White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 13)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

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Problem being that she isn't going to stop until she's ready to stop. There's nothing that anyone can do to make her ready until she's ready.

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The needle is for heroine or other pills such as roxy's oxy's ect. She most likely has the suboxone pill for a rainy day when she can't get dosed up. I know, I did opioid pills for 3 years then moved to smokeing heroin off foil (chasing the dragon) and after all then injecting it into veins. I am now on suboxone and have been for the past 6 months. It has never made me withdrawal by taking it too soon. I have gotten high while on the suboxone it just takes way more drugs.i got my prescription for suboxone in November of 2013, so I get the film strips that dissolve under your tounge. They now have these film strips and not the pills because the pills can be broken down and used to get high. I really doubt your doughter is getting high off of the suboxone, like I said probably for a bad day when she can't get high and gets dope sick. Maybe take the needle but not the suboxone.

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OKAYYY. Another "I found this pill blah blah blah", "how soon can I take sub after dope", "can you get high from shooting this/is it dangerous" thread where random derelict minds dip in asking stupid questions and supplying incorrect information with the random enlightened junkie/recovered junkie coming in with the correct answer to every question. Lucky for the people that come to this site from here on, you can bet your bottom dollar you have found the correct answer to every question you are coming here with. I am your Junkie Savior.

To address the original post, obviously that is generic Subutex 8mg. If you found it next to a needle, I'd say it's safe to assume your daughter is using Subutex intravenously, along with who knows what other pills. The best thing you could do is sit down and calmly tell your daughter what you found and try to have a calm, nonjudgmental conversation with her about her drug use.

Now, for the dime a dozen questions. I'll just do it all in one paragraph. Suboxone/Subutex gets you high, yes...unless you are an opiate addict/junkie...then, if you are in withdrawal, it will level you out but you won't feel high. Buprenorphine is a very strong opiate and has been a common pain medication in Europe for quite some time. The difference between buprenorphine (bupe from here on so I don't have to keep typing the word) and other opiates (from hydros to heroin) is that it is only a partial agonist on the opiate receptors on your brain, with a very high affinity for those receptors. This means that when taken, due to its high affinity, the bupe is going to fight through any other opiates/opioids already present on the receptors, push them off, and then cling tightly to your receptors...but since it is only a partial agonist, depending how long it's been and how potent the opiate, there is potential for precipitated withdrawal...if you're high on heroin and you take buprenorphine in any form, it's going to make you come down quick, possibly to the point of full withdrawal. This only lasts for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. THIS IS THE CASE WHETHER IT IS SUBOXONE OR SUBUTEX. The naloxone (Narcan) in the Suboxone formula is SAID to be there to discourage IV use of the drug...however, as anyone who has injected a Suboxone pill or strip will tell you, the naloxone does nothing when injected, you still get the same effect as if it weren't there...basically making the naloxone inert and unnecessary. THE NALOXONE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWALS, THEY ARE ONLY AN EFFECT OF THE BUPE'S HIGH AFFINITY FOR YOUR RECEPTORS. This brings me to the question of injecting Suboxone/Subutex. Obviously, it can be done. It kicks in a little quicker and leaves you with more of a relaxed feeling than it would if you took it sublingually, snorted it, or plugged it. There is no rush, and how high it makes you depends on your tolerance to opiates. There have been hundreds and hundreds of milligrams of both Suboxone/Subutex injected into the veins of yours truly, until I wised up. I still have all my limbs, but I have a large darkened area of skin on one arm from blowing a vein shooting the stuff. if you shoot this stuff, you WILL eventually blow a vein, especially if you hit a small vein or have a hard time hitting in general. I also noticed that after long periods of bupe injection, I would get a nagging cough that produced sputum that tasted like the nasty fillers and binders in the pill/strip. If you are shooting either of these drugs, even with no problems, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRODING, HARDENING, AND CLOGGING BLOOD VESSELS IN ALL OF YOUR IMPORTANT ORGANS.

I don't look forward to reaping what I've sown as my body ages and deteriorates more quickly due to IV bupe use, and have heard countless and seen several horror stories that commonly go along with long term IV use of Suboxone/Subutex. IF YOU CONTINUE INJECTING SUBOXONE OR SUBUTEX FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY DIE MUCH YOUNGER THAN YOU NORMALLY WOULD HAVE. Some guy earlier on in the thread said he injected it for ten years and still has all of his limbs and his heart is still tickin, but I find that hard to believe. If it is true, that would make him a very lucky man with a very exceptional case...but I doubt he has too many years left. Shooting any pill is just as bad for you, but it's not really worth it with bupe...you are doing a lot of damage for a third of the high. Also, I noticed that buprenorphine will harden veins you hit regularly VERY quickly, so you have to find a new spot every time to avoid that, which is a b****. If you are looking to potentiate a buprenorphine buzz, look into plugging it (dissolving into solution with sterile water and taking it in your ass with one of those bulb syringes that are typically used for cleaning out a baby's nose). It is not very comfortable and possibly a bit invasive to you, but once the solution is absorbed, you are as high as buprenorphine could possibly get you. It should be noted that taking too much buprenorphine often causes nausea, and there ABSOLUTELY IS a ceiling effect with the drug. Once your receptors are full of bupe, you are as high as it is gonna make ya. For the people who have only been on opiates for a few weeks or a month, TRUST ME, just go through the three days of pill withdrawals. Suboxone/Subutex are very powerful drugs, and much harder to come off of, as the withdrawals from extended use of either drug last anywhere from a week up to a month, even a little longer in some cases. The first time I came off of the drug, my withdrawals lasted about 25 days. This is why I say just tough out the hydro/percocet withdrawals, as they only last a few days. Yes, you can snort the pill or strip, but all it does is make it kick in a little quicker and requires a smaller amount of the drug. It is terrible for your nasal passages, sinuses, and the back of your throat, however, and could lead to complications with your nasal passages or sinuses. Not recommended. Basically, if you're coming in here with a question about using the drug recreationally in any way, my advice to you from years of learning things the hard way is to put it in your medicine cabinet and go find real drugs. If you are looking to get high, this isn't really the drug for you. Hang on to it in case you find yourself in withdrawals one day. You will be glad you did when that day comes. If you are not a DAILY USER of Suboxone/Subutex, or other potent opiates, YOU DO NOT WANT TO ABUSE THIS DRUG. If you aren't a daily user, even a very small amount taken as directed could be enough to MAKE YOU SICK FOR DAYS. I've seen so many non addicts try sub for the first time and find themselves bed-ridden and vomiting for as long as 4 days. Remember, this drug is a partial agonist on your brain, so you don't get the full euphoria that would normally be there to outshine the nausea that also comes with opiates. It is common even for addicts to feel very sick to their stomach from taking too large of a dose of Sub. Eating something or drinking an alcoholic beverage will soothe that nausea, however. Even a dose of hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Histaril, etc) can calm down the nausea. FOR THOSE ASKING HOW LONG YOU SHOULD WAIT BEFORE TAKING SUB AFTER OTHER OPIATES, the ONLY correct answer is WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE SHOWING SIGNS OF WITHDRAWAL. by that I mean feeling the sweats and chills/clammy palms, etc. it isn't necessary to be in full withdrawals. Once you start the clammy chills and sweats, you are good to go. Some people can take Sub right along with other opiates with no problem, but most can't...and since you are here asking, you don't know how your body will react, so take my advice.

I think that should cover about every question except for street prices, which range from $10-$40 and even up to $60 in some areas with apparently desperate addicts. I'm not gonna lecture anyone for wanting to get high, that's very normal and I believe it should be every human's personal freedom to put whatever they want into their bodies. But if you're gonna put Suboxone/Subutex, I assure you that this post is accurate from firsthand experience and closely observed secondhand experience. If you follow everything I said, you and Sub will get along fine. Good luck to those trying to kick it, and for those not trying to kick...drug on, druggies.

-the junkie savior

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Haha, thanks junkie savior! Your message was fairly accurate and also hilarious. You talk about getting real drugs, but you don't specify. Aren't you going to recommend a better drug? As injection is as a part of it for me as the actually getting high, might I suggest fentanyl citrate. it comes only intravenously (not to be confused with the fentanyl patch,(transdermal) A dose of 100 mcg (0.1 mg) is approximately equivalent in analgesic potency to 10 mg of morphine. If you are going to f*** your life over, do it the RIGHT WAY. How does one even obtain fentanyl citrate? Find and make friends with a junkie nurse or doctor. You'd be surprised how many of them there are. Best place to do it? Jail, Rehab or Med school. As a once promising (hospital will not be mentioned) intern, I've found access to them in both. You'd be surprised how many MDs, RNs, LPNs, CNAs are all in jail and rehab. Rehab is a little lowly though because they're trying to get out of it. Stick to jail and med school. If you aren't feeling very ambitious, there's always heroin. Heroins purity is consistently changing, so try not to overdose on accident. If it's on purpose, claim it was an accident. Good luck to all you enterprising junkies.

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Suboxone only sends u into withdraw if you have opioids already in your system. people do subutex because u can still get high off of opioids while on the subutex but if you're going thru withdraw,subutex will just make you feel "normal",not high... But if you have NO TOLERANCE to opioids then subutex and suboxone will both get you retardedly high. sit down and talk to your daughter and find out exactly what she's been using,how much of it and how frequently. if she's shooting she def has some kind of habit but with a nice honest conversation you will be able to tell how far gone she already is

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Hi I hope someone can help mE I have a herion addiction I use around 12 hours ago I have subutext and wanted to know when and how to take them I have 5 54 411 pills five pills in total plz if someone can help

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Put it under your tongue and let it dissolve.u should use from 1 to two a day.make sure not to use opioids before or after u take the subutex.

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Some people r different but I took the suboxen the next morning after doing pills an I didn't get sick

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I don't understand who or what some of these ppl are talking about... I've been in the dope game for almost 11yrs. I've been on just about every thing there is to keep from being ill.. I've do.e such s, subutex, and methadone ... let me explain, this is my experience with the two types of bupes..both of them have made me withdraw horribly when i took them way too soon after doing dope... methadone is the ONLY ONE THT WILL NOT PUT YOU INTO WITHDRAWL DIRECTLY AFTER DOPE. . .AND yes i have a huge feeling it has to do with tolerance because the first time i took a sub, it had been 14 hours and boy did i regret that... i thought. i was sick...but i probably wasn't used to feeling so "awake" and not sedated ... ... i really hate reading replays from ppl saying that subs could be taken a few hours after dope... u must not have ever taken a sub before.. or had a habit cuz that's the biggest pile of bulls*** i ever seen... take it from this junkie... its better safe than sorry...wait at least 24 hrs in between dope and subs... ... cuz that's the worst feeling ever. I know, I've done it to myself enough times because im impatient as f***..

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I hate to Burst your bubble, but its been proven that subs are far harder to detox off of that methadone and heroin..reason is because it blocks receptors, your body trust to. compensate for that and produce higher numbers of receptors, in the end this causes a longer and harder detox cuz there is more to detox from..the subs aren't meant to be long term at all because of this reason..but doctors make more money this way since they are harder to kick, good luck getting a doctor to be honest about this...cuz its most pokey his money maker...

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Like someone else said she is either shooting the subutex/suboxone for a high or she has been doing herein and resorted to subutex to try and get off heroin. Or like someone else said it could just be for a rainy day when nothing is around or the money isn't there to get any heroin. I know for me when I was an addict and I was withdrawing or looking for my next fix I would do anything necessary to get it or anything I could get my hands on to hold me over till I could find something. Heroin is literally the Devils drug. The devil is god on heroin because it will take the most innocent, honest person and turn them into the most devious, un-honest person that will step over anyone and lie to their closest friends/family to get their fix. Just remember there are no friends in the drug game. And like someone else said she will not quit until she is ready to and wants it for herself she will lie and deceive you and make you think what she wants you to think if she thinks u will jeopardize her high. I know for me it took getting caught and getting multiple possessions and doing jail time before I wised up and realized it wasn't worth it so hopefully it doesn't take that long for her to realize but it's best to talk to her in the most calm manner that u can and find out how far in/gone she is

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You get a rush from shooting it

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It shouldn't be taken close to taking an opiate or the effects of the opiate, say for example heroin will not have any effect. The sub is supposed to be used for opioid addicts but often people will IV them to feel high which is dangerous if you do not know how to completely do this right. If you take a sub and then try take heroin it won't have effect. If you are an addict and take heroin and then start to feel sick so you decide to take a sub then you can go into premeditated withdrawals. If u r not really that sick or too much into your withdrawals but since u feel weak or eyes are watering or some s***, and u decide to take the sub then be aware if u take it too soon then you will be experiencing withdrawals for the next 3-5 hours or so

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Subutex is a white circle pill that says 54
it really does help i promise and it's way better than suboxone

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Quick question..

I accidentally heated my Subutex. It's cooled for a couple of days and truthfully, I need it, like now. Is it still safe to take?

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I have a question, which I can only HOPE someone will actually answer... (Oh and by the way, yes--I have tried reading through all the posts before posting one of my own; after spending about an hour reading through them I realized it'd probably just be easier to post something of my own and hope for an answer than it would be for me to read through nearly 300 posts looking for an answer.)

Okay so I am planning on detoxing soon but I have a couple concerns. To help with the withdrawls I have (2) 8mg Subutex and about (20) 4mg Suboxone Sublingual Films. The night before I begin I intend to finish the last of my poison before bed so that the following morning I could begin detoxing. My plan is to start by cutting a Subutex in half and placing one half under one side of my tongue, and the other half under the other. Later that night I would like to take the last remaining Subutex and repeat the steps from before. Then the following day is when I would like to start taking the Suboxone films. Initially I plan on using two films and waiting to see how I feel... But if necessary I may take one or two more. Then I would continue said dose by repeating that night, then the next morning I would start to ween myself down by taking one less film and continuing the same routine for the next couple days until they are gone.

Now my question is if I take the Subutex the way I plan to, and follow it by beginning the Suboxone regimen like I am hoping to, would it be too soon for the Suboxone... I mean, would I get sick from the Suboxone because I had taken it too close to the time of the previous Subutex? Does anyone know how long I would have to wait after taking Subutex to be able to take Suboxone without suffering any possible consequential withdrawals?

If anyone has any info that you may think I may find useful or that could help me, please reply to my post. Also, if anyone sees any flaws in my any part of my whole "detoxing plan," please feel free to give me some feedback.

{edited for privacy}. Thank you for reading, and I really hope to get some useful tips! :)

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Let me be rhe first to say that subutex and suboxine are a miricle. My wife and I have been addicted toboain killers of and on for about 5 years. I do not have enough tine to explain how bad this addiction jas put us underwater sobto speak both financially and physically. We both took our last oxy about a week ago. We had 1 subutex and 1 suboxine strip. We cut the the suboxine into 1/4 strips. We starting to withdraw from the opiates which is a horrible thing. Once we took tge 1/4 strip around 2pm we both felt lije we just had 3 oxys at once. And it lasted till the next day we took another around noon and since then we take around a half of suboxine everyday and I 0 urge to get a 30 which was my opiate of choice. We cut the subutex into 1/4's and take those in the am. Bear in mind after the 3rd or 4 th day i feel the urge to get opiates again and it takes will power not to. Just drink water and take ibuprofin for the headaches that come as a result of using thos drug but it was so worth it. I tried methadone before but it only worked for about a month. Hope this helped u out!

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I just came across this thread and thought I'd respond. I started taking 8mg Suboxone film for about 8 months. Then, because my insurance wouldn't cover as much of the costs, I started taking generic subutex sublingual pills. I started the very next day after I ran out of the film, and I didn't experience any issues at all. To a certain extent, they're the same thing. View it as such, and you'll put yourself in a much better position. If you believe that you'll get sick and have a negative reaction, then you probably will. They'll both work just fine. All it takes is figuring out the right amount for each of them because 8mg of one may not feel the same as the other. Hope this helps.

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please help my brother did methdone at 6 in the morning i can start him on a subutex today my a dr. my friend says you can take it the same day but suboxone you half to wait 34 to 48 hours if he goes on the street again i think i will never see him again i am willing to pay for hes teatment.

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She seems to have iv used b4 looks like? So I'd say she is using subutex/suboxone to stay well (avoid being in withdrawal). She most probably is or had been using pills intravenously (oxycodone) or herion... Very rare to just IV sub's. It can make u feel high but very unlikely she hasn't already gotten dependent on opioids first. I know of no one who starts off using sub's intravenously? The drugs came first now the sub's are an attempt to quit the drugs or just to get her by until she can get more drugs when availability is possible. Sorry your going through this. But she will need help if she is iv using. This has been going on longer than you think.

Concerned Father of 2 and ex drug user.

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