White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 14)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

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Yes they will know doctors now test SPECIFICALLY for both subutex is positive for buprenorphine suboxone is positive dpr buprenorphine/ naloxone. There is a difference and since subutex has a higher abuse rate it is now determined which you are using.

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its pretty strong if you're not already a hard core opiate patient. If you are then its just for maintenance. I use a half a mill about 6 times a day. Love it. Costs me $50 a week

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Take minimal amounts and you will be fine. I was an extremely heavy user and just the bare minimum worked just fine for me once i was committed to quitting. Best decision i ever made. But without the suboxone or zubsolv there is no way to deal with them horrible withdraws.

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How long after you take a subutex pill 54 411 does it show in your system swab/urine? Have a test and don't want Dr to know I've tried one to see if works for chronic pain

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That is ridiculous to give this lady advice to send her daughter to a methadone clinic. Suboxone is a way better option, suboxone is an opioid blocker and she can taper off but methadone is just as bad as heroine or OxyContin. It gets inside your bown marrow and coming off of it is actually worst.

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Are you in los angeles?

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suboxone will make you withdrawl if you have any significant ammount of active opiate in your system at the time you take your dose. if how ever you try to do an opiate while you have active buprenorphine and or naloxone, then you will simply not feel the effects of the opiate. the reason is that the first situation has two chemicals battling for the same receptor site ( opiate and sub) but when the sub is in your system before the opiate, the receptors are blocked by the active chemical(s) in subutex/suboxone and you will not feel the "high" from your opiate

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I agree. Suboxone is a way better route over methadone, because suboxone is effective all the way down to .2mgs which is a crumb . You can taper down safer and feel no withdrawal symptoms in a couple months . Start with 8mgs then every week a little less. Suboxone also blocks the opioid receptors so B.t.h or Oxy won't get u high. In my experience I don't crave opioid at all on subs. You should also seek drug counseling because addiction is a b**** and you must tend to the underlying phsycologic all reason. And relearn being yourself without drugs. Suboxone worked wonders for me

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How did you get clean? I'm trying so hard.

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Not really good for you

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I was switched to subutex. Will I feel anything using 2mg of tex after being prescribed three 8mg of suboxone for the last year? I never abused the suboxone always took it under the tounge as prescribed

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I would like to address a couple of the questions the other users asked that I read on the page's threads I saw today. First if you use dope or pain pills and take subutext within the first 24 hours you will not go into Instant withdrawal like you would with suboxone because the naloxone in suboxone is what makes you go into Instant withdrawal. the buprenorphine was a pain pill originally b4 it was used for opiate addiction. and second if you go to your subutex and you have taking suboxone they can tell the difference easy because the naloxone will show up on the test also and vice versa if you run out of suboxone and take subutex to have it in your system for when they give you a urine test they can tell instantly cause their is less or no naloxone in your urine test and last subutex has many generics the most popular are the larger white pills. one is round like a Percocet with 54 411 on o e side and smooth on the back of it the other is a big oval pill with a b8 on it with a score mark on it and of course my favorite is a tiny small round pill that is the same size as a roxy aka perc 30s aka blues aka blueberries but this subutex is white with a 8 on one side and a arrow on the back side same strength as the big round and big oval pills they are just smaller and no taste to them if you dissolve in your mouth and there is a whole lot less filler in them. Just make sure they are the 8mg and not the 2mg lol but u can tell the difference cause a 2mg has 2 imprinted on it and 8mg has a 8 imprinted on it I hope this info really helps the other members a lot

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To wrongfully take this medication is just plain stupid

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Get subtex change your number and your crowed I'm doing the same its all mind over matter

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How bout getting her in a faith bassed rehab. Let her learn about the lord god almighty!!! He is amazing and he can break anybody from there chain's!!!!!!!

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Funny. Dropping them down the toilet or sink. Just means you took more than you were s u ppose to.

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I have the only Dr I know that prescribes me both oxy and subutex. They work well hand in hand for severe pain and no withdrawals when taken as prescribed. They do not cancel each other out as rumor has it. The sub keeps me from building a tolerance to the opiate. I am well managed and don't need increased dosage.

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No, you do not have to wait to take a Suboxone if you took Subutex right before. Just because the Suboxone had naloxone in it doesn't mean that you will get sick after.

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Does subtext have blocker in it some people say yes some say no I want to know thank you.

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Keith - Subutex only has buprenorphine in it, whereas Suboxone has both buprenorphine and naloxone in it. (source: FDA)

So to answer your question Suboxone is the one which contains an opiate-blocking ingredient and is used for opioid dependence rather than pain relief. Hope this helps!

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