. doin em too soon after opiates. you can still get high on em but ur need to do a higher dose, double what u norm do. today i did 4 rox 30's. fell asleep, woke up 2 hours later n banged a subutex. it was my first time bangin em. there isnt a rush. it comes on slow. n its not a high. i jus feel well great, better than dope. i dont do s*** to get hi no more. i do it to feel norm and sub n subtex do that. cravings happen when on a plan but thats gunna happen after years of use.attend na aa or other groups.find a friend, find a sober girl. but stay away from other users unless they wanna get sober too.
Better be careful shooting the subutex. I have two friends who ended up with really bad abscesses in their arms from doing that. One ended up in the hospital for a week and the doc told him if he had waited another 24 hours he probably would've lost his arm. They had to do surgery to remove all the tissue down to the bone in a 7 inch round area on his forearm. It was basically all rotten under his skin. Even after he got released he had to go back for wound care therapy 3 times a week and it took over 2 months for it to completely heal. One of the nastiest things I've ever seen. It's just not worth it dude.
I did oxy's and 3 hours later took suboxone and never have i gotten sick from it. suboxone can take up to an hour to start working. It has saved my life. But i have never taken it right after herion so i guess it is plasiable it could work differently. methadone is worse than herioneleave it alone suboxone changes lives.
Dude use your spellchecker
yo daughter is gettin higher than a kite!!!!!!!!! :P
Yes you can shoot it and its very very addictive. Especially Suboxone. I've been to rehab twice after injecting it for almost ten years. Where I live, Lewistown, PA, shooting suboxone and especially Subutex is more of a problem than any other drug, even pot. A lot of people can't imagine that but I speak the truth. My county, Mifflin County was once the heroin capital of the world, that may make it easier to understand. And injecting Subutex is the closest feeling to injecting heroin that you can get, and its a million times cheaper. There are few people I know that don't do it or haven't at least tried it. It's very bad for your body too, worse than any drug in history. I have had so many friends just in the last 6 years that have had to take blood thinners for the rest of their lives or have had heart surgery. THAT'S NO JOKE. It causes Endocarditis. Which is clogging of the arteries. 7 years ago my friend was 19 years old and had to get a heart stint put in. The s***'s no laughing matter at all. I fear what problems I'll have in the future but I know about this stuff a lot more than anyone and I just want to put the word out for everyone that INJECTING SUBOXONE/SUBUTEX IS TERRIBLE FOR YOU. You WILL have problems at a young age that you shouldn't have till you're 70.
Thanks for the info.I. was on 90mg methadone and waited two days and started on subutex by the next day I felt so much better.
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