White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 15)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

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Thank god someone that at least knows the basics if not the exact chemical analogies! I read forums for my own recreational activities and most of the s*** people say trying to answer and or correct other posters answers is completely wrong. What makes it worse is the errors are on subject matter than any person that considers themselves a "veteran" should know inside and out. The poster of this q should listen to this person DO NOT TAKE HER SUBS AWAY seriously if my parents tried doing that I would take an electrical cord from a large appliance fray the end plug it in and electrocute them while they were sleeping. It's s*** you just don't do to someone that's FUBAR you getting my drift? If you don't know withdrawal that's basically what you would be doing to her. Believe me she might even choose the cord if she got to keep the sub that's how serious it is. But yeah to all my fellow internet drug folks out there, do some real research instead of googling the question and then regurgitating whatever bulls*** you read backwards to the poor saps that believe what they read on the internet. I'm not saying I'm perfect for you no lifers that are already jumping for their keyboards ready to point out my mistakes or claiming I'm a know it all or just an angry person that likes calling people dumb but really about 5% of the crap I read on these forums have a inkling of reliable information. You people have probably killed, maimed or scarred human beings. Practice some responsibility please. I'm done now I say good day!

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Yes they do - I don't know how or why they do it, but it i've heard it doesn't last as long to help, it just hits the person all at once

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Don't ever tell some one to go on methadone. That's just replacing one drug for another. Take away the needles brake the pull up an have her orally take the pieces over the course of a few days till she feels better, then get her to start working a program of AA or NA. This s*** is life or death. This is a disease. It doesn't just go away. She needs to hit rock bottom an have a spiritual experience. And don't enable her, you will only make it worse.

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Naloxone is not what makes one sick from suboxone. The antagonist is simply included to deter people from using suboxone intraveniously. The buprenorphine itself is a partial agonist. Therefore it attaches to the opiate receptors. this is what will Cause pwd's in one that hasn't waited at least 8-10 hours. Generally they encourage you to wait 12-24 hours at least, However I've never experienced any issues using it past 8 hours, unlike suboxone. Which always makes me sick for at least a half hour or so before it improves my withdrawal symptoms. Subutex has always given me relief without any issues . I hope this helps. But i would not suggest not waiting to take it as advised previously by others. Not a wise decision. The buprenorphine will make you sick.

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No she is doing heroin,and taking suboxene when she is withdrawing..i shoukd know..u should get ur daughter into rehab quick..without help ur in for a ride with her..i know from expierience.

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Yes, you can take a little I can do just a quarter in the morning and the evening go to work not hurt be good sprit and no withdrawal just don't take it to late in evening cause u want go sleep

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You will only go into withdrawals if you're still high from opiates.

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People do abuse it, however it's not as effective or safe. She may have the needle for other drugs and the suboxone when she comes down.

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Where does the pregnancy fit in? "Look dear, I found a needle and a white pill in Daphne's room. Go buy a pregnancy kit, she may be pregnant."

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STOP just STOP !! Are any of you posters out of grade school yet? I don't think I've read this many illiterate posts in all my life. I would be embarrassed if I wrote like that. You're giving advice but you can't spell or form a sentence. The thought is nice but if the reader isn't able to make out what you wrote all is lost.

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The difference between suboxone and subutex is that suboxone is a formulation of Buprenorphine and Naloxone. Subutex is just the buprenorphine. Naloxone is what they give you when you're overdosing to knock the opiates out of you which is why using opiates very closely to taking suboxone can make you sick. Naturally you can deduce that the subutex which has no naloxone is safe to use in conjunction with any other opiate.

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Hey, if I take subutex how long would it last for me?

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Does anyone know if subutex from Mexico is in a blue pill form?

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understand I'm about 4 years late, but it depends on the amount you do together. ive tried all manner of them, and found out that if you take an oxy FIRST, THEN take a Boxe or Subutex it just intensifies the effect but is seriously dangerous and rough on your liver. if you take the 'Boxe or 'Tex first, THEN take an oxy the oxy will be nothing but a waste. the 'Tex and 'Boxe have some blocker in them that makes the opiate not reach the receptors(know i'm not being very 'medical' but this is just how I remember the Dr. explaining it, but that was also years ago). I've been on either 'Boxe or 'Tex, one or the other, for almost 5 years now and haven't touched an opiate or even felt the NEED to want one. but the one thing I have noticed after taking them this long is i'm not nearly as happy as I used to be and simple things send me into depression. this may be a mixture of personal things but I had personal problems before I was on them for that long and never became insanely depressed. it isn't an 'ALL the time' thing, but it does seem to happen more often than it did before when I was taking, at the LEAST, 5 Oxy 30mg's a day. Suboxone saved my life in a way, but I haven't been able to ween myself off of those though..... yet. we'll see.

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This coming from someone who talks about electrocution as an acceptable reaction to having their meds taken away. Please don't write such a long post criticizing people for writing ridiculous s***, then turn around & fit right in with them. You only make yourself around like an angry misguided person.

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Hi Brenden i know this may be too late but was hoping you might be able to provide some suggestions to me in my situation. Please let me know. Thank you

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Hey, if i have to get drug tested, how long will Subutex stay in your body?

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Yes but it is horrible for your veins. Can lead to horrible blood circulation and things associated with that.

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I am not a doctor but have had many years dealing with opiates whether personal use or friends using. I have heard of friends abusing subutex. Haven't witnessed it or done so. I think it is ridiculous to use a medicine that is made to help and reduce the withdrawal of opiates as a way to feel high. I prefer suboxone strips because it does block any opiates from reaching your receptors. Furthermore making using pointless. Best of luck to anyone fighting addiction. It is a hell of a disease!

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I have been clean for a year and 3 months and NO BODY WILL STOP UNTIL THEY R READY JUST STAND BY HER AND SUPPORT HER AND GET HER HELP.BUT DON'T PUSH OR SHE WILL PUSH AWAY. I AM ONLY 25 & DID HEROIN FOR 7 years. I am just now losing my cravings without being on ANYTHING I WILL PRAY 4 YALL....

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