White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 5)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
Suboxone and Subutex are used to help with withdraws from opiet addiction. Theres a difference between the two, the Suboxone has an opiet blocker in it, and you should wait 12-24 hours to use it, if you do it before then you can go into a rapid withdrawal.
The Subutex don't have the opiet blocker in it, you can take the Subutex when ever you(you don't have to wait 12-24 hrs to take it)
I'm a recovering heroin addict, personally I like the Subutex better. Both the Suboxione and Subutex will take way your withdrawals. You can shoot them up with a needle, disulve them in a spoon and make sure you filter with a cotton..if you choose to do it that way.
Or you can let it disulve under your tongue(witch I recommend) its a lot safer.
I've aleady said it on this thread: banging up subutex is EXTREMELY risky. It contains fillers that aren't intended for intravenous administration. I have two friends who each almost lost an arm because of an abscess that resulted from injecting that crap. Just put it under your tongue the way it's intended to be taken. It's not meant to get you high either, so if that's what you're looking for then don't be a jerk, stop taking it. Why are you booting it up anyway? It's supposed to help get you off the filth. I successfully beat my addiction, so I know it can be done. If you wanna get high then get high. I'm not judging. Don't shoot up tex. It's not worth it. It's not "cool" and you're eventually gonna find that you have no friends and your family wants nothing to do with you. If you do it enough times then you're gonna end up with a nasty infection.
Couldnt have been said better its like your shotin just to be cool but its dumb as hell im not sayin im perfect but what i do isnt just to be cool and it def wouldnt be tex
When putting subutex pill under your tongue while it's dissolving are you not supposed to spit nothing out ? Because I tend to have a lot of saliva at the end. I would really appreciate your input to those who know!
No, don't spit anything. You'll end up losing a good portion of the medicine if you do that. If you start to salivate just swallow like you normally would. I mean, you can still swallow while the pill is under your tongue. You just don't want to actually swallow the pill itself.
my girl frend is on methadone and i am on subutex she want's to get on the subutex with me and not have to go to the clinic every day witch is 35 miles away from home can she take subutex the next day after methadone. she can't handle being sick for a day.
Maybe. Everyone's different. I've never had trouble with taking subutex or suboxone with 24 hours of taking opiates (and methadone is an opiate/opioid), but some people seem to actually get sick. My main concern would be if you guys start trying to "share" a subutex prescription. If that's what you're planning on doing then you're going to run out of meds early and then you're both going to be sick until you can get a refill and you're going to fighting over the pills and you can probably guess where that all leads. So, in my experience, she''ll be fine taking the subutex within 24 hours of the methadone. But again, I also know people who would get very sick by doing that. I say it all the time, everyone's different. Otherwise, I would tell her to go to the doctor and get her own subutex prescription.
On the same note, if you guys are serious about getting off the dope, cold turkey is really the only way to go. I've known too many people who have "kicked" but have been taking subutex or suboxone for months or even years and have no plan or program in place to get themselves off it. In my opinion, it's just trading one addiction for another. You're getting off the "street drugs" and getting hooked on the "legal drugs." You're going from paying the street dealers to paying the pharmaceutical dealers. It's gonna suck, but if you really want to quit then you should go cold turkey.
No you will not get sick I've got high than later that night then would pop a sub. its ok. after you take it give it 20 mins. then it'll kick in. wish you luck threw this been addicted to subs for about 3 yrs. don't know how to get off them. but I'd rather do subs then H.
The best thing for her is to get her some help with someone that can talk only cause whether she is or is not addicted is not the issue. I was an addict for 24yrs and groups helped alot but it was up to a sycatrist to put me on meds. Yes suboxon saved my live too but u need to save ur little girl and see what she is going through first.
WOW, if you don't have first hand personal experience with using subutex then you are just spreading fear and clouding the truth. These are the facts that apply to me:
I have used all opiates on and off for years.
I have taken suboxone and subutex as close as 8 hrs after dosing and not had precip withdrawls
I have shot subutex and suboxone dissolved in cold water and not had a problem (heating them up is not needed and should be avoided)and filter through cotton.
I have never gotten sick after stopping subutex or suboxone.
Use the subs to get clean, use as little as possible to make it last, takes me about 3 subs in about 7 days, and it is painless.
This is my actual experience, but always use your judgement and be skeptical about second hand horror stories.
Oh, and I still have both my arms and I am clean, working, and doing well. The hardest thing is in the mind. That's not to say overcoming addiction is easy, but if you really want to stop and have subs the physical part is easy.
cold turkey yeah right ....why do that when there is a smoother transition ..I was 'in house' took subs for 4 days just long enough to get by the physical sickness, the worse part IMO then did 90 meetings in 90 days and was a LOT more easier than going cold turkey....gtfo h
Everyone's different, dude. I tried subs and couldn't get off them. Eventually went cold turkey and it was the best decision I ever made. I know people who have been trying to get off of everything for years now and are still taking subs. Again, everyone's different. Don't hate. We're all here to help each other.
Dude, I'm not trying to spread fear. I really do have a close friend who almost lost his arm because of a severe infection that was a direct result from shooting subutex. And another friend who has had it happen to him more than once, but was lucky enough to avoid hospitalization each time. Most likely it's caused by missing or blowing a vein and injecting some of it into the muscle and tissue. There are fillers and binders in those pills that can be very dangerous when injected. I personally have had trouble with subutex and suboxone withdrawals myself and know other people who have to. The message I try to always convey is that everyone is different. You can't count on someone else's story or experience to be identical to your own No need to hate. I'm just answering people's direct responses to my answers in the most honest way I can, which is by telling them what I have personally experienced or seen with my own eyes.
i wasn't singling u out bro, i just happen to reply to ur post. Just so i could post a comment...
DO NOT PUT HER IN A METHADONE CLINIC!!! methadone is for maintainance ONLY. It's not rehab and will not do anything but put off what's really needed. Find a inpatient or outpatient treatment center that will get her off drugs without withdraws ans at the same time deal with the issue. DRUG USE OR ADDICTION ISN'T THE PROBLEM, ITS A SIDE EFFECT OF THE REAL PROBLEM. Which is probably depression or some other mental disease.
In the last just 30 days I went from doing 3.5 grams of Herion, then winged off herion with IR 30's like 2 a day than one, now I got my hands on some Subutex, Sorry no under the tongue for me, the fact is people actually get addicted to the needle itself! Oh and I would never recommend anyone turning to Methadone for help, that craps worse than herion!
No it won't show up different in ur urine test. Suboxone is bupenorphin and subutex is bupenorphin + naloxone. Suboxone just has naloxone, the blocker in it. That's the only difference. So to say the least subutex IS suboxone, minus the blocker. So don't worry bout it. Just be more careful. This is ur future in ur hands. Stay clean.
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