White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 3)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
My difficult time is laying in bed. To get off subs im gonna try benadryl to help with the sleep. I know it aint right to keep substituting, but if i can just fall asleep i can deal with the daily stuff. Luckily i work 72 hours a week so i can stay busy. A big thing that helps is to do push ups and pull ups to release some endorphins before laying down. Try it you will see.
Umm no it all depends who you get the subutex from, they sell for 40 around my way.
Jenn(Jan.2012)& others are completely wrong about suboxone/subutex. Between Jenn's supposed experience(doubtful)&various incorrect "opinions" here, if someone naive to the effects of subutex &/or suboxone were to believe Jenn & certain others on this site it could cause someone to suffer terribly, it would be absolutely nightmarish. Above all else, when unfamiliar with a drug, research,research,research. And consider the sources naturally. Finally, while both suboxone & subutex are used to treat all kinds of opiate addictions incl. heroin, you do have to be in moderate to severe withdrawal to take suboxone(you can search on the internet to find what is known as COWS-clinical opiate withdrawal scale, the scale is all over the web & will give anyone who looks at it & matches up their own withdrawal symptoms a pretty precise & SAFE gage of where they are in their withdrawal as well as the CORRECT time to take the suboxone or subutex)while you only have to be in mild to moderate withdrawal to take subutex(due to the fact narcan is not added to subutex only suboxone but this is neither here nor there). Suboxone & subutex are similiar, they are chemical brothers & they both work much the same way, the only difference being what I just outlined above(mild to moderate withdrawals symptoms=subutex, moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms=suboxone). But please remember above all else, no matter what ignorance you may hear otherwise(my father is a doctor who specializes in addiction)IF you are addicted to opiates & want to detox with one of the subs then NEVER, EVER take either one a few minutes, a few hours, or even 7 hours after your last vicodin,oxy,heroin etc. The bupe in both subs WILL cause what is known as precipitated withdrawal. There's a common belief out there right now that only suboxone(due to its extra ingredient of narcan)can cause so called precipitated withdrawal.100% FALSE.I dont want to get into any of a lengthier discussion as to why it is the bupe in both that will cause precipitated withdrawal,while the narcan in suboxone will make it worse(thus why you must wait longer with the suboxone)but suffice to say you simply must wait until you are in withdrawal to take either or you will be very,very sorry indeed. Precipitated withdrawal in this case,simply put, is when you take either sub before youre in sufficient withdrawal,it will displace some opiod receptors without activating the receptors enough to where it could help & instead "hurts". In layman's terms, either subs taken any earlier then 12 to 24 hours after your last opiate will throw your body into having hideous, horrifc withdrawals. So please, do yourself a favor,take the COWS scale 12 to 24 hours out(after your last pill,shot,etc)gage where you are & depending on whether you are taking subutex or suboxone, you may then proceed without fear, knowing if you want it that this could be the first day of the rest of your life living life without being a slave to opiates.
Being that everyone ended up switching the subject and making it about the withdrawl effect of suboxone/subutex, i might as well add my 2 cents about that part. I have been a drug addict for 3yrs now and even though it may not seem very long, it feels like ive been to hell and back with this addiction. Especially being only 21 years old and almost losing everything. Fortunately, we have medicine like subutex and suboxone to atleast take the edge off so we can recover from these terrible habits, but yes.. if u take an opiate and then take suboxone, u will be sicker then a dog. ive done it and felt like i was literally going to die. Only before you take the suboxone though. if you take suboxone and then take an opiate, you just wont get high no matter how hard u try.. But with subutex, i can take an opiate right after doing it if i really wanted and be fine AND get high. So thats bulls*** that subutex kicks u into withdrawls, but if ur taking subutex you should really use it to get clean, not just as a crutch to hold you over til your next fix (as i do) . addiction is a terrible thing so if you found a needle and a subutex in your daughters room, she already has the habit and does NEED the subutex. From my opinion, no one without an addiction would be sticking a needle in there arm and i dont judge or look down on any one for doing it.. but its the addiction that brings you to that point. Most people dont try heroin by shooting it... they sniff it then once there habit gets bad, they move to bigger and better(worse) things. but sincerely, be there for your daughter, dont put her down and make her feel like a junky because the guilt she carries with her everyday because of this habit is probably way worse then you could imagine. she carries the weight of the world on her sholders everyday and im sure this isnt something she enjoys. i hope she recovers and wish the best of luck to your family.
You WILL go into withdrawals doing any subutex or suboxone to soon after doing any opiate if addicted, your statement made no sense, yeah you can do a subutex, then take a perc and get high, because the subutex has no opiate blocker, but if you take the perc or opiate FIRST, then the subutex will make you go into withdrawals, same as a suboxone would, you have to wait until you actually are withdrawing for these subs to work.
WOW.....Thank you to this person.....
[45 anonymous user Says:
Thursday, 3/29/2012 11:02:58 AM]
I can't get over how acccurate you are AND how sincere you are. I must add that you are an educated person too =]
I wish you ALL the best in your life. I hope to God that you get better some day....it can happen, just so you know. I did it=]]
God Bless
Wow! $35 a piece? I need to come over there and start selling. Over here they're $15 at the most!
Here's my question: Why would a doctor prescribe you Subutex/Suboxone when you've only been on opiates for 2 weeks? Two weeks is nothing. I would question your doctor's motives. He belongs in prison.
After taking opiates for 2weeks can make u feel "sick" or detox. Actually after 3-4 days of taking an opiate ur body can get addicted to it. Ur body gets used to taking the opiate and then once u stop-especially cold turkey u deffinately will feel the affects of not having them. So yes after 2 weeks, I totally understand why the doc prescribed suboxone
This is very incorrect. both suboxone AND subutex WILL both send you into precipitated withdrawal if taken too soon after taking a full agonist (heroin, oxycodone, methadone etc.) The buprenorphine or active ingredient in both suboxone and subutex is what causes precipitated withdrawal because of it's much higher affinity yet much lower activity at the opioid receptors. The naloxone has NOTHING to do with it! This is a common misconception. The addition of naloxone to suboxone is only to prevent people from injecting it (which is ineffective IMO). If you are prone to precipitated withdrawals, then whether you take subutex or suboxone is irrelevant, both will cause precipitated withdrawal if taken too soon after a full agonist, PERIOD.
thank u very much jackie..to inform you im only a 21 year old girl and the only way u learn it, is by living it. cant stand when people who have never tried an opiate or any meds like suboxone/tex and think they know more then those who have been through it. i like to inform people with FACTS..only facts, because thats what will help them get better..not what the tv says or magazines, or sometimes even doctors. if you wanted to find the best banana's ud ask a monkey right? so when it comes to this, ask a drug-user/addict/recoverer. we will help you. i am a month clean today and so proud of it i hope my info helps u and i will talk to anyone to try to some how affect your life in a good way :) god bless.
I am on a pain management program and I've gone from Suboxone to pure buprenorphine (Subutex) along with Butrans, the patch version of buprenorphine which I take on trips to third world countries so I won't be hampered at customs with all the narcotic pills of buprenorphine which are all over the market in other countries. It really controls my chronic migraines which were brought about by ECT which followed herpes simplex encephalitis. Thank God for buuprenorphine, it doesn't dope me up nearly as much as Oxycontins and morphine supplements. Enjoy your youth and stay away from harmful drugs. Life is tough for a middle-aged person like me on opiates the rest of my life. I wake up at all hours with dry mouth and narcotic nightmares. The constipation is horrid and I have to take more pills and liquids/powders for that too. Opiate living is horrible. I can't work anymore and my friends are few. Please don't do this. I hate beigh all "narced-up" all the time. God bless you all.
Ive been using since 13 im currently 18 kicking my 2nd addiction just ran out of suboxone and my friend gave me a werid looking subutex (not b8) so i ended up here. Sorry to hear about your daughter, inpatient worked for me well when i was going through the i hate my parents phase..changed me a whole lot for the better.
Thank you so much to everyone for your helpful insight into how to kick the opiate habit. I was prescribed Subutex today and feel a bit lousy on half a pill. I think I took it too close to my last opiate dose, Lorcet 10-650. Opiate withdrawal is an evil beast. My story is text book, beginning treatment for legitimate pain and four years later, I am facing addiction because my body will not let go. I am happily married with two wonderful little girls...and a two time Teacher of the Year. I am ashamed and embarrassed. I was so naive to think "I could handle it" and quit when I wanted to. The withdrawals from trying "cold turkey" were horrific. I am encouraged by those of you who have beat your addiction. Thank you...here I go. I have much to look forward to and cannot let a pill define my life.
haha, you guys are all (minus a few) funny.. & by funny i mean incorrect. lol. anyway, suboxone, MUST wait for withdrawal to kick in before use... or it'll send ya into immediate withdrawal. subuTEX however, is different, whoever wrote that they used it as a clutch for opiates, i feel you 100%... i'm gonna be honest, i'm 22 & i've been doing these for the past 3 years, & like the 21 year old girl said, even tho it doesn't seem like a long time, 365 days times 3 is a long time! i'm trying to kick my habit, i took my first thing of subutex just now, but have had many positive & 1 negative experience with suboxone.. the only negative experience was because i took it too soon after my last fix, so automatic withdrawal, but goes away soon after. oh i also wanted to state that the subutex will go for $10-$70... just so everyone knows... & to that guy that said $15 was the highest, i'll buy em all from ya for 15 lol & addicts around here will pay minimum $50, just sayin!
And I just wanna say that I'm 30 years old and I have successfully quit all this dirty, evil crap. I was doing oxycontin, roxicet, and heroin. I thought that by getting myself on suboxone or subutex I could kick the habit. WRONG! Getting on suboxone and/or subutex is just starting yourself on an entirely new addiction. The only way out is to just quit. Or maybe go to a rehab program. You're not doing yourself any favors by using the subs. It's just a legal, doctor-endorsed addiction. Change your lifestyle. That's your only hope.
And those go for $10 around here. $15 at the most. But again, you're just getting yourself into a different addiction. There is absolutely no future in it. Getting off all of it is the only way out. Trust me. Subs will hold you hostage just the same as the opiates.
And injecting those things will eventually lead to an abscess in her arm. Those pills are not meant to be taken intravenously. She could possibly lose her arm and even her life by injecting them
Wow, read some of the comments, not all, but what I saw was NOTHING that sounded like a success story...So I had to leave mine---SUBUTEX gave me back my life...Free of opiates 5 yrs now, I did use subutex for over two years, but was a small price to pay in my mind...and I tapered down my dosage, the last six months I took one a day, 1/2 in the morning 1/2 in the evening....I was actually able at times to go without subs for days at a time, but mentally still needed the crutch--and yeah, anyone letting go of them for ten bux, you're undervaluing the junkies around you--I have had junkies offer me 20 bux for a half! When you are dope sick and have no opiate option one subutex can make you well for at least a day....anyway I no longer take subutex, havent touched opiates in 5 yrs, and no subutex for about 2 yrs. It can be done. And I was a primo junkie opiate whore, I think a really big part of cutting yourself free is you have WANT IT BAD....I kicked opie, but cant kick cigs. That's all I have left, cigs...so everyone who gives me s*** abt cigs, I ask "perhaps you'd prefer I shoot smack? Oh, I know, a 6 pack of beer would be fine with you, but no weed, no cigs." F***ing douchebag hypocrites....step away from the twinkies too.
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